32 resultados para dualities


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Large N topological string dualities have led to a class of proposed open/ closed dualities for superstrings. In the topological string context, the worldsheet derivation of these dualities has already been given. In this paper we take the first step in deriving the full ten-dimensional superstring dualities by showing how the dualities arise on the superstring worldsheet at the level of F terms. As part of this derivation, we show for F-term computations that the hybrid formalism for the superstring is equivalent to a (c) over cap = 5 topological string in ten-dimensional spacetime. Using the (c) over cap = 5 description, we then show that the D brane boundary state for the ten-dimensional open superstring naturally emerges on the worldsheet of the closed superstring dual.


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It is shown that admissible clauses and quasi-identities of quasivarieties generated by a single finite algebra, or equivalently, the quasiequational and universal theories of their free algebras on countably infinitely many generators, may be characterized using natural dualities. In particular, axiomatizations are obtained for the admissible clauses and quasi-identities of bounded distributive lattices, Stone algebras, Kleene algebras and lattices, and De Morgan algebras and lattices.


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In this paper, we study the reduction of four-dimensional Seiberg duality to three dimensions from a brane perspective. We reproduce the nonperturbative dynamics of three-dimensional field theory via a T–duality at a finite radius and the action of Euclidean D–strings. In this way, we also overcome certain issues regarding the brane description of Aharony duality. Moreover, we apply our strategy to more general dualities, such as toric duality for M2–branes and dualities with adjoint matter fields.


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We engineer a brane picture for the reduction of Seiberg dualities from 4D to 3D, valid also in the presence of orientifold planes. We obtain effective 3D dualities on the circle by T-duality, geometrizing the non-perturbative superpotential which is an affine Toda potential. When reducing to pure 3D, we define a double-scaling limit which creates a sector of interacting singlets, giving a unified mechanism for the brane reduction of dualities.


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A Journey in the Landscape of Sustainable School Development “A Journey in the Landscape of Sustainable School Development” is a story of the Sorrila School development process. This research deals with a school development project as a process, and as a part of international projects on Education for Sustainable Development, with ENSI (Environment and School Initiatives) being the most important. The main purpose of the study was to analyze the change process as a general phenomenon as well as the learning connected to it. The research describes the development period 2001–2008 at the Sorrila Primary school. The research questions are as follows: 1. What did pupils learn during the research and development period? 2. How did the coordinating teacher develop personally? 3. How were the ENSI targets and other closely linked projects reached? 4. What was the feedback from the pupils, their parents and other teachers at the school? 5. How did the developing process proceed in 2001–2008? The method used was integrating action research, which also had ethnographical elements. Narrative was the form of the data as well as the manner of reporting. The method as a whole was integrating, ethnographical action research as a story. The research data consisted mostly of Knowledge Forum notes written by the teacher-researcher. Knowledge Forum is an Internetbased collaborative knowledge-building programme. Pupils’, parents’ and other teachers’ feedback, newspaper articles and students’ writings complied the data, which consists of material from seven years. Sustainable development was the basis of the school improvement. The targets of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005–2014) were part of the development projects. According to the research results the school was seen as part of complex systems where manifold and interactive learning took place. The learning of pupils, teachers and the school as a community can be characterised socioculturally. The school was able to reach a level of collaborative transformative learning. As well as several concrete projects, such as Comenius school project, school development consisted of networking at many levels. Along with the projects and networking, the school was able to apply the pedagogy of connection, by carrying out integrative and cross-disciplinary themes and using various learning and teaching methods. International cooperation was a natural part of the work. A figure of Aunt Green, the role model of the teacher researcher, was an innovation which resembled a change agent. The other role of the teacherresearcher as a coordinator, was important for her own professional development. According to the results the change process, which relied on sustainable school development, led the school along a road of positive renewals. It was not a series of projects but an ongoing process. The objectives of the international projects were accomplished to a great extent during the research period. According to the principles of action research, the main results were put forward in order to help others to develop their schools. Frictions and problems as well as positive experiences and rejecting dualities were seen as change forces. Keywords: education for sustainable development (ESD), sustainable school development, teacher professional development, integrating, pedagogy of connection, transformative learning


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We study N = 2 compactifications of heterotic string theory on the CHL orbifold (K3 x T-2)/Z(N) with N = 2, 3, 5, 7. Z(N) acts as an automorphism on K3 together with a shift of 1/N along one of the circles of T-2. These compactifications generalize the example of the heterotic string on K3 x T-2 studied in the context of dualities in string theories. We evaluate the new supersymmetric index for these theories and show that their expansion can be written in terms of the McKay-Thompson series associated with the Z(N) automorphism embedded in the Mathieu group M-24. We then evaluate the difference in one-loop threshold corrections to the non-Abelian gauge couplings with Wilson lines and show that their moduli dependence is captured by Siegel modular forms related to dyon partition functions of N = 4 string theories.


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We study N = 2 compactifications of heterotic string theory on the CHL orbifold (K3 x T-2)/Z(N) with N = 2, 3, 5, 7. Z(N) acts as an automorphism on K3 together with a shift of 1/N along one of the circles of T-2. These compactifications generalize the example of the heterotic string on K3 x T-2 studied in the context of dualities in string theories. We evaluate the new supersymmetric index for these theories and show that their expansion can be written in terms of the McKay-Thompson series associated with the Z(N) automorphism embedded in the Mathieu group M-24. We then evaluate the difference in one-loop threshold corrections to the non-Abelian gauge couplings with Wilson lines and show that their moduli dependence is captured by Siegel modular forms related to dyon partition functions of N = 4 string theories.


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383 p. ; P.315-383: "Erauso Kateriñe" antzezlanaren edizioa dago.


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Este trabalho se propõe ao estudo das articulações entre o saber biomédico e o saber leigo no discurso de mulheres de camadas médias urbanas da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com idades compreendidas entre 40 e 60 anos. Toma como referência a produção sócioantropológica sobre gênero, corpo, menopausa, envelhecimento, bem como a que analisa a construção do fato científico. Atualmente é notável a crescente preeminência do discurso da biologia na determinação daquilo que seria da ordem do corpo feminino ou do masculino, o que certamente é perpassado por relações de gênero. A partir de uma perspectiva construcionista investiga o destaque conferido ao papel dos hormônios pela biomedicina, não apenas no funcionamento e na regulação do organismo da mulher, mas também no que diz respeito à forma pela qual ela irá vivenciar seu cotidiano. Além disso, busca apontar pistas na direção de problematizar a pregnância de certos dualismos como o que opõe o biológico ao social. Dualismos que revelam uma forma de organização binária hierárquica de pensamento, característica de nossa sociedade ocidental moderna. A noção de rede é um balizador importante para a compreensão mais ampla do pano de fundo do que informa as leituras vigentes acerca das ocorrências fisiológicas de mulheres e homens. Embora o campo investigado se apresente fluido e matizado, a intensidade do discurso hormonal biomédico se faz notar de modo potente nas narrativas, no que diz respeito aos corpos e às vidas das mulheres entrevistadas.


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Pesquisar sobre escritoras portuguesas do século XIX não é tarefa das mais simples. A barreira maior é a escassez de fontes, que se deve, principalmente, ao papel que cabia à mulher na sociedade de oitocentos. Sem direitos políticos e restrita ao espaço privado, deveria estar sempre sob a dependência de um homem. Ao penetrar num espaço que não era o seu, é compreensível que as mulheres que ousaram se afirmar como escritoras o tenham feito a princípio sob o signo do anonimato. É o caso de Maria Peregrina de Sousa (1809-1894). Teve participação profunda nos periódicos literários da época, nos quais publicou romances, poemas e contos populares, utilizando pseudônimos como Uma obscura portuense, Mariposa ou suas iniciais, D. M. P. Por meio de um diálogo com a História, estudamos as obras Retalho do mundo (1859), Maria Isabel (1866), Henriqueta: romance original (1876) e Pepa (1846), da qual também fizemos a edição. Nosso objetivo é investigar, nesses textos, como o discurso do senso comum ora se confirma às vezes, ora é desestabilizado, e como algumas personagens poderiam contornar os interditos sociais. Ao trazer essa obscura portuense à luz, pretendemos também refletir sobre como uma autora pensava a sua realidade e qual o reflexo disso na sua produção literária.


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Gohm, Rolf; Skeide, M., (2005) 'Constructing extensions of CP-maps via tensor dilations with rhe help of von Neumann modules', Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 8(2) pp.291-305 RAE2008


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We present what we believe to be the first thorough characterization of live streaming media content delivered over the Internet. Our characterization of over five million requests spanning a 28-day period is done at three increasingly granular levels, corresponding to clients, sessions, and transfers. Our findings support two important conclusions. First, we show that the nature of interactions between users and objects is fundamentally different for live versus stored objects. Access to stored objects is user driven, whereas access to live objects is object driven. This reversal of active/passive roles of users and objects leads to interesting dualities. For instance, our analysis underscores a Zipf-like profile for user interest in a given object, which is to be contrasted to the classic Zipf-like popularity of objects for a given user. Also, our analysis reveals that transfer lengths are highly variable and that this variability is due to the stickiness of clients to a particular live object, as opposed to structural (size) properties of objects. Second, based on observations we make, we conjecture that the particular characteristics of live media access workloads are likely to be highly dependent on the nature of the live content being accessed. In our study, this dependence is clear from the strong temporal correlations we observed in the traces, which we attribute to the synchronizing impact of live content on access characteristics. Based on our analyses, we present a model for live media workload generation that incorporates many of our findings, and which we implement in GISMO [19].


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We consider different types of fractional branes on a Z2 orbifold of the conifold and analyze in detail the corresponding gauge/gravity duality. The gauge theory possesses a rich and varied dynamics, both in the UV and in the IR. We find the dual supergravity solution, which contains both untwisted and twisted 3-form fluxes, related to what are known as deformation and N=2 fractional branes, respectively. We analyze the resulting renormalization group flow from the supergravity perspective, by developing an algorithm to easily extract it. We find hints of a generalization of the familiar cascade of Seiberg dualities due to a nontrivial interplay between the different types of fractional branes. We finally consider the IR behavior in several limits, where the dominant effective dynamics is either confining in a Coulomb phase or runaway, and discuss the resolution of singularities in the dual geometric background. © 2008 The American Physical Society.