999 resultados para download
We consider several WLAN stations associated at rates r(1), r(2), ... r(k) with an Access Point. Each station (STA) is downloading a long file from a local server, located on the LAN to which the Access Point (AP) is attached, using TCP. We assume that a TCP ACK will be produced after the reception of d packets at an STA. We model these simultaneous TCP-controlled transfers using a semi-Markov process. Our analytical approach leads to a procedure to compute aggregate download, as well as per-STA throughputs, numerically, and the results match simulations very well. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pensando a fotografia enquanto fenômeno comunicativo, numa perspectiva cartográfica associada à Teoria do Ator-Rede de Bruno Latour (2012), passamos a traçar os vínculos sociais, visuais e sensíveis que hoje põem em evidência o fazer lomográfico. Aqui, sob os relatos dos modos de fabricação e circulação da lomografia, pudemos adentrar estas redes de mediações sociotécnicas que desenham sua prática, bem como perceber o modo como construímos, no presente, a história das imagens nesse contexto. Já sob a diversidade de elementos que hoje reordenam nossas formas de ver, junto à noção de anacronismo (AGAMBEN, 2009; BENJAMIN; 1994; DIDI-HUBERMAN, 2010; RANCIÈRE, 2012), este gesto cartográfico nos levou tanto a buscar aspecto relacional e comunicativo da imagem lomo, quando a compreender a construção deste sentido visual frente à montagem de tempos heterogêneos. Processo onde as formas de apresentação e os atuais valores de uso lomo revelam, na imagem, seu caráter movente onde lugares do visível que se deslocam de seus contextos anteriores, renegociando socialmente suas condições de possibilidade no contemporâneo, podem ser redimensionados
Tese de doutoramento, Direito (Ciências Jurídicas), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Direito, 2014
Aimed at secondary school science classrooms, but a useful for a basic introduction
A disseminação do formato mp3 como padrão para arquivos de música, aliada ao crescimento da Internet, fez surgir uma poderosa rede de distribuição de música online. A extrema disponibilidade, diversidade de escolha e facilidade de acesso para quem possui banda larga em seus computadores fez crescer o download de músicas pela Internet, revolucionando o mundo fonográfico. O objetivo geral deste estudo é identificar quais fatores, na perspectiva do consumidor, têm maior influência no download gratuito de música pela Internet através de uma pesquisa exploratória de duas fases. Na primeira fase, qualitativa, foram realizadas entrevistas não estruturadas com usuários e consumidores de redes peer-to-peer de download de música pela Internet e entrevista semi-estruturada com um ex-executivo da indústria fonográfica. Na fase seguinte, quantitativa, foram aplicados questionários estruturados a pessoas que efetuam download de música pela Internet. Adotou-se a regressão linear múltipla como modelo para interpretar os dados colhidos junto à amostra e testar as hipóteses relacionadas as variáveis: acessibilidade ao produto, percepção de injustiça no preço e faixa etária. Os resultados sugerem a não rejeição das três hipóteses estudadas.
Increased broadband penetration (BP) rates around the world have encouraged web designers to include more web content and additional functions on their web sites, thereby enhancing the richness and playfulness of the information. However, it is often very difficult for web surfers who are still using narrowband connections to access such web sites. Many university web sites target international audiences; therefore their download performance should be considered, as it may directly influence the user experience. This exploratory study examined 331 university hospitality and tourism department web sites in 37 countries. The empirical results showed that entry web pages of universities in Asia, with a medium BP rate (mid-BP), have the slowest download speeds, and those in Australia and New Zealand perform the best. The adoption rate of the Cascade Style Sheet (CSS) in Asia is relatively lower than that of other regions.
See Project Homepage for more details.
Through the Clock’s Workings is a world first: a remixed and remixable anthology of literature.----- Prominent Australian authors have written new short stories and released them under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike licence. What that means is you can remix the stories, but only if you acknowledge the author, the remix is not for commercial use, and your new work is available for others to remix. The authors’ stories were made available on our website and new and emerging writers were invited to create their own remixes to be posted on the website and considered for publication in the print anthology alongside the original stories.----- The result is a world first: a remixed and remixable anthology of literature. Buy your copy now from the Sydney University Press eStore or download the electronic version.----- So how do you use a remixable anthology? Simple.----- Step 1 - Read. Thumb your way through the pages at will. Find the stories you love, the ones you hate, the ones that could be better.----- Step 2 - Re/create. Each story is yours to share and to remix. Use only one paragraph or character or just make subtle changes. Change the genre, alter its formal or stylistic characteristics, or revise its message. Use as little or as much as you like - as long as it works.----- Step 3 - Share. Be part of a growing community of literature remixing. Email your remix to us and start sharing. The entire anthology can be remixed - the original stories, the remixes, and even the fonts.----- Through the Clock’s Workings is Read&Write!
This paper explores the influence of emotional loyalty on music purchase behaviour. Specifically, it examines whether emotional attachment to an artist's music influences loyalty to that artist, and how emotional loyalty influences a consumer's decision to purchase music. Data collection involved fifteen semi-structured interviews with young (18-30) subjects recruited through non-probability convenience sampling. Findings show that consumers who are emotionally loyal to an artistes) are more inclined to purchase the music rather than download free of charge.
This paper describes methods used to support collaboration and communication between practitioners, designers and engineers when designing ubiquitous computing systems. We tested methods such as “Wizard of Oz” and design games in a real domain, the dental surgery, in an attempt to create a system that is: affordable; minimally disruptive of the natural flow of work; and improves human-computer interaction. In doing so we found that such activities allowed the practitioners to be on a ‘level playing ground’ with designers and engineers. The findings we present suggest that dentists are willing to engage in detailed exploration and constructive critique of technical design possibilities if the design ideas and prototypes are presented in the context of their work practice and are of a resolution and relevance that allow them to jointly explore and question with the design time. This paper is an extension of a short paper submitted to the Participatory Design Conference, 2004.