997 resultados para domain names, registration, Internet


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This thesis is about the Australian domain name system and, in particular, the principles governing the registration of domain names in the '.au' country code domain space. It examines the different types of registration systems adopted in country code domain spaces and categorises them according to the extent to which they impose restrictions on registration, ranging from restrictive to unrestrictive. A comparative analysis is made of the restrictive registration system in Australia and the United Kingdom‘s unrestrictive system.


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This paper examines the dispute between the Seattle company Virtual Countries Inc. and the Republic of South Africa over the ownership of the domain name address southafrica.com. The first part of the paper deals with the pre-emptive litigation taken by Virtual Countries Inc. in a District Court of the United States. The second part considers the possible arbitration of the dispute under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Process of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and examines the wider implications of this dispute for the jurisdiction and the governance of ICANN. The final section of the paper evaluates the Final Report of the Second WIPO Internet Domain Name Process.


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O presente trabalho pretende descrever e analisar a evolução institucional da Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), organização responsável pela gestão dos nomes de domínio e protocolos de comunicação entre computadores em rede ao redor do mundo. Iniciando sua trajetória como instituição privada estadunidense e vinculada ao departamento de comércio do mesmo país, a ICANN passa por diversas modificações estruturais ao longo da última década, de forma a englobar representantes de diversos setores sociais em suas atividades. Algumas peculiaridades em sua estrutura que ainda a vinculam aos Estados Unidos, no entanto, são objeto de controvérsia entre aqueles que buscam uma democratização da internet em nível global.


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Osteoarticular allograft transplantation is a popular treatment method in wide surgical resections with large defects. For this reason hospitals are building bone data banks. Performing the optimal allograft selection on bone banks is crucial to the surgical outcome and patient recovery. However, current approaches are very time consuming hindering an efficient selection. We present an automatic method based on registration of femur bones to overcome this limitation. We introduce a new regularization term for the log-domain demons algorithm. This term replaces the standard Gaussian smoothing with a femur specific polyaffine model. The polyaffine femur model is constructed with two affine (femoral head and condyles) and one rigid (shaft) transformation. Our main contribution in this paper is to show that the demons algorithm can be improved in specific cases with an appropriate model. We are not trying to find the most optimal polyaffine model of the femur, but the simplest model with a minimal number of parameters. There is no need to optimize for different number of regions, boundaries and choice of weights, since this fine tuning will be done automatically by a final demons relaxation step with Gaussian smoothing. The newly developed synthesis approach provides a clear anatomically motivated modeling contribution through the specific three component transformation model, and clearly shows a performance improvement (in terms of anatomical meaningful correspondences) on 146 CT images of femurs compared to a standard multiresolution demons. In addition, this simple model improves the robustness of the demons while preserving its accuracy. The ground truth are manual measurements performed by medical experts.


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Les conflits entre les noms de domaine et les marques de commerce surgissent essentiellement par manque de coordination entre le système d'enregistrement des noms de domaine et celui des marques. Les marques sont enregistrées par des autorités publiques gouvernementales et les droits qui en découlent ne peuvent s'exercer que sur le territoire du pays d'origine. Le système d'enregistrement des noms de domaine, basé sur la règle "du premier arrivé, premier servi", ne connaît pas de limites géographiques et ignore le principe de spécialité propre aux marques de commerce. L'absence de lien entre ces deux systèmes a permis, l'enregistrement comme noms de domaine par des tiers, de marques de commerce de renom suscitant la confusion quant aux origines des sites. Le nom de domaine constitue un nouveau signe distinctif se situant à la frontière de la régulation technique et du contenu et représente le cadre idéal pour étudier les fondements légitimes de l'intervention du droit dans le cyberespace. En effet, le système des noms de domaine se construit autour de choix et de contraintes techniques dont les concepteurs n'imaginaient pas qu'ils deviendraient la source d'un important contentieux. Les noms de domaine, portes d'accès au réseau, font l'objet d'une tentative de régulation qui concilie les forces contraires de l' ''aterritorialité'' des noms de domaine, avec la "territorialité" des marques de commerce. Cette régulation repose sur la synergie entre l'architecture technique, les normes sociales, l'autoréglementation, le marché et la loi et se présente comme un laboratoire d'idées pour une définition de la régulation de l'Internet. La problématique des noms de domaine et des marques de commerce, constitue une application pratique de cette "corégulation" et amorce ainsi une évolution juridique, facteur de construction du droit sur l'Internet.


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Over the last two decades, the internet and e-commerce have reshaped the way we communicate, interact and transact. In the converged environment enabled by high speed broadband, web 2.0, social media, virtual worlds, user-generated content, cloud computing, VoIP, open source software and open content have rapidly become established features of our online experience. Business and government alike are increasingly using the internet as the preferred platform for delivery of their goods and services and for effective engagement with their clients. New ways of doing things online and challenges to existing business, government and social activities have tested current laws and often demand new policies and laws, adapted to the new realities. The focus of this book is the regulation of social, cultural and commercial activity on the World Wide Web. It considers developments in the law that have been, and continue to be, brought about by the emergence of the internet and e-commerce. It analyses how the law is applied to define rights and obligations in relation to online infrastructure, content and practices.


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Wednesday 12th March 2014 Speaker(s): Dr Tim Chown Organiser: Time: 12/03/2014 11:00-11:50 Location: B32/3077 File size: 642 Mb Abstract The WAIS seminar series is designed to be a blend of classic seminars, research discussions, debates and tutorials. The Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical part of the Internet infrastructure. In this talk we begin by explaining the basic model of operation of the DNS, including how domain names are delegated and how a DNS resolver performs a DNS lookup. We then take a tour of DNS-related topics, including caching, poisoning, governance, the increasing misuse of the DNS in DDoS attacks, and the expansion of the DNS namespace to new top level domains and internationalised domain names. We also present the latest work in the IETF on DNS privacy. The talk will be pitched such that no detailed technical knowledge is required. We hope that attendees will gain some familiarity with how the DNS works, some key issues surrounding DNS operation, and how the DNS might touch on various areas of research within WAIS.


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Internet traffic classification is a relevant and mature research field, anyway of growing importance and with still open technical challenges, also due to the pervasive presence of Internet-connected devices into everyday life. We claim the need for innovative traffic classification solutions capable of being lightweight, of adopting a domain-based approach, of not only concentrating on application-level protocol categorization but also classifying Internet traffic by subject. To this purpose, this paper originally proposes a classification solution that leverages domain name information extracted from IPFIX summaries, DNS logs, and DHCP leases, with the possibility to be applied to any kind of traffic. Our proposed solution is based on an extension of Word2vec unsupervised learning techniques running on a specialized Apache Spark cluster. In particular, learning techniques are leveraged to generate word-embeddings from a mixed dataset composed by domain names and natural language corpuses in a lightweight way and with general applicability. The paper also reports lessons learnt from our implementation and deployment experience that demonstrates that our solution can process 5500 IPFIX summaries per second on an Apache Spark cluster with 1 slave instance in Amazon EC2 at a cost of $ 3860 year. Reported experimental results about Precision, Recall, F-Measure, Accuracy, and Cohen's Kappa show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposal. The experiments prove that words contained in domain names do have a relation with the kind of traffic directed towards them, therefore using specifically trained word embeddings we are able to classify them in customizable categories. We also show that training word embeddings on larger natural language corpuses leads improvements in terms of precision up to 180%.


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The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a sweeping trade agreement, spanning the Pacific Rim, and covering an array of topics, including intellectual property. There has been much analysis of the recently leaked intellectual property chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership by WikiLeaks. Julian Assange, WikiLeaks’ Editor-in-Chief, observed “The selective secrecy surrounding the TPP negotiations, which has let in a few cashed-up megacorps but excluded everyone else, reveals a telling fear of public scrutiny. By publishing this text we allow the public to engage in issues that will have such a fundamental impact on their lives.” Critical attention has focused upon the lack of transparency surrounding the agreement, copyright law and the digital economy; patent law, pharmaceutical drugs, and data protection; and the criminal procedures and penalties for trade secrets. The topic of trade mark law and related rights, such as internet domain names and geographical indications, deserves greater analysis.


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit (L.L.M.)"


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The purpose of this paper is to describe a process for sampling specific domain name zones on the World Wide Web. Because of the size of the Web, sampling strategies must be employed in order to effectively model and study the Web business environment.  This paper discusses Various efforts employed to sample the Web, which ranged from random generation of Internet Protocol Addresses and domain names, to the process finally
employed to create descriptive models of the dot-com domain name zones. The paper suggests that sampling the Web Top Level Domains offers a reasonable alternative for business researchers because it requires only familiarity with the use of the simple Web utilities such as File Transfer
Protocols to obtain initial domain name listings.


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The present paper addresses the findings of a preliminary investigation into policy and codes of conduct pertaining to the use of laptops and PDA’s in business meetings. The purpose of this study was to conduct a review of policies or codes of conduct pertaining to the use of laptops and PDAs in meetings. The investigation included academic literature, policy searches in the public domain of the Internet, as well as personal contact with target industries (large corporations – N=1000 + employees). The results highlight the dearth of policy and codes of conducts pertaining to the use of laptops and PDA’s in business meetings. Consequently, given the growing interdependence between mobile technologies and the contemporary workplace, there exists an opportunity for communication professionals to further research and develop policy and codes of conduct in this area. Implications for corporate communication policies and practices are also discussed.


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"L’enregistrement de noms de domaine, basé sur la règle du « premier arrivé, premier servi », n’a pas échappé à des personnes peu scrupuleuses qui se sont empressées d’enregistrer comme noms de domaine des marques de commerce, phénomène connu sous le nom de « cybersquattage ». L’U.D.R.P. (Uniform domain name Dispute Resolution Policy) est une procédure internationale qui a été adoptée pour régler les différends relatifs à cette pratique. La procédure de l’U.D.R.P. est conçue pour être rapide, efficace et simple. Même si le fardeau de preuve reposant sur le titulaire de marque de commerce peut sembler lourd, l’analyse de la procédure démontre qu’elle n’offre pas aux détenteurs de noms de domaine un procès juste et équitable, notamment en raison des délais très courts, de l’absence de voies de recours internes en cas de défaut et de l’obligation de saisir les tribunaux de droit commun. La procédure de l’U.D.R.P. ne présente aussi aucun caractère dissuasif envers les titulaires de marques qui tenteraient de s’approprier un nom de domaine enregistré dans des conditions légitimes. Une étude des décisions issues de la Procédure U.D.R.P. révèle qu’il existe un déséquilibre flagrant en faveur des titulaires de marques de commerces; les organismes accrédités se taillant la plus grande part du marché sont ceux dont les décisions sont généralement plus favorables aux titulaires de marques. Une variété d’arguments sont avancés pour expliquer ces résultats mais les études démontrent que la Procédure U.D.R.P. doit faire l’objet de réformes. La réforme devrait comprendre deux volets : premièrement, la modification du mode de désignation des organismes accrédités chargés d’administrer la Procédure U.D.R.P. ainsi que la modification du processus de sélection des commissaires; deuxièmement, une réforme relative aux délais, à la langue des procédures et au phénomène des procédures abusives intentées par des détenteurs de marques de commerce à l?égard d’enregistrements légitimes."


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This paper presents and empirical study in which we examine the process of preserential attachment as it applies to business enterprises on the World Wide Web.  Using randomly selected business Web pages as nodes and their inbound links as edges, we explre the role of parked domain names in link creation and preferential attachment at very granular levels.  Our research leads us to the conclusion that the abundance of parked domain name sites does not present a plausible explanation for preferential attachment.