878 resultados para diphtheria pertussis tetanus vaccine
The aim of this study was to describe and analyze individual and family characteristics of children and those of health services, as well as their relationship with the immunization status for different kinds of vaccines and doses. Three sources of information were used: records from the Municipal Health Information System, immunization charts, and interviews using closed-ended questions. The families interviewed still had one or two growing children; caretakers were usually young unemployed mothers with easy access to health services. Around 30% of them were not instructed on the vaccine being given, its reactions or when to return for the next shot. The greatest levels of tardiness occurred with the vaccines against measles (6.3%) and Haemophilus influenzae B (4.2%). It was possible to observe that tardiness or absence of vaccinations seem to have a stronger relationship with service characteristics than with population characteristics.
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The resurgence of pertussis suggests the need for greater efforts in understanding the long-lasting protective responses induced by vaccination. In this paper we dissect the persistence of humoral and B-cell memory responses induced by primary vaccination with two different acellular pertussis (aP) vaccines, hexavalent Hexavac(®) vaccine (Hexavac) (Sanofi Pasteur MSD) and Infanrix hexa(®) (Infanrix) (GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals). We evaluated the specific immune responses in the two groups of children, 5 years after primary vaccination by measuring the persistence of IgG and antibody secreting cells (ASC) specific for vaccine antigens. Part of the enrolled children received only primary vaccination, while others had the pre-school boost dose. A similar level of antigen-specific IgG and ASC was found in Infanrix and Hexavac vaccinated children. The mean IgG levels were significantly higher in children that received the pre-school boost as compared with children that did not receive the boost dose. A longer persistence after the pre-school boost of IgG-Pertussis Toxin (PT) and IgG-pertactin levels was observed in Infanrix primed children, but it was not statistically significant. More than 80% of children presented a positive ASC B memory response. Around 50% of children still presented protective IgG-PT levels which are reduced to 36% in no-boosted children. The pre-school booster dose restores the percentage of protected children above 50%. In conclusion our data underline the importance of giving a booster dose 5 years after primary vaccination and suggest the need for a new vaccine able to induce a long lasting protective response.
Based on models with calibrated parameters for infection, case fatality rates, and vaccine efficacy, basic childhood vaccinations have been estimated to be highly cost effective. We estimate the association of vaccination with mortality directly from survey data. Using 149 cross-sectional Demographic and Health Surveys, we determine the relationship between vaccination coverage and under five mortality at the survey cluster level. Our data include approximately one million children in 68,490 clusters in 62 countries. We consider the childhood measles, Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus (DPT), Polio, and maternal tetanus vaccinations. Using modified Poisson regression to estimate the relative risk of child mortality in each cluster, we also adjust for selection bias caused by the vaccination status of dead children not being reported. Childhood vaccination, and in particular measles and tetanus vaccination, is associated with substantial reductions in childhood mortality. We estimate that children in clusters with complete vaccination coverage have relative risk of mortality 0.73 (95% Confidence Interval: 0.68, 0.77) that of children in a cluster with no vaccination. While widely used, basic vaccines still have coverage rates well below 100% in many countries, and our results emphasize the effectiveness of increasing their coverage rates in order to reduce child mortality.
This study focuses on the impact of a clinic-based intervention program on the immunization status of limited-income urban children. The intervention program consisted of an information session for clinic health care providers and the placement of individualized immunization information labels on clinic notes at the time of each visit. The degree of impact of the intervention on immunization administration was ascertained through a comparison of two similar groups of infants born in the same months of the year immediately before (N = 201) and after (N = 203) the information session and initiation of the labeling system. The timeliness of administration of each diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and trivalent oral polio vaccine (DPT/TOPV) in the first year series of three was compared pre- to postintervention. Significantly more third immunizations were given the postintervention subjects within ten days of the recommended time of application ( p = .0361). Life table analysis indicated that the probability of an infant's passing one year of age without the administration of the third immunization decreased for postintervention infants (p = .0515). The intervention was most successful in assuring administration of the series of immunizations in those infants who were seen by the health care provider for at least 50% of their first year visits. Results indicate that minor changes in the format of information given a relatively continuous provider can increase completion of immunization series in infants. ^
Immunogenicity and reactogenicity of DTPa and reduced antigen dTpa booster vaccines were compared to a hepatitis A control vaccine in DTPa-primed toddlers aged 18-20 months. Post-booster, all DTPa and dTpa recipients were seroprotected against diphtheria and tetanus, and >= 93.3% had a booster response to pertussis. There were similar reactogenicity rates in the DTPa and dTpa vaccine recipients. Few Grade 3 symptoms were reported. Just over one in four children in the control group had diphtheria antibody at or potentially below the correlate of protection benchmark (0.016 IU/ml). Larger studies should evaluate potential benefits of reduced antigen vaccines and seroprotection in children who do not receive a booster dose of DTPa at this age, including protection against diphtheria until subsequent booster doses are given. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Many efforts are currently made to prepare combined vaccines against most infectious pathogens, that may be administered early in life to protect infants against infectious diseases as early as possible. However, little is known about the general immune modulation induced by early vaccination. Here, we have analyzed the cytokine secretion profiles of two groups of 6-month-old infants having received as primary immunization either a whole-cell (Pw) or an acellular (Pa) pertussis vaccine in a tetravalent formulation of pertussis-tetanus-diphtheria-poliomyelitis vaccines. Both groups of infants secreted IFN-gamma in response to the Bordetella pertussis antigens filamentous haemagglutinin and pertussis toxin, and this response was correlated with antigen-specific IL-12p70 secretion, indicating that both pertussis vaccines induced Th1 cytokines. However, Pa recipients also developed a strong Th2-type cytokine response to the B. pertussis antigens, as noted previously. In addition, they induced Th2-type cytokines to the co-administrated antigen tetanus toxoïd, as well as to the food antigen beta-lactoglobulin. Furthermore, the general cytokine profile of the Pa recipients was strongly Th2-skewed at 6 months, as indicated by the cytokines induced by the mitogen phytohaemagglutinin. These data demonstrate that the cytokine profile of 6-month-old infants is influenced by the type of formulation of the pertussis vaccine they received at 2, 3 and 4 months of life. Large prospective studies would be warranted to evaluate the possible long-term consequences of this early modulation of the cytokine responses in infants.
Based on studies reporting specific antibody titers, it is recommended to vaccinate preterm infants against Bordetella pertussis according to their chronological age. However, as specific T-cell responses also are involved in the protection against B. pertussis, we have determined whether highly preterm infants (<31 weeks) are able to mount these immune responses during vaccination. Forty-eight premature infants were vaccinated at 2, 3, and 4 months of their chronological age with an acellular (Pa; n = 24) or a whole-cell (Pw; n = 24) tetravalent diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis-polio vaccine, and blood samples were collected at 2, 3, and 6 months of age. Most of the Pa- and Pw-vaccinated infants developed at 3 or 6 months of age a gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) response to the B. pertussis antigens, accompanied by an interleukin-5 (IL-5) and IL-13 secretion for the Pa-vaccinated infants. No association was found between a very low infant birth weight, the occurrence of severe infections, and corticosteroid treatment or the administration of gammaglobulins with a low level of antigen-induced IFN-gamma secretion. We conclude that like full-term infants, most preterm infants are able to mount a specific cellular immune response to the administration of the first doses of an acellular or a whole-cell pertussis vaccine.
La incidencia de la tosferina ha mostrado un incremento en los últimos años; afectando predominantemente a los niños menores de 1 año, adolescentes y adultos. En el 2005 el Comité Asesor de Prácticas en Inmunización (ACIP) recomendó administrar una dosis de refuerzo de la vacuna acelular antipertussis a los adolescentes. Esta estrategia ha sido adoptada por distintos países. Sin embargo hasta el momento no existe una revisión sistemática que evalúe la efectividad de esta medida de prevención primaria. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos acerca de la efectividad de la vacuna acelular antipertussis como dosis de refuerzo en adolescentes. Resultados: La búsqueda inicial arrojó un total de 121 resultados, de los cuales solo 4 cumplieron los criterios de selección. Se evaluó en éstos, la inmunogenicidad generada contra tétanos y difteria por la vacuna Tdap vs Td con resultados significativos y similares. Además se documentó la respuesta inmunológica protectora generada por la Tdap contra tosferina. En cuanto a la reactogenicidad, en general fue baja. Discusión: La vacuna Tdap genera inmunogenicidad similar a la Td contra tétanos y difteria. Además proporciona adecuada protección contra la tosferina como dosis de refuerzo en los adolescentes. Conclusión: La evidencia disponible sugiere que se puede recomendar la vacuna Tdap como dosis de refuerzo en adolescentes entre los 10 y los 18 años de edad por su baja reactogenicidad y adecuada inmunogenicidad contra tétanos, difteria y B. Pertussis.
To better understand vaccine-induced protection and its potential failure in light of recent whooping cough resurgence, we evaluated quantity as well as quality of memory T cell responses in B. pertussis-vaccinated preadolescent children. Using a technique based on flow cytometry to detect proliferation, cytokine production and phenotype of antigen-specific cells, we evaluated residual T cell memory in a cohort of preadolescents who received a whole-cell pertussis (wP; n=11) or an acellular pertussis vaccine (aP; n=13) during infancy, and with a median of 4 years elapsed from the last pertussis booster vaccine, which was aP for all children. We demonstrated that B. pertussis-specific memory T cells are detectable in the majority of preadolescent children several years after vaccination. CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell proliferation in response to pertussis toxin and/or filamentous hemagglutinin was detected in 79% and 60% of the children respectively, and interferon-γ or tumor necrosis factor-α producing CD4(+) T cells were detected in 65% and 53% of the children respectively. Phenotyping of the responding cells showed that the majority of antigen-specific cells, whether defined by proliferation or cytokine production, were CD45RA(-)CCR7(-) effector memory T cells. Although the time since the last booster vaccine was significantly longer for wP-compared to aP-vaccinated children, their proliferation capacity in response to antigenic stimulation was comparable, and more children had a detectable cytokine response after wP- compared to aP-vaccination. This study supports at the immunological level recent epidemiological studies indicating that infant vaccination with wP induces longer lasting immunity than vaccination with aP-vaccines.
Weltweit existiert keine zum Tierversuch alternative Methode, um adsorbierte Pertussis-Impfstoffe auf restliche Toxin-Aktivität hin zu untersuchen. Der im Europäischen Arzneibuch vorgeschriebene Tierversuch besitzt nach Erfahrungen der Industrie, internationaler Prüfbehörden sowie des Paul-Ehrlich-Institutes eine schlechte Aussagekraft. Er ist wenig standardisierbar und weist häufig ein zweifelhaftes Ergebnis auf, so dass Wiederholungen und damit einhergehend ein hoher Verbrauch an Versuchstieren unumgänglich sind. Enthält der Impfstoff Reste von nicht-inaktiviertem Pertussis-Toxin (PTx), muss mit schweren und schwersten Nebenwirkungen bei den Impflingen gerechnet werden. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein In vitro-Nachweis für aktives PTx entwickelt. rnAngeregt durch Publikationen, wonach Pertussis-Toxin humane Monozyten aktiviert, wurde zunächst versucht, diesen Effekt zum Toxin-Nachweis auszunutzen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt jedoch eindeutig, dass Pertussis-Toxin selbst nicht zur Stimulation humaner Monozyten führt. Vielmehr konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Aktivierung dieser Immunzellen auf Kontaminationen durch Lipopolysaccharide zurückzuführen ist. Damit wurden die Aussagen in den oben erwähnten Veröffentlichungen widerlegt. Dieses Ergebnis wurde bereits zur Publikation eingereicht.rnNunmehr wurden verschiedene Ansätze zum Nachweis von Pertussis-Toxin entwickelt, welche seine enzymatischen Aktivitäten als NAD-Glycohydrolase und ADP-Ribosyltransferase ausnutzen. Zunächst wurde versucht, die Hydrolyse von NAD zu ADP-Ribose und Nicotinamid photometrisch nachzuweisen. Wegen unbefriedigender Sensitivität wurde dieses Verfahren zu einem fluorometrischen Nachweis weiterentwickelt. Verwendet wurde hier fluorogenes etheno-NAD, welches von Pertussis-Toxin als Substrat akzeptiert wird. Letzteres Prinzip ist zum In vitro-Nachweis von Pertussis-Toxin geeignet, wird jedoch durch das in Impfstoffen häufig verwendete Adsorbens Aluminiumhydroxid gestört. Deshalb wurde dieser Ansatz aufgegeben und ein neuer Weg verfolgt, welcher am Energiestoffwechsel von humanen Zellen ansetzt. Eine Konsequenz des Angriffs von Pertussis-Toxin auf seine Zielzellen im Respirationstrakt besteht – nach komplexen Reaktionen des Signaltransduktionsweges – im Absenken des ATP-Gehaltes. Als menschliche Surrogat-Zellen wurden frisch isolierte periphere mononukleäre Zellen (PBMCs) sowie die permanente Lymphozyten-Zelllinie Jurkat eingesetzt und deren ATP-Gehalt mittels Luziferin-Luziferase-Lumineszenz gemessen. Der Test wird nicht durch Lipopolysaccharid gestört und auch Aluminiumhydroxid übt erst nach mehreren Stunden Inkubation einen interferierenden Einfluss aus. Ebenso konnte aktives Pertussis-Toxin mit Hilfe kryokonservierter PBMCs detektiert werden, auch in orientierenden Versuchen mit komplexen Impfstoffen. Der Pertussis-ATP-Test kommt der In vivo-Situation in der Zelle sehr nahe, weil beide Untereinheiten des Toxins in einem Test überprüft werden. Demnach soll er Bestandteil einer geplanten internationalen Studie zu alternativen Pertussis-Toxin-Testungen sein.
This study was a further investigation of the 1996 Texas Immunization Survey conducted by the Associateship for Disease Control and Prevention of the Texas Department of Health. The 1996 survey was conducted through 4,599 completed telephone interviews of families with a child between the ages of 3–35 months concerning the immunization status of Texas children. The present study determined differences in immunization rates for children aged 3–35 months for the last shot in the immunization series that should be completed before 2 years of age, a total of four shots, both overall and for different health insurance groups. Life tables were used to determine the percentage and distribution over time of completed vaccination rates for each shot. Emphasis was placed on the proportion of children that were immunized at the end of the recommended range of the immunization schedule, and at 2 years of age. Univariate and multivariate analysis was also performed in order to ascertain which risk factors predict whether or not a child will be immunized. RESULTS: Between 80–90% were immunized for the last shot of Hepatitis B; Measles, Mumps, and Rubella; and Polio at 2 years of age. Approximately 2/3 of the sample was immunized for Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus. Most of the children were immunized by the end of the recommended range of the immunization schedule except for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. Children of parents with private indemnity insurance were significantly more likely to have received two of the four shots; children of uninsured parents were significantly less likely to have received three of the four shots. In multivariate analysis, maternal education was the only variable that consistently predicted immunization status for the different shots. Results indicate that a substantial gap exists for immunization rates between children with private insurance and uninsured children, despite recent policy changes to provide immunizations free of charge. Health care providers should pay extra attention to the poor and uninsured to make sure that all children receive timely immunizations. ^
Projecto de graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Enfermagem
The present study analyzes the conceptions and the nursing workers' practices about the relationship between vaccination and biosecurity in a public hospital of reference in communicable diseases in Natal/RN. It is treated, therefore, of a exploratory/descriptive study with qualitative and quantitative approach. They were constituted as collaborators of the research twenty-two nursing professionals, being five nurses, three auxiliary and fourteen technicians in nursing. The information were obtained through the interview technique with semi-structured route. In the quantitative approach, the information were analyzed by statistics and presented in form of tables and graphs to characterize the workers and the aspects related to the vaccination situation of the same ones; and in the qualitative approach, we used the method of content analysis. The analysis was accomplished starting from the categories empiric coming from the process of analysis of the field material, measure through inferences and interpretations based on the authors studied in the theoretical referential of the research. Starting from the analysis of the results, we verified that the nursing interviewees' workers establish in a clear way and it aims at, in your speeches, a direct relationship between vaccination and biosecurity besides attributing a meaning of great importance with relationship to the use of the vaccines in your professional lives in what refers to the control and decrease of the risks, above all the biological ones, to the which are exposed in the daily exercise of your functions. However, when analyzing those workers' vaccination situation, we verified that the vaccination covering still meets on this side of the expected for the vaccines of occupational interest, with prominence just for the vaccines against diphtheria and tetanus and to against hepatitis B, that presented coverings considered very good and above the national average. Considering that the institution, although has a service of health occupational active and offer some vaccines of occupational interest, it still presents a work of little mobilization in what refers to the consciousness and the workers' permanent education with relationship to the need and importance of the occupational vaccination, not only for your workers' protection, as well as measure in the infection control and, therefore, as safety for your patients/clients. We understood that that work type didn't still become politics guided by ministries of Health or of the Labor, however, it falls to the institutions that work for the interest of the workers' health to struggle for all and any action and mobilization that have as objective protects the workers of the risks in your work atmosphere