1000 resultados para deliberative interaction


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Cette thèse part du postulat que la crise du syndicalisme résulte d’une remise en cause des identités collectives ayant légitimé jusque dans les années 70 leur représentation des travailleurs. En témoignent les mobilisations, qui se déroulent souvent en dehors des syndicats et de façon conflictuelle avec eux, de travailleuses et travailleurs longtemps minorés par les arrangements institutionnels prévalant avec la société salariale. Différents travaux dans le renouveau syndical relèvent de leur côté que les syndicats peinent à prendre en compte les besoins et aspirations de ces travailleurs car leur identité collective les entraîne à rester dans les sentiers des orientations et représentations institutionnalisées. Cependant, les auteurs se focalisent sur la façon dont le syndicalisme, et en particulier les leaders, peuvent reconstruire une représentation des travailleurs, et non sur la façon dont les identités collectives se transforment. Les études sur le syndicalisme héritent d’un débat sur les mouvements sociaux qui a abouti à scinder les approches théoriques entre celles conceptualisant les identités collectives, mais dans le cadre de théorisations contestables de l’évolution des sociétés, et celles qui sous-théorisent les identités collectives et considèrent que les mouvements sociaux émergent des processus politique et de la mobilisation des ressources. Les travaux sur le renouveau syndical reprennent généralement cette seconde approche et assimilent les mouvements de travailleurs à des organisations en considérant, implicitement, les buts de l’action collective comme donné. Or, un mouvement social est un concept ; il n’est pas réductible à une organisation, au risque sinon de perdre sa valeur heuristique, qui est de chercher à saisir les identités collectives en conflit et les stratégies associées. À partir de l’étude du cas du mouvement de travailleurs dans l’économie solidaire brésilienne, cette thèse questionne donc le « pourquoi de nouvelles identités collectives de travailleurs émergent » et le « comment ou le pourquoi des identités syndicales se transforment ou se reproduisent », lorsqu’elles sont confrontées à l’émergence de nouvelles façons de définir les dominations à combattre et les orientations. Les identités collectives sont opérationnalisées comme des matrices cognitives et normatives, ce qui permet de rendre compte de leur caractère évolutif en fonction des modalités d’interaction. L’étude de cas met en évidence que les mobilisations autonomes des travailleurs minorés sont porteuses de nouvelles définitions des problèmes et de pratiques sociales transformatrices, qui entrent en conflit avec les significations et les pratiques syndicales institutionnalisées. Elle montre que c’est à la suite d’interactions délibératives entre ces travailleurs et les syndicalistes que les identités syndicales se transforment. Cependant, la reconstitution des trajectoires de deux syndicats (de la principale centrale brésilienne) indique que le fait d’entrer dans de telles interactions ne dépend pas d’une décision rationnelle, mais de la perception (de la part des syndicats) des capacités des travailleurs à transformer le rapport au travail et au monde lorsqu’ils agissent collectivement. Un dernier résultat, corollaire, tient dans la falsification de l’hypothèse – défendue par une partie de la littérature sur le renouveau syndical – selon laquelle les syndicats, et en particulier les leaders, peuvent conduire une transformation de la représentation collective en procédant eux-mêmes à une agrégation des multiples identités collectives. Cette hypothèse, qui revient à considérer le but de l’action collective comme donné, est contredite par les données : elles montrent que, dans un tel cas, s’il y a bien des innovations institutionnelles conduites par le syndicat, ces innovations favorisent l’adaptation du syndicalisme aux mutations du capitalisme et non la transformation des rapports sociaux de domination, parce que prédominent alors les liens sociaux avec les groupes dominants, c’est-à-dire les interprétations cognitives dominantes des problèmes.


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This paper demonstrates that in order to understand and design for interactions in complex work environments, a variety of representational artefacts must be developed and employed. A study was undertaken to explore the design of better interaction technologies to support patient record keeping in a dental surgery. The domain chosen is a challenging real context that exhibits problems that could potentially be solved by ubiquitous computing and multi-modal interaction technologies. Both transient and durable representations were used to develop design understandings. We describe the representations, the kinds of insights developed from the representations and the way that the multiple representations interact and carry forward in the design process.


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Among the many new opportunities that digital technologies are enabling are an increased capacity for viewers to interact not only with the program content, but with an increasingly wide array of other digital applications. Within this context this project has developed a new interaction device (incorporating gestural platform technology) and user interfaces to facilitate interactive access to digital media in a lounge room setting. This paper provides an overview of an interdisciplinary design process applied by Australasian CRC for Interaction Design (ACID) researchers—in order to develop the device and present in detail its unique features.


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The definition and operationalisation of interactional competence in speaking tests that entail co-construction of discourse is an area of language testing requiring further research. This article explores the reactions of four trained raters to paired candidates who oriented to asymmetric patterns of interaction in a discussion task. Through an analysis of candidate discourse combined with rater notes, stimulated verbal recalls, rater discussions and scores awarded for interactional effectiveness, the article examines the extent to which raters compensate or penalise candidates for their role in co-constructing asymmetric interactional patterns. The article argues that key features of the interaction are perceived by the raters as mutual achievements, and it further suggests that the awarding of shared scores for interactional competence is one way of acknowledging the inherently co-constructed nature of interaction in a paired speaking test.


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The epilogue pulls together the conceptual and methodological significance of the papers in the special issue exploring childhood and social interaction in everyday life in Sweden, Norway, United States and Australia. In considering the special issue, four domains of childhood are identified and discussed: childhood is a social construct where children learn how to enter into and participate in their social organizations, competency is best understood when communicative practices are examined in situ, children’s talk and interaction show situated culture in action, and childhood consists of shared social orders between children and adults. Emerging analytic interests are proposed, including investigating how children understand locations and place. Finally, the epilogue highlights the core focus of this special issue, which is showing children’s own methods for making sense of their everyday contexts using the interactional and cultural resources they have to hand.


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This paper discusses the ongoing design and use of a digital community noticeboard situated in a suburban hub. The design intention is to engage residents, collect and display local information and communications, and spark discussion. A key contribution is an understanding of Situated Display navigation that aids retrieval from a long-term collection created by and for suburban community, and engaging qualities of this collection.


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This paper explores inter-agency working and examines the implications of inter-agency operations for delivering multi-domain service outcomes. Cross-agency collaborative approaches to service delivery are suggested to provide the vehicle for achieving integrated service and policy goals. However, it is argued these need to be crafted ‘fit’ for purpose’ and may not be the requisite approach for all joint purposes. Moreover, some commentators suggest that the optimism about these partnership arrangements and cross-agency actions to resolve complex multi-dimensional problems may be misplaced and propose that further research into the actual rather than desired consequences of these arrangements may find that, at times, partnership working creates negative effects. While collaboration and partnerships are often framed as the way to achieve real breakthroughs in service delivery across agencies, there remain key challenges to interagency working. As more and insistent calls for agencies and other community actors to work together in resolving complex social problems are heeded, the implications of working across organizational boundaries need to be further investigated. This paper investigates cases of inter-agency programmes to understand the dimensions and limitations of inter-agency working. The paper concludes by offering a framework for better inter-agency working that has applicability across all sectors.


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This paper discusses how intuitive interaction is a possible way to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of interaction with older adults. It provides insights into existing research on intuitive interaction, and the role of prior experience and familiarity in intuition. An experiment is discussed which investigates differences in familiarity between younger and older adults. A comprehensive coding system has been developed to help analyse the data collected. This research is currently in progress.


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Two studies were conducted to investigate empirical support for two models relating to the development of self-concepts and self-esteem in upper-primary school children. The first study investigated the social learning model by examining the relationship between mothers' and fathers' self-reported self-concepts and self-esteem and the self-reported self-concepts and self-esteem of their children. The second study investigated the symbolic interaction model by examining the relationship between children's perception of the frequency of positive and negative statements made by parents and their self-reported self-concepts and self-esteem. The results of these studies suggested that what parents say to their children and how they interact with them is more closely related to their children's self-perceptions than the role of modelling parental attitudes and behaviours. The findings highlight the benefits of parents talking positively to their children.


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This paper uses the virtual world Second Life (as Web 2.0 environment) to discuss how sociological theory is a relevant tool for innovation in the area of games design as a methodological strategy. Via the theories of Erving Goffman’s interaction order the paper illustrates how micro studies of online interaction demonstrate active accounts of membership and complex interactivity. In order to achieve this, the paper outlines a methodological tool to assist in the application of micro sociology to Web 2.0 environments that accounts for the multiple dimensions of participation within the digital field.