980 resultados para ddc: 004


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Report of a research project of the Fachhochschule Hannover, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Department of Information Technologies. Automatic face recognition increases the security standards at public places and border checkpoints. The picture inside the identification documents could widely differ from the face, that is scanned under random lighting conditions and for unknown poses. The paper describes an optimal combination of three key algorithms of object recognition, that are able to perform in real time. The camera scan is processed by a recurrent neural network, by a Eigenfaces (PCA) method and by a least squares matching algorithm. Several examples demonstrate the achieved robustness and high recognition rate.


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Vorstellung und Kritik der Therapiesoftware 'Overcoming Depression'.


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Ein sehr großer Anteil der in Rechensystemen auftretenden Fehler ereignet sich im Speicher. In dieser Arbeit wird ein zerlegungsorientiertes Modell entwickelt, das die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Speicherfehlern und Systemleistung untersucht. Zunächst wird das Speicherverhalten eines Auftrags durch ein mehrphasiges Independent-Reference-Modell charakterisiert. Dies dient als Grundlage eines Modells zum Auftreten von Störungen, in das Lastcharakteristika wie die Auftrags-Verweildauer, die Seitenzugriffs-Rate und die Paging-Rate eingehen. Anschließend kann die Wahrscheinlichkeit, mit der ein Speicherfehler entdeckt wird, berechnet werden. Die zur Behandlung von Speicherfehlern erforderlichen Maßnahmen bestimmen die mittlere durch Fehler induzierte Last. Die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Fehler- und Leistungsverhalten werden durch ein System nichtlinearer Gleichung beschrieben, für dessen Lösung ein iteratives Verfahren abgeleitet wird. Abschließend wird mit ausführlichen Beispielen das Modell erläutert und der Einfluß einiger Modell-Parameter auf Leistungs- und Zuverlässigkeitskenngrößen untersucht.


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Das Kapitel (aus dem Buch "Mikrorechner-Systeme : Mikroprozessoren, Speicher, Peripherie", siehe Quelle) behandelt verschiedene Konzepte der Speicherverwaltung und stellt Bausteine vor, die diese Verwaltung hardwaremäßig durchführen. Außerdem werden verschiedene Maßnahmen zur Hardware-Unterstützung von Mikroprozessor-Betriebssystemen beschrieben.


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Das Projekt Promise2007 befasste sich mit der Erstellung und Auswertung einer Statistik zur Mitgliedersituation im Berufsverband Medizinischer Informatiker e.V.. Mit dem Ziel mehr über die Mitglieder und ihre derzeitige Situation zu erfahren wurde das Projekt an der Fachhochschule Hannover initiiert. Statistisch erfasst wurden Fragen zum Beschäftigungsverhältnis, zu Aus- und Weiterbildung, der beruflichen Situation und persönliche Angaben. Die Ergebnisse wurden ausgewertet und daraus wichtige Erkenntnisse für den BVMI e.V. abgeleitet, welche auf die weitere Verbandsarbeit Einfluss nehmen.


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We compare the effect of different text segmentation strategies on speech based passage retrieval of video. Passage retrieval has mainly been studied to improve document retrieval and to enable question answering. In these domains best results were obtained using passages defined by the paragraph structure of the source documents or by using arbitrary overlapping passages. For the retrieval of relevant passages in a video, using speech transcripts, no author defined segmentation is available. We compare retrieval results from 4 different types of segments based on the speech channel of the video: fixed length segments, a sliding window, semantically coherent segments and prosodic segments. We evaluated the methods on the corpus of the MediaEval 2011 Rich Speech Retrieval task. Our main conclusion is that the retrieval results highly depend on the right choice for the segment length. However, results using the segmentation into semantically coherent parts depend much less on the segment length. Especially, the quality of fixed length and sliding window segmentation drops fast when the segment length increases, while quality of the semantically coherent segments is much more stable. Thus, if coherent segments are defined, longer segments can be used and consequently less segments have to be considered at retrieval time.


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Die automatisierte Bewertung studentischer Übungsabgaben in Programmieren-Lehrveranstaltungen weist Parallelen zum automatisierten Test in der professionellen Softwareentwicklung auf. Allerdings muss ein Autobewerter (Grader), um lernförderlich zu sein, andere Zielsetzungen erfüllen als üblicherweise im professionellen Softwaretest eingesetzte Analyse- und Testwerkzeuge. Dieser Beitrag identifiziert wesentliche Unterschiede und beschreibt, wie sich diese Unterschiede in dem an der Hochschule Hannover entwickelten und seit mehreren Jahren im Einsatz befindlichen Autobewerter "Graja" niederschlagen.


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At large, research universities, a common approach for teaching hundreds of undergraduate students at one time is the traditional, large, lecture-based course. Trends indicate that over the next decade there will be an increase in the number of large, campus courses being offered as well as larger enrollments in courses currently offered. As universities investigate alternative means to accommodate more students and their learning needs, Web-based instruction provides an attractive delivery mode for teaching large, on-campus courses. This article explores a theoretical approach regarding how Web-based instruction can be designed and developed to provide quality education for traditional, on-campus, undergraduate students. The academic debate over the merit of Web-based instruction for traditional, on-campus students has not been resolved. This study identifies and discusses instructional design theory for adapting a large, lecture-based course to the Web.


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In the last years, the well known ray tracing algorithm gained new popularity with the introduction of interactive ray tracing methods. The high modularity and the ability to produce highly realistic images make ray tracing an attractive alternative to raster graphics hardware. Interactive ray tracing also proved its potential in the field of Mixed Reality rendering and provides novel methods for seamless integration of real and virtual content. Actor insertion methods, a subdomain of Mixed Reality and closely related to virtual television studio techniques, can use ray tracing for achieving high output quality in conjunction with appropriate visual cues like shadows and reflections at interactive frame rates. In this paper, we show how interactive ray tracing techniques can provide new ways of implementing virtual studio applications.


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Projects in the area of architectural design and urban planning typically engage several architects as well as experts from other professions. While the design and review meetings thus often involve a large number of cooperating participants, the actual design is still done by the individuals in the time in between those meetings using desktop PCs and CAD applications. A real collaborative approach to architectural design and urban planning is often limited to early paper-based sketches.In order to overcome these limitations, we designed and realized the ARTHUR system, an Augmented Reality (AR) enhanced round table to support complex design and planning decisions for architects. WhileAR has been applied to this area earlier, our approach does not try to replace the use of CAD systems but rather integrates them seamlessly into the collaborative AR environment. The approach is enhanced by intuitiveinteraction mechanisms that can be easily con-figured for different application scenarios.


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Methods for optical motion capture often require timeconsuming manual processing before the data can be used for subsequent tasks such as retargeting or character animation. These processing steps restrict the applicability of motion capturing especially for dynamic VR-environments with real time requirements. To solve these problems, we present two additional, fast and automatic processing stages based on our motion capture pipeline presented in [HSK05]. A normalization step aligns the recorded coordinate systems with the skeleton structure to yield a common and intuitive data basis across different recording sessions. A second step computes a parameterization based on automatically extracted main movement axes to generate a compact motion description. Our method does not restrict the placement of marker bodies nor the recording setup, and only requires a short calibration phase.


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In this paper we provide a framework that enables the rapid development of applications using non-standard input devices. Flash is chosen as programming language since it can be used for quickly assembling applications. We overcome the difficulties of Flash to access external devices by introducing a very generic concept: The state information generated by input devices is transferred to a PC where a program collects them, interprets them and makes them available on a web server. Application developers can now integrate a Flash component that accesses the data stored in XML format and directly use it in their application.


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Eine neue Forschungs-Plattform bietet erstmals eine Kombination aus privatem Daten- und Literaturmanagement mit sozialen Werkzeugen wie Wikis, Projektmanagement und Netzwerk. „scholarz.net“ überträgt die Erfolgsprinzipien des Web 2.0 auf die Forschung und macht die neuen technischen Möglichkeiten für die Wissenschaft fruchtbar.