988 resultados para day-surgery
October 2003 - main findings arising from the study and the key conclusions
OBJECTIVE: The effect of minor orthopaedic day surgery (MiODS) on patient's mood. METHODS: A prospective population-based cohort study of 148 consecutive patients with age above 18 and less than 65, an American Society of Anaesthesiology (ASA) score of 1, and the requirement of general anaesthesia (GA) were included. The Medical Outcomes Study - Short Form 36 (SF-36), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were used pre- and post-operatively. RESULTS: The mean physical component score of SF-36 before surgery was 45.3 (SD=+/-10.1) and 8 weeks following surgery was 44.9 (SD=+/-11.04) [n=148, p=0.51, 95% CI=(-1.03 to 1.52)]. For the measurement of the changes in mood using BDI, BAI and SF-36, latent construct modelling was employed to increase validity. The covariance between mood pre- and post-operatively (cov=69.44) corresponded to a correlation coefficient, r=0.88 indicating that patients suffering a greater number of mood symptoms before surgery continue to have a greater number of symptoms following surgery. When the latent mood constructs were permitted to have different means the model fitted well with chi(2) (df=1)=0.86 for which p=0.77, thus the null hypothesis that MiODS has no effect on patient mood was rejected. CONCLUSIONS: MiODS affects patient mood which deteriorates at 8 weeks post-operatively regardless of the pre-operative patient mood state. More importantly patients suffering a greater number of mood symptoms before MiODS continue to have a greater number of symptoms following surgery.
BACKGROUND: The proportion of surgery performed as a day case varies greatly between countries. Low rates suggest a large growth potential in many countries. Measuring the potential development of one day surgery should be grounded on a comprehensive list of eligible procedures, based on a priori criteria, independent of local practices. We propose an algorithmic method, using only routinely available hospital data to identify surgical hospitalizations that could have been performed as one day treatment. METHODS: Moving inpatient surgery to one day surgery was considered feasible if at least one surgical intervention was eligible for one day surgery and if none of the following criteria were present: intervention or affection requiring an inpatient stay, patient transferred or died, and length of stay greater than four days. The eligibility of a procedure to be treated as a day case was mainly established on three a priori criteria: surgical access (endoscopic or not), the invasiveness of the procedure and the size of the operated organ. Few overrides of these criteria occurred when procedures were associated with risk of immediate complications, slow physiological recovery or pain treatment requiring hospital infrastructure. The algorithm was applied to a random sample of one million inpatient US stays and more than 600 thousand Swiss inpatient stays, in the year 2002. RESULTS: The validity of our method was demonstrated by the few discrepancies between the a priori criteria based list of eligible procedures, and a state list used for reimbursement purposes, the low proportion of hospitalizations eligible for one day care found in the US sample (4.9 versus 19.4% in the Swiss sample), and the distribution of the elective procedures found eligible in Swiss hospitals, well supported by the literature. There were large variations of the proportion of candidates for one day surgery among elective surgical hospitalizations between Swiss hospitals (3 to 45.3%). CONCLUSION: The proposed approach allows the monitoring of the proportion of inpatient stay candidates for one day surgery. It could be used for infrastructure planning, resources negotiation and the surveillance of appropriate resource utilization.
Day surgery has gained a large popularity during the last decades. In Finland, 57% of the elective procedures, and 50% at Turku University Hospital, were already conducted on day basis during 2012. The steady growth of day surgery is mostly due to an increased safety in perioperative care and cost-effectiveness. The development of surgical techniques and anaesthetic methods has advanced the modern day surgery and extended the repertory of the procedures for use in day surgery operations. Day surgery also offers certain benefits like reduced risk for hospital-related infections, stress and confusion. Patient satisfaction, regarding several issues, is high. Most concerns and complaints are related to postoperative pain, nausea and vomiting pain and nausea. Pain can hamper recovery and pain management is a crucial factor for hospital discharge. Appropriate pain treatment is effective, safe, easy and economical. A procedure-specific approach and an individually planned, multimodal analgesia should be the basis of modern pain management. The main aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of anaesthetic technique and methods in pain treatment of orthopaedic day case surgery, and following conclusions were made. Unilateral spinal block was achieved using hyperbaric bupivacaine with a small dose of clonidine but clonidine prolonged the block. Continuous subacromial bupivacaine was found to be safe but conferring only moderate efficacy in pain care after shoulder arthroscopy. Transdermal fentanyl, 12 g/h, as part of multimodal analgesia, offered a safe and easy option to pain management in this patient group. However, after forefoot surgery, it did not reduce pain any further. In general, pain scores in all patient groups were low and the need for rescue opioid moderate.
Continuity is a part of high-quality patient care. The purpose of this study was to analyse what factors are important in the continuity of patients’ care, and how well continuity is achieved in different stages of the care of day surgical patients. Day surgery has become significantly more prevalent in the past few decades, and in order for it to be carried out successfully, continuity in care is particularly essential. The study was carried out in two stages. In the first stage (2001–2005) of the study, continuity was examined through a review of literature from the perspective of critical pathways, naming the continuity categories of time flow, coordination flow, caring relationship flow, and information flow. The first stage also entailed an analysis of matters important to the patient and problems concerning the achievement of care continuity, carried out by interviewing 25 day surgical patients. In the second stage (2006–2015), the degree to which the continuity of day surgical patient care was achieved was analysed from the perspective of patients (n=203, 58%) and nurses working in day surgery units (n=83, 69%), and suggestions for developing the continuity of day surgery patient care were made. In this study continuity of care was examined through a review of literature from the perspective of critical pathways, naming the continuity categories of time flow, coordination flow, caring relationship flow, and information flow. Within these categories, several important factors for the patient were found. According to both patients and nurses, continuity of care is generally achieved to a high degree. Continuity of care is improved by patients being acquainted with and meeting the staff attending to them (nurse and surgeon) before and after the operation. From patients’ perspective, there is room for improvement especially in terms of being admitted to care and in the carer-patient relationship. From nurses’ perspective, there is room for improvement in terms of the smoothness of care. Nurses evaluated the continuity of care to be the least successful before and after the operation. An extensive social and health care reform is planned in Finland in the coming years, aiming to enhance social and health care services and to create smoothly functioning service and care. As a topic of further study supporting the development of the service system, it is important to follow the patient’s progress throughout the entire chain of care, e.g. as a case study. On the other hand, there is also a need to study the views of nurses and other health care professionals in health care, e.g. in primary health care.
Aim. This paper reports a study to test the hypothesis that day surgery patients who listen to music during their preoperative wait will have statistically significantly lower levels of anxiety than patients who receive routine care. Background. Although previous day surgery research suggests that music effectively reduces preoperative anxiety, methodological issues limit the generalizability of results. Methods. In early 2004, a randomized controlled trial design was conducted to assess anxiety before and after listening to patient preferred music. Participants were allocated to an intervention (n = 60), placebo (n = 60) or control group (n = 60). Pre- and post-test measures of anxiety were carried out using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results. Music statistically significantly reduced the state anxiety level of the music (intervention) group. No relationships were found between socio-demographic or clinical variables such as gender or type of surgery. Conclusion. The findings support the use of music as an independent nursing intervention for preoperative anxiety in patients having day surgery.
Although health policy would suggest that day surgery is the best service for patients undergoing a surgical procedure, it is important to consider the patient and whether this type of service is what they want. This information can be generated through a service evaluation with the results used to inform local decision-making, changes to care delivery and improvements in patient care. This article describes the results of a service evaluation performed in a single-site day surgery unit.
Incisional hernia is one of the most common complications of laparotomy. Its repair with prosthesis has enabled a considerable improvement in the outcome, significantly reducing recurrences. This study analyses the results of open hernioplasty with mesh performed as a Day Surgery procedure in 42 patients between November 2008 and October 2010. The results were good, with low postoperative morbidity and recurrences (2.4%).
The treatment of malignant or benign colorectal pathologies that require more complex management are priorities in tertiary hospitals such as "Hospital das Clínicas" University of São Paulo Medical Center (HCFMUSP). Therefore, benign, uncomplicated orifice conditions are relegated to second place. The number of patients with hemorrhoids, perianal fistulas, fissures, condylomas and pilonidal cysts who seek treatment at the HFMUSP is very great, resulting in over-crowding in the outpatient clinics and a long waiting list for recommended surgical treatment (at times over 18 months). The authors describe the experience of the HCFMUSP over an eight-day period with day-hospital surgery in which 140 patients underwent surgery. Data was prospectively taken on the patients undergoing surgery for benign orifice pathologies including age, sex, diagnosis, surgery performed, immediate and late postoperative complications, and follow-up. 140 patients operated on over eight days were studied. 68 were males (48.75%) with ages ranging from 25 to 62 (mean 35.2 yrs.). Hemorrhoids was the most frequent condition encountered (82 hemorrhoidectomies, 58.6%), followed by perineal fistula (28 fistula repairs, 20.0%). The most common complication was headache secondary to rachianesthesia occurring in 9 patients (6.4%). One patient (0.7%) developed bleeding immediately PO that required reoperation. Mean follow-up was 104 days. Day-surgery characterized by quality care and low morbidity is feasible in tertiary public hospitals, permitting surgery for benign orifice pathologies on many patients within a short period of time.
RESUMO - Objectivos Um dos problemas mais comuns nos sistemas de saúde e particularmente naqueles que têm uma estrutura predominantemente pública são os elevados Tempos Espera (TE) para cirurgia. Este projecto tem como principal objectivo identificar a importância relativa em Portugal das determinantes do TE cirúrgico. Metodologia Para clarificar essa importância, aplicou-se um questionário desenvolvido pelo Fraser Institute, utilizado para a análise anual dos TE no Canadá, recorrendo a um painel de peritos e através da realização da técnica Delphi, procurou-se consensualizar quais as determinantes das Listas Espera (LE), mais importantes. Para ilustrar a diversidade de perspectivas, recorreu-se também à análise de trabalhos realizados por inúmeras organizações, onde pudemos observar e recolher distintas abordagens, políticas e técnicas da questão das LE em países com diferentes tipos de sistemas de saúde. Resultados Os resultados obtidos revelam que os peritos consideraram a disponibilidade de tempo no Bloco Operatório (BO) e a de anestesiologistas, como as determinantes com maior impacto no aumento das LE. Conclusões Dos dados recebidos relativos ao Sistema Integrado Gestão Inscritos Cirurgia (SIGIC), bem como dos retirados de relatórios oficiais, concluímos que as LE cirúrgicas tiveram evolução positiva, nomeadamente na redução da mediana do TE da Lista Inscritos Cirurgia (LIC) (meses), no entanto, os objectivos dos Tempos Máximos Resposta Garantidos (TMRG) não estão a ser cumpridos. A análise das diferentes iniciativas e estratégias políticas para combater as LE, permitiu-nos sugerir caminhos a explorar, tendo como objectivo minorar o problema das LE: cuidados integrados, optimização da eficiência na utilização da capacidade instalada e maior aposta na cirurgia de ambulatório.
Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää toimintojohtamisen soveltamisen mahdollisuudet Etelä-Karjalan keskussairaalan päiväkirurgisessa yksikössä. Tavoitteena oli kehittää päiväkirurgisen yksikön toimintolaskentamallia ja selvittää sen avulla toimenpiteiden hinnat. Lisäksi työn tavoitteena oli tutkia toimintolaskentamallin avulla päiväkirurgisen yksikön laajennuksen vaikutuksia toimenpiteiden hintoihin. Tietoa aiheeseen haettiin kirjallisuudesta, lehtiartikkeleista, internetistä ja haastattelujen avulla. Aineiston tulkinnassa ja analyysissa käytettiin taulukkolaskentaohjelmistoa. Toimintolaskentamallia parannettiin kustannusten tarkemman kohdistamisen ja toimenpiteiden luokittelun avulla ja mallista tehtiin helppokäyttöinen, jotta sen hyödyntäminen päätöksenteon apuna olisi mielekästä. Keskeisinä tuloksina saatiin päiväkirurgisessa yksikössä tehtävien toimenpiteiden toimintolaskentahinnat ennen ja jälkeen laajennuksen käyttöönottoa. Toimenpiteiden toimintolaskentahinnat vastaavat todellisia toimenpiteistä aiheutuneita kustannuksia. Laajennuksen toteuduttua toimenpiteiden keskiarvohinnan arvioidaan laskevan 260 ¤. Toimenpiteinä ehdotetaan päiväkirurgisten toimenpiteiden hintojen tarkastelua työpareittain ja lisätutkimuksia implanttien kustannusvaikutuksista sekä toimintolaskentamallin käytännön soveltamista päiväkirurgisessa yksikössä.
Työn ensisijaisena tavoitteena oli selvittää Etelä-Karjalan keskussairaalan päiväkirurgisessa yksikössä tehtävien leikkausten toimintolaskentahinnat sekä vertailla saatuja hintoja yksikössä käytettäviin DRG- hintoihin. Toisena tavoitteena oli selvittää toimintolaskennan sovellusmahdollisuutta DRG- hinnoittelujärjestelmään. Tutkimusaineistoa kerättiin haastattelemalla yksikön henkilökuntaa. Kustannustietojen lähteenä käytettiin sairaalan laskentajärjestelmää. Aineiston tulkinnassa ja analyysissä käytettiin taulukkolaskentaohjelmistoa. Teoriaosuuden lähteinä käytettiin aiheisiin liittyvää kirjallisuutta ja artikkeleita. Leikkauksiin liittyvät toiminnot selvitettiin toimintoanalyysin avulla. Keskeisinä tuloksina saatiin yksikössä tehtävien leikkausten toimintolaskentahinnat. Vertailun tuloksena voidaan todeta, että toimintolaskenta ja DRG- hinnat eroavat toisistaan. Tutkimuksen tuloksena voidaan todeta myös se, että toimintolaskentaa voidaan soveltaa DRG- hinnoitteluun. Toimenpiteinä ehdotetaan lisätutkimuksia DRG- hinnoittelujärjestelmän ja toimintolaskennan soveltuvuudesta yhteen. Työssä kehitetyn laskentatavan oikeellisuutta tulisi selvittää laajemmin.
Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin Etelä-Karjalan keskussairaalan sädehoitoyksikön, päiväkirurgisen yksikön sekä synnytysten ja naistentautien yksikön käyttämän kapasiteetin kustannuksia eri käyttöasteilla. Yksiköiden toiminta ja niiden keskeiset resurssit kuvattiin. Tiedot kerättiin käyttäen haastatteluja, käyttöomaisuuskirjanpitoa ja laskentatoimen talousraportointijärjestelmää. Yksiköiden tuloslaskelmien perusteella arvioitiin niiden muuttuvia ja kiinteitä kustannuksia. Kapasiteettimalleja arvioitiin voitavan hyödyntää esimerkiksi toiminnan seurannassa, suunnittelussa ja tavoiteasetannassa. Kapasiteetin määrittely ja kapasiteetin kustannusten laskenta erilaisille kapasiteetin käyttöasteille onnistui kaikissa yksiköissä. Parhaiten kapasiteetin kustannustieto kuvasi sädehoitoa ja heikoiten synnytyksiä. Käyttämätöntä kapasiteettia tunnistettiin sädehoitoyksikössä ja päiväkirurgisessa yksikössä. Toiminta-asteen noston vaikutukset yksikkökustannuksiin laskettiin kaikissa yksiköissä ja niissä yksiköissä, joissa oli käyttämätöntä kapasiteettia, tehtiin lisäksi tarkempia laskelmia ja ehdotuksia toiminnan kehittämiseksi.
The frequency of patient-reported health care-associated infections across several high-income countries was analyzed in representative population samples based on data from "The Commonwealth Fund's 2011 International Survey of Sicker Adults in Eleven countries." Across countries, 8.9% of patients who were hospitalized and/or had surgery reported an infection, but this rate varied considerably from 5.3% in the United States to 11.9% in New Zealand. Patients who reported infection were more likely to rate the quality of medical care received as fair or poor (odds ratio [OR], 2.4; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.9-3.1, P < .001). Female sex (OR, 1.2; 95% CI: 1.0-1.5, P = .027), reporting 2 or more chronic conditions (OR, 1.5; 95% CI: 1.1-2.0, P = .004), poor health (OR, 1.6; 95% CI: 1.2-2.1, P < .001), and surgery (OR, 1.8; 95% CI: 1.4-2.3, P < .001) were significant predictors for health care-associated infection across countries. Being above 64 years of age (OR, 0.78; 95% CI: 0.64-0.95, P = .013) and day-surgery (OR, 0.62; 95% CI: 0.48-0.79, P < .001) decreased the likelihood for reporting infection.
BACKGROUND: Most healthcare in the US is delivered in the ambulatory care setting, but the epidemiology of errors and adverse events in ambulatory care is understudied. METHODS: Using the population-based data from the Colorado and Utah Medical Practices Study, we identified adverse events that occurred in an ambulatory care setting and led to hospital admission. Proportions with 95% CIs are reported. RESULTS: We reviewed 14,700-hospital discharge records and found 587 adverse events of which 70 were ambulatory care adverse events (AAEs) and 31 were ambulatory care preventable adverse events (APAEs). When weighted to the general population, there were 2608 AAEs and 1296 (44.3%) APAEs in Colorado and Utah, USA, in 1992. APAEs occurred most commonly in physicians' offices (43.1%, range 46.8-27.8), the emergency department (32.3%, 46.1-18.5) and at home (13.1%, 23.1-3.1). APAEs in day surgery were less common (7.1%, 13.6-0.6) but caused the greatest harm to patients. The types of APAEs were broadly distributed among missed or delayed diagnoses (36%, 50.2-21.8), surgery (24.1%, 36.7-11.5), non-surgical procedures (14.6%, 25.0-4.2), medication (13.1%, 23.1-3.1) and therapeutic events (12.3%, 22.0-2.6). Overall, 10% of the APAEs resulted in serious permanent injury or death. The proportion of APAEs that resulted in death was 31.8% for general internal medicine, 22.5% for family practice and 16.7% for emergency medicine. CONCLUSION: An estimated 75,000 hospitalisations per year are due to preventable adverse events that occur in outpatient settings in the US, resulting in 4839 serious permanent injuries and 2587 deaths.