990 resultados para creative activity
This is a draft for a chapter of the book version of my Ph.D thesis. The chapter addresses the following question: Are the creative processes of musical composers and academic economists essentially the same, or are there significant differences? The paper finds that there are deep similarities between the creative processes of theoretical economists and the creative processes of artists. The chapter builds a process oriented lifecycle account of creative activity, drawing on testimonial material from the arts and the sciences, and relates the model to the creative work of economists developing economic theory.
The aim of this text is to discuss how it is possible to manage the art creating process in a film project, where the circumstances are often turbulent. In normative project management literature one proceeds from the idea that a project is realised in a stable world from a clear goal. In a film project there is often a need to change your plans, to improvise both in front of the camera as well as behind the camera. In the theoretical cinematic literature the responsibility for the final film text is more and more being viewed as a product of not only the director, but of the whole team’s work. Consequently, the narrative of leadership/management in a film team can be viewed from a relational perspective where the director and those s/he interacts with, are responsible for the action, relations and social situations they construe jointly in the process of filmmaking. The organization of a film project is a temporary one. The members of a team are seldom the same from one production to another, as well as the creative process always being unique. According to process thinking, organizing can be seen as the ongoing creative activity where we structure and stabilize the chaotic, moving reality. As concerns a film project, the process of becoming of the filmic expression; careful plans, on the one hand, and improvisation and flexibility in action, on the other hand, are a precondition for its realisation. The director when setting a linguistic formulation to what is to be done, can be considered as a practical author.
This report presents results from a study of the creative economy associated with the arts, design, crafts and related activities in South Carolina. As this report will show, these creative individuals and enterprises exert a strong impact on the state’s economic base. Like other drivers of the regional economy, this creative activity revolves around a cluster, or a set of interrelated industries, that thrive in tandem. Along with manufacturing and agriculture, the creative cluster is a catalyst for state and local economic development. The report presents results from an analysis of the South Carolina creative cluster based on 2008 data. For the first time, this report provides a comprehensive summary of the creative economic footprint in South Carolina.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, as intervenções de Arte-Terapia baseada nas actividades criativas de Pintura têm sido implementadas em várias instituições e com variados objectivos e fins terapêuticos, diferindo nas suas abordagens (antroposófica, arte-pedagógica e apenas baseada na arte) e nos seus métodos e materiais aplicados. Constatamos que o recurso a actividades criativas, como a Pintura, provocam efeitos positivos nos indivíduos levando-os a resolver problemas e a reduzir ansiedades, melhorando a sua qualidade de vida. Deste modo é objectivo deste estudo pré-experimental efectuar uma análise das propriedades psicofisiológicas da Pintura como actividade criativa remediativa das manifestações de ansiedade em adultos, sem diagnóstico de perturbação ansiosa. De encontro a esse objectivo, perante uma amostra constituída por 7 indivíduos com níveis de ansiedade elevados, desenvolvemos um processo terapêutico, em que foram realizadas dez sessões de pintura, com a periodicidade de duas vezes por semana tendo cada sessão a duração de 45 min. Antes e depois da intervenção pela pintura, foi administrado o inventário para Avaliação do Traço da Ansiedade (STAY-Y), e durante essas sessões foram registadas as manifestações psicofisiológicas da ansiedade, mais especificamente a actividade electrodérmica da pele (EDA) e a frequência cardíaca. (FC), sendo efectuada a sua análise. Na sequência da análise dos dados obtidos nos dois instrumentos aplicados, verificamos que em relação aos marcadores psicofisiológicos EDA e FC não obtivemos diferenças estatísticas significativas para comprovar que de facto existe uma relação entre estes marcadores e a redução da ansiedade. Em relação ao STAY-Y referente à ansiedade traço, aplicado antes e depois das sessões de pintura, verificamos uma diminuição do score, o que evidência a ocorrência de uma diminuição da ansiedade traço nos indivíduos alvo do nosso estudo. Significa isto que apesar de existir uma variância nos resultados obtidos através das duas abordagens, é provavel que a pintura, enquanto actividade terapêutica, reduza o traço de ansiedade em indivíduos normais, com níveis de ansiedade elevados e sem manifestações de ansiedade diagnosticada.
The aim of this study is to contribute to the knowledge about learning in and through art related to pupils’ study processes developing clown characters in secondary school. The pre understanding of this qualitative piece of micro ethnographic research is that the elaboration of clown has openness to play, creative activity and imagination. The art form clown inspires and motivates. The clown character creates a kind and friendly atmosphere, calls upon smile, which promotes learning. It is an art form promoting deep and personal reflection and evoking questions regarding identity formation. The pre understanding finally is that existential themes are brought to articulation in the art form clown. The problem formulation for the hermeneutic phenomenological study is an exploration of the meaning potential of an arts educational work with clown from the pupils’ as well as the teacher’s perspective. The study elaborates the following research questions: 1.) How are the pupils staging themselves in the work with clown? a) How are they constructing the clown character? b) How do they reflect upon their construction? c) What are the characteristics of the working process in the elaboration of clown? 2.) What is characteristic of the teacher’s contribution to the arts educational work? 3.) What is characteristic of the meaning making in the elaboration of clown? One group of 21 pupils and their drama teacher in a Swedish secondary school in six workshops (each one 90 minutes) elaborating the clown theme is the group under study through video observation, interviews, students’ logs and drawings, teacher log and researcher’s field notes. The theoretical framework comprises three perspectives on clown: a perspective on the culture of carnival, a drama education perspective and a performance perspective. Through a content analysis of texts about clown a set of characteristics for the clown is used as analytical concepts in the subsequent analysis of the pupils’ working process when they create three clown characters: August, the white clown and the bag lady. The results are presented as fictive narratives built on the video observations and the interviews. The presentation is brought to even more condensation through poetic ethnographic writing of haiku poems by the researcher. This ethnographic writing is idiomatic to the art form under study, and can be seen as a metaphorical meta commentary to the narratives. As a main result the researcher has developed a model describing the different aspects of the clown characters and the meaning potential of the clown as learning regarding exploration of identity and elaboration of existential questions regarding life, loneliness, love, religion and death.
In the network era, creative achievements like innovations are more and more often created in interaction among different actors. The complexity of today‘s problems transcends the individual human mind, requiring not only individual but also collective creativity. In collective creativity, it is impossible to trace the source of new ideas to an individual. Instead, creative activity emerges from the collaboration and contribution of many individuals, thereby blurring the contribution of specific individuals in creating ideas. Collective creativity is often associated with diversity of knowledge, skills, experiences and perspectives. Collaboration between diverse actors thus triggers creativity and gives possibilities for collective creativity. This dissertation investigates collective creativity in the context of practice-based innovation. Practice-based innovation processes are triggered by problem setting in a practical context and conducted in non-linear processes utilising scientific and practical knowledge production and creation in cross-disciplinary innovation networks. In these networks diversity or distances between innovation actors are essential. Innovation potential may be found in exploiting different kinds of distances. This dissertation presents different kinds of distances, such as cognitive, functional and organisational which could be considered as sources of creativity and thus innovation. However, formation and functioning of these kinds of innovation networks can be problematic. Distances between innovating actors may be so great that a special interpretation function is needed – that is, brokerage. This dissertation defines factors that enhance collective creativity in practice-based innovation and especially in the fuzzy front end phase of innovation processes. The first objective of this dissertation is to study individual and collective creativity at the employee level and identify those factors that support individual and collective creativity in the organisation. The second objective is to study how organisations use external knowledge to support collective creativity in their innovation processes in open multi-actor innovation. The third objective is to define how brokerage functions create possibilities for collective creativity especially in the context of practice-based innovation. The research objectives have been studied through five substudies using a case-study strategy. Each substudy highlights various aspects of creativity and collective creativity. The empirical data consist of materials from innovation projects arranged in the Lahti region, Finland, or materials from the development of innovation methods in the Lahti region. The Lahti region has been chosen as the research context because the innovation policy of the region emphasises especially the promotion of practice-based innovations. The results of this dissertation indicate that all possibilities of collective creativity are not utilised in internal operations of organisations. The dissertation introduces several factors that could support collective creativity in organisations. However, creativity as a social construct is understood and experienced differently in different organisations, and these differences should be taken into account when supporting creativity in organisations. The increasing complexity of most potential innovations requires collaborative creative efforts that often exceed the boundaries of the organisation and call for the involvement of external expertise. In practice-based innovation different distances are considered as sources of creativity. This dissertation gives practical implications on how it is possible to exploit different kinds of distances knowingly. It underlines especially the importance of brokerage functions in open, practice-based innovation in order to create possibilities for collective creativity. As a contribution of this dissertation, a model of brokerage functions in practice-based innovation is formulated. According to the model, the results and success of brokerage functions are based on the context of brokerage as well as the roles, tasks, skills and capabilities of brokers. The brokerage functions in practice-based innovation are also possible to divide into social and cognitive brokerage.
Les polémiques ont joué un rôle important dans la réception des romans de Mordecai Richler au Québec francophone. Contrairement à l’idée reçue voulant que cet antagonisme ait empêché la lecture de l’oeuvre richlérienne, c’est plutôt à partir de la publication des essais sur le nationalisme québécois que la critique commencera à s’intéresser à l’écrivain. En effet, que ce soit avant ou après les polémiques, c’est au nom d’un rapport de correspondance au collectif que sera jugée l’oeuvre de Richler. L’abandon d’une conception restreinte de l’identité québécoise ouvre la porte à la relecture contemporaine des romans de Richler, même si cette relecture ne fait pas pour autant l’économie d’un rapport au collectif et cherche plutôt à opposer une identité québécoise exclusivement francophone à une identité prête à inclure un auteur longtemps identifié comme un ennemi public. Les mécanismes de ce rapatriement peuvent être mis en parallèle avec les conflits identitaires qui marquent le personnage richlérien. Dans Son Of A Smaller Hero (1955), Noah Adler tente de se définir en tant qu’être humain et de trouver une morale qui lui est propre en fuyant ses origines. Toutefois, cette fuite ne peut se solder que par un échec et le héros apprend que son idéal d’émancipation passe par une réinterprétation de son héritage plutôt que par l’abandon de celui-ci. Barney’s Version (1997) est en partie le récit de formation d’un écrivain tardif. Si Barney Panofsky s’en prend aux impostures collectives dans le roman, son incapacité à être totalement honnête par rapport à lui-même et à plonger dans une création et une défense sincères de ce en quoi il croit le poussera à s’aliéner ceux à qui il tient véritablement. Cette situation laisse le narrateur avec une oeuvre inachevée qui ne pourra s’accomplir que par l’intervention de ses héritiers. Dans les deux romans, la définition du personnage passe par une réappropriation herméneutique de son héritage qui rappelle, dans son rapport à la trace, au collectif et à l’illégitimité, les relectures francophones de l’oeuvre richlérienne.
Fan culture is a subculture that has developed explosively on the internet over the last decades. Fans are creating their own films, translations, fiction, fan art, blogs, role play and also various forms that are all based on familiar popular culture creations like TV-series, bestsellers, anime, manga stories and games. In our project, we analyze two of these subculture genres, fan fiction and scanlation. Amateurs, and sometimes professional writers, create new stories by adapting and developing existing storylines and characters from the original. In this way, a "network" of texts occurs, and writers step into an intertextual dialogue with established writers such as JK Rowling (Harry Potter) and Stephanie Meyer (Twilight). Literary reception and creation then merge into a rich reciprocal creative activity which includes comments and feedback from the participators in the community. The critical attitude of the fans regarding quality and the frustration at waiting for the official translation of manga books led to the development of scanlation, which is an amateur translation of manga distributed on the internet. Today, young internet users get involved in conceptual discussions of intertextuality and narrative structures through fan activity. In the case of scanlation, the scanlators practice the skills and techniques of translating in an informal environment. This phenomenon of participatory culture has been observed by scholars and it is concluded that they contribute to the development of a student’s literacy and foreign language skills. Furthermore, there is no doubt that the fandom related to Japanese cultural products such as manga, anime and videogames is one of the strong motives for foreign students to start learning Japanese. This is something to take into pedagogical consideration when we develop web-based courses. Fan fiction and fan culture make it possible to have an intensive transcultural dialogue between participators throughout the world and is of great interest when studying the interaction between formal and informal learning that puts the student in focus
The accomplished researches in the education field focus on the importance of the accomplishment of actions involved in the analysis of the needs to graduate teachers as a way to adequate to socialcultural changing that require more and more a creative activity to prepare teachers in their graduation perspective. The worry with a fail at school linked to public school students lead us to make this thesis which goals are: investigate the needs of the graduation of teachers at public Elementary Schools concerning to the subjacent knowledge to the development of a pedagogic practice of alphabetizing with literacy and (re)create, with some teachers as active participants in the researches, knowledge regarding the process of alphabetization with literacy , based on the graduation of teachers. The study was accomplished in a municipal Elementary School in the Ceará-Mirim city, located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, which offers both I and II levels of the Elementary School, 7 teachers and the principal of the school were subjects of our researches. The starting point was the needs of the graduation as subject phenomena, socially created and that allow people to be aware of the goals of a graduation. The investigative broach is qualitative, whose fundamental purpose is the understanding of the meanings, symbols, values and intentions of the mankind actions, as regards to other humanbeing and the contexts in which they interact. Within this context, we chose the investigation-action for we consider this kind of research a place for investigation and professional graduation, in which teachers and the researcher herself assume responsibility of problematizing, build the needs of graduation and think about their practices. As proceedings to create and analyze data, we developed participant observations during the activities in classroom; semi-structured interviews (individual and in groups) with teachers and the principal; analysis of documents and meetings at school for reflexive studies that enabled us to gather data in a pyramidal panoramic view and analyze the contents. The research revealed that the analysis of necessities to graduate teachers is a resource able to contribute to the planning of projects of keeping on graduating more properly, and thus create a critical and reflexive identity for teachers. This way, it was possible the graduation necessities could be revealed and also the knowledge of teachers as regards to alphabetization inserted in a perspective of literacy. Nowadays, conceptualized needs upon difficulties of teachers, there is a tendency to translate them into theorization of problems, without application to these knowledge of teachers, as well as their wishes for changing, especially when those needs are built to analyze and consider concrete practices. Therefore, the graduation experiences have enabled the abandon of a mechanical broach for teaching reading and writing. It has also lead teachers to assume a posture of providing their students the understanding about the reading and writing processes and their functions as social instruments. The graduation theme contents allowed the knowledge to conceive reading and writing in new perspectives, according to their social functions, so that they can improve the education with literacy quality. This theoretical construction has enabled us to understand and consider the necessities of the graduation as progressive process, and has given us the possibility of re-think our own learning processes at the university and review the pedagogical practices of public school teachers. Our conclusion is that once teachers consider their own graduation needs, it contributes to change their concepts and practices in education and literacy, even though there used to be many difficulties in their graduation and organization of the pedagogical work
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Since the decade of 1990's, a debate has grown about the so called creative industries. The creatives industries are build for sectors where the creativity emerges as a main input for the products elaboration which are valued by intellectual property statutes. The present monograph intends to describe Journalism as a creative activity, expose how intellectual property works in this area and analyze the function of news aggregators, like Google News, both in author rights matter terms, as about on the recent news mediator and distributor role on digital platforms
This dissertation titled Mondrian “The Way of Poetry” was developed during the period of the first half of 1991 to the first half of 1993 in the Graduate course “ Projeto, Arte e Sociedade “, in the Visual Poetics area of concentration.This paper proposed the approach of determinism versus creative activity in the course of the work of Mondrian which conventionalized the term “The Way of Poetry.”
The significance of the works by Venezuelan-born composer Paul Desenne lies in his unique compositional style that incorporates elements of Latin American folk, pop, and traditional music within the framework of the Western European tradition. His works, though easily classified as art music, nevertheless gain much of their emotional and referential meaning through this rich borrowing. This document focuses on three of Desenne’s flute pieces: the Solo Flute Sonata (2001), Gurrufío for flute orchestra (1997), and Guasa Macabra for flute and clarinet (2003). It provides an analysis of the three works, examining formal, structural, motivic, and rhythmic aspects. Scores and interviews with the composer have been employed as primary sources. Bibliographical material closely related to his music and other secondary sources support this analytical approach. This document also provides an introduction and stylistic discussion of Desenne’s other pieces that incorporate the flute. Chapter one consists of an introduction to Desenne’s life and general considerations of his musical style. Each of the following three chapters focuses on one the three aforementioned flute works, including information about the composition and premiere of each piece as well as analysis and an examination of its incorporation of traditional folk elements. The final chapter presents an introduction to and stylistic discussion of the other flute pieces by this composer. This study intends to provide a basic understanding of Desenne’s flute music, including general characteristics of his musical style, paving the way for further investigation of Desenne’s music, and flute music in particular.