973 resultados para coupled concentric quantum double ring


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Fabrication of semiconductor nanostructures such as quantum dots (QDs), quantum rings (QRs) has been considered as the important step for realization of solid state quantum information devices, including QDs single photon emission source, QRs single electron memory unit, etc. To fabricate GaAs quantum rings, we use Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) droplet technique in this report. In this droplet technique, Gallium (Ga) molecular beams are supplied initially without Arsenic (As) ambience, forming droplet-like nano-clusters of Ga atoms on the substrate, then the Arsenic beams are supplied to crystallize the Ga droplets into GaAs crystals. Because the morphologies and dimensions of the GaAs crystal are governed by the interplay between the surface migration of Ga and As adatoms and their crystallization, the shape of the GaAs crystals can be modified into rings, and the size and density can be controlled by varying the growth temperatures and As/Ga flux beam equivalent pressures(BEPs). It has been shown by Atomic force microscope (AFM) measurements that GaAs single rings, concentric double rings and coupled double rings are grown successfully at typical growth temperatures of 200 C to 300 C under As flux (BEP) of about 1.0 x 10(-6) Torr. The diameter of GaAs rings is about 30-50 nm and thickness several nm.


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Well-defined complex quantum ring structures formed by droplet epitaxy are demonstrated. By varying the temperature of the crystallizing Ga droplets and changing the As flux, GaAs/AlGaAs quantum single rings and concentric quantum double rings are fabricated, and double-ring complexes are observed. The growth mechanism of these quantum ring complexes is addressed. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The structural and optical properties of GaAsSb/GaAs-based quantum wells (QWs) are investigated. The interface quality of GaAsSb/GaAs/GaAsP coupled double (CD) QW structures is improved due to the strain compensation of epitaxial layers. The CD QWs possess a W-shape of energy band structure, and the optical properties display the features characteristic of a type-IQW when the GaAsSb layer thickness is thin enough.


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We study the effect of coherent charge and spin fluctuations in a mesoscopic device composed of a quantum dot and an Aharonov-Bohm ring. We show that, while the charge fluctuations suppress the persistent current algebraically as a function of the level spacing of the ring, the spin fluctuations give rise to a completely different behavior. We discuss the origin of this difference in relation to the peculiar nature of the ground state in the Kondo limit. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We develop a model of the solar dynamo in which, on the one hand, we follow the Babcock-Leighton approach to include surface processes, such as the production of poloidal field from the decay of active regions, and, on the other hand, we attempt to develop a mean field theory that can be studied in quantitative detail. One of the main challenges in developing such models is to treat the buoyant rise of the toroidal field and the production of poloidal field from it near the surface. A previous paper by Choudhuri, Schüssler, & Dikpati in 1995 did not incorporate buoyancy. We extend this model by two contrasting methods. In one method, we incorporate the generation of the poloidal field near the solar surface by Durney's procedure of double-ring eruption. In the second method, the poloidal field generation is treated by a positive α-effect concentrated near the solar surface coupled with an algorithm for handling buoyancy. The two methods are found to give qualitatively similar results.


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In the framework of effective mass envelope function theory, the electronic structures of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum double rings(QDRs) are studied. Our model can be used to calculate the electronic structures of quantum wells, wires, dots, and the single ring. In calculations, the effects due to the different effective masses of electrons and holes in GaAs and AlxGa1-xAs and the valence band mixing are considered. The energy levels of electrons and holes are calculated for different shapes of QDRs. The calculated results are useful in designing and fabricating the interrelated photoelectric devices. The single electron states presented here are useful for the study of the electron correlations and the effects of magnetic fields in QDRs.


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For a triangular triple quantum dots (TTQDs) ring with three terminals, when lowering one of the dot-lead coupling to realize the left-right (L-R) reflection symmetry coupling, the internal C-upsilon of the TTQDs is well preserved in the absence of many-body effect for the symmetric distribution of the dot-lead coupling on the molecular orbits. In the presence of Kondo effect, the decrement of one of the dot-lead couplings suppresses the inter-dot hopping. This happens especially for the coupled quantum dot (QD), which decouples with the other two ones gradually to form a localized state near the Fermi level As a result, the internal dynamic symmetry of the TTQDs ring is reduced to L-R reflection symmetry, and simultaneously, the linear conductance is lifted for the new forming molecular orbit near the Fermi level


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There exists various suggestions for building a functional and a fault-tolerant large-scale quantum computer. Topological quantum computation is a more exotic suggestion, which makes use of the properties of quasiparticles manifest only in certain two-dimensional systems. These so called anyons exhibit topological degrees of freedom, which, in principle, can be used to execute quantum computation with intrinsic fault-tolerance. This feature is the main incentive to study topological quantum computation. The objective of this thesis is to provide an accessible introduction to the theory. In this thesis one has considered the theory of anyons arising in two-dimensional quantum mechanical systems, which are described by gauge theories based on so called quantum double symmetries. The quasiparticles are shown to exhibit interactions and carry quantum numbers, which are both of topological nature. Particularly, it is found that the addition of the quantum numbers is not unique, but that the fusion of the quasiparticles is described by a non-trivial fusion algebra. It is discussed how this property can be used to encode quantum information in a manner which is intrinsically protected from decoherence and how one could, in principle, perform quantum computation by braiding the quasiparticles. As an example of the presented general discussion, the particle spectrum and the fusion algebra of an anyon model based on the gauge group S_3 are explicitly derived. The fusion algebra is found to branch into multiple proper subalgebras and the simplest one of them is chosen as a model for an illustrative demonstration. The different steps of a topological quantum computation are outlined and the computational power of the model is assessed. It turns out that the chosen model is not universal for quantum computation. However, because the objective was a demonstration of the theory with explicit calculations, none of the other more complicated fusion subalgebras were considered. Studying their applicability for quantum computation could be a topic of further research.


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A planar lightwave circuit (PLC) add-drop filter is proposed and analyzed, which consists of a symmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) combined with double microring resonators. A critical coupling condition is derived for a better box-like drop spectrum. Comparisons of its characteristics with other schemes, such as a MZI with a single ring resonator, arepresented, and some of the issues about device design and fabrication are also discussed.


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A new ECTT-DHPT with InGaAsP(lambda=1.55 mu m) as base and InGaAsP(lambda=1.3 mu m) as collector as well as waveguide was designed and fabricated, the DC characteristics reveal that the ECTT-DRPT can perform good optoelectronic mix operation and linear amplification operation by optically biased at two appropriate value respectively. Responsivity of more than 52A/W and dark current of 70nA (when V-ce=1V) were obtained.


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Critical phenomena involve structural changes in the correlations of its constituents. Such changes can be reproduced and characterized in quantum simulators able to tackle medium-to-large-size systems. We demonstrate these concepts by engineering the ground state of a three-spin Ising ring by using a pair of entangled photons. The effect of a simulated magnetic field, leading to a critical modification of the correlations within the ring, is analysed by studying two- and three-spin entanglement. In particular, we connect the violation of a multipartite Bell inequality with the amount of tripartite entanglement in our ring.


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A highly sensitive liquid-level sensor based on dual-wavelength single-longitudinal-mode fiber laser is proposed and demonstrated. The laser is formed by exploiting two parallel arranged phase-shift fiber Bragg gratings (ps-FBGs), acting as ultra-narrow bandwidth filters, into a doublering resonators. By beating the dual-wavelength lasing output, a stable microwave signal with frequency stability better than 5 MHz is obtained. The generated beat frequency varies with the change of dual-wavelength spacing. Based on this characteristic, with one ps-FBG serving as the sensing element and the other one acting as the reference element, a highly sensitive liquid level sensor is realized by monitoring the beat frequency shift of the laser. The sensor head is directly bonded to a float which can transfer buoyancy into axial strain on the fiber without introducing other elastic elements. The experimental results show that an ultra-high liquidlevel sensitivity of 2.12 × 107 MHz/m within the measurement range of 1.5 mm is achieved. The sensor presents multiple merits including ultra-high sensitivity, thermal insensitive, good reliability and stability. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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We investigate two equivalent, capacitively coupled semiconducting quantum dots, each coupled to its own lead, in a regime where there are two electrons on the double dot. With increasing interdot coupling, a rich range of behavior is uncovered: first a crossover from spin- to charge-Kondo physics, via an intermediate SU(4) state with entangled spin and charge degrees of freedom, followed by a quantum phase transition of Kosterlitz-Thouless type to a non-Fermi-liquid "charge-ordered" phase with finite residual entropy and anomalous transport properties. Physical arguments and numerical renormalization group methods are employed to obtain a detailed understanding of the problem.