977 resultados para communication mechanisms


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This paper introduces CSP-like communication mechanisms into Backus’ Functional Programming (FP) systems extended by nondeterministic constructs. Several new functionals are used to describe nondeterminism and communication in programs. The functionals union and restriction are introduced into FP systems to develop a simple algebra of programs with nondeterminism. The behaviour of other functionals proposed in this paper are characterized by the properties of union and restriction. The axiomatic semantics of communication constructs are presented. Examples show that it is possible to reason about a communicating program by first transforming it into a non-communicating program by using the axioms of communication, and then reasoning about the resulting non-communicating version of the program. It is also shown that communicating programs can be developed from non-communicating programs given as specifications by using a transformational approach.


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A new generation of advanced surveillance systems is being conceived as a collection of multi-sensor components such as video, audio and mobile robots interacting in a cooperating manner to enhance situation awareness capabilities to assist surveillance personnel. The prominent issues that these systems face are: the improvement of existing intelligent video surveillance systems, the inclusion of wireless networks, the use of low power sensors, the design architecture, the communication between different components, the fusion of data emerging from different type of sensors, the location of personnel (providers and consumers) and the scalability of the system. This paper focuses on the aspects pertaining to real-time distributed architecture and scalability. For example, to meet real-time requirements, these systems need to process data streams in concurrent environments, designed by taking into account scheduling and synchronisation. The paper proposes a framework for the design of visual surveillance systems based on components derived from the principles of Real Time Networks/Data Oriented Requirements Implementation Scheme (RTN/DORIS). It also proposes the implementation of these components using the well-known middleware technology Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). Results using this architecture for video surveillance are presented through an implemented prototype.


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The development of an intelligent plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) network is an important research topic in the smart grid environment. An intelligent PEV network enables a flexible control of PEV charging and discharging activities and hence PEVs can be utilized as ancillary service providers in the power system concerned. Given this background, an intelligent PEV network architecture is first developed, and followed by detailed designs of its application layers, including the charging and discharging controlling system, mobility and roaming management, as well as communication mechanisms associated. The presented architecture leverages the philosophy in mobile communication network buildup


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We are often confronted with the dilemmas of interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds. How do we ensure that we meet their needs, if they have some barriers to communicating those needs? This project explores the communication mechanisms used by mental health clinicians, to explore how they modify their communication to reconcile cultural differences and promote self-disclosure. It also identifies the practical experiences that have enlightened clinicians' practice when interacting with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) groups. Through focus groups, mental health clinicians were probed about their experiences with CALD groups and the methods used to facilitate communication. Clinicians were working in either acute adult inpatient or community settings in a large metropolitan health service. Fifty-three clinicians formed 7 focus groups. In the focus groups, clinicians were asked about their perceptions of communication with CALD clients. Guided questions were used. All focus groups were audio-taped and transcribed. Two distinct themes emerged. They were ‘respect’ and ‘cultural understanding’. The clinicians recognized that showing and maintaining respect for the CALD client, and their families significantly impacted on the development of a therapeutic relationship. Showing cultural understanding and acceptance for difference also enhanced communication.


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Optimisation in wireless sensor networks is necessary due to the resource constraints of individual devices, bandwidth limits of the communication channel, relatively high probably of sensor failure, and the requirement constraints of the deployed applications in potently highly volatile environments. This paper presents BioANS, a protocol designed to optimise a wireless sensor network for resource efficiency as well as to meet a requirement common to a whole class of WSN applications - namely that the sensor nodes are dynamically selected on some qualitative basis, for example the quality by which they can provide the required context information. The design of BioANS has been inspired by the communication mechanisms that have evolved in natural systems. The protocol tolerates randomness in its environment, including random message loss, and incorporates a non-deterministic ’delayed-bids’ mechanism. A simulation model is used to explore the protocol’s performance in a wide range of WSN configurations. Characteristics evaluated include tolerance to sensor node density and message loss, communication efficiency, and negotiation latency .


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Dans le cadre d’une stratégie nationale visant les objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement 4 et 5 au Maroc - réduire la mortalité maternelle et infantile -, un plan d’action a été développé au sein des trois systèmes (socioculturel, éducationnel, disciplinaire) dans lesquels évolue un rôle professionnel de la santé et ce, pour renforcer le rôle professionnel de la sage-femme. La présente thèse vise à évaluer le niveau d’implantation du plan d’action et à comprendre les facteurs contextuels ayant affecté son implantation et susceptibles d’empêcher l’atteinte de ses effets. Le cadre conceptuel adopté dérive du modèle de Hatem-Asmar (1997) concernant l’interaction entre les systèmes éducationnel, disciplinaire et socioculturel pour changer un rôle professionnel de la santé; et le cadre de Damschroder et al. (2009) pour l’analyse de l’implantation d’une intervention en santé. Le devis est une étude de cas unique à trois niveaux d’analyse. Les données sont recueillies à partir de multiples sources de données : 11 entrevues individuelles semi-structurées, 20 groupes de discussion, observations d’activités de formation, analyse de documents. Les résultats ont montré des déficits notables au niveau de l’implantation. Seize barrières et sept facilitateurs ont été catégorisés sous les construits du cadre de Damschroder et al. (2009) et sous les dimensions des trois systèmes. Un alignement inadéquat entre les dimensions (valeurs, méthodes, acteurs et finalités) du système socioculturel et celles (valeurs, méthodes, acteurs) des systèmes éducationnel et disciplinaire d’une part, avec le plan d’action d’autre part empêche son implantation globale. La structure bureaucratique et le manque de préparation du système socioculturel ont constitué les barrières les plus influentes sur: la diffusion de l’information; l’implication des acteurs du terrain dans le processus; et l’état de préparation du système éducationnel. Les principaux facilitateurs étaient : les valeurs promues à l’égard des droits humains et le mouvement politique pour renforcer le rôle professionnel de la sage-femme et réduire la mortalité maternelle. Quant au plan, il a été perçu comme étant bénéfique mais complexe et émanant d’une source externe. Les résultats mettent l’accent sur la nécessité de contourner les barrières identifiées dans les trois systèmes afin d’obtenir des contextes propices à la production des effets. Par ailleurs, les résultats ont soulevé aussi sept barrières qui risquent de compromettre l’atteinte des effets désirés. Elles concernent: le cadre légal, les représentations sociales et le support médiatique au niveau du système socioculturel; le réseautage et les mécanismes de communication, les caractéristiques liées au rôle, à l’environnement de pratique, et le niveau de préparation du système disciplinaire. Notre recherche confirme qu’un changement visant le système éducationnel isolément représente une vision réductrice pour le renforcement du rôle des sages-femmes. Une combinaison des conditions contextuelles favorables au niveau des dimensions des trois systèmes est requise pour atteindre le but de la stratégie gouvernementale, soit fournir des sages-femmes qualifiées selon les normes globales de la Confédération Internationale des sages-femmes, capables d’offrir des soins de qualité en santé de la reproduction qui permettront de contribuer à réduire la mortalité maternelle et néonatale.


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Ce mémoire de maîtrise s’applique à montrer comment la polyphonie narrative peut nous informer sur le vécu des employés en période de changement organisationnel. Pour être en mesure d’entendre ces multiples voix, nous avons fait l’étude des récits des employés et des dirigeants dans le cadre d’un tel processus. Nous voulions, à travers les récits des employés, illustrer empiriquement la manière dont ces récits constituent le changement organisationnel lui-même en mettant à jour les préoccupations qui alimentent le processus de changement et qui sont constitutives à la fois du changement et de l’entité organisationnels. Ces récits ont été analysés selon une perspective polyphonique, autrement dit, une approche mettant de l’avant l’existence de multiples voix en tensions, des voix composant ces récits. Pour procéder à l’analyse de ces récits, notre cadre théorique a mobilisé la notion de ventriloquie, tel que proposée et présentée dans les travaux de Cooren (2012, 2013). Ces préoccupations ont été analysées comme autant de voix animant et « auteurisant » (authoring) ces récits, fondant ainsi une polyphonie narrative que nous avons tenté de repérer et répertorier dans des entrevues. L’analyse de cette polyphonie par le repérage des voix, figures et tensions nous a permis de mettre à jour les préoccupations constitutives du changement lui-même. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons ainsi identifié puis analysé, les voix, les figures et les tensions qui illustrent le vécu de certains employés en période de changement organisationnel, comblant ainsi certaines lacunes repérées dans la littérature portant sur la polyphonie et le changement organisationnel. Comme nous le montrons, la littérature actuelle sur la polyphonie organisationnelle ne permet pas de saisir la manière dont les employés donnent voix à des préoccupations qui émergent du processus de changement et comment ces préoccupations interagissent et s’intègrent dans leurs récits organisationnels sur le changement. L’analyse de cette polyphonie par le repérage des voix, figures et tensions nous permet non seulement de mettre à jour les préoccupations constitutives du changement, mais aussi certains mécanismes communicationnels qui émergent de ce processus. En somme, l’étude de la polyphonie narrative nous permet de rendre compte de ce qui habite et préoccupe les employés en période de changement. Aussi, l’ensemble des préoccupations identifiées nous permet de brosser un portrait global du vécu des employés pendant cette période de changement tout en mettant à jour les tensions qui composent ce processus.


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Expert supervision systems are software applications specially designed to automate process monitoring. The goal is to reduce the dependency on human operators to assure the correct operation of a process including faulty situations. Construction of this kind of application involves an important task of design and development in order to represent and to manipulate process data and behaviour at different degrees of abstraction for interfacing with data acquisition systems connected to the process. This is an open problem that becomes more complex with the number of variables, parameters and relations to account for the complexity of the process. Multiple specialised modules tuned to solve simpler tasks that operate under a co-ordination provide a solution. A modular architecture based on concepts of software agents, taking advantage of the integration of diverse knowledge-based techniques, is proposed for this purpose. The components (software agents, communication mechanisms and perception/action mechanisms) are based on ICa (Intelligent Control architecture), software middleware supporting the build-up of applications with software agent features


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Este documento tiene el objetivo de presentar los resultados del diagnóstico de participación ciudadana realizado en 28 municipios de Panamá durante la implementación del Programa de Gobierno Electrónico de la Organización de los Estados Americanos –Oea– denominado Municipios Eficientes y Transparentes –MuNet–.


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Nesta monografia pretendeu-se compreender de que forma a capacidade de comunicação é um factor preponderante ou não no desempenho de uma empresa. Seja a comunicação interna (para com os seus funcionários) ou externa (para com o público alvo). constatou-se que existem várias maneiras de a fazer, tendo todas elas por base uma análise detalhada da mensagem que se quer passar com fim a determinado efeito no alvo. No que respeita à abordagem do tema proposto foram apenas consideradas as farmácias comunitárias que se inserem nas pequenas e médias empresas portuguesas. Assim, foi feita uma exposição de uma série de mecanismos comunicacionais que têm como objectivo garantir o sucesso da comunicação entre farmacêutico-utente. E, do mesmo modo, através de um inquérito avaliar até que ponto os utentes se encontram satisfeitos com as técnicas comunicacionais dos seus prestadores de cuidados farmacêuticos. De uma maneira geral, a comunicação nos dias de hoje pode determinar o sucesso ou o fracasso de determinada instituição, sendo por isso muito mais do que passar uma simples mensagem. O farmacêutico como profissional de saúde que lida diariamente com os utentes de uma forma privilegiada, deve ser um comunicador por excelência, sendo esta capacidade essencial para que o utente se sinta seguro e capaz no cumprimento da terapêutica.


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Stingless bees (Meliponini) constitute a diverse group of highly eusocial insects that occur throughout tropical regions around the world. The meliponine genus Melipona is restricted to the New World tropics and has over 50 described species. Melipona, like Apis, possesses the remarkable ability to use representational communication to indicate the location of foraging patches. Although Melipona has been the subject of numerous behavioral, ecological, and genetic studies, the evolutionary history of this genus remains largely unexplored. Here, we implement a multigene phylogenetic approach based on nuclear, mitochondrial, and ribosomal loci, coupled with molecular clock methods, to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships and antiquity of subgenera and species of Melipona. Our phylogenetic analysis resolves the relationship among subgenera and tends to agree with morphology-based classification hypotheses. Our molecular clock analysis indicates that the genus Melipona shared a most recent common ancestor at least similar to 14-17 million years (My) ago. These results provide the groundwork for future comparative analyses aimed at understanding the evolution of complex communication mechanisms in eusocial Apidae. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, aiming at describing interrelationships and communication mechanisms among agents based on a multi-agent framework of Railway Intelligent Transportation System (RITS), we construct the model about stations and trains in the system, which is called Agent-Oriented G-Net Train Group Operation Model (AGNTOM). The framework degrades the complexity of computation and makes the distribution of simulation system easy in design. The simulated experiments prove that the model provides an effective approach for dealing with communication problems in the system.


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Evidence and health policy discussions to date have largely focused on the relationship between those generating research evidence and policy decision-makers and how improving this relationship will increase research use in policy development. All too often policy makers are perceived as the problem, not understanding or seeing the importance of research evidence. Policy makers do have a responsibility to source and use available evidence, as do researchers to the sharp and meaningful production and syntheses of policy relevant research evidence. This takes more than improved communication mechanisms between individual researcher and policy makers. Evidence-informed policy making is a science in its own right requiring the development and application of methods that conceptualise, synthesise and exchange research evidence. Policy organisations need to develop as receptor sites for research and its application to day-to-day decision-making, this is a significant program of work if it is to be done well and affect the evidence culture of organisations.


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The society consists of the inter-relations between diverse symbolic fields of performance, where some agents if identify for values, habits and goals. The present thesis analyzed, taking for base the Theory of the Social Field of Pierre Bourdieu, the ambient field and the university, leaving of the principle that the university is one of the propitious places for the quarrel, study, knowledge elaboration, and that the ambient education is one of the ways of dissemination of knowledge and action in favor of the ambient question. It was looked to contextualize and to identify the main factors that configure the university while a social field, and to evidence the conflict and connector links with the ambientalism. It is perceived university as space of tensions, whose produced capital stock in the academic scope must be enough convincing in the direction of the social transformation, of the expansion of conscience, the critical matureness, and thus to appear as agent of social transformation. The joint between the diverse social fields, promoted for the university, will be able to contribute for knowledge formularization that can consist base for elaboration of politics and programs to answer to the problems of the society contemporary. It has the inter-relationship between the two fields, however, this relation still is fragile, needing that a continuity practical social that they make possible that the ambient question is part of the culture of the university. This will be able to give with the intensification of the actions and the inclusion of the ambient questions in the communication mechanisms and administrative management. To surpass discontinuities caused for changes of groups leading and for interests politician conjunctural are necessary that they create habitus, what passes for the institutionalization of practical and the constitution of a culture that the agents allow if to reorganize defending the interests of social transformation front to the economic interests, as much in the university how much in the ambient field