840 resultados para cognitive diagnostic model


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015


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The purposes of this study were (1) to validate of the item-attribute matrix using two levels of attributes (Level 1 attributes and Level 2 sub-attributes), and (2) through retrofitting the diagnostic models to the mathematics test of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), to evaluate the construct validity of TIMSS mathematics assessment by comparing the results of two assessment booklets. Item data were extracted from Booklets 2 and 3 for the 8th grade in TIMSS 2007, which included a total of 49 mathematics items and every student's response to every item. The study developed three categories of attributes at two levels: content, cognitive process (TIMSS or new), and comprehensive cognitive process (or IT) based on the TIMSS assessment framework, cognitive procedures, and item type. At level one, there were 4 content attributes (number, algebra, geometry, and data and chance), 3 TIMSS process attributes (knowing, applying, and reasoning), and 4 new process attributes (identifying, computing, judging, and reasoning). At level two, the level 1 attributes were further divided into 32 sub-attributes. There was only one level of IT attributes (multiple steps/responses, complexity, and constructed-response). Twelve Q-matrices (4 originally specified, 4 random, and 4 revised) were investigated with eleven Q-matrix models (QM1 ~ QM11) using multiple regression and the least squares distance method (LSDM). Comprehensive analyses indicated that the proposed Q-matrices explained most of the variance in item difficulty (i.e., 64% to 81%). The cognitive process attributes contributed to the item difficulties more than the content attributes, and the IT attributes contributed much more than both the content and process attributes. The new retrofitted process attributes explained the items better than the TIMSS process attributes. Results generated from the level 1 attributes and the level 2 attributes were consistent. Most attributes could be used to recover students' performance, but some attributes' probabilities showed unreasonable patterns. The analysis approaches could not demonstrate if the same construct validity was supported across booklets. The proposed attributes and Q-matrices explained the items of Booklet 2 better than the items of Booklet 3. The specified Q-matrices explained the items better than the random Q-matrices.


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- Background Sonography is an important diagnostic tool in children with suspected appendicitis. Reported accuracy and appendiceal visualisation rates vary significantly, as does the management of equivocal ultrasound findings. The aim of this study was to audit appendiceal sonography at a tertiary children's hospital, and provide baseline data for a future prospective study. - Summary of work Records of children who underwent ultrasound studies for possible appendicitis between January 2008 and December 2010 were reviewed. Variables included patient demographics, sonographic appendix characteristics, and secondary signs. Descriptive statistics and analysis using ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U test, and ROC curves were performed. Mater Human Research Ethic Committee approval was granted. - Summary of results There were 457 eligible children. Using a dichotomous diagnostic model (including equivocal results), sensitivity was 89.6%, specificity 91.6%, and diagnostic yield of 40.7%. ROC curve analysis of a 6mm diameter cut-off was 0.88 AUC (95% CI 0.80 to 0.95). - Discussion and conclusions Sonography is an accurate test for acute appendicitis in children, with a high sensitivity and negative predictive value. A diameter of 6mm as an absolute cut-off in a binary model can lead to false findings. Results were compared with available literature. Recent publications propose categorising diameter1 and integrating secondary signs2 to improve accuracy and provide more meaningful results to clinicians. This study will be a benchmark for future studies with multiple diagnostic categorisation.


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Réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Unité de Formation à la Recherche Lettres Arts et Sciences Humaines - Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis.


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Note de l'éditeur : This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the journal. It is not the copy of record. / Cet article ne constitue pas la version officielle, et peut différer de la version publiée dans la revue.


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In den letzten Jahrzehnten haben sich makroskalige hydrologische Modelle als wichtige Werkzeuge etabliert um den Zustand der globalen erneuerbaren Süßwasserressourcen flächendeckend bewerten können. Sie werden heutzutage eingesetzt um eine große Bandbreite wissenschaftlicher Fragestellungen zu beantworten, insbesondere hinsichtlich der Auswirkungen anthropogener Einflüsse auf das natürliche Abflussregime oder der Auswirkungen des globalen Wandels und Klimawandels auf die Ressource Wasser. Diese Auswirkungen lassen sich durch verschiedenste wasserbezogene Kenngrößen abschätzen, wie z.B. erneuerbare (Grund-)Wasserressourcen, Hochwasserrisiko, Dürren, Wasserstress und Wasserknappheit. Die Weiterentwicklung makroskaliger hydrologischer Modelle wurde insbesondere durch stetig steigende Rechenkapazitäten begünstigt, aber auch durch die zunehmende Verfügbarkeit von Fernerkundungsdaten und abgeleiteten Datenprodukten, die genutzt werden können, um die Modelle anzutreiben und zu verbessern. Wie alle makro- bis globalskaligen Modellierungsansätze unterliegen makroskalige hydrologische Simulationen erheblichen Unsicherheiten, die (i) auf räumliche Eingabedatensätze, wie z.B. meteorologische Größen oder Landoberflächenparameter, und (ii) im Besonderen auf die (oftmals) vereinfachte Abbildung physikalischer Prozesse im Modell zurückzuführen sind. Angesichts dieser Unsicherheiten ist es unabdingbar, die tatsächliche Anwendbarkeit und Prognosefähigkeit der Modelle unter diversen klimatischen und physiographischen Bedingungen zu überprüfen. Bisher wurden die meisten Evaluierungsstudien jedoch lediglich in wenigen, großen Flusseinzugsgebieten durchgeführt oder fokussierten auf kontinentalen Wasserflüssen. Dies steht im Kontrast zu vielen Anwendungsstudien, deren Analysen und Aussagen auf simulierten Zustandsgrößen und Flüssen in deutlich feinerer räumlicher Auflösung (Gridzelle) basieren. Den Kern der Dissertation bildet eine umfangreiche Evaluierung der generellen Anwendbarkeit des globalen hydrologischen Modells WaterGAP3 für die Simulation von monatlichen Abflussregimen und Niedrig- und Hochwasserabflüssen auf Basis von mehr als 2400 Durchflussmessreihen für den Zeitraum 1958-2010. Die betrachteten Flusseinzugsgebiete repräsentieren ein breites Spektrum klimatischer und physiographischer Bedingungen, die Einzugsgebietsgröße reicht von 3000 bis zu mehreren Millionen Quadratkilometern. Die Modellevaluierung hat dabei zwei Zielsetzungen: Erstens soll die erzielte Modellgüte als Bezugswert dienen gegen den jegliche weiteren Modellverbesserungen verglichen werden können. Zweitens soll eine Methode zur diagnostischen Modellevaluierung entwickelt und getestet werden, die eindeutige Ansatzpunkte zur Modellverbesserung aufzeigen soll, falls die Modellgüte unzureichend ist. Hierzu werden komplementäre Modellgütemaße mit neun Gebietsparametern verknüpft, welche die klimatischen und physiographischen Bedingungen sowie den Grad anthropogener Beeinflussung in den einzelnen Einzugsgebieten quantifizieren. WaterGAP3 erzielt eine mittlere bis hohe Modellgüte für die Simulation von sowohl monatlichen Abflussregimen als auch Niedrig- und Hochwasserabflüssen, jedoch sind für alle betrachteten Modellgütemaße deutliche räumliche Muster erkennbar. Von den neun betrachteten Gebietseigenschaften weisen insbesondere der Ariditätsgrad und die mittlere Gebietsneigung einen starken Einfluss auf die Modellgüte auf. Das Modell tendiert zur Überschätzung des jährlichen Abflussvolumens mit steigender Aridität. Dieses Verhalten ist charakteristisch für makroskalige hydrologische Modelle und ist auf die unzureichende Abbildung von Prozessen der Abflussbildung und –konzentration in wasserlimitierten Gebieten zurückzuführen. In steilen Einzugsgebieten wird eine geringe Modellgüte hinsichtlich der Abbildung von monatlicher Abflussvariabilität und zeitlicher Dynamik festgestellt, die sich auch in der Güte der Niedrig- und Hochwassersimulation widerspiegelt. Diese Beobachtung weist auf notwendige Modellverbesserungen in Bezug auf (i) die Aufteilung des Gesamtabflusses in schnelle und verzögerte Abflusskomponente und (ii) die Berechnung der Fließgeschwindigkeit im Gerinne hin. Die im Rahmen der Dissertation entwickelte Methode zur diagnostischen Modellevaluierung durch Verknüpfung von komplementären Modellgütemaßen und Einzugsgebietseigenschaften wurde exemplarisch am Beispiel des WaterGAP3 Modells erprobt. Die Methode hat sich als effizientes Werkzeug erwiesen, um räumliche Muster in der Modellgüte zu erklären und Defizite in der Modellstruktur zu identifizieren. Die entwickelte Methode ist generell für jedes hydrologische Modell anwendbar. Sie ist jedoch insbesondere für makroskalige Modelle und multi-basin Studien relevant, da sie das Fehlen von feldspezifischen Kenntnissen und gezielten Messkampagnen, auf die üblicherweise in der Einzugsgebietsmodellierung zurückgegriffen wird, teilweise ausgleichen kann.


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A Internet está inserida no cotidiano do indivíduo, e torna-se cada vez mais acessível por meio de diferentes tipos de dispositivos. Com isto, diversos estudos foram realizados com o intuito de avaliar os reflexos do seu uso excessivo na vida pessoal, acadêmica e profissional. Esta dissertação buscou identificar se a perda de concentração e o isolamento social são alguns dos reflexos individuais que o uso pessoal e excessivo de aplicativos de comunicação instantânea podem resultar no ambiente de trabalho. Entre as variáveis selecionadas para avaliar os aspectos do uso excessivo de comunicadores instantâneos tem-se a distração digital, o controle reduzido de impulso, o conforto social e a solidão. Através de uma abordagem de investigação quantitativa, utilizaram-se escalas aplicadas a uma amostra de 283 pessoas. Os dados foram analisados por meio de técnicas estatísticas multivariadas como a Análise Fatorial Exploratória e para auferir a relação entre as variáveis, a Regressão Linear Múltipla. Os resultados deste estudo confirmam que o uso excessivo de comunicadores instantâneos está positivamente relacionado com a perda de concentração, e a variável distração digital exerce uma influência maior do que o controle reduzido de impulso. De acordo com os resultados, não se podem afirmar que a solidão e o conforto social exercem relações com aumento do isolamento social, devido à ausência do relacionamento entre os construtos.


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Summarizing the accumulated experience for a long time in the polyparametric cognitive modeling of different physiological processes (electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, electroreovasogram and others) and the development on this basis some diagnostics methods give ground for formulating a new methodology of the system analysis in biology. The gist of the methodology consists of parametrization of fractals of electrophysiological processes, matrix description of functional state of an object with a unified set of parameters, construction of the polyparametric cognitive geometric model with artificial intelligence algorithms. The geometry model enables to display the parameter relationships are adequate to requirements of the system approach. The objective character of the elements of the models and high degree of formalization which facilitate the use of the mathematical methods are advantages of these models. At the same time the geometric images are easily interpreted in physiological and clinical terms. The polyparametric modeling is an object oriented tool possessed advances functional facilities and some principal features.


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We propose that key concepts from clinical psychotherapy can inform science-based initiatives aimed at building tolerance and community cohesion. Commonalities in social and clinical psychology are identified regarding (1) distorted thinking (intergroup bias and cognitive bias), (2) stress and coping (at intergroup level and intrapersonal level), and (3) anxiety (intergroup anxiety and pathological anxiety). On this basis we introduce a new cognitive-behavioral model of social change. Mental imagery is the conceptual point of synthesis, and anxiety is at the core, through which new treatment-based approaches to reducing prejudice can be developed. More generally, we argue that this integration is illustrative of broader potential for cross-disciplinary integration in the social and clinical sciences, and has the potential to open up new possibilities and opportunities for both disciplines.


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This dissertation comprised two experiments, which addressed three main goals: (a) to test a new paradigm for measuring objectively the accuracy of alibis, (b) to explore the effectiveness of three retrieval cues (time only, location only, and time-and-location) in an alibi context, and (c) to explore the metacognitive strategies of innocent alibi providers who experience different financial incentives as well as different motivations for reporting (be informative vs. be convincing). ^ The novel paradigm appears promising: by surreptitiously controlling the whereabouts of future alibi providers during a critical time, objective accuracy measurements were in fact possible. Such accuracy measurements revealed that time-cued retrieval can be devastating to innocent alibi providers. Participants who attempted to recall their whereabouts via a time cue were significantly less accurate than participants who attempted recall via a location cue (Experiment 1). ^ Innocent alibi providers, when cued effectively, may not, however, report their memories differently from memory reporters in non-alibi contexts. When cued effectively, participants who experienced a goal of being convincing did not differ in accuracy from participants who experienced a goal of merely being informative (Experiment 2). Similarly, participants did not differ from one another in accuracy across different levels of financial incentive (Experiment 2). ^ Despite the indistinguishable accuracy rates of alibi providers and non-alibi memory reporters when retrieval was cued effectively, proffering mistaken alibis presents a real risk for innocent suspects. Future research needs to address methods by which that risk can be reduced. ^


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In high-risk industries, companies with well-conceived crisis management plans are at a commercial advantage. While there is some understanding of the risk management practices of construction companies, there is little insight into their crisis preparedness. This paper presents the findings of exploratory research that investigated this issue. Using a diagnostic model of crisis preparedness that has been developed and tested across a broad range of industries, it concludes that if the sample surveyed is typical, then corporate philosophies in construction companies do not support crisis management activities. Furthermore, crisis planning is rudimentary and undertaken in an insular, informal, fragmented fashion, supported by few resources and little strategic guidance. Consequently, many construction companies will have an inadequate understanding of their crisis exposure, of how to cope with crises when they happen, and of how to learn and recover from their aftermath.