975 resultados para case manager
Objective: In Australia and comparable countries, case management has become the dominant process by which public mental health services provide outpatient clinical services to people with severe mental illness. There is recognition that caseload size impacts on service provision and that management of caseloads is an important dimension of overall service management. There has been little empirical investigation, however, of caseload and its management. The present study was undertaken in the context of an industrial agreement in Victoria, Australia that required services to introduce standardized approaches to caseload management. The aims of the present study were therefore to (i) investigate caseload size and approaches to caseload management in Victoria's mental health services; and (ii) determine whether caseload size and/or approach to caseload management is associated with work-related stress or case manager self-efficacy among community mental health professionals employed in Victoria's mental health services. Method: A total of 188 case managers responded to an online cross-sectional survey with both purpose-developed items investigating methods of case allocation and caseload monitoring, and standard measures of work-related stress and case manager personal efficacy. Results: The mean caseload size was 20 per full-time case manager. Both work-related stress scores and case manager personal efficacy scores were broadly comparable with those reported in previous studies. Higher caseloads were associated with higher levels of work-related stress and lower levels of case manager personal efficacy. Active monitoring of caseload was associated with lower scores for work-related stress and higher scores for case manager personal efficacy, regardless of size of caseload. Although caseloads were most frequently monitored by the case manager, there was evidence that monitoring by a supervisor was more beneficial than self-monitoring. Conclusion: Routine monitoring of caseload, especially by a workplace supervisor, may be effective in reducing work-related stress and enhancing case manager personal efficacy. Keywords: case management, caseload, stress
Background. Diabetes places a significant burden on the health care system. Reduction in blood glucose levels (HbA1c) reduces the risk of complications; however, little is known about the impact of disease management programs on medical costs for patients with diabetes. In 2001, economic costs associated with diabetes totaled $100 billion, and indirect costs totaled $54 billion. ^ Objective. To compare outcomes of nurse case management by treatment algorithms with conventional primary care for glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetic patients in a low-income Mexican American community-based setting, and to compare the cost effectiveness of the two programs. Patient compliance was also assessed. ^ Research design and methods. An observational group-comparison to evaluate a treatment intervention for type 2 diabetes management was implemented at three out-patient health facilities in San Antonio, Texas. All eligible type 2 diabetic patients attending the clinics during 1994–1996 became part of the study. Data were obtained from the study database, medical records, hospital accounting, and pharmacy cost lists, and entered into a computerized database. Three groups were compared: a Community Clinic Nurse Case Manager (CC-TA) following treatment algorithms, a University Clinic Nurse Case Manager (UC-TA) following treatment algorithms, and Primary Care Physicians (PCP) following conventional care practices at a Family Practice Clinic. The algorithms provided a disease management model specifically for hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and microalbuminuria that progressively moved the patient toward ideal goals through adjustments in medication, self-monitoring of blood glucose, meal planning, and reinforcement of diet and exercise. Cost effectiveness of hemoglobin AI, final endpoints was compared. ^ Results. There were 358 patients analyzed: 106 patients in CC-TA, 170 patients in UC-TA, and 82 patients in PCP groups. Change in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) was the primary outcome measured. HbA1c results were presented at baseline, 6 and 12 months for CC-TA (10.4%, 7.1%, 7.3%), UC-TA (10.5%, 7.1%, 7.2%), and PCP (10.0%, 8.5%, 8.7%). Mean patient compliance was 81%. Levels of cost effectiveness were significantly different between clinics. ^ Conclusion. Nurse case management with treatment algorithms significantly improved glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes, and was more cost effective. ^
"During the 1996 spring session, the General Assembly passed and the Governor signed landmark legislation creating a Department of Human Services (DHS) effective July 1, 1997. The new department consolidates three human services departments in their entirety : Department of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse (DASA) - Department of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) - Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities (DMH/DD)."
Aim: This paper is a report of a study conducted to determine the effectiveness of a community case management collaborative education intervention in terms of satisfaction, learning and performance among public health nurses. Background: Previous evaluation studies of case management continuing professional education often failed to demonstrate effectiveness across a range of outcomes and had methodological weaknesses such as small convenience samples and lack of control groups. Method: A cluster randomised controlled trial was conducted between September 2005 and February 2006. Ten health centre clusters (5 control, 5 intervention) recruited 163 public health nurses in Taiwan to the trial. After pre-tests for baseline measurements, public health nurses in intervention centres received an educational intervention of four half-day workshops. Post-tests for both groups were conducted after the intervention. Two-way repeated measures analysis of variance was performed to evaluate the effect of the intervention on target outcomes. Results: A total of 161 participants completed the pre- and post-intervention measurements. This was almost a 99% response rate. Results revealed that 97% of those in the experimental group were satisfied with the programme. There were statistically significant differences between the two groups in knowledge (p = 0.001), confidence in case management skills (p = 0.001), preparedness for case manager role activities (p = 0.001), self-reported frequency in using skills (p = 0.001), and role activities (p = 0.004). Conclusion: Collaboration between academic and clinical nurses is an effective strategy to prepare nurses for rapidly-changing roles.
‘Practice Forum’ provides a forum for social work practitioners to share their practice with others; to describe what they are doing and assess its effectiveness. The practice of case management is applied in a wide range of service delivery models to meet complex client needs. Unfortunately, cost containment and lack of clarity of the role of the case manager has blurred the definition and practice of case management for both the consumer and professional providers. This article examines two cases of a small non-government agency in Melbourne called Alcohol Related Brain Injury Assessment, Accommodation & Support Inc. (ARBIAS) where case management services are delivered to people with alcohol acquired brain damage. The analysis presented here supports the view that continuity of care and intensive relationship building with clients is vital for successful client outcomes and has application to a variety of programs which service chronically disabled clients.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein am Strengths-Modell orientiertes Case Management-Projekt zur Prozess- und Ergebnisoptimierung der bereits bestehenden ambulanten gerontopsychiatrischen Versorgungsstruktur untersucht. Dazu arbeitete eine Krankenpflegerin mit psychiatrischer Fachausbildung in einer Berliner Sozialstation auf Basis einer professionellen Beziehung für 4-6 Wochen bei Klientinnen mit gerontopsychiatrischen Problemlagen, erstellte ein Assessment, leistete notwendige Unterstützung zunächst selbst, vermittelte gestützt auf die eigenen Erfahrungen weiterführende Dienste, leitete diese Dienste an, zog sich dann aus dem direkten Kontakt mit den Klientinnen zurück und blieb beratend für die weiterführenden Dienste verfügbar. Zur Untersuchung des Projekts wurden qualitative und quantitative Verfahren eingesetzt. Zur Beschreibung der Inhalte wurden die für jede Klientin verfasste Dokumentation und die Ergebnisse von grob strukturierten Interviews mit der Case Managerin, angelehnt an eine reduzierte Form der Methode Grounded Theory, in einem iterativen Prozess analysiert. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde dann untersucht, inwieweit die einzelnen Arbeitsinhalte des Case Managements die sozial-räumlichdingliche Umweltanpassung und Proaktivität der Klientinnen unterstützten. Die Wirkungen des Projektes auf Kognition, Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens (ADL), Instrumentelle Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens (IADL), Stimmung sowie soziales und störendes Verhalten wurden mittels eines standardisierten Fragebogens mit einem quasi-experimentellen prospektiven Untersuchungsdesign analysiert. Zur Analyse der subjektiven Wirkung des Projektes auf Angehörige wurden in den Ergebnissen von grob strukturierten Interviews mittels eines iterativen Prozesses Themen identifiziert. Die Klientinnen (n=11) erhielten durchschnittlich 23 Stunden Case Management. Neben den typischen Case Management-Aufgaben führte die Case Managerin, basierend auf den Gewohnheiten, Interessen und Selbsteinschätzungen der Klientinnen, therapeutische und pflegerische Maßnahmen durch und unterstützte dabei die sozial-dinglichräumliche Umweltanpassung und Proaktivität der Klientinnen. Zusätzlich wurden Hauspflegerinnen von der Case Managerin individuell in der Wohnung von Klientinnen hinsichtlich der Kommunikation mit und Unterstützung der Proaktivität von Klientinnen angeleitet. Die Hauspflegerinnen führten die von der Case Managerin eingeleiteten Maßnahmen erfolgreich fort. Bei den Klientinnen zeigten sich signifikante Verbesserungen in Gedächtnis, Stimmung, IADL-Funktionen und Sozialverhalten, aber nicht in ADL-Funktionen und störendem Verhalten. Diese Verbesserungen wurden subjektiv von den Angehörigen (n=7) bestätigt. Zusätzlich empfanden Angehörige eine zeitliche aber keine psychische Entlastung. Mit diesem Projekt wurde gezeigt, dass ein zeitlich begrenztes klientenzentriertes Case Management kognitive, soziale und emotionale Funktionen von gerontopsychiatrisch Erkrankten verbessert, Angehörige zeitlich entlastet und dass Hauspflegerinnen bei entsprechender Anleitung die vom Case Management eingeleiteten Maßnahmen fortführen können. In Folgestudien mit größerem Umfang sollten diese Ergebnisse überprüft werden um dann zu entscheiden, ob dieser Ansatz geeignet ist, die ambulante gerontopsychiatrische Versorgung gemeindenah zu verbessern.
Objective: Relatives play a vital role in caring for patients with severe mental illness but receive inadequate support from psychiatric services. Evidence suggests that although intensive case management is directed primarily at patients, relatives may benefit a's well. This study examined whether relatives of patients who were receiving intensive case management had more contact with mental health professionals than relatives of patients who were receiving standard case management. It also examined whether relatives of patients receiving intensive case management appraised caregiving less negatively and experienced less psychological distress than relatives of patients receiving standard case management. Methods: The sample was drawn from the pool of patients participating in the UK700 randomized controlled trial of intensive case management. Prospective data on contact between case managers and the relatives of 146 patients were collected over a two-year period. At a two-year follow-up assessment, relatives of 116 patients were. interviewed with the Experience of Caregiving Inventory and the 12-item General Health Questionnaire. Results: Considerably more relatives of patients receiving intensive case management had contact with a case manager during the study period than relatives of patients receiving standard case management (70 percent compared with 45 percent). However, relatives of patients receiving intensive case management did not-appraise caregiving less negatively or experience less psychological distress than relatives of patients who were receiving. standard case management. Conclusions: Reducing case managers' caseloads alone. will not guarantee adequate support for relatives.. Instead, providing more support will need to be an explicit aim, and staff will require specific additional training to achieve it.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore methods of determining an appropriate caseload for mental health case managers. Method: Seven factors that may impinge on case manager performance and impact on caseload were identified, having reference to published literature and service practice in Victoria and Queensland. The advantages and disadvantages of including these factors in a caseload index were evaluated. Results: Three caseload index methodologies are presented. Each method makes use of different data and has advantages and disadvantages. There is a trade-off between simplicity and ease of application and the comprehensive use of relevant information. Methods vary in their implications for service efficiency and equity in workload distribution. Conclusions: Caseload is a key issue in service planning and staff management. Factors that have the potential to contribute to caseload can be readily identified. However, there is likely to be disagreement as to the weight assigned to any factor and the approach taken may depend on the purpose and context of the caseload calculation. A great deal more research is required to provide an empirical basis for algorithms used in caseload calculation.
The role of the occupational health nurse is broad and includes health care provider, manager/coordinator, educator/advisor, and case manager and consultant, depending on the type of industry and the country in which the nurse practices. Regardless of the type of role, the occupational health nurse must participate in continuing nursing education (CNE) activities. This study describes the roles, credentials, and number of CNE activities undertaken by occupational health nurses working in Ontario, Canada. Using a non-experimental descriptive design, a questionnaire was mailed to all practicing occupational health nurses who are members (n = 900) of a local nursing association. Three hundred fifty-four questionnaires were returned. Nurses reported a variety of roles in the following categories: case management, health promotion, policy development, infection control/travel health, ergonomics, education, research, health and safety, direct care, consultation, disaster preparedness, and industrial hygiene. Sixty-five percent of nurses held an occupational health nurse credential, and 19% of nurses attended more than 100 hours of CNE annually. Occupational health nurses have multiple workplace roles. Many attend CNE activities and they often prepare for credentialing.
Prompted by the continuing transition to community care, mental health nurses are considering the role of social support in community adaptation. This article demonstrates the importance of distinguishing between kinds of social support and presents findings from the first round data of a longitudinal study of community adaptation in 156 people with schizophrenia conducted in Brisbane, Australia. All clients were interviewed using the relevant subscales of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule to confirm a primary diagnosis of schizophrenia. The study set out to investigate the relationship between community adaptation and social support. Community adaptation was measured with the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), the Life Skills Profile (LSP) and measures of dissatisfaction with life and problems in daily living developed by the authors. Social support was measured with the Arizona Social Support Interview Schedule (ASSIS). The BPRS and ASSIS were incorporated into a client interview conducted by trained interviewers. The LSP was completed on each client by an informal carer (parent, relative or friend) or a professional carer (case manager or other health professional) nominated by the client. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to examine the relationship between community adaptation and four sets of social support variables. Given the order in which variables were entered in regression equations, a set of perceived social support variables was found to account for the largest unique variance of four measures of community adaptation in 96 people with schizophrenia for whom complete data are available from the first round of the three-wave longitudinal study. A set of the subjective experiences of the clients accounted for the largest unique variance in measures of symptomatology, life skills, dissatisfaction with life, and problems in daily living. Sets of community support, household support and functional variables accounted for less variance. Implications for mental health nursing practice are considered.
PROBLEM BEING ADDRESSED: Family physicians face innumerable challenges to delivering quality palliative home care to meet the complex needs of end-of-life patients and their families. OBJECTIVE OF PROGRAM: To implement a model of shared care to enhance family physicians' ability to deliver quality palliative home care, particularly in a community-based setting. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Family physicians in 3 group practices (N = 21) in Ontario's Niagara West region collaborated with an interprofessional palliative care team (including a palliative care advanced practice nurse, a palliative medicine physician, a bereavement counselor, a psychosocial-spiritual advisor, and a case manager) in a shared-care partnership to provide comprehensive palliative home care. Key features of the program included systematic and timely identification of end-of-life patients, needs assessments, symptom and psychosocial support interventions, regular communication between team members, and coordinated care guided by outcome-based assessment in the home. In addition, educational initiatives were provided to enhance family physicians' knowledge and skills. CONCLUSION: Because of the program, participants reported improved communication, effective interprofessional collaboration, and the capacity to deliver palliative home care, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to end-of-life patients in the community.
Introduction. L’ostéoporose est une maladie chronique habituellement asymptomatique jusqu’à ce qu’il y ait fracture de fragilisation (FF). Ces fractures engendrent des coûts importants dont une partie pourrait être évitée par la prise en charge de ces patients pour l’ostéoporose. L’implantation d’un programme de prévention des fractures subséquentes géré par des infirmières en orthopédie pourrait permettre de parer à ces problèmes. Objectifs. L’objectif principal de ce projet était de déterminer si une infirmière peut gérer de façon efficace et sécuritaire un service de liaison pour fracture. Méthode. Les décisions cliniques d’infirmières entre 2010 et 2012 pour 525 patients d’un service de liaison pour fracture à l’étude ont été évaluées par deux médecins spécialistes indépendants avec expertise dans les soins pour l’ostéoporose. Résultats. Les infirmières ont pu identifier la totalité des sujets à risque et référer 26.7% de ceux-ci à un spécialiste. L’accord entre chacun des évaluateurs et les infirmières était de >97%. Les évaluateurs ont donné les mêmes réponses à >96% pour chaque type de décision et le niveau d’accord inter-juge était presque parfait (AC1 >0.960). Aucune référence n’a été jugée inutile. Les comorbidités majeures ont toutes été prises en charge. Conclusion. L’accord élevé entre les décisions cliniques des infirmières et des médecins évaluateurs démontre que la prise en charge par une infirmière est sécuritaire et recommandable pour les patients avec FF. Ce type d’intervention pourrait contribuer à résoudre les problèmes d’accessibilité aux soins chez les patients avec fragilité osseuse, ainsi qu’à diminuer le fardeau économique que représente le traitement des FF pour la société.
Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option administration des services infirmiers
Introduction et recension des écrits : Récemment, les suicides de vétérans et d’athlètes professionnels ont attiré l’attention sur l’association entre le TCC et le suicide. Les lignes directrices concernant la prise en charge en santé mentale dans cette population demeurent fragmentaires. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont de 1) déterminer si une association existe entre le TCC subi dans l’enfance et le suicide futur, 2) explorer si les personnes qui se sont suicidées ont consulté un psychiatre dans l’année précédant le suicide et évaluer si cela diffère selon que la personne ait eu un TCC ou non, 3) décrire et qualifier l’offre québécoise de santé mentale offerte en réadaptation aux enfants et aux adultes ayant subi un TCC. Méthodologie : Le volet épidémiologique consiste en une étude de cohorte rétrospective sur un échantillon de 135 703 enfants ayant reçu des services médicaux au Québec en 1987 et suivis jusqu’en 2008. Le volet qualitatif comprend un sondage auprès des gestionnaires des programmes de réadaptation TCC du Québec, des groupes de discussion avec des cliniciens et des entrevues avec des survivants de TCC et leurs proches. Résultats : Notre étude épidémiologique confirme une association significative entre le TCC subi dans l’enfance (HR 1,49 IC95% 1,04- 2,14), dans l’adolescence (HR 1,57, IC 95% 1,09-2,26) et à l’âge adulte (HR 2,53, IC95% 1,79-3,59) et le suicide. Malgré un risque de suicide plus élevé, les personnes avec un TCC et qui se sont suicidées n’ont pas consulté de psychiatre plus fréquemment que les personnes sans TCC (OR 1,29, IC 95% 0,75- 2,24). Par ailleurs, notre étude qualitative révèle que les forces du système actuel incluent une bonne qualité des services, mais qu’il existe des faiblesses au niveau de l’accès aux médecins spécialisés, du dépistage systématique et de l’accès aux services à long terme. Nos recommandations incluent le développement d’une approche coordonnée en santé mentale, l’implication automatique d’un gestionnaire de cas et l’amélioration des mécanismes d’accès après le congé.