999 resultados para business coaching
The current research emphasizes on various questions raised and deliberated upon by different entrepreneurs. It provides a valuable contribution to comprehend the importance of social media and ICT-applications. Furthermore, it demonstrates how to support and implement the management consulting and business coaching start-ups with the help of social media and ICT-tools. The thesis presents a literary review from different information systems science, SME and e-business journals, web articles, as well as, survey analysis reports on social media applications. The methodology incorporated into a qualitative research method in which social anthropological approaches were used to oversee the case study activities in order to collect data. The collaborative social research approach was used to shelter the action research method. The research discovered that new business start-ups, as well as small businesses do not use social media and ICT-tools, unlike most of the large corporations use. At present, the current open-source ICT-technologies and social media applications are equally available for new and small businesses as they are available for larger companies. Successful implementation of social media and ICT-applications can easily enhance start-up performance and overcome business hassles. The thesis sheds some light on effective and innovative implementation of social media and ICT-applications for new business risk takers and small business birds. Key words
Los estudios de liderazgo han abordado la interacción que existe entre el sujeto denominado líder y sus seguidores. Dentro de dicha relación se han estudiado las habilidades del líder y su impacto como coach. Hoy en día se pueden evidenciar un sinnúmero de estudios y aproximaciones en torno al término coaching, concepto, marcos teóricos, modelos, etc… En el presente artículo se hará un proceso investigativo en el que se define coaching desde el punto de vista de varios autores, expertos y managers que se desarrollan en el ámbito empresarial para poder encontrar una definición que comprenda las dimensiones del mundo organizacional, A continuación, se hará una búsqueda sistemática de las definiciones de coaching y a partir de esta búsqueda se propondrá una definición integradora que dé cuenta de los diversos ámbitos del estudio del liderazgo. Al revisar la terminología en cuanto a liderazgo y coaching, junto con su relación directa no hay una definición que realmente abarque todo el tema organizacional que implica estas dos palabras.
Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin Pohjois-Karjalan koulutuskuntayhtymälle. Koulutusorganisaatiossa tapahtuu lähitulevaisuudessa rakenteellisia muutoksia. Organisaation pääprosessi (opetusprosessi) muuttuu ryhmäopetuksesta yksilöä valmentavaan suuntaan. Tämä aiheuttaa myös johtamisen ja organisaatiokulttuurin muutoksen, vanhat toimintatavat eivät enää riitä. Organisaation rajapinnoilla toimivien esimiesten asema on muutoksessa avainasemassa. Jotta toiminta voi jatkua ja kilpailuetu pystytään säilyttämään, rakennetaan valmentavan johtamisen ja osallistavan organisaatiokulttuurin avulla tukiprosessit pääprosessin ympärille. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tapaustutkimuksena (case). Tutkimuksessa keskityttiin yhden Pohjois-Karjalaisen ammattiopiston nykytilan johtamismallin vertaamista kehitettävään uuteen toimintamalliin. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoidulla teemahaastattelulla. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin yhdeksää esimiestä (koulutusjohtajia ja lähiesimiehiä). Tutkimustulosten mukaan valmentavaa johtamista ja organisaatiokulttuurin muutosta ei ymmärretä selkeästi. Koulutusjohtajilla on selkeämpi käsitys muutoksesta kuin lähiesimiehillä. Lähiesimiehillä esiintyy selkeää muutosvastarintaa. Selkeimmät haasteet muutoksessa liittyvät resurssien käyttöön, hankkeiden ja projektien hallintaan sekä osastojen väliseen yhteistyöhön ja verkostoitumiseen. Tärkeintä on ymmärtää, että valmentama toiminta on jatkuvaa kehittämistä ja ihmisten välistä vuorovaikutusta. Tässä tutkimuksessa saatiin havaintoja, jotka tukevat esitettyä teoriaa.
Tässä työssä tarkastellaan Start-up & Spin-off Factory -projektissa, pääsääntöisesti Kymenlaaksossa toimiville, yrittäjille suunnattua ja toteutettua yritysvalmennusohjelmaa. Työssä selvitetään ja käsitellään Start-up & Spin-off -projektin yritysvalmennuksen onnistumisia ja kehittämiskohteita sähköisen kyselyn sekä teemahaastatteluiden pohjalta. Start-up & Spin-off Factory -projektissa tuettiin innovatiivisten yritysten (21 yritystä) kasvua kiihdytysohjelmalla, jossa kokeneet sarjayrittäjät valmensivat uutta yritystä perustavia tai jo yritystoiminnan aloittaneita yrittäjiä, joiden tuotteille/palveluille haluttiin saada kasvua. Projektin tavoitteena oli edistää erityisesti kiihdytettävien yritysten nopeaa kansainvälistymistä auttamalla yrittäjiä pilottien, asiakkaiden, partnerien ja rahoituksen hankinnassa. Valmennettavat kokivat saaneensa lisäarvoa valmennuksesta omaksumalla uusia näkökulmia. He kokivat koulutuksen tuoneen yrityksen toimintaan lisää nöyrää asennetta ja lujaa uskoa tulevaisuuteen. Vertaistuen osuutta sekä verkostojen lisääntymisen mukana tullutta uusien kontaktien määrää pidettiin myönteisenä asiana. Vastausten perusteella valmennus selkeytti valmennettavien ymmärrystä liiketoiminnan kehittämisestä. Hissipuheen teko ja harjoittelu koettiin tärkeäksi ja jännittäväksi. Valmennus vahvisti luottamusta omaan tuotteeseen ja palveluun. Valmennuksen painottuminen ICT-alan firmoihin merkitsi valmennuksessa sitä, että teoriat ja esimerkit tulivat useasti tältä alalta. Toimialojen eroavaisuus tulisi huomioida valmennuksessa opetussisältöjen ja esimerkkien osalta. Kyselyn ja haastatteluiden mukaan valmentajien asiantuntemukseen oltiin tyytyväisiä. Lisäksi onnistuneena osa-alueena koettiin valmennuksen käytännön järjestelyjä. Kehitettävää puolestaan oli opetusmateriaalien, opetusmenetelmien ja koulutuksen keston suhteen. Kysyttäessä valmennuksen hyvistä ja huonoista puolista olivat vastaajat sitä mieltä, että valmennuksessa oli hyvä ilmapiiri ja valmennus oli käytännönläheistä. Pienryhmävalmennusta pidettiin hyvänä asiana, samoin kuin henkilökohtaistamista.
While a growing number of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are making use of coaching, little is known about the impact such coaching has within this sector. This study sought to identify the factors that influence managers' decision to engage with coaching, their perceptions of the coaching ‘journey’ and the kinds of benefits accruing from coaching: organisational, personal or both. As part of a mixed methods approach, a survey tool was developed based upon a range of relevant management competencies from the UK's Management Occupational Standards and responses analysed using importance-performance analysis, an approach first used in the marketing sector to evaluate customer satisfaction. Results indicate that coaching had a significant impact on personal attributes such as ‘Managing Self-Cognition’ and ‘Managing Self-Emotional’, whereas the impact on business-oriented attributes was weaker. Managers' choice of coaches with psychotherapeutic rather than non-psychotherapeutic backgrounds was also statistically significant. We conclude that even in the competitive business environment of SMEs, coaching was used as a largely personal, therapeutic intervention rather than to build business-oriented competencies.
Coaching for all (C4all) is a project created by TESE-Associação para o Desenvolvimento or TESE-Association for development (TESE), aimed at disseminating and democratizing access to coaching methods among people seeking employment and other vulnerable groups of people. The initial results of the C4All project were well below their expectations. Therefore, we developed a Business Plan in order to understand if and how the performance of C4all can be improved. The results of our analysis suggest a number of changes that C4all need to undertake in order to survive and achieve better outcomes in the future
O mundo empresarial tem sido alvo de mudanças impulsionadas pela globalização. Neste sentido, as empresas que pretendem sobreviver e atingir um bom nível de competitividade devem focalizar-se na capacitação, no desenvolvimento e na motivação constante dos seus colaboradores. Devido à importância dos recursos humanos como diferencial competitivo, o processo de coaching como modelo de gestão da mudança, tem vindo a merecer muita importância no contexto organizacional. O processo de coaching em consonância com programas de desenvolvimento da liderança no contexto organizacional/empresarial visa ajudar os colaboradores a desenvolverem novas atitudes e competências ao alcance das metas organizacionais. O intuito deste trabalho é apresentar esclarecimentos acerca do termo, abordando os aspectos mais relevantes e o seu respectivo impacto no contexto organizacional. Realizou-se um Estudo de Caso baseado numa empresa de produção e prestação de serviços em São Vicente, com a finalidade de avaliar a motivação dos seus colaboradores, através da aplicação de um questionário aos mesmos. Na sequência da análise dos resultados sugeriu-se um modelo que mais se adapta à realidade da empresa. The business world has been challenged by several changes driven by globalization. Considering the present situation, companies that intend to survive and achieve a somewhat good level of competiveness should focus on their employee’s constant capacity building, development and motivation. Considering the Human Resources importance as a competitive differential, the coaching process as a change management module has been a very importance on the organizational context. The coaching process together with the leadership development programmes on the organizational/entrepreneurial context enables the employees to develop new attitudes and skills aiming for organizational goals. This paper purpose is to enlighten the reader on the subject, addressing the most relevant issues and its impact on the organizational context. We’ve conducted a Case Study, of a production and service company on S. Vicente Island, aiming to assess the employee’s motivation, through the application of a questionnaire. Following the results analysis, a model was proposed to better fit the company’s reality.
Speed, uncertainty and complexity are increasing in the business world all the time. When knowledge and skills become quickly irrelevant, new challenges are set for information technology (IT) education. Meta-learning skills – learning how to learn rapidly - and innovation skills have become more essential than single technologies or other specific issues. The drastic changes in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector have caused a need to reconsider how IT Bachelor education in Universities of Applied Sciences should be organized and employed to cope with the change. The objective of the study was to evaluate how a new approach to IT Bachelor education, the ICT entrepreneurship study path (ICT-ESP) fits IT Bachelor education in a Finnish University of Applied Sciences. This kind of educational arrangement has not been employed elsewhere in the context of IT Bachelor education. The study presents the results of a four-year period during which IT Bachelor education was renewed in a Finnish University of Applied Sciences. The learning environment was organized into an ICT-ESP based on Nonaka’s knowledge theory and Kolb’s experiental learning. The IT students who studied in the ICT-ESP established a cooperative and learned ICT by running their cooperative at the University of Applied Sciences. The students (called team entrepreneurs) studied by reading theory in books and other sources of explicit information, doing projects for their customers, and reflecting in training sessions on what was learnt by doing and by studying the literature. Action research was used as the research strategy in this study. Empirical data was collected via theme-based interviews, direct observation, and participative observation. Grounded theory method was utilized in the data analysis and the theoretical sampling was used to guide the data collection. The context of the University of Applied Sciences provided a good basis for fostering team entrepreneurship. However, the results showed that the employment of the ICT-ESP did not fit into the IT Bachelor education well enough. The ICT-ESP was cognitively too tough for the team entrepreneurs because they had two different set of rules to follow in their studies. The conventional courses engaged lot of energy which should have been spent for professional development in the ICT-ESP. The amount of competencies needed in the ICT-ESP for professional development was greater than those needed for any other ways of studying. The team entrepreneurs needed to develop skills in ICT, leadership and self-leadership, team development and entrepreneurship skills. The entrepreneurship skills included skills on marketing and sales, brand development, productization, and business administration. Considering the three-year time the team entrepreneurs spent in the ICT-ESP, the challenges were remarkable. Changes to the organization of IT Bachelor education are also suggested in the study. At first, it should be admitted that the ICT-ESP produces IT Bachelors with a different set of competencies compared to the conventional way of educating IT Bachelors. Secondly, the number of courses on general topics in mathematics, physics, and languages for team entrepreneurs studying in the ICTESP should be reconsidered and the conventional course-based teaching of the topics should be reorganized to support the team coaching process of the team entrepreneurs with their practiceoriented projects. Third, the upcoming team entrepreneurs should be equipped with relevant information about the ICT-ESP and what it would require in practice to study as a team entrepreneur. Finally, the upcoming team entrepreneurs should be carefully selected before they start in the ICT-ESP to have a possibility to eliminate solo players and those who have a too romantic view of being a team entrepreneur. The results gained in the study provided answers to the original research questions and the objectives of the study were met. Even though the IT degree programme was terminated during the research process, the amount of qualitative data gathered made it possible to justify the interpretations done.
La empresa, en su más amplio significado, es un mundo único el cual comprende muchos factores y elementos – técnicos, materiales, financieros, infraestructura, entre otros – los cuales deben ser gestionados de la mejor manera con el fin de alcanzar las metas y conseguir los objetivos propuestos. Dentro de estos elementos se encuentran la Estrategia y el Talento Humano, los cuales son de vital importancia para la perdurabilidad y sobrevivencia de la empresa y más aún en estos tiempos de crisis marcados por la dura competencia y el afán de diferenciación y posicionamiento, llevando a las empresas a reinventarse buscando nuevos mercados y modelos de negocio. Es allí donde estos dos factores entran en juego, a través de una buena gestión del Talento Humano y la alineación de estos con la Estrategia de la organización se logra dichos cambios. En el presente trabajo se investigó los efectos que puede generar la implementación de la metodología de Coaching en el Talento Humano, al igual que su implicación para alinearse con la estrategia de la organización. Se llevó a cabo un trabajo de campo con diferentes empresas que trabajan con esta metodología, aplicando a los directivos un cuestionario relacionado con las competencias técnicas y relacionales en las que el Coaching influye mostrando el antes y el después. De igual forma se realizó una entrevista cualitativa a las personas encargadas del departamento de Recursos Humanos o Talento Humano.
Las competencias del docente universitario están actualmente en revisión para ajustarse a los requisitos del modelo universitario europeo. En este trabajo se toman en consideración las competencias emocionales, las competencias comunicativas- relacionales y las competencias de liderazgo docente. Se exponen los resultados de las formaciones realizadas en torno a las mismas y se aporta un modelo de coaching educativo estructurado en cuatro grandes bloques: inteligencia emocional, liderazgo, coaching y estrategias relacionales. Se exponen los beneficios de introducir el rol de líder-tutor-coach para facilitar el desarrollo competencial del alumnado
The Welsh private and third sectors are heavily dependent on SMEs. Consequently the performance of SMEs is critical to the performance of the Welsh economy. Substantial public funds, particularly from European Structural Funds, have been allocated to support these since 2000. The majority of programmes thus funded have been led from within the Welsh Government. This paper reports interim evaluation findings from one intervention led by two Welsh higher education institutions (HEIs), namely the LEAD Wales programme. The programme is an extended intervention to support the leadership skills of owner-managers and incorporates a range of learning methods, including formal masterclasses, but emphasizes situated and experiential learning through action learning, coaching and peer-to-peer exchange exercises. The programme’s impact is assessed on the experiences of 325 participants, of whom 217 have completed the programme. The paper concludes that situated learning methods, through which participants are able to draw from shared history and experience over an extended period are critical to programme success. By contrast, short-term thematic teaching, based around more formal, hierarchical learning is less likely to yield significant and sustainable economic benefits. The implications of this for business support in Wales are discussed.
Ecological niche modelling combines species occurrence points with environmental raster layers in order to obtain models for describing the probabilistic distribution of species. The process to generate an ecological niche model is complex. It requires dealing with a large amount of data, use of different software packages for data conversion, for model generation and for different types of processing and analyses, among other functionalities. A software platform that integrates all requirements under a single and seamless interface would be very helpful for users. Furthermore, since biodiversity modelling is constantly evolving, new requirements are constantly being added in terms of functions, algorithms and data formats. This evolution must be accompanied by any software intended to be used in this area. In this scenario, a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an appropriate choice for designing such systems. According to SOA best practices and methodologies, the design of a reference business process must be performed prior to the architecture definition. The purpose is to understand the complexities of the process (business process in this context refers to the ecological niche modelling problem) and to design an architecture able to offer a comprehensive solution, called a reference architecture, that can be further detailed when implementing specific systems. This paper presents a reference business process for ecological niche modelling, as part of a major work focused on the definition of a reference architecture based on SOA concepts that will be used to evolve the openModeller software package for species modelling. The basic steps that are performed while developing a model are described, highlighting important aspects, based on the knowledge of modelling experts. In order to illustrate the steps defined for the process, an experiment was developed, modelling the distribution of Ouratea spectabilis (Mart.) Engl. (Ochnaceae) using openModeller. As a consequence of the knowledge gained with this work, many desirable improvements on the modelling software packages have been identified and are presented. Also, a discussion on the potential for large-scale experimentation in ecological niche modelling is provided, highlighting opportunities for research. The results obtained are very important for those involved in the development of modelling tools and systems, for requirement analysis and to provide insight on new features and trends for this category of systems. They can also be very helpful for beginners in modelling research, who can use the process and the experiment example as a guide to this complex activity. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper addresses the problem of ensuring compliance of business processes, implemented within and across organisational boundaries, with the constraints stated in related business contracts. In order to deal with the complexity of this problem we propose two solutions that allow for a systematic and increasingly automated support for addressing two specific compliance issues. One solution provides a set of guidelines for progressively transforming contract conditions into business processes that are consistent with contract conditions thus avoiding violation of the rules in contract. Another solution compares rules in business contracts and rules in business processes to check for possible inconsistencies. Both approaches rely on a computer interpretable representation of contract conditions that embodies contract semantics. This semantics is described in terms of a logic based formalism allowing for the description of obligations, prohibitions, permissions and violations conditions in contracts. This semantics was based on an analysis of typical building blocks of many commercial, financial and government contracts. The study proved that our contract formalism provides a good foundation for describing key types of conditions in contracts, and has also given several insights into valuable transformation techniques and formalisms needed to establish better alignment between these two, traditionally separate areas of research and endeavour. The study also revealed a number of new areas of research, some of which we intend to address in near future.
The results presented in this report form a part of a larger global study on the major issues in BPM. Only one part of the larger study is reported here, viz. interviews with BPM experts. Interviews of BPM tool vendors together with focus groups involving user organizations, are continuing in parallel and will set the groundwork for the identification of BPM issues on a global scale via a survey (including a Delphi study). Through this multi-method approach, we identify four distinct sets of outcomes. First, as is the focus of this report, we identify the BPM issues as perceived by BPM experts. Second, the research design allows us to gain insight into the opinions of organisations deploying BPM solutions. Third, an understanding of organizations’ misconceptions of BPM technologies, as confronted by BPM tool vendors is obtained. Last, we seek to gain an understanding of BPM issues on a global scale, together with knowledge of matters of concern. This final outcome is aimed to produce an industry driven research agenda which will inform practitioners and in particular, the research community world-wide on issues and challenges that are prevalent or emerging in BPM and related areas.