934 resultados para bilateral relations


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Last year (2011) marked the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China. The bilateral relationship has deepened significantly since 1951, with both countries benefiting from this relationship. However, Pakistan would like to deepen it even further, while China is more pragmatic and cautious. There are irritants, notably the killing of Chinese citizens, the presence of Uighur militants in Pakistan and their different interests in Afghanistan, which could put some stress on the relationship. While the relationship will continue to grow, China is not about to displace the US as Pakistan’s major economic and military aid provider.


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In the 1980s and 1990s, Australian-Malaysian relations reached a critical juncture due to a series of crises, such as the 1986 capital punishment of convicted drug smugglers Barlow and Chambers, and the 1993 "recalcitrant" jibe by Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating. Following the election of the Howard government in 1996, relations continued to be on a roller coaster with the Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad leading anti-Australia protests over the "Howard Doctrine," the Australian leadership of the 1999 intervention in East Timor, and the "Deputy Sheriff" controversy. Despite this, defense relations between the two remained strong. The success of this cooperation rests on shared political commitment to the security of the region. This article examines the impact that positive cooperation in "high politics" has had in mitigating the negative aspects of crises in "low politics." It argues that close bilateral defense relations have worked to prevent the emergence of further critical junctures in 2012 following the collapse of the Australian-Malaysian refugee swap deal and statements by Australian politicians about Malaysia's poor treatment of asylum seekers, and in 2013 over the overt support by many Australian politicians of the opposition, especially Anwar Ibrahim, during the Malaysian general elections.


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El trabajo desarrolla la forma en la que evolucionaron las relaciones bilaterales entre Rusia y Kazajstán desde el periodo inmediatamente posterior a la caída de la URSS donde no existía una relación cercana, hasta el año 2001 donde se empieza a hablar de una cooperación entre los dos actores que llevó a una estrecha relación bilateral.


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Amenazas como Siria, Irán y el PKK fueron relevantes al momento de forjar una alianza entre Turquía e Israel a mediados de los noventa. Con la firma de varios acuerdos en el ámbito militar se fortaleció la relación bilateral en materia de seguridad. Sin embargo, la llegada de un nuevo gobierno a Turquía en 2002 generó un cambio en materia de política exterior, especialmente con Israel. La monografía sustentada bajo los postulados de la Teoría del Balance de las Amenazas concluye que la ruptura de la alianza se dio por el cambio en la política exterior de seguridad turca, el bloqueo a Gaza por parte de Israel en 2008 y el ataque a la Flotilla de Gaza en 2010, conduciendo a una transformación en los acuerdos militares pactados para la seguridad y estabilidad de ambos países en la región de Medio Oriente.


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Within a framework of formally increasingly cordial bilateral relations, the Indonesian military, the TNI, was engaging in and allowing extensive cross-border trade and smuggling while pursuing a policy of limited cross-border destabilization of East Timor. This seemingly contradictory policy, run from the TNI's 'strategic command centre' in Atambua, West Timor, met the TNI's continuing need to fund its own activities (and those of its proxies) through both legal and illegal means, to provide leverage for the coming talks about the formal demarcation of the border, and to provide a foothold to longer-term irredentist claims to the former occupied province and now independent state.


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Romania and Moldova have developed very strong ties, resulting mainly from many years of common history (including joint statehood), language and cultural heritage. On the one hand, this closeness fosters bilateral relations, but on the other hand it places a serious burden upon them. This is because Moldovan statehood and identity has in some way been built in opposition to Romanian statehood and identity. Part of Moldovan society (especially the Russian-speaking minority) fears closer cooperation with Bucharest, seeing it as threatening a loss of independence and the declaration of unification with its western neighbour. Historic sentiment is also reflected in Bucharest’s policy towards Moldova. Officially, relations with Chisinau are considered as exceptional, and representatives of the Romanian political class are full of declarations of assistance and support for their eastern neighbour, appealing to the national, cultural and linguistic community. In practice, however, Romanian policy towards Moldova (and hence also the two countries’ bilateral relations) is most often shaped not by sentiment but by political pragmatism, resulting among others from a desire to win the support of the Romanian electorate.


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Despite the position of the United States as de facto global hegemon, China is a rising power in the world. As Chinese power grows, the projection of Chinese influence will be felt most acutely in Southeast Asia. Whether to accommodate, contain or resist China will depend on future developments that none can foresee, including Chinese ambitions, the policies of other international players (the U.S., Japan), and the cohesion or fragility of the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN). This paper argues that in deciding how best to deal with China, two factors that will influence the countries of Southeast Asia are their own long histories of bilateral relations with China and their own differing conceptions of how foreign relations should be conducted. This is to argue that history and culture are central to any understanding of the likely future shape of China-Southeast Asia relations. Only by taking history and culture into account will analysts be in a position to predict how the mainland and maritime states of Southeast Asia are likely to respond to a more powerful, confident and assertive China.


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El interés de esta monografía es analizar la transformación de relación bilateral colombo – estadounidense en materia de seguridad y defensa durante el periodo 2002 – 2014, y cómo dicha transformación puede incidir en la formulación de la política exterior colombiana. Se analizará la política exterior de Álvaro Uribe Vélez y la del actual presidente Juan Manuel Santos. Esto se llevará a cabo bajo dos de las teorías de Relaciones Internacionales, el realismo subalterno y neoclásico, las cuales ayudarán a entender el porqué del cambio de la política exterior de colombiana.


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Esta dissertação trata das relações bilaterais sino-russa e sino-brasileira a partir do conceito de parceria estratégica, tal como este aparece na formulação teórica dos chineses. Neste sentido, a análise recai sobre o pensamento político chinês e como este articula uma concepção própria sobre as relações internacionais, na qual é dada uma ênfase às relações bilaterais da China com países aos quais confere peso estratégico no rol de suas relações bilaterais. O conceito de parceria estratégica, neste trabalho, refere-se a relações bilaterais constituídas com um grau de institucionalização de meios de consulta e organismos permanentes entre os Estados, sem com isso em traduzir-se em alianças entre os dois países ou voltadas contra um terceiro Estado. Oficialmente, o termo parceria estratégica aparece na diplomacia chinesa para caracterizar as relações bilaterais da China com o Brasil e a Rússia, por exemplo, entendidas como o tipo de relacionamento mais harmonioso do país asiático com outros Estados, uma vez que a República Popular não constitui mais alianças ou relações de muita proximidade com qualquer membro do sistema internacional. Levando em conta a validade deste conceito de parceria estratégica, são analisadas as relações bilaterais sino-russa e sino-brasileira, para compreender até que ponto é válido o conceito como ferramenta explicativa.


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Os desequilíbrios na escala de capacidades militares, econômicas, tecnológicas, de território e população entre Estados formalmente soberanos configuram um sistema internacional de relações assimétricas que pressupõe desafios relativamente maiores para as políticas externas dos países periféricos. Entretanto, em contextos de assimetria em uma relação bilateral, é possível constatar que a parte fraca pode, sob certas condições, sustentar com sucesso preferências divergentes das formuladas pela contraparte mais forte. Esta é uma pesquisa histórica comparativa que, através da comparação entre casos de divergência e crise na história das relações bilaterais do Brasil e do México frente aos Estados Unidos, se propõe a indagar que condições permitem a sustentação das preferências formuladas pelos governantes da parte mais fraca de uma díade assimétrica. Uma afirmação central desta pesquisa postula que variáveis de política doméstica devem ser levadas em conta para explicar o sucesso da parte fraca, em particular, a formação de coalizões de apoio à política externa amplas, plurais e heterogêneas. A comparação inclui casos de sucesso e insucesso na sustentação de preferências formuladas pelos governos do Brasil e do México, de forma a avaliar a presença ou ausência desse tipo de coalizão em cada conjuntura. A partir da consulta de estudos prévios, jornais e revistas publicadas nas respectivas épocas, arquivos diplomáticos e documentos oficiais, foi possível mapear o omportamento de atores relevantes para a política externa em cada caso e avaliar sua adesão ou não às preferências postuladas pelos responsáveis da condução da política externa. A inclusão na análise de duas conjunturas de alinhamento dos governantes do Brasil e do México com as preferências de Washington permitiu afirmar a importância do apoio interno para a sustentação de preferências capazes de gerar clivagens muito intensas no âmbito das relações do Brasil e do México frente aos Estados Unidos.


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Francja i Niemcy przez stulecia walczyły o zdobycie władzy i przejęcie wpływów na kontynencie europejskim i traktowały siebie nawzajem jako największe zagrożenie. Jednak tragiczna pierwsza połowa XX wieku przyniosła z jednej strony pragnienie zapewnienia, iż okropności wojny już nigdy się nie powtórzą, a z drugiej strony poczucie, że nieodzowna jest zmiana dwustronnych stosunków panujących między Berlinem a Paryżem. Konieczność stworzenia przestrzeni wolności i współpracy doprowadziła niegdysiejszych wrogów do stworzenia idei integracji najważniejszych części gospodarki. Pomysł zjednoczenia krajów Europy Zachodniej przekształcił się w kolejnych latach w symbol zaangażowania francusko-niemieckiego. Dwie republiki stały się rdzeniem europejskiej współpracy i spiritus movens zmian politycznych, ekonomicznych i instytucjonalnych w powojennej Europie. Po upadku komunizmu w 1989 roku ich rola zyskała nowy wymiar w odmiennych warunkach geopolitycznych - od momentu podpisania Traktatu z Maastricht w 1992 roku francusko-niemiecki duet powiększył swe znaczenie i wpływ na politykę nowej Unii Europejskiej. Realizacja zapisów Traktatu z Maastricht i kolejnych dokumentów, w tym Traktatu z Lizbony, koncentracja na kwestiach reform instytucjonalnych, jak również przygotowania do wschodniego rozszerzenia UE mogą być rozpatrywane jedynie w odniesieniu do wspólnych działań prowadzonych przez nadreński tandem. Realizacja trzech filarów integracji: współpracy w wymiarze ekonomicznym i społecznym, wspólnej polityki zagranicznej i bezpieczeństwa, jak również współpracy policyjnej i sądowej w sprawach karnych, podkreślają znaczenie couple franco-allemand i zwracają uwagę na rolę lidera, jaką Paryż i Berlin odgrywają w dziedzinie integracji.


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The article analyzes the question of Senkaku islands dispute between Japan, China and Taiwan. The aim of the text is to present how the dispute has affected Japan-China bilateral relations. At first, the paper focuses on characterization: the subject of dispute, claims of countries, its course and an international aspect. The second part considers: the incident in September 2010 and its consequences, the dispute effects and prosperities of its regulations. The relations between China and Japan are very complicated. The Senkaku Islands dispute and 2010 incident are presently one of the most important reasons for disagreement.