842 resultados para big data processing


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The generation of heterogeneous big data sources with ever increasing volumes, velocities and veracities over the he last few years has inspired the data science and research community to address the challenge of extracting knowledge form big data. Such a wealth of generated data across the board can be intelligently exploited to advance our knowledge about our environment, public health, critical infrastructure and security. In recent years we have developed generic approaches to process such big data at multiple levels for advancing decision-support. It specifically concerns data processing with semantic harmonisation, low level fusion, analytics, knowledge modelling with high level fusion and reasoning. Such approaches will be introduced and presented in context of the TRIDEC project results on critical oil and gas industry drilling operations and also the ongoing large eVacuate project on critical crowd behaviour detection in confined spaces.


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A Internet das Coisas é um novo paradigma de comunicação que estende o mundo virtual (Internet) para o mundo real com a interface e interação entre objetos. Ela possuirá um grande número de dispositivos heteregôneos interconectados, que deverá gerar um grande volume de dados. Um dos importantes desafios para seu desenvolvimento é se guardar e processar esse grande volume de dados em aceitáveis intervalos de tempo. Esta pesquisa endereça esse desafio, com a introdução de serviços de análise e reconhecimento de padrões nas camadas inferiores do modelo de para Internet das Coisas, que procura reduzir o processamento nas camadas superiores. Na pesquisa foram analisados os modelos de referência para Internet das Coisas e plataformas para desenvolvimento de aplicações nesse contexto. A nova arquitetura de implementada estende o LinkSmart Middeware pela introdução de um módulo para reconhecimento de padrões, implementa algoritmos para estimação de valores, detecção de outliers e descoberta de grupos nos dados brutos, oriundos de origens de dados. O novo módulo foi integrado à plataforma para Big Data Hadoop e usa as implementações algorítmicas do framework Mahout. Este trabalho destaca a importância da comunicação cross layer integrada à essa nova arquitetura. Nos experimentos desenvolvidos na pesquisa foram utilizadas bases de dados reais, provenientes do projeto Smart Santander, de modo a validar da nova arquitetura de IoT integrada aos serviços de análise e reconhecimento de padrões e a comunicação cross-layer.


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Cloud computing offers massive scalability and elasticity required by many scien-tific and commercial applications. Combining the computational and data handling capabilities of clouds with parallel processing also has the potential to tackle Big Data problems efficiently. Science gateway frameworks and workflow systems enable application developers to implement complex applications and make these available for end-users via simple graphical user interfaces. The integration of such frameworks with Big Data processing tools on the cloud opens new oppor-tunities for application developers. This paper investigates how workflow sys-tems and science gateways can be extended with Big Data processing capabilities. A generic approach based on infrastructure aware workflows is suggested and a proof of concept is implemented based on the WS-PGRADE/gUSE science gateway framework and its integration with the Hadoop parallel data processing solution based on the MapReduce paradigm in the cloud. The provided analysis demonstrates that the methods described to integrate Big Data processing with workflows and science gateways work well in different cloud infrastructures and application scenarios, and can be used to create massively parallel applications for scientific analysis of Big Data.


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Big data è il termine usato per descrivere una raccolta di dati così estesa in termini di volume,velocità e varietà da richiedere tecnologie e metodi analitici specifici per l'estrazione di valori significativi. Molti sistemi sono sempre più costituiti e caratterizzati da enormi moli di dati da gestire,originati da sorgenti altamente eterogenee e con formati altamente differenziati,oltre a qualità dei dati estremamente eterogenei. Un altro requisito in questi sistemi potrebbe essere il fattore temporale: sempre più sistemi hanno bisogno di ricevere dati significativi dai Big Data il prima possibile,e sempre più spesso l’input da gestire è rappresentato da uno stream di informazioni continuo. In questo campo si inseriscono delle soluzioni specifiche per questi casi chiamati Online Stream Processing. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è di proporre un prototipo funzionante che elabori dati di Instant Coupon provenienti da diverse fonti con diversi formati e protocolli di informazioni e trasmissione e che memorizzi i dati elaborati in maniera efficiente per avere delle risposte in tempo reale. Le fonti di informazione possono essere di due tipologie: XMPP e Eddystone. Il sistema una volta ricevute le informazioni in ingresso, estrapola ed elabora codeste fino ad avere dati significativi che possono essere utilizzati da terze parti. Lo storage di questi dati è fatto su Apache Cassandra. Il problema più grosso che si è dovuto risolvere riguarda il fatto che Apache Storm non prevede il ribilanciamento delle risorse in maniera automatica, in questo caso specifico però la distribuzione dei clienti durante la giornata è molto varia e ricca di picchi. Il sistema interno di ribilanciamento sfrutta tecnologie innovative come le metriche e sulla base del throughput e della latenza esecutiva decide se aumentare/diminuire il numero di risorse o semplicemente non fare niente se le statistiche sono all’interno dei valori di soglia voluti.


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To date, big data applications have focused on the store-and-process paradigm. In this paper we describe an initiative to deal with big data applications for continuous streams of events. In many emerging applications, the volume of data being streamed is so large that the traditional ‘store-then-process’ paradigm is either not suitable or too inefficient. Moreover, soft-real time requirements might severely limit the engineering solutions. Many scenarios fit this description. In network security for cloud data centres, for instance, very high volumes of IP packets and events from sensors at firewalls, network switches and routers and servers need to be analyzed and should detect attacks in minimal time, in order to limit the effect of the malicious activity over the IT infrastructure. Similarly, in the fraud department of a credit card company, payment requests should be processed online and need to be processed as quickly as possible in order to provide meaningful results in real-time. An ideal system would detect fraud during the authorization process that lasts hundreds of milliseconds and deny the payment authorization, minimizing the damage to the user and the credit card company.


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The promise of ‘big data’ has generated a significant deal of interest in the development of new approaches to research in the humanities and social sciences, as well as a range of important critical interventions which warn of an unquestioned rush to ‘big data’. Drawing on the experiences made in developing innovative ‘big data’ approaches to social media research, this paper examines some of the repercussions for the scholarly research and publication practices of those researchers who do pursue the path of ‘big data’–centric investigation in their work. As researchers import the tools and methods of highly quantitative, statistical analysis from the ‘hard’ sciences into computational, digital humanities research, must they also subscribe to the language and assumptions underlying such ‘scientificity’? If so, how does this affect the choices made in gathering, processing, analysing, and disseminating the outcomes of digital humanities research? In particular, is there a need to rethink the forms and formats of publishing scholarly work in order to enable the rigorous scrutiny and replicability of research outcomes?


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Acoustic sensing is a promising approach to scaling faunal biodiversity monitoring. Scaling the analysis of audio collected by acoustic sensors is a big data problem. Standard approaches for dealing with big acoustic data include automated recognition and crowd based analysis. Automatic methods are fast at processing but hard to rigorously design, whilst manual methods are accurate but slow at processing. In particular, manual methods of acoustic data analysis are constrained by a 1:1 time relationship between the data and its analysts. This constraint is the inherent need to listen to the audio data. This paper demonstrates how the efficiency of crowd sourced sound analysis can be increased by an order of magnitude through the visual inspection of audio visualized as spectrograms. Experimental data suggests that an analysis speedup of 12× is obtainable for suitable types of acoustic analysis, given that only spectrograms are shown.


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Increasingly larger scale applications are generating an unprecedented amount of data. However, the increasing gap between computation and I/O capacity on High End Computing machines makes a severe bottleneck for data analysis. Instead of moving data from its source to the output storage, in-situ analytics processes output data while simulations are running. However, in-situ data analysis incurs much more computing resource contentions with simulations. Such contentions severely damage the performance of simulation on HPE. Since different data processing strategies have different impact on performance and cost, there is a consequent need for flexibility in the location of data analytics. In this paper, we explore and analyze several potential data-analytics placement strategies along the I/O path. To find out the best strategy to reduce data movement in given situation, we propose a flexible data analytics (FlexAnalytics) framework in this paper. Based on this framework, a FlexAnalytics prototype system is developed for analytics placement. FlexAnalytics system enhances the scalability and flexibility of current I/O stack on HEC platforms and is useful for data pre-processing, runtime data analysis and visualization, as well as for large-scale data transfer. Two use cases – scientific data compression and remote visualization – have been applied in the study to verify the performance of FlexAnalytics. Experimental results demonstrate that FlexAnalytics framework increases data transition bandwidth and improves the application end-to-end transfer performance.


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An emerging consensus in cognitive science views the biological brain as a hierarchically-organized predictive processing system. This is a system in which higher-order regions are continuously attempting to predict the activity of lower-order regions at a variety of (increasingly abstract) spatial and temporal scales. The brain is thus revealed as a hierarchical prediction machine that is constantly engaged in the effort to predict the flow of information originating from the sensory surfaces. Such a view seems to afford a great deal of explanatory leverage when it comes to a broad swathe of seemingly disparate psychological phenomena (e.g., learning, memory, perception, action, emotion, planning, reason, imagination, and conscious experience). In the most positive case, the predictive processing story seems to provide our first glimpse at what a unified (computationally-tractable and neurobiological plausible) account of human psychology might look like. This obviously marks out one reason why such models should be the focus of current empirical and theoretical attention. Another reason, however, is rooted in the potential of such models to advance the current state-of-the-art in machine intelligence and machine learning. Interestingly, the vision of the brain as a hierarchical prediction machine is one that establishes contact with work that goes under the heading of 'deep learning'. Deep learning systems thus often attempt to make use of predictive processing schemes and (increasingly abstract) generative models as a means of supporting the analysis of large data sets. But are such computational systems sufficient (by themselves) to provide a route to general human-level analytic capabilities? I will argue that they are not and that closer attention to a broader range of forces and factors (many of which are not confined to the neural realm) may be required to understand what it is that gives human cognition its distinctive (and largely unique) flavour. The vision that emerges is one of 'homomimetic deep learning systems', systems that situate a hierarchically-organized predictive processing core within a larger nexus of developmental, behavioural, symbolic, technological and social influences. Relative to that vision, I suggest that we should see the Web as a form of 'cognitive ecology', one that is as much involved with the transformation of machine intelligence as it is with the progressive reshaping of our own cognitive capabilities.


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A coleta e o armazenamento de dados em larga escala, combinados à capacidade de processamento de dados que não necessariamente tenham relação entre si de forma a gerar novos dados e informações, é uma tecnologia amplamente usada na atualidade, conhecida de forma geral como Big Data. Ao mesmo tempo em que possibilita a criação de novos produtos e serviços inovadores, os quais atendem a demandas e solucionam problemas de diversos setores da sociedade, o Big Data levanta uma série de questionamentos relacionados aos direitos à privacidade e à proteção dos dados pessoais. Esse artigo visa proporcionar um debate sobre o alcance da atual proteção jurídica aos direitos à privacidade e aos dados pessoais nesse contexto, e consequentemente fomentar novos estudos sobre a compatibilização dos mesmos com a liberdade de inovação. Para tanto, abordará, em um primeiro momento, pontos positivos e negativos do Big Data, identificando como o mesmo afeta a sociedade e a economia de forma ampla, incluindo, mas não se limitando, a questões de consumo, saúde, organização social, administração governamental, etc. Em seguida, serão identificados os efeitos dessa tecnologia sobre os direitos à privacidade e à proteção dos dados pessoais, tendo em vista que o Big Data gera grandes mudanças no que diz respeito ao armazenamento e tratamento de dados. Por fim, será feito um mapeamento do atual quadro regulatório brasileiro de proteção a tais direitos, observando se o mesmo realmente responde aos desafios atuais de compatibilização entre inovação e privacidade.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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I Big Data hanno forgiato nuove tecnologie che migliorano la qualità della vita utilizzando la combinazione di rappresentazioni eterogenee di dati in varie discipline. Occorre, quindi, un sistema realtime in grado di computare i dati in tempo reale. Tale sistema viene denominato speed layer, come si evince dal nome si è pensato a garantire che i nuovi dati siano restituiti dalle query funcions con la rapidità in cui essi arrivano. Il lavoro di tesi verte sulla realizzazione di un’architettura che si rifaccia allo Speed Layer della Lambda Architecture e che sia in grado di ricevere dati metereologici pubblicati su una coda MQTT, elaborarli in tempo reale e memorizzarli in un database per renderli disponibili ai Data Scientist. L’ambiente di programmazione utilizzato è JAVA, il progetto è stato installato sulla piattaforma Hortonworks che si basa sul framework Hadoop e sul sistema di computazione Storm, che permette di lavorare con flussi di dati illimitati, effettuando l’elaborazione in tempo reale. A differenza dei tradizionali approcci di stream-processing con reti di code e workers, Storm è fault-tolerance e scalabile. Gli sforzi dedicati al suo sviluppo da parte della Apache Software Foundation, il crescente utilizzo in ambito di produzione di importanti aziende, il supporto da parte delle compagnie di cloud hosting sono segnali che questa tecnologia prenderà sempre più piede come soluzione per la gestione di computazioni distribuite orientate agli eventi. Per poter memorizzare e analizzare queste moli di dati, che da sempre hanno costituito una problematica non superabile con i database tradizionali, è stato utilizzato un database non relazionale: HBase.


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Desde el inicio de los tiempos el ser humano ha tenido la necesidad de comprender y analizar todo lo que nos rodea, para ello se ha valido de diferentes herramientas como las pinturas rupestres, la biblioteca de Alejandría, bastas colecciones de libros y actualmente una enorme cantidad de información informatizada. Todo esto siempre se ha almacenado, según la tecnología de la época lo permitía, con la esperanza de que fuera útil mediante su consulta y análisis. En la actualidad continúa ocurriendo lo mismo. Hasta hace unos años se ha realizado el análisis de información manualmente o mediante bases de datos relacionales. Ahora ha llegado el momento de una nueva tecnología, Big Data, con la cual se puede realizar el análisis de extensas cantidades de datos de todo tipo en tiempos relativamente pequeños. A lo largo de este libro, se estudiarán las características y ventajas de Big Data, además de realizar un estudio de la plataforma Hadoop. Esta es una plataforma basada en Java y puede realizar el análisis de grandes cantidades de datos de diferentes formatos y procedencias. Durante la lectura de estas páginas se irá dotando al lector de los conocimientos previos necesarios para su mejor comprensión, así como de ubicarle temporalmente en el desarrollo de este concepto, de su uso, las previsiones y la evolución y desarrollo que se prevé tenga en los próximos años. ABSTRACT. Since the beginning of time, human being was in need of understanding and analyzing everything around him. In order to do that, he used different media as cave paintings, Alexandria library, big amount of book collections and nowadays massive amount of computerized information. All this information was stored, depending on the age and technology capability, with the expectation of being useful though it consulting and analysis. Nowadays they keep doing the same. In the last years, they have been processing the information manually or using relational databases. Now it is time for a new technology, Big Data, which is able to analyze huge amount of data in a, relatively, small time. Along this book, characteristics and advantages of Big Data will be detailed, so as an introduction to Hadoop platform. This platform is based on Java and can perform the analysis of massive amount of data in different formats and coming from different sources. During this reading, the reader will be provided with the prior knowledge needed to it understanding, so as the temporal location, uses, forecast, evolution and growth in the next years.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06