10 resultados para baculovírus


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O que é Baculovírus; Com age o Baculovírus; Importante; Aplicação; Equipamento; Vantagens do uso do Baculovírus; Lembretes importantes; Onde encontrar o Baculovírus.


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In vivo production of viral biopesticides is the major source of viral insecticides currently in the marketplace. However, this system presents limitations during production scale-up. For the Spodoptera frugiperda nucleopolyhedrovirus (SfMNPV), the insect used for replication has cannibalistic characteristics, thus production is even more difficult. Insect cells are commonly used for in vitro baculovirus production. Most of these cell lines are derived from Lepidoptera species. The Sf21 cell line is derived from Spodoptera frugiperda caterpillar ovarian tissue, and its clonal isolate Sf9 has been used for biopesticide production due to its ease of growth in suspension cultures. In this work, the in vitro production capabilities of a Brazilian SfMNPV isolate obtained from cornfields was evaluated. Comparison of polyhedra production was carried out using both Sf21 and Sf9 cells, based on volumetric and specific yields. Both cell lines were cultivated in Hyclone medium supplemented with different fetal bovine serum concentrations (2,5 and 5%). The best results were obtained using Sf9 cells supplemented with 5% serum. These results were further confirmed quantitively through kinetic parameter estimation for both cells lines and different serum concentrations. After seven successive passages, this system still presented high specific polyhedra production


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Among the pests that attack corn crop in Brazil, there is Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), known as fall armyworm, which is the major corn pest. Due to genetic instability during serial passage of baculoviruses in insect cell culture, the viral bioinseticides in vitro production development is the greatest challenge for mass production of this bioproduct. Successive passages of virus using extracellular viruses (BVs), necessary during viral bioinseticides production scaling up, leads to the appearance of aberrant forms of virus, a process so called as "passage effect ". The main consequence of passage effect is the production of occlusion bodies (OB) decrease, preventing its production using in vitro process. In this study, it was carried out a serial passage of baculovirus Spodoptera frugiperda multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus, isolate 18, using Sf21 cells. A decrease in the production of occlusion bodies from 170 to 92 in the third to fourth passage was observed. A factorial experimental design (22) was employed to verify the influence of two input variables, concentration of the hormone 20 - hydroxyecdysone (CH) and cholesterol (CC) on the values of response variables (volumetric and the specific OB production) of the process, seeking to define the optimum operating ranges trying to reverse or minimize the passage effect. The result indicated a negative influence of the cholesterol addition and positive effect in the hormone supplementation which the optimum range found for the concentrations studied were 8 to 10μg/mL and 5 to 6.5 mg / mL, for cholesterol and hormone concentrations respectively. New experiments were performed with addition of hormone and cholesterol in order to check the influence of these additives on the OB production independently. While the best result obtained from the factorial experiment was 9.4 x 107 OB/mL and 128.4 specific OB/cell, with the addition of only 6μg/mL 20-hydroxyecdysone these concentrations increased to 1.9 x 108 OB/mL and 182.9 OB/cell for volumetric and specific OB production, respectively. This result confirms that the addition of the hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone enhances the SfMNPV in vitro production process performance using Sf21 cells


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O interesse em estudar o cultivo das células de inseto está relacionado entre outros usos a sua utilização na produção de biopesticidas. Há muitos anos os pesticidas químicos vêm contribuindo no controle de pragas na agricultura. Entretanto, o uso desses compostos prolongadamente tem resultado na seleção de insetos resistentes e em poluição ambiental. Diante disso, torna-se necessário o desenvolvimento e aprimoramento dos bioinseticidas. No Brasil, o baculovírus Anticarsia gemmatalis multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgMNPV) foi o principal agente de controle biológico da praga da soja Anticarsia gemmatalis. Assim, estudos que viabilizem a produção desses vírus in vitro possibilitariam uma produção mais controlada e de melhor qualidade desses biopesticidas. Neste trabalho, investigou-se a suscetibilidade à infecção por AgMNPV de diferentes linhagens celulares de Sf21 e o crescimento dessas células em diferentes sistemas: cultivos em schotts, em spinner e em biorreator, variando-se a idade do inóculo (IA) e a concentração celular inicial (X0). Constatou-se variação no perfil de infecção das linhagens, sendo as linhagens mais adequadas para a produção de bioinseticida as linhagens de Sf21 denominadas EMBRAPA, UFRN e GibcoG, uma vez que estas apresentaram mais do que 40 % das células com poliedros em cultivos em suspensão, enquanto a linhagem denominada GibcoSF teve menos de 2 % das células infectadas com poliedros. Ao se estudar o efeito do número de subcultivos na morfologia e crescimento celular, foi averiguado um aumento no diâmetro de 10 % e no volume de 26 % das células UFRN em relação às células GibcoSF. Além disso, o crescimento das células UFRN foi 49% menor do que das células GibcoSF. Quando realizado o Delineamento Composto Central Rotacional (DCCR) para se analisar o efeito da IA e a X0 na taxa de crescimento específica máxima (?max) e na concentração celular máxima (Xvmax) em cultivos em schott com células UFRN, obteve-se um modelo empírico. Quando analisadas as variáveis IA e X0 separadamente, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas para as respostas Xvmax e ?max em relação a X0. Para a IA, entretanto, obteve-se os resultados mais satisfatórios para os inóculos com IA de 72 e 96 horas: Xvmax de 5,97.106 cel/mL e 5,99.106 cel/mL, e ?max de 0,70 dia-1 e 0,63 dia-1, respectivamente. Nos cultivos em spinner com células UFRN, foi observada a formação de grumos, o que levou a Xvmax de 2,00.106 cel/mL. No cultivo em biorreator com células UFRN, foi obtido um Xvmax de 6,21.106 cel/mL, ?max de 0,70 dia-1, Qo2 na fase exponencial de 67,3 ± 3,6 .10-18 molO2/cel/s, rendimento de glicose em célula igual a 1,0.109 cel/g de glicose e um rendimento de glutamina em células de 3,0.109 cel/mL. Comprovou-se, portanto, a existência de alterações na infecção entre diferentes linhagens de Sf21; a importância do estado fisiológico da célula nos subcultivos, a ocorrência de mudanças no crescimento celular de acordo com os sistemas de cultivo e o efeito do número de subcultivos na morfologia e crescimento de células Sf21.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo conhecer os efeitos da ingestão de lagartas da soja infectadas com B. anticarsia pelo predador Podisus nigrispinus, avaliando-se os parâmetros biológicos de cada inseto.


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Integração Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta (ILPF); Preparo e seleção de material de plantio de mandioca; Diversificação da produção e segurança alimentar; Manejo da cultura da goiabeira: Práticas culturais; Adubação verde - Opões para outono/inverno, primavera/verão e especies perenes; Planejamento alimentar na bovinocultura leiteira; Cultivares de feijão; fixação biológica de nitrogênio: Uso de inoculante no feijoeiro; Milhos especiais da Embrapa - Variedades e multiplicação para a agricultura familiar; opções para diversificação na segunda safra. Integração lavoura - pecuária. Consórcio milho - braquiária; Sistemas agroflorestais em bases agroecológicas; Adubação verde e plantio direto em sistemas de base agroecológica; Aproveitamento de materiais orgânicos e produção de húmus; compostagem; Produção de mudas de videira; Baculovírus erinnyis para o controle biológico do mandarová da mandioca.


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Societal concerns about environmental sustainability has lead to the development of ecologically-friendly alternatives to chemical insecticides for crop protection. One such alternative is biological pest control. In particular, baculoviruses are well suited as insect biopesticides due to their narrow host specificity and relative ease of propagation. In Brazil, the baculovirus Anticarsia gemmatalis nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgMNPV) is the main biological control agent employed for the soybean pest, Anticarsia gemmatalis. This baculovirus biopesticide is currently produced using caterpillars, but increasing market demand for the product has encouraged the development of an in vitro manufacturing process, which can be scaled up to much higher virus productivities. In this study, three wild-type AgMNPV isolates (AgMNPV-2D, AgMNPV-MP2 and AgMNPV-MP5) and a recombinant form (vAgEGT-LacZ) were characterised in terms of occlusion body (OB) production and infection kinetics, to enable future optimisation of the in vitro production process. These viruses were propagated using a Spodoptera frugiperda (IPLB-SF21) insect cell line grown in shaker-flask batch cultures. Among the virus isolates tested, AgMNPV-MP5 was found to be the best producer, yielding (5.3±0.85)x108 OB/mL after 8 days post infection. The characterisation of vAgEGT-LacZ propagation in suspension cell cultures has not been previously reported in the literature; hence it became the main focus for this thesis. In particular, it was carried out a study on the effect of the multiplicity of infection (MOI) on OB production. Five successive batches were performed getting a final production (8.9±1.42)x1014 occlusion bodies, considering that production is related for a bioreactor with final volume of 10m3. A low MOI associated with a fed-batch process for vAgEGT-LacZ production was found to support a 3-fold higher OB yield when compared to the default batch process (1.8x107 and 5.3x107 OB/mL, respectively). This yield is competitive with regards to the production process.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de inseticidas autorizados emergencialmente para o controle de Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em soja. Sete inseticidas foram pulverizados em campo e, após 24 horas, folhas do ponteiro foram coletadas e oferecidas para lagartas de 2o instar em laboratório. Lagartas do 4o instar receberam a última folha trifoliolada que se encontrava completamente expandida no momento da pulverização. Outro grupo foi exposto a folhas coletadas a partir de 72 horas da pulverização. Em campo, seis inseticidas foram pulverizados e, em seguida, as plantas foram infestadas com lagartas de 2o e 3o instar. No primeiro estudo, flubendiamida, clorantraniliprole, clorfenapir, indoxacarbe e metoxifenozida causaram 100% de mortalidade do 4o instar aos oito dias após o início da exposição, enquanto baculovírus e Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) propiciaram mortalidade de 60-75%, que evoluiu para 88?90% ao final da fase de pupa. Para o 2o instar, apenas flubendiamida e clorantraniliprole proporcionaram mortalidade de 100%. Flubendiamida, clorantraniliprole e clorfenapir apresentaram o menor tempo letal para o 4o instar, e flubendiamida e clorantraniliprole, para o 2o instar. Após 72 horas da pulverização, o desempenho dos inseticidas foi insatisfatório. Em campo, houve eficiência satisfatória de flubendiamida, espinosade, baculovírus e Bt sobre lagartas de 2o e 3o instar. ABSTRACT:The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of insecticides authorized on an emergency basis to control of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in soybean. Seven insecticides were sprayed on the field and, 24 hours after that, soybean pointer leaves were collected and offered to 2nd instar larvae in the laboratory. Fourth instar larvae received the last trifoliate leaf that was fully expanded at the time of spraying. Another larvae group was exposed to leaves collected from 72 hours onwards after spraying. In the field, six insecticides were sprayed, and then the plants were infested with 2nd and 3rd instar larvae. In the first study, flubendiamide, chlorantraniliprole, chlorfenapyr, indoxacarb, and methoxyfenozide caused 100% mortality of the 4th instar, eight days after the beginning of exposure, while baculovirus and Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) caused 60?75% mortality, which reached 88?90% at the end of the pupal stage. For 2nd instar larvae, only flubendiamide and chlorantraniliprole caused 100% mortality. Flubendiamide, chlorantraniliprole, and chlorfenapyr showed the lowest lethal time for the 4th instar, and flubendiamide and chlorantraniliprole for the 2nd instar. Seventy-two hours after spraying, the performance of insecticides was not satisfactory. In the field, there was satisfactory efficiency of flubendiamide, spinosad, baculovirus, and Bt on 2nd and 3rd instar larvae.