966 resultados para automated writing evaluation


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An in vitro study was conducted to investigate the effect of tannins on the extent and rate of gas and methane production, using an automated pressure evaluation system (APES). In this study three condensed tannins (CT; quebracho, grape seed and green tea tannins) and four hydrolysable tannins (HT; tara, valonea, myrabolan and chestnut tannins) were evaluated, with lucerne as a control substrate. CT and HT were characterised by matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). Tannins were added to the substrate at an effective concentration of 100 g/kg either with or without polyethylene glycol (PEG6000), and incubated for 72 h in pooled, buffered rumen liquid from four lactating dairy cows. After inoculation, fermentation bottles were immediately connected to the APES to measure total cumulative gas production (GP). During the incubation, 11 gas samples were collected from each bottle at 0, 1, 4, 7, 11, 15, 23, 30, 46, 52 and 72 h of incubation and analysed for methane. A modified Michaelis-Menten model was fitted to the methane concentration patterns and model estimates were used to calculate the total cumulative methane production (GPCH4). GP and GPCH4 curves were fitted using a modified monophasic Michaelis-Menten model. Addition of quebracho reduced GP (P=0.002), whilst the other tannins did not affect GP. Addition of PEG increased GP for quebracho (P=0.003), valonea (P=0.058) and grape seed tannins (P=0.071), suggesting that these tannins either inhibited or tended to inhibit fermentation. Addition of quebracho and grape seed tannins also reduced (P≤0.012) the maximum rate of gas production, indicating that microbial activity was affected. Quebracho, valonea, myrabolan and grape seed decreased (P≤0.003) GPCH4 and the maximum rate (0.001≤ P≤ 0.102) of CH4 production. Addition of chestnut, green tea and tara tannins did not affect total gas nor methane production. Valonea and myrabolan tannins have most promise for reducing methane production as they had only a minor impact on gas production.


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The current study builds upon a previous study, which examined the degree to which the lexical properties of students’ essays could predict their vocabulary scores. We expand on this previous research by incorporating new natural language processing indices related to both the surface- and discourse-levels of students’ essays. Additionally, we investigate the degree to which these NLP indices can be used to account for variance in students’ reading comprehension skills. We calculated linguistic essay features using our framework, ReaderBench, which is an automated text analysis tools that calculates indices related to linguistic and rhetorical features of text. University students (n = 108) produced timed (25 minutes), argumentative essays, which were then analyzed by ReaderBench. Additionally, they completed the Gates-MacGinitie Vocabulary and Reading comprehension tests. The results of this study indicated that two indices were able to account for 32.4% of the variance in vocabulary scores and 31.6% of the variance in reading comprehension scores. Follow-up analyses revealed that these models further improved when only considering essays that contained multiple paragraph (R2 values = .61 and .49, respectively). Overall, the results of the current study suggest that natural language processing techniques can help to inform models of individual differences among student writers.


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This paper presents a novel approach to the computed assessment of a mammographic phantom device. The approach shown here is fully automated and is based on the automatic selection of the region of interest, in the use of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and morphological operators to assess the quality of the American College of Radiology (ACR) mammographic phantom images. The algorithms developed here have succesfully scored 30 images obtained with different combinations of voltage applied to the tube and exposure and could notice the differences in the radiographs due to the different level of exposure to radiation. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


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Automated and semi-automated accessibility evaluation tools are key to streamline the process of accessibility assessment, and ultimately ensure that software products, contents, and services meet accessibility requirements. Different evaluation tools may better fit different needs and concerns, accounting for a variety of corporate and external policies, content types, invocation methods, deployment contexts, exploitation models, intended audiences and goals; and the specific overall process where they are introduced. This has led to the proliferation of many evaluation tools tailored to specific contexts. However, tool creators, who may be not familiar with the realm of accessibility and may be part of a larger project, lack any systematic guidance when facing the implementation of accessibility evaluation functionalities. Herein we present a systematic approach to the development of accessibility evaluation tools, leveraging the different artifacts and activities of a standardized development process model (the Unified Software Development Process), and providing templates of these artifacts tailored to accessibility evaluation tools. The work presented specially considers the work in progress in this area by the W3C/WAI Evaluation and Report Working Group (ERT WG)


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Federal Transit Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015


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Objectives. In primary education the pupils form a basis for their writing skills. By assessing pupils writing skills the teacher gathers information about the development of their skills and notices possible learning disabilities. The assessment of writing skills requires both knowledge of different evaluation methods and the phonological system in Finnish language. The purpose of this study is to analyze the pupils writing skills and different assessment methods that help the teacher in writing evaluation. The pupils writing skills are viewed from spelling, composing and writing motivation s point of view. Methods. The research material consists of dictation exercises, written stories and writing motivation self-assessments of 19 pupils. Dictation exercises measured the spelling skills of pupils and they were written in the spring of the first grade and the autumn of the second grade. Dictation exercises were analyzed with two different methods: mistake analysis and word-structure analysis. Information of pupils spelling skills development was gathered by comparing their performance in autumn s dictation exercise to spring s dictation. Composing skills were measured with stories that the pupils wrote. Both the stories and the writing motivation s self-assessment were made in the autumn of the second grade. Composing skills were analyzed according to assessment criteria formed for this study. Results. The spelling skill of most of the pupils had developed from the first grade s spring to the second grade s autumn. The spelling skills of half of the pupils (N=9) had improved significantly. The composing skills of the pupils varied largely. Strongest part of the pupils composing skill was following instructions and the weakest part was the use of versatile vocabulary and clause structures. The girls outdid the boys in all segments of their composing skills. For most pupils their spelling skill reflected their composing skill: good spellers were also good story writers. The relation between writing motivation and general writing skill was not this simple: some pupils (N=5) writing motivation was much higher than what would have been expected based on their writing skills.


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Cette recherche vise à décrire comment a évolué l’évaluation de la compétence à écrire dans les épreuves uniques d’écriture de 5e secondaire, en portant spécifiquement le regard sur la composante linguistique de cette compétence. Une recherche documentaire a permis de recueillir des épreuves et autres documents les concernant pour une période allant de 1971 à 2012. Bien que notre étude porte en particulier sur les épreuves uniques d’écriture, implantées en 1986, nous avons pu remonter plus loin dans le temps afin de brosser un tableau le plus large possible de l’évaluation certificative de l’écriture en 5e secondaire. Plusieurs aspects sont analysés : le contexte des épreuves, les tâches qu’elles contiennent, les paramètres encadrant leur correction, ainsi que les seuils de réussite relatifs à la langue, les épreuves entières, la compétence à écrire et la matière français, langue d’enseignement. Nous avons également pu observer, à l’échelle provinciale, l’évolution des résultats des élèves aux épreuves uniques d’écriture. À l’aide de divers concepts théoriques reliés à l’évaluation de la compétence écrire et sa composante linguistique, un cadre méthodologique a été développé pour permettre l’analyse des épreuves d’écriture. Celle-ci révèle notamment que la nature des tâches et leurs paramètres sont restés assez constants dans le temps, particulièrement depuis 1986. Le nombre d’erreurs linguistiques permises a augmenté, alors que les résultats des élèves sont restés stables. De plus, le regard historique de cette étude montre comment le ministère de l’Éducation accorde à notre époque une grande importance à l’écriture et à la correction de l’orthographe.


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Motivation: The ability of a simple method (MODCHECK) to determine the sequence–structure compatibility of a set of structural models generated by fold recognition is tested in a thorough benchmark analysis. Four Model Quality Assessment Programs (MQAPs) were tested on 188 targets from the latest LiveBench-9 automated structure evaluation experiment. We systematically test and evaluate whether the MQAP methods can successfully detect native-likemodels. Results: We show that compared with the other three methods tested MODCHECK is the most reliable method for consistently performing the best top model selection and for ranking the models. In addition, we show that the choice of model similarity score used to assess a model's similarity to the experimental structure can influence the overall performance of these tools. Although these MQAP methods fail to improve the model selection performance for methods that already incorporate protein three dimension (3D) structural information, an improvement is observed for methods that are purely sequence-based, including the best profile–profile methods. This suggests that even the best sequence-based fold recognition methods can still be improved by taking into account the 3D structural information.


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IntFOLD is an independent web server that integrates our leading methods for structure and function prediction. The server provides a simple unified interface that aims to make complex protein modelling data more accessible to life scientists. The server web interface is designed to be intuitive and integrates a complex set of quantitative data, so that 3D modelling results can be viewed on a single page and interpreted by non-expert modellers at a glance. The only required input to the server is an amino acid sequence for the target protein. Here we describe major performance and user interface updates to the server, which comprises an integrated pipeline of methods for: tertiary structure prediction, global and local 3D model quality assessment, disorder prediction, structural domain prediction, function prediction and modelling of protein-ligand interactions. The server has been independently validated during numerous CASP (Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction) experiments, as well as being continuously evaluated by the CAMEO (Continuous Automated Model Evaluation) project. The IntFOLD server is available at: http://www.reading.ac.uk/bioinf/IntFOLD/


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Elucidating the biological and biochemical roles of proteins, and subsequently determining their interacting partners, can be difficult and time consuming using in vitro and/or in vivo methods, and consequently the majority of newly sequenced proteins will have unknown structures and functions. However, in silico methods for predicting protein–ligand binding sites and protein biochemical functions offer an alternative practical solution. The characterisation of protein–ligand binding sites is essential for investigating new functional roles, which can impact the major biological research spheres of health, food, and energy security. In this review we discuss the role in silico methods play in 3D modelling of protein–ligand binding sites, along with their role in predicting biochemical functionality. In addition, we describe in detail some of the key alternative in silico prediction approaches that are available, as well as discussing the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP) and the Continuous Automated Model EvaluatiOn (CAMEO) projects, and their impact on developments in the field. Furthermore, we discuss the importance of protein function prediction methods for tackling 21st century problems.


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OBJETIVOS: (1) verificar se as omissões ortográficas ocorriam preferencialmente na sílaba completa ou em partes da sílaba; (2) caracterizar a distribuição das omissões de acordo com a posição silábica do elemento omitido; (3) em ambas as possibilidades, verificar se as omissões ocorriam preferencialmente em posições acentuadas ou não-acentuadas de palavras. MÉTODOS: dados extraídos de textos produzidos por pré-escolares de 5-6 anos. RESULTADOS: quanto ao primeiro objetivo, omissões de partes de sílabas foram significativamente mais freqüentes (p < 0,0001). Quanto ao segundo objetivo, as omissões em coda silábica foram estatisticamente mais significativas (p < 0,0000). Com relação ao terceiro objetivo, as posições acentuadas se mostraram como relevantes apenas para as omissões de partes de sílaba (p < 0,0000). CONCLUSÃO: as omissões na escrita infantil têm caráter altamente complexo, fato que deve ser levado em consideração nos instrumentos de avaliação da escrita infantil.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fine powders commonly have poor flowability and dispersibility due to interparticle adhesion that leads to formation of agglomerates. Knowing about adhesion in particle collectives is indispensable to gain a deeper fundamental understanding of particle behavior in powders. Especially in pharmaceutical industry a control of adhesion forces in powders is mandatory to improve the performance of inhalation products. Typically the size of inhalable particles is in the range of 1 - 5 µm. In this thesis, a new method was developed to measure adhesion forces of particles as an alternative to the established colloidal probe and centrifuge technique, which are both experimentally demanding, time consuming and of limited practical applicability. The new method is based on detachment of individual particles from a surface due to their inertia. The required acceleration in the order of 500 000 g is provided by a Hopkinson bar shock excitation system and measured via laser vibrometry. Particle detachment events are detected on-line by optical video microscopy. Subsequent automated data evaluation allows obtaining a statistical distribution of particle adhesion forces. To validate the new method, adhesion forces for ensembles of single polystyrene and silica microspheres on a polystyrene coated steel surface were measured under ambient conditions. It was possible to investigate more than 150 individual particles in one experiment and obtain adhesion values of particles in a diameter range of 3 - 13 µm. This enables a statistical evaluation while measuring effort and time are considerably lower compared to the established techniques. Measured adhesion forces of smaller particles agreed well with values from colloidal probe measurements and theoretical predictions. However, for the larger particles a stronger increase of adhesion with diameter was observed. This discrepancy might be induced by surface roughness and heterogeneity that influence small and large particles differently. By measuring adhesion forces of corrugated dextran particles with sizes down to 2 µm it was demonstrated that the Hopkinson bar method can be used to characterize more complex sample systems as well. Thus, the new device will be applicable to study a broad variety of different particle-surface combinations on a routine basis, including strongly cohesive powders like pharmaceutical drugs for inhalation.


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Este trabajo, que forma parte de una investigación más amplia, está destinado a examinar la disponibilidad y utilización de instrumentos de evaluación del desempeño de alumnos a lo largo del trayecto formativo, respecto del aprendizaje del lenguaje escrito . Surge de la consideración de niveles de rendimiento críticos en el dominio de la lectura y escritura en diferentes niveles educativos, señalados reiteradamente en la literatura especializada del país y del exterior. Con ese propósito se revisan las habilidades y conocimientos implicados a partir de la evidencia empírica surgida de múltiples investigaciones. En el estado actual de la investigación en curso es posible identificar la insuficiencia de disponibilidad y uso de instrumentos de evaluación en nuestro medio. Se desprenden de ello, por un lado, las dificultades para detectar la oportunidad y naturaleza de los problemas que presentan los lectores con dificultades y con trastornos específicos de aprendizaje, y por el otro, la insuficiencia de información sobre indicadores específicos que permitan diseñar las estrategias para optimizar el desempeño en lectura y escritura