976 resultados para aug-MIA-QSAR


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Multivariate image analysis applied to the quantitative structure-activity relationships (MIA-QSAR) is a 2D QSAR technique that has been presenting promising outcomes for the development of new drug candidates, due to its simplicity, rapidity and low cost. In this way, the present study aims at introducing, consolidating and improving the new dimensions named aug-MIA-QSAR and aug-MIA-QSARcolor, as well as applying them to the study of neglected diseases, in order to obtain new drug targets using chemico-biological interpretation of the MIA molecular descriptors. Four compound data sets with experimental bioactivities against Chagas disease, malaria, dengue and schistosomiasis were evaluated using three approaches: MIA-QSARt, aug-MIA-QSAR and aug-MIA-QSARcolor. In general, representations of atoms as spheres with different colors and sizes proportional to the corresponding van der Waals radii (aug-MIA approaches) improved the predictive ability and interpretability in all data sets. The use of colors proportional to the Pauling´s electronegativity showed that MIA descriptors are capable of identifying periodic properties relevant for the studied activity. Finally, solid colors instead of spotlighted atoms allowed a correct identification of atoms by means of pixel values in the studies for malaria, dengue and schistosomiasis, which were, subsequently, useful for the chemical interpretation related to the bioactivity. It can be inferred that semicarbazones and thiosemicarbazones derivative with a tri-substituted ring in R1 group and a trifluoro methyl group in the R 3 position instead of a chlorine antitripanossoma resulted in higher activity. The antimalarial activity of quinolon-4(1H)imines can be improved if: 1) R1 and R2 are electron donor groups, 2) R3 has long aminoalkyl chains, and 3) R4 possesses substituents with big atomic volume. In the study for dengue, it was found that tetrapeptides with unbranched small size amino acids in the A1 and A4 positions can increase the substrate affinity (Km) to the NS3 protein, and when in A1 and A2 positions, the substrate cleavage rate (kcat). On the other hand, acidic amino acids in the A2 and A4 positions were found to be related with low substrate affinity to the NS3 protein and when present in A1, with low substrate cleavage rate. Finally, the presence of metoxy substituents in R1 (or R2) and R5 in the neolignan backbone can favor their antischistosomal activity.


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Stuart Cunningham has been a regular contributor to MIA since 1987, and was one of the six editors appointed to manage MIA after Henry Mayer’s death in 1991.


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Nuclear hormone receptors, such as the ecdysone receptor, often display a large amount of induced fit to ligands. The size and shape of the binding pocket in the EcR subunit changes markedly on ligand binding, making modelling methods such as docking extremely challenging. It is, however, possible to generate excellent 3D QSAR models for a given type of ligand, suggesting that the receptor adopts a relatively restricted number of binding site configurations or [`]attractors'. We describe the synthesis, in vitro binding and selected in vivo toxicity data for [gamma]-methylene [gamma]-lactams, a new class of high-affinity ligands for ecdysone receptors from Bovicola ovis (Phthiraptera) and Lucilia cuprina (Diptera). The results of a 3D QSAR study of the binding of methylene lactams to recombinant ecdysone receptor protein suggest that this class of ligands is indeed recognized by a single conformation of the EcR binding pocket.


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Three-dimensional QSAR studies for N-4-arylacryloylpiperazin-1-yl-phenyl-oxazolidinones were conducted using TSAR 3.3. The in vitro activities (MICs) of the compounds against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 exhibited a strong correlation with the prediction made by the model developed in the present study.


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Three-dimensional QSAR studies for substituted aryloxazolidinones 3–9 were conducted using TSAR 3.3. The in vitro activities (MICs) of the compounds against Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis exhibited a good correlation with the prediction made by the model using heat of formation and LUMO energies.


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We have investigated the possible role of a conserved cis-acting element, the cryptic AUG, present in the 5' UTR of coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) RNA. CVB3 5' UTR contains multiple AUG codons upstream of the initiator AUG, which are not used for the initiation of translation. The 48S ribosomal assembly takes place upstream of the cryptic AUG. We show here that mutation in the cryptic AUG results in reduced efficiency of translation mediated by the CVB3 IRES; mutation also reduces the interaction of mutant IRES with a well characterized IRES trans-acting factor, the human La protein. Furthermore, partial silencing of the La gene showed a decrease in IRES activity in the case of both the wild-type and mutant. We have demonstrated here that the interaction of the 48S ribosomal complex with mutant RNA was weaker compared with wild-type RNA by ribosome assembly analysis. We have also investigated by chemical and enzymic modifications the possible alteration in secondary structure in the mutant RNA. Results suggest that the secondary structure of mutant RNA was only marginally altered. Additionally, we have demonstrated by generating compensatory and non-specific mutations the specific function of the cryptic AUG in internal initiation. Results suggest that the effect of the cryptic AUG is specific and translation could not be rescued. However, a possibility of tertiary interaction of the cryptic AUG with other cis-acting elements cannot be ruled out. Taken together, it appears that the integrity of the cryptic AUG is important for efficient translation initiation by the CVB3 IRES RNA.


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Human La protein has been implicated in facilitating the internal initiation of translation as well as replication of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA. Previously, we demonstrated that La interacts with the HCV internal ribosome entry site (IRES) around the GCAC motif near the initiator AUG within stem-loop IV by its RNA recognition motif (RRM) (residues 112 to 184) and influences HCV translation. In this study, we have deciphered the role of this interaction in HCV replication in a hepatocellular carcinoma cell culture system. We incorporated mutation of the GCAC motif in an HCV monocistronic subgenomic replicon and a pJFH1 construct which altered the binding of La and checked HCV RNA replication by reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR). The mutation drastically affected HCV replication. Furthermore, to address whether the decrease in replication is a consequence of translation inhibition or not, we incorporated the same mutation into a bicistronic replicon and observed a substantial decrease in HCV RNA levels. Interestingly, La overexpression rescued this inhibition of replication. More importantly, we observed that the mutation reduced the association between La and NS5B. The effect of the GCAC mutation on the translation-to-replication switch, which is regulated by the interplay between NS3 and La, was further investigated. Additionally, our analyses of point mutations in the GCAC motif revealed distinct roles of each nucleotide in HCV replication and translation. Finally, we showed that a specific interaction of the GCAC motif with human La protein is crucial for linking 5' and 3' ends of the HCV genome. Taken together, our results demonstrate the mechanism of regulation of HCV replication by interaction of the cis-acting element GCAC within the HCV IRES with human La protein.


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Leonard Carpenter Panama Canal Collection. Photographs: Views of Panama and the Canal. [Box 1] from the Special Collections & Area Studies Department, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida. Booklet dedication: Published under the direction of a committee appointed by Brigadier General Clarence S. Ridley, Governor of The Panama Canal, to arrange suitable ceremonies, as authorized in Public Resolution No.5, 76th Congress, approved March 28, 1939, to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the opening of the Panama Canal to commerce. Prepared by Rufus Hardy, Executive Department, The Panama Canal. (120 page document)


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A obra romanesca de Mia Couto é o objeto da investigação desta tese, ponto de partida para tentar compreender a contribuição do autor na afirmação do romance africano e na reconstrução da identidade de seu país, Moçambique. Para tanto, o estudo discute a importância da revelação de uma paisagem oculta ao leitor, de matriz cultural e complexo entendimento. O capítulo que traz esta análise mostra como a obra retrata as condições históricas e políticas de dominação, desigualdade, identificando aqui e lá um tom levemente engajado na escrita miacoutiana, tanto quanto suas posições ideológicas, suas denúncias. Entre os temas mais destacados na obra está o animismo africano que dá origem a uma série de circunstâncias sobrenaturais nos enredos, como uma lembrança constante: em África, os espíritos estão por toda a parte, mantendo intensa relação com os vivos. Em torno da questão, a tese discute o fato de parte da crítica classificar a obra por gêneros como o Realismo Mágico, o Maravilhoso e o Fantástico. Também são investigadas as estratégias narrativas deste autor, suas opções regulares na composição de enredos, personagens, nomes de personagens e epígrafes. Com base nessas marcas e em outros traços comuns a todos os seus romances talvez presentes igualmente em seus contos descobre-se a adequação entre a criação de um sistema de pensamento dicotômico, que atravessa a obra, e estruturas frasais que revelam algo significativo: os romances de Mia Couto são propositivos, especialmente quando convidam o leitor ao movimento constante de questionamento de suas próprias certezas


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Este trabalho apresenta uma leitura das manifestações do insólito ficcional, a partir de mitos e do maravilhoso moçambicano, em Vinte e zinco, de Mia Couto. Essas manifestações podem ser vistas como pertencentes ao Realismo Maravilhoso, Mágico ou Animista, uma vez que podem ser observadas através da representação literária de mitos que perpassam o continente africano como um todo, permitindo, assim, repensar a origem de lendas, crenças, folclore, religiosidade e tradições nacionais. Dessa forma, os eventos insólitos presentes em Vinte e zinco são utilizados por Mia Couto com a intenção, explicitada em seus artigos de opinião, de resgatar e recuperar aspectos dispersos da mosaica e híbrida identidade moçambicana, contribuindo para sua construção na contemporaneidade, ultrapassadas as guerras de descolonização -frente a Portugal - e civil -entre os próprios moçambicanos


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A presente pesquisa percorre os interiores de uma fortaleza colonial, cenário de A varanda do frangipani, do escritor moçambicano Mia Couto. Nessa obra, o autor estabelece com o leitor um pacto ficcional (ECO, 1994) e o convida a iluminar-se com as diversas micro-narrativas que traçam um paralelo entre o ontem e o hoje de uma varanda que protege e aprisiona. O narrador convoca o narratário e relata a história de personagens que vivem uma realidade paradoxal, transitando entre as visões de dentro e de fora, racional e irracional. Em um mundo fragmentado, os componentes ficcionais se conjugam para compor uma narrativa que promove profundas reflexões através da palavra, pois palavras valem a pena se nos esperam encantamentos (COUTO, 2007, p. 112)


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Em Vinte e zinco, o escritor moçambicano Mia Couto, recorrendo ao universo telúrico de seu país, tenta recuperar, ficcionalmente, um período cronológico que perpassa dias imediatamente anteriores e posteriores à Revolução dos Cravos em Portugal, quando se deu a queda do regime salazarista, no 25 de Abril de 1974, iniciando a narrativa em 19 de Abril e concluindo-a no dia 30. O escritor vale-se de recursos lúdicos inerentes à produção ficcional, somados às possibilidades estéticas oferecidas ao longo do processo de resgate sociocultural dos valores da terra. Assim, conta uma história em que elementos do maravilhoso são legíveis como comuns à realidade quotidiana. A narrativa apresenta a função da Casa dos Castro os integrantes da família e suas relações com África e das demais personagens que transitam ao seu redor seja na figura de negros, seja na de alguns brancos, estes, assimilados ao avesso ou não. Essas personagens juntas mesmo que estejam, em determinados momentos, em lados opostos caminham, como representação da dualidade colonial, em direção à apoteótica cena insólita em que se dão a ascensão do Napolo e a tempestade que cai ao final, manchando a terra às vésperas do 25 de Abril. Mia Couto, em um universo cercado de mitos, crenças e tradições, torna visível o invisível, espelhando, no plano da diegese, a realidade desse cenário, e recupera, pela via das trocas culturais ao longo dos séculos, estratégias de construção narrativa ficcional desenvolvidas nas literaturas latino-americanas a fim de representar Moçambique em sua obra. Assim, apropria-se dos preceitos do Real Maravilhoso, em sua vertente africana aqui chamada de Real Animismo miacoutiano para apresentar essa mestiçagem cultural com imagens plurivalentes do real


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Mar me quer, do escritor moçambicano Mia Couto, é uma narrativa cuja edição que se tem disponível para compra no mercado editorial 24,5cm de altura por 17,3cm de largura; capa dura, em fundo verde vibrante, com ilustração colorida; oito ilustrações de João Nasi Pereira, ao longo de seus oito capítulos; sessenta e oito páginas totais, contando, dentre elas, as páginas de ilustrações e as em branco inscreve-se, desde sua apresentação física, no entrelugar da literatura destinada ao público infantil ou juvenil. Ao seu formato dissimulador, acresce a manifestação, em variados momentos e em diferentes categorias da narrativa ações, personagens, espaços e tempos , do insólito ficcional traço desestabilizador da mimeses realista, comprometida com a realidade empírica, senso comum , realçando um caráter fantasista de ordenação metaempírica da realidade, no plano do discurso ficcional que permite situar a obra tanto no universo já prenunciado das literaturas infantil ou juvenil, quanto no seio das vertentes literárias do fantástico sentido lato. Um percurso pelos fios das histórias de Zeca Perpétuo e Luarmina, personagens centrais da narrativa, conduz a um passeio pelos mares dessas literaturas em que irrompe o insólito, levando a que leiam as tensões emergentes de um mundo repleto de mitos, lendas e crenças, terra telúrica de África, Moçambique


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To understand pharmacophore properties of pyranmycin derivatives and to design novel inhibitors of 16S rRNA A site, comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) approach was applied to analyze three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D-QSAR) of 17 compounds. AutoDock 3.0.5 program was employed to locate the orientations and conformations of the inhibitors interacting with 16S rRNA A site. The interaction mode was demonstrated in the aspects of inhibitor conformation, hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interaction. Similar binding conformations of these inhibitors and good correlations between the calculated binding free energies and experimental biological activities suggest that the binding conformations of these inhibitors derived from docking procedure were reasonable. Robust and predictive 3D-QSAR model was obtained by CoMFA with q(2) values of 0.723 and 0.993 for cross-validated and noncross-validated, respectively. The 3D-QSAR model built here will provide clear guidelines for novel inhibitors design based on the Pyranmycin derivatives against 16S rRNA A site. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.