894 resultados para assistência técnica e extensão rural


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Este trabalho trata sobre as relações entre estratégias e estrutura organizacional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa na área de organizações que toma como foco de atenção os conceitos de estratégia, estrutura e as diferentes formulações teóricas resultantes de pesquisas situadas na literatura especializada. Procurou-se analisar, através de um estudo de caso, a existência de relações de mudança e adequação de uma categoria analítica sobre a outra, ocorrida na Empresa de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural de Mato Grosso do Sul (EMPAER-MS) no período de 1990 a 1998. De acordo com os objetivos específicos formulados, as estratégias desenvolvidas no período delimitado, foram caracterizadas por meio das variáveis de Portfólio, Tecnologia e Orientação para o Mercado. A estrutura organizacional foi caracterizada através das variáveis relativas a Dispersão Espacial, Estrutura de Decisões e Capacidade Administrativa e Produtiva. A verificação das relações de mudança e adequação de uma variável sobre a outra, se deu a partir do cruzamento de todos os resultados obtidos no levantamento de dados, utilizando o método de categorização. Para análise do processo de mudança estratégica, utilizou-se como pano de fundo a influência de fatores de natureza cognitiva e de natureza institucional. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como seccional com avaliação longitudinal, sendo a análise de dados predominantemente qualitativa. Os resultados obtidos, evidenciaram que as relações entre as estratégias desenvolvidas pela empresa com a sua estrutura organizacional são complementares. No entanto, a estrutura organizacional apresentou-se, no período examinado, inadequada em relação as estratégias. Tal situação, vêm comprometendo um melhor alinhamento da empresa às demandas do mercado. Finalmente, elaborou-se, com base nos resultados da pesquisa, um conjunto de medidas estratégicas para a empresa pesquisada.


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The nature of this thesis is interventionist and aims to create an alternative on how to control and evaluate the public policies implementation developed at the Institute for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension of Rio Grande do Norte State. The cenarium takes place in a public institution , classified as a municipality that belongs to the Rio Grande do Norte government and adopts the design science research methodology , where it generates a set of artifacts that guide the development of a computerized information system . To ensure the decisions, the literature was reviewed aiming to bring and highlight concepts that will be used as base to build the intervention. The use of an effective methodology called Iconix systems analysis , provides a software development process in a short time . As a result of many artifacts created by the methodology there is a software computer able of running on the Internet environment with G2C behavior, it is suggested as a management tool for monitoring artifacts generated by the various methods. Moreover, it reveals barriers faced in the public companies environment such as lack of infrastructure , the strength of the workforce and the executives behavior


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This discourse analyzes the technical assistance concerning the rural settlement, which is seen as a demand of the social movement that claims for agrarian reformation, and is a goal of II PNRA, launched in may 2004, as a essential national public politics on process of building and consolidation of settlement and familiar agriculture, proposing the return of technical assistance service and rural extension in Brazil, which were started in the and of 1940 s. We analyze, in particular, the technical assistance program, social and environmental agrarian reformation, on model settlement, a program created, especially, to the rural settlements, coordinated by INCRA. Based on the documental analyze and local study, it is noticed that the experience of technical assistance implemented on model settlement shows the non continuation and fragility on technical assistance actions to rural workers. This context goes against the lately technical assistance governmental apparatus, which ensures to make settlements stronger, to support and to get important the familiar agriculture system. This way, technical assistance execution, trough the tertiary service, follows the neoliberal strategy and, the State, besides decreases the estimate to public politics, takes its actions control from the State to the shared control through partnership and transferring of responsibility, expressing its historic lack of attention to the worker class demands. In spite of workers resistance, expectative and hope, the lack of these services, as well as the other politics deficiencies, which are necessary to the settlements, are endangering its activities and threatening its survival in the settlement


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This article aims to identify how the Foodstuff Acquisition Program has influenced market creation for family farmers in two Brazilian states - Minas Gerais e Bahia and also the limitations and benefits of the program from the point of view of the extension agents. A bibliographic research and a quantitative exploratory study were conducted, questionnaires were sent to extension agents who work for public rural extension agencies, municipalities, NGOs, cooperatives and producers' associations, during the year 2010-2011.


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This article aims to identify how the Foodstuff Acquisition Program has influenced market creation for family farmers in two Brazilian states - Minas Gerais e Bahia and also the limitations and benefits of the program from the point of view of the extension agents. A bibliographic research and a quantitative exploratory study were conducted, questionnaires were sent to extension agents who work for public rural extension agencies, municipalities, NGOs, cooperatives and producers' associations, during the year 2010-2011.


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This article aims to identify how the Foodstuff Acquisition Program has influenced market creation for family farmers in two Brazilian states - Minas Gerais e Bahia and also the limitations and benefits of the program from the point of view of the extension agents. A bibliographic research and a quantitative exploratory study were conducted, questionnaires were sent to extension agents who work for public rural extension agencies, municipalities, NGOs, cooperatives and producers' associations, during the year 2010-2011.


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The public policies must have as their aimed the primordial at improving quality of life of families of a given population, however, its performance must be constantly monitored and evaluated scoped to ascertain whether these policies are reaching those goals. This work consisted in search of bibliographies and analysis that addressed the historical evolution of the debate on the subject of agrarian reform in Brazil as public policy and on the policy of technical assistance and rural extension, and collecting data in loco, in order to assess whether the actions implemented under this latter contribute to improvements in local development of settlements projects (PA) land reform in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), this given the constant presented criticisms regarding their effectiveness, considering that it is difficult to empirically differentiate settlements they received of those who did not receive the technical assistance services. In this way, was held the data collection for comparison of characteristics (social organization, relationship with the local environment, form of producing and evaluation of technical assistance services) of two settlements in RN, being one you have received the technical assistance services and another who has not had access to these services in the past five years, at least, to confirm whether those who had access to the above services presents best features of social organization and the relationship with the local environment, mainly, which was confirmed in the results obtained, which still demonstrated that no significant differences on the forma to produce and of commercialization in PA studied. It was also found that the problems faced by families settled in PA studied resemble those seen verified in many other Brazilian states, especially as to how to use natural resources in the areas of land reform and the instability of the availability of technical assistance services. Should be guaranteed at continuity and universality of technical assistance services to settlements, seeking a higher focus on productive issues, which provide the income necessary for families settled can have a better quality of life


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One of the biggest environmental problems of the population is the lack of sewage treatment, especially in rural communities and low-income. The development of technologies for efficient, low-cost sanitation need to be developed to meet the disadvantaged people of this basic service. This work was the implementation proposal of a technology called constructed wetlands, also known as Wastewater Treatment Plant for Roots Zone - ETEZR. The objective was to develop a non- formal environmental education proposal for redevelopment, using outreach methods for residents and deployment of this technology ETEZR in the rural community of Cologne Grebe in Sao Jose dos Pinhais - PR. With technical support from the Paranaense Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Institute -EMATER and the Federal Technological University of Paraná - UTFPR, 5 ETEZR were deployed in the colony through three theoretical and practical workshops, which involved total 67 people from the community 5 technicians EMATER and 13 of the Municipal Town Hall. Após4 months of implementation were carried out two collections of raw wastewater and treated to analyze physical, chemical and biological parameters. The results evaluated by chemical parameters BOD, COD, phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen comparing raw and treated sewage, demonstrate that ETEZR are effective in the treatment of sewage. 5 Seasons minimum and maximum efficiency between the basic parameters analyzed were 52.2 to 95.5% for BOD; 47 to 94.5% for COD; 21.5 to 96% phosphorus; 30-98% for ammonia nitrogen. Oils and greases, and a series of solid also achieved a significant reduction in their values when comparing the raw sewage and treated sewage, and biological parameters evaluated by means of coliforms showed a reduction of 80 to 99%. With the implementation of environmental education process aimed sanitation was possible to evaluate the perception of the population to accept the environmental sanitation technology using the ETEZR, understand the needs and sanitation concepts for the community. This research evaluated the development of the methodology applied by the non-formal environmental education in order to provide subsidies for rural sanitation plan process for the municipality.


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Apresenta um breve histórico do ensino profissional brasileiro. Mostra a experiência internacional de capacitação tecnológica. Traz informações sobre as políticas públicas de trabalho e emprego, a contribuição da extensão universitária, as instituições federais de educação tecnológica e as ações sociais do setor privado. Traz também a íntegra do Seminário Desenvolvimento com Inclusão Social - Capacitação Tecnológica da População.


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A produção da lima ácida 'Tahiti' tem evoluído no país tanto na adoção de novas tecnologias como em maiores áreas plantadas pelos citricultores, fato esse diretamente ligado à crescente demanda de mercados externos por essa fruta. A região do Perímetro Irrigado de Jaíba (MG) é uma nova fronteira agrícola onde a lima ácida 'Tahiti' tem se tornado uma cultura de destaque em função das condições climáticas e pela presença de diversas instituições de apoio àagricultura, tanto públicas (Empresa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural de Minas Gerais - Emater- MG, Embrapa, Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Rural - Senar-MG, Companhia de Desenvolvimento dos Vales do São Francisco e do Parnaíba - Codevasf, Distrito de Irrigação de Jaíba - DIJ, Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais - Epamig, Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária - IMA, Federação da Agricultura e Pecuária do Estado de Minas Gerais - Faemg e Central Exportaminas) quanto privadas, a exemplo da Centraljai, importante central de associações de produtores de limão, que tem papel decisivo no beneficiamento e na comercialização da produção local, pois possui uma empacotadora sob sua responsabilidade. Entretanto, paralelamente à demanda crescente por essa fruteira, também crescem as exigências dos mercados importadores nos quesitos ambientais e sociais, em que a rastreabilidade da produção é fator preponderante para garantir sucesso na comercialização. Por isso, o sistema de Produção Integrada (PI) aparece como uma opção ideal à cadeia produtiva do limão 'Tahiti', pois é constituído por um conjunto de práticas agronômicas selecionadas a partir daquelas disponíveis, que asseguram a qualidade e produtividade da cultura e prioriza princípios baseados na sustentabilidade, em que se tem maior controle tanto na utilização dos recursos naturais como na regulação de insumos poluentes, a fim de possibilitar o correto monitoramento do processo e a verificação de todo o sistema.


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Nos últimos anos, a ferrugem asiática tem se tornado um dos mais relevantes problemas para o agronegócio dos principais países produtores da América do Sul, onde se destaca o Brasil. Isso porque pode causar acentuadas perdas técnicas e econômicas, que têm reflexos bastantes negativos na rentabilidade do produtor de soja e na própria economia desses países. Diante da importância dessa doença, buscou-se principalmente, levantar e analisar dados que demonstram a sua situação e os impactos técnicos e econômicos a ela associados, desde a safra 2000/01 até a de 2003/04, tanto no Brasil como na América do Sul. Para tanto, mediante reuniões técnicas, acompanhamento de propriedades rurais de diversas regiões e contatos com agentes atuantes em serviços de assistência técnica e extensão rural, no período em questão, foram identificados os principais locais de ocorrência da ferrugem e avaliados os impactos na produção e na economia decorrentes dessa doença. Após a primeira constatação no Paraguai e no estado do Paraná, em 2001, a ferrugem espalhou-se rapidamente por todo o Brasil, o Paraguai, a Bolívia e partes da Argentina, causando, assim, acentuados prejuízos ao agronegócio desses países.


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Uma das questões mais debatidas na atualidade diz respeito à problemática ambiental. A impossibilidade da verificação de muitos dos possíveis efeitos da atividade agrícola no ambiente rural tem levado pesquisadores das mais diversas áreas a buscar alternativas viáveis para uma utilização sustentável do ambiente. O presente trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia diferenciada para lidar com a questão. Utilizou-se, para isto, um estudo de caso em uma unidade de planejamento, a saber, uma bacia hidrográfica, ou microbacia hidrográfica (MBH) como será explanado no decorrer do texto, localizada no município de Maximiliano de Almeida, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, com uma área de cerca de 11,96 km2. Para esta bacia foram aplicadas as técnicas vinculadas às Metodologias Multicritério em Apoio à Decisão (MCDA – Multicriteria Decision Aided) visando à formulação de critérios quando do uso do geoprocessamento. Assim, a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica geral sobre os aspectos relacionados ao assunto em pauta, foram realizados os procedimentos metodológicos pertinentes, vinculados ao uso de MCDA e geoprocessamento, os quais resultaram em mapas específicos. A análise dos mapas resultantes corroborou as hipóteses apresentadas. Os resultados obtidos servem, portanto, como indicativos para a utilização desta metodologia nas demais bacias hidrográficas trabalhadas pela Associação Riograndense de Empreendimentos de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural – EMATER/RS – tida como parceira neste trabalho.


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Due to the appreciation of family farming by the Brazilian Federal Government, the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension was induced to restructure and act in a more participative way, culminating in the National Policy of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (PNATER), changing the profile of technology transfer and knowledge (diffusionism) for an action that uses participatory methodologies focused on exchange of knowledge between farmers and technicians. The process of discussion of the trends of ATER brought the New ATER , with the recognition of agroecology as the main guidance. This research aimed to analyze methods of public ATER developed by institutions of Rio Grande do Norte, under the guidance of New ATER. The research is qualitative. Secondary data were collected through documental research and literature. Primary data were collected through a set of interviews applied to representatives of public institutions ATER, namely EMATER-RN, Diaconia and AACC and representatives of organizations that receive public ATER. The research showed the difficulties of EMATER-RN in implementing of New ATER due to lack of infrastructure and low adherence of the new form of technical assistance and rural extension. It was shown also that the AACC and Diaconia act with ATER through projects with implementation deadlines set, often interrupting ATER while communities are still in need of assistance


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Family farming has been considered as the new axis of rural development in the country, the focus of several public policies, especially the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture - PRONAF and Food Purchase Program - PAA. PRONAF was created with the aim of providing credit to farmers, while the PAA to support family farmers through the purchase of its production. In this context, the objective of this study is to analyze the correspondence of these two public policies for family farming, in the Territories of Citizenship of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, between the years 2008 to 2010. In the methodology, the analysis was performed by comparing the distributions of the two programs in the territories of citizenship status. There were also statistical tests of differences in proportions, and Spearman correlations, and estimated a logit regression model, in order to measure the probability of a farmer participating in the PAA is associated with one of the modes of PRONAF. The data used were obtained from the National and Supply - CONAB at the Institute of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension - EMATER, and the Ministry of Agrarian Development - MDA. Among the key findings was noted that policies were associated with a direct, but low in the districts of the Territories of Citizenship. And that, in the years 2008 and 2009, only in the territories of Mato Grande, Alto Oeste and Seridó, the actions of PAA and PRONAF had direct and significant correlations. It was found that in most of the territories, policies are performed randomly, ie that both have no correlation to each other. The estimates of the logit model showed that the chance of a family farmer, the PAA participant, receive credits PRONAF A, is higher in the territory of Mato Grande, and would have a chance to fall in PRONAF B in all areas surveyed. Moreover, farmers in the territories of the Assu-Mossoró, Sertão of Apodi, Seridó and Alto Oeste, participating in the PAA would be more likely to receive credits PRONAF C, reflecting thus the family farm more consolidated these territories


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According to the methodological presuppositions of the understanding interview (KAUFMAAN, 1996), the present work aims to understand the Digital Inclusion starting from the oral speeches of eight monitors of Digital Inclusion and Citizenship Schools of the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company EMATER, located in municipal districts that belong to six regions of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. It also had the intention to analyze it (the Digital Inclusion), while educational process and its relation with the citizenship. In its first part, an analysis of the discussions about digital inclusion was developed, and a reflection about the new technologies in current times, followed by a contextualization of the rural space and the methodological course of the study, when its guiding axis and the travelled roads were presented, where the object of study is built slowly and progressively through a theoretical elaboration that increases day by day, as of the technologies forged in the field of research and formation of the subject. The second part presents the study of the collected information, that is organized in three chapters denominated as follows: Conceptions of the local context; What does digital inclusion mean? and The monitor as an educator. The reports do evidence a peculiar dissatisfaction with the social reality where they are found, that contradicts the positive reflections and perspectives of the studied authors, once that, within the actual conjuncture, the rural space has acquired another meaning, no longer being seen as a far late place. By trying to define the digital inclusion, the monitors make an association with change, the access to knowledge, active participation in society and improvement of the life conditions. Here a mission sense stands out, related to the ideological precept, which has been managing its activities. Towards the monitor‟s relation within the classroom, the senses evidence how they are and how they have been developing their daily activities. Tensions, fears and insecurities are identified, but at the same time, a compromise. The final considerations implicate to the need of reorientations in the formative process of this professionals, detaching the importance of their activities while agents of inclusion and social transformation