23 resultados para aporia


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Eleanor Smith [pseudonym], teacher : I was talking to the kids about MacDonalds*/I forget exactly what the context was*/I said ‘‘ah, the Americans call them French fries, and, you know, MacDonalds is an American chain and they call them French fries because the Americans call them French fries’’, and this little Australian kid in the front row, very Australian child, said to me, ‘‘I call them French fries!’’ . . . Um, a fourth grade boy whom I taught in 1993 at this school, the world basketball championships were on . . . Americans were playing their dream machine and the Boomers were up against them . . . and, ah, this boy was very interested in basketball . . . but it’s not in my blood, not in the way cricket is for example . . . Um, Um, and I said to this fellow, ‘‘um, well’’, I said, ‘‘Australia’s up against Dream Machine tomorrow’’. He [Jason, pseudonym] said, ‘‘Ah, you know, Boomers probably won’t win’’. . . . I said, ‘‘Well that’s sport, mate’’. I said, ‘‘You never know in sport. Australia might win’’. And he looked at me and he said, ‘‘I’m not going for Australia, I’m going for America’’. This is from an Australian boy! And I thought so strong is the hype, so strong is the, is the, power of the media, etc., that this boy is not [pause], I can’t tell you how outraged I was. Here’s me as an Australian and I don’t even support basketball, it’s not even my sport, um, but that he would respond like that because of the power of the American machine that’s converting kids’ minds, the way they think, where they’re putting their loyalties, etc. I was just appalled, but that’s where he was. And when I asked kids for their favourite place, he said Los Angeles.


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This chapter scrutinizes the dominant public discourse in Western Europe. Drawing on examples from the UK, Germany, and France but also from the Netherlands, Denmark and Spain it illustrates the gradual transformation of discourse from an “exotic Islam” to a “threatening Islam” that endangers European values and safety and suggests that the combination of this “securitization” of Islam and the monopoly of the “Muslim voice” by radical Muslim activists leads to a vicious circle of misrecognition and enhancing the aporia of Europe's Muslims.


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Resumen: La tesis del trabajo es que la deconstrucción entraña en sí misma una actitud ética, y que ésta radica intrínsecamente en su apertura al otro y en la responsabilidad frente a ese otro. Para ello, se intenta en primer lugar una elucidación del concepto, caracterizándola como un protocolo de lectura compuesto de dos fases: des-sedimentación y reinscripción, siendo este último momento el que la identifica como una lectura singular y no universalizable. Posteriormente, a través de las nociones de “sujeto” y “alteridad del texto”, se muestra cómo las bases de la ética deconstructiva giran en torno a las nociones de “yo” y “otro”, conceptos que Derrida, como se demuestra, toma de Lévinas. La instancia ética es la apertura al otro, que se verifica por la responsabilidad que supone concebir al otro como aquello incapaz de apropiación. Dicha responsabilidad configura la aporía ética de lo general-particular, al concebirse como la posibilidad imposible de una opción general que es al mismo tiempo una decisión personal o singular, o, en otros términos, la indecidibilidad entre la norma general y la decisión concreta, que es a su vez la tensión entre “justicia”, “hospitalidad” y “negociación”. Lo anterior demuestra que el acto ético (o acto deconstructivo) tiene la misma estructura de la différance, imbricada siempre en la iteración del significante.


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Edkins, J., Exposed singularity, Journal for Cultural Research, Volume 9, Issue 4 October 2005 , pages 359 - 386 RAE2008


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We suggest a certain minimal approach to the historical Socrates on the basis of Plato’s Apology. This text makes it possible to reconstruct the authentic charge and the defense line of Socrates, as well as his motivation and the quintessence of his philosophical challenge. The most important thing is what the philosopher says in the face of his death sentence: that the greatest good for a man is to live an examined life focusing on virtues and ethical values. Unfortunately, the preponderance of studies, even the most recent ones, fail to recognize the philosopher’s provocative challenge, whilst it is not only a crucial motif in the Socratic examining (ἐξετάζειν), i.e. testing the interlocutors’ knowledge by means of irony, elenchos and aporia, but also an inspiration for his direct and indirect followers in seeking virtues and the greatest good.


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A presente investigação, que tem os professores como figura central, constitui um trabalho de problematização sobre o impacto que as políticas educativas dos últimos dez anos têm tido na (re)definição da profissão e do trabalho docente. Num tempo marcado por rápidas e profundas mudanças económicas, políticas, sociais e culturais, os professores defrontam-se com novas situações, novos saberes e novas conceções pedagógicas. Por este motivo, impôs-se a preocupação académica de compreender o modo como os professores encaram a existência de novas exigências e dos desafios constantes com que são confrontados, lidam com eles, definem estratégias e finalidades de ação, enunciando os seus compromissos profissionais, os seus saberes e os modos de ser e de estar na profissão. Assim, a reflexão em torno das políticas educativas e do trabalho docente adquire uma importância inquestionável como uma problemática essencial para se compreender os sentidos da escola, das suas finalidades educativas e da ação dos professores. A investigação permitiu concluir que o Estado, agora avaliador, tende a abandonar o ideal de igualdades de oportunidades para o objetivo de igualdade dos resultados, onde sobressai o desenvolvimento de uma política educativa assente na lógica da eficácia e da competição. Concluiu-se, ainda, que a intensificação e a complexificação das tarefas que incumbem aos professores e o aumento exponencial de dispositivos burocráticos no exercício da profissão configuram a emergência de novas formas de governo e de controlo da profissão, contribuindo também para a sua desqualificação. Neste contexto, as relações profissionais que os docentes estabelecem entre si, o recentrar da escola na aprendizagem dos alunos e o conhecimento profissional dos professores são encarados pela autora como cruciais para a configuração de uma nova profissionalidade docente e para o desenvolvimento de perspetivas educacionais progressistas e emancipatórias. Foi intencional a opção por uma metodologia qualitativa, apoiada num paradigma que valoriza as vozes dos indivíduos que falam, quer o sujeito que, na sua qualidade de investigador, ouve ou lê a fala do narrador e a interpreta num encontro de subjetividades. Elegeu-se como estratégias de recolha de informação as entrevistas semiestruturadas e a aplicação de inquérito por questionário, na tentativa de recolher toda a riqueza subjetiva de quem neles se diz e de ultrapassar a velha aporia entre métodos quantitativos e qualitativos.


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Malgré l’acceptation théorique et pratique que l’astrologie médiévale rencontre au 13e siècle latin, son statut philosophique ambigu tient, au moins en partie, à son double partage en art mécanique et en science libérale. Plus mystérieux encore reste le fait qu’elle apparaisse en Occident sans devoir violenter les cadres philosophiques où elle s’inscrit, aussi chrétiens soient-ils. Du point de vue de l’histoire de la philosophie, ce que cette arrivée en douceur passe sous silence, c’est l’enracinement conceptuel toujours déjà préétabli du projet astrologique à l’intérieur d’un contexte philosophique plus global, dans et par lequel l’idée d’influence astrale valide sa raison d’être. En passant par la philosophie naturelle et la métaphysique de Thomas d’Aquin, ce travail veut montrer comment l’astrologie médiévale survient en terres chrétiennes à partir de la rencontre de la hiérarchie causale de l’être propre à l’arabo-aristotélisme néo-platonisant avec une théologie de la providence divine. D’aporie en aporie, la déconstruction de ce que toute astrologie présuppose prend place, de sorte qu’il devient possible de comprendre l’aspect rationnel et proprement philosophique de l’entreprise astrologique au Moyen Âge.


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Toutes les illustrations qui ponctuent cette thèse ont été réalisées par Chantal Poirier. Elles ont été insérées dans le texte selon un ordre méticuleusement aléatoire.


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Divulgar el estado más actualizado de los estudios platónicos. Introducir una lectura efectiva de los 'Diálogos'. Situar correctamente cómo la investigación filosófica actual puede tratar cuestiones sin aliernarse de la constante de dramaticidad que la tradición filosófica tiene desde sus orígenes. Concluir si hay o no un todo en la enseñanza platónica y cómo se encuentra ésta. El objeto de estudio son diversos diálogos y otros escritos de Platón. El autor analiza los textos a la luz de los temas a tratar, se tratan los siguientes temas: Eidos y Eschema; Aporia y Diámetros; Eficacia gorgiana y Orden socrático; Justicia; Demiurgo, figura de la cosmopoiesis. Interpretación de textos.


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L'EEES aposta per la preparació de l'alumnat per al mercat de treball i l'objectiu com el desenvolupament personal sembla desaparèixer a favor de l'estructuració de l'ensenyament segons continguts del món de treball. Aquesta estructuració de l'ensenyament porta a reflexionar sobre on s'ha d'explicar els principis ètics que són a la base de la investigació d'excel·lència i del treball d'excel·lència. Es pretén discutir una experiència de practicum que ressalta els matisos lligat a un ensenyament basat en activitats fora de les aules de la Universitat. Matisos que obren un espai a l'aporia entre la necessitat de relació amb la realitat concreta i el indubtable paper de la formació universitària com educació ètica


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Internet research methods in nursing science are less developed than in other sciences. We choose to present an approach to conducting nursing research on an internet-based forum. This paper presents LiLEDDA, a six-step forum-based netnographic research method for nursing science. The steps consist of: 1. Literature review and identification of the research question(s); 2. Locating the field(s) online; 3. Ethical considerations; 4. Data gathering; 5. Data analysis and interpretation; and 6. Abstractions and trustworthiness. Traditional research approaches are limiting when studying non-normative and non-mainstream life-worlds and their cultures. We argue that it is timely to develop more up-to-date research methods and study designs applicable to nursing science that reflect social developments and human living conditions that tend to be increasingly online-based.


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This paper takes up the question (reframed by Deleuze and Guattari) of where expansion takes place: at the ends or from the centre. Despite the connotations of mediocrity that can be attributed to the term ‘mainstream’, it is possible to rethink what happens at close range as the space of radical openings. Writers can often believe that what is most abnormal or fringe will produce the highest probability of creative ‘event’. The question, however, can be posed – framed by the lineage of deconstruction – whether the key to unlocking any system of totality or closed possibility may lie in a very central (although physically peripheral) location. If, instead of the classical image, expansion may occur from re-imagined ‘middles’ rather than conventional ‘margins’, this reading of where potential can arise may offer a more resilient model than that of fragile peripheries, forever exposed to being amputated from staid centres of status and restricted participation. Drawing on the writings of Deleuze and Guattari, Derrida and Badiou, this paper seeks to unsettle any simplistic approach to the notion of edge, reinscribing it within the repetitiveness of our situations, to argue that right in the middle of the so-called mainstream, there might be the fine rivers of aporia that when encountered in thought can constitutes gates to that which is most radical in writing and other creative practices.


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After the beginning there appeared some stranger texts
West’s Orientalism objectified the corpus’s otherness
And Modernity’s philology rendered their syntax as his own;
Thence followed the postmodern disruption of the aporia
Re-citing the alterity and the ousia of the Other’s face;
But it awaited the hybrid-angst of postcolonialism’s site
Whence the interrupted texts begun miming an-other meaning.


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Cette thèse a pour objectif principal examiner comment les Mênon, Platon listes l'anámnesis avec les autres théories qui sont abordés dans ce dialogue et, par conséquent, essayer de comprendre ce que c'est. Cette recherche vise dans un premier temps situées dans d'autres dialogues de Platon la survenance du terme anamnésis à veifique les points qui relient ces oeuvres à clarifier la compréhension d'un plus approprié dans le Mênon. Jetez-y aussi, quels sont les éléments de la platonicienne théorie de la connaissance sera reliant le dialogue afin de prouver que le Mênon, qui est la question centrale areté, garde un conflit dans la sophistique et la philosophie. Ce choc entre ce qui se passe papapep indirectement par l'intermédiaire de son Mênon enseigné, et Socrates qui conteste la thèse de l'éthique et le relativisme épistémologique. Nous voyons aussi, de quelle manière le dialogue est donnée de prendre une voie d'accès au savoir qui est configuré comme sûrs, à savoir anámnésis. L'interrogatoire de Mênon depuis le début dans les appels d'enquêter éristique cet intérêt, que lorsqu'ils sont confrontés à des intérêts les amènerait à l'état aporétique initial et qui est progressivement remplacé par l'aporie fondamental de connaissance, ce n'est point pour aporie la compréhension de anámnesis. En prenant la dialectique comme méthode d'enquête dans le dialogue, il est nécessaire de la part de Socrates et Mênon, de quitter le didaskein et en profiter pour mathésis que la construction des connaissances. Il ouvre de manière un des principaux enjeux dans ce travail examine si le anámnesis permettre l'accès aux moyens et si elle a un statut similaire à mnéme. À un moment où Socrate explique dans le dialogue qui est le anámnesis par monstration monstration fait avec esclave de Mênon il est l'utilisation d'éléments mythiques que, selon notre analyse, permettre à comprendre le sens de dialogue les connaissances qui montre l'opportunité d'apprendre, qui est la anámnesis