980 resultados para anomalous Hall effect
In dieser Arbeit wurden dünne Schichten von Heusler-Verbindungen hergestellt und auf ihre Transporteigenschaften hin untersucht.rnDer Anomale Hall-Effekt (AHE) ist dabei von besonderem Interesse. Er ist ein seit langer Zeit bekannter, jedoch noch nicht vollständig verstandener Transport-Effekt. Die meisten Veröffentlichungen theoretischer Arbeiten konzentrieren sich auf den Einfluss eines bestimmten Beitrags zum AHE. Tatsächlich gemessene experimentelle Daten können jedoch oft nicht in Einklang mit idealisierten Annahmen gebracht werden. rnDie vorliegende Arbeit diskutiert die Ergebnisse, welche aus Messungen von Materialien mit niedrigem Restwiderstand erhalten wurden. rnrnAls prototypische Materialien wurden hier hyphenation Heusler-Verbindungen untersucht. Als Material mit einer komplexen Topologie der Fermi-Fläche zeichnet sich dort der Einfluss von Defekten und der Unordnung der Kristallstruktur deutlich ab.rnrnDurch Verwendung von Filmen mit unterschiedlichem Grad der Unordnung können verschiedene Streumechanismen unterschieden werden. Für Co$_{2}$FeSi$_{0.6}$Al$_{0.4}$ and Co$_{2}$FeGa$_{0.5}$Ge$_{0.5}$ zeigt sich ein positiver AHE bei einer Unordnung vom Typ B2 und bei einer induzierten temperaturabh"angigen Streuung, wo hingegen eine Typ DO$_{3}$-Unordnung zusammen mit anderen möglichen intrinsischen Beiträgen einen negativen Effekt hervorruft.rnrnDarüber hinaus wurden die magneto-optische Kerr-Effekte (MOKE) dieser Verbindungen untersucht. Hierfür wurden Beiträge erster Ordnung als Funktion der intrinsischen und extrinsischen Parameter qualitativ analysiert. Auf den Einfluss der kristallinen Ordnung auf Beiträge zweiter Ordnung des MOKE-Signals wird ebenfalls eingegangen.rnrnDes Weiteren wurden dünne Schichten der Heusler-Verbindung Co$_{2}$MnAl auf MgO- und Si-Subs-traten (beide (100)) mit Hochfrequenz-Mag-netron-Sputtern erzeugt. Die zusammensetzung sowie die magnetischen und Transport-Eigenschaften wurden hinsichtlich unterschiedlicher Abscheidebedingungen systematisch untersucht.rnrnInsbesondere zeigt der AHE-Widerstand ein außerordentliches temperaturunabhängiges Verhalten in einem Bereich moderater Magnetfeldstärken von 0 bis 0.6,T. Hierf"ur wurde der nicht-diagonale Transport bei Temperaturen bis zu 300,$^{circ}$C analysiert. Die Daten zeigen die Eignung des Materials für Hall-Sensoren auch oberhalb der Raumtemperatur.rnrnJüngst wurde der Spin Seebeck-Effekt (SSE) entdeckt. Der Effekt aus dem Bereich der Spin-Kaloritronik erzeugt eine Spin-Spannung'' aufgrund eines Temperaturgradienten in magnetischen Materialien. Hier werden vorläufige Messungen des SSE in Ni$_{80}$Fe$_{20}$ und in Heusler-Verbindungen präsentiert.rn
Skyrmions are topologically protected spin textures, characterized by a topological winding number N, that occur spontaneously in some magnetic materials. Recent experiments have demonstrated the capability to grow graphene on top Fe/Ir, a system that exhibits a two-dimensional skyrmion lattice. Here we show that a weak exchange coupling between the Dirac electrons in graphene and a two-dimensional skyrmion lattice withN = ±1 drives graphene into a quantum anomalous Hall phase, with a band gap in bulk, a Chern number C = 2N, and chiral edge states with perfect quantization of conductance G = 2N e2 h . Our findings imply that the topological properties of the skyrmion lattice can be imprinted in the Dirac electrons of graphene.
Transport properties of GaAs / δ – Mn / GaAs / InxGa1-xAs / GaAs structure with Mn δ – layer, which is separated from InxGa1-xAs quantum well (QW) by 3 nm thick GaAs spacer was investigated. This structure with high mobility was characterized by X-ray difractometry and reflectometry. Transport and electrical properties of the structure were measured by using Pulsed Magnetic Field System (PMFS). During investigation of the Shubnikov – de Haas and the Hall effects the main parameters of QW structure such as cyclotron mass, Fermi level, g – factor, Dingle temperature and concentration of holes were estimated. Obtained results show high quality of the prepared structure. However, anomalous Hall effect at temperatures 2.09 K, 3 K, 4.2 K is not clearly observed. Attempts to identify magnetic moment were made. For this purpose the polarity of the filed was changed to the opposite at each shot. As a result hysteresis loop was not observed in the magnetic field dependences of the anomalous Hall resistivity.This can be attributed to the imperfection of the experimental setup.
We study the transport properties of HgTe-based quantum wells containing simultaneously electrons and holes in a magnetic field B. At the charge neutrality point (CNP) with nearly equal electron and hole densities, the resistance is found to increase very strongly with B while the Hall resistivity turns to zero. This behavior results in a wide plateau in the Hall conductivity sigma(xy) approximate to 0 and in a minimum of diagonal conductivity sigma(xx) at nu = nu(p) - nu(n) = 0, where nu(n) and nu(p) are the electron and hole Landau level filling factors. We suggest that the transport at the CNP point is determined by electron-hole ""snake states'' propagating along the nu = 0 lines. Our observations are qualitatively similar to the quantum Hall effect in graphene as well as to the transport in a random magnetic field with a zero mean value.
Emergent and reentrant fractional quantum Hall effect in trilayer systems in a tilted magnetic field
Magnetotransport measurements in triple-layer electron systems with high carrier density reveal fractional quantum Hall effect at total filling factors nu>2. With an in-plane magnetic field we are able to control the suppression of interlayer tunneling which causes a collapse of the integer quantum Hall plateaus at nu=2 and nu=4, and an emergence of fractional quantum Hall states with increasing tilt angles. The nu=4 state is replaced by three fractional quantum Hall states with denominator 3. The state nu=7/3 demonstrates reentrant behavior and the emergent state at nu=12/5 has a nonmonotonic behavior with increasing in-plane field. We attribute the observed fractional quantum Hall plateaus to correlated states in a trilayer system.
We investigate the intrinsic spin Hall effect in two-dimensional electron gases in quantum wells with two subbands, where a new intersubband-induced spin-orbit coupling is operative. The bulk spin Hall conductivity sigma(z)(xy) is calculated in the ballistic limit within the standard Kubo formalism in the presence of a magnetic field B and is found to remain finite in the B=0 limit, as long as only the lowest subband is occupied. Our calculated sigma(z)(xy) exhibits a nonmonotonic behavior and can change its sign as the Fermi energy (the carrier areal density n(2D)) is varied between the subband edges. We determine the magnitude of sigma(z)(xy) for realistic InSb quantum wells by performing a self-consistent calculation of the intersubband-induced spin-orbit coupling.
The scaling exponent of 1.6 between anomalous Hall and longitudinal conductivity, characteristic of the universal Hall mechanism in dirty-metal ferromagnets, emerges from a series of CrO2 films as we systematically increase structural disorder. Magnetic disorder in CrO2 increases with temperature and this drives a separate topological Hall mechanism. We find that these terms are controlled discretely by structural and magnetic defect populations, and their coexistence leads to apparent divergence from exponent 1.6, suggesting that the universal term is more prevalent than previously realized.
We show how macroscopic manifestations of P (and T) symmetry breaking can arise in a simple system subject to Aharonov-Bohm interactions. Specifically, we study the conductivity of a gas of charged particles moving through a dilute array of flux tubes. The interaction of the electrons with the flux tubes is taken to be of a purely Aharonov-Bohm type. We find that the system exhibits a nonzero transverse conductivity, i.e., a spontaneous Hall effect. This is in contrast to the fact that the cross sections for both scattering and bremsstrahlung (soft-photon emission) of a single electron from a flux tube are invariant under reflections. We argue that the asymmetry in the conductivity coefficients arises from many-body effects. On the other hand, the transverse conductivity has the same dependence on universal constants that appears in the quantum Hall effect, a result that we relate to the validity of the mean-field approximation.
Some problems involved in the interpretation of Hall‐effect measurements in polycrystalline semiconductors have not been resolved, especially when the contribution of the boundaries is appreciable. Using the Herring theory of transport properties in inhomogeneous semiconductors, we present an alternative interpretation to that previously proposed. This model permits the calculation of the Hall coefficient under general conditions.
We show how macroscopic manifestations of P (and T) symmetry breaking can arise in a simple system subject to Aharonov-Bohm interactions. Specifically, we study the conductivity of a gas of charged particles moving through a dilute array of flux tubes. The interaction of the electrons with the flux tubes is taken to be of a purely Aharonov-Bohm type. We find that the system exhibits a nonzero transverse conductivity, i.e., a spontaneous Hall effect. This is in contrast to the fact that the cross sections for both scattering and bremsstrahlung (soft-photon emission) of a single electron from a flux tube are invariant under reflections. We argue that the asymmetry in the conductivity coefficients arises from many-body effects. On the other hand, the transverse conductivity has the same dependence on universal constants that appears in the quantum Hall effect, a result that we relate to the validity of the mean-field approximation.
In the present paper we report on the experimental electron sheet density vs. magnetic field diagram for the magnetoresistance R(xx) of a two-dimensional electron system (2DES) with two occupied subbands. For magnetic fields above 9T, we found fractional quantum Hall levels centered around the filing factor v = 3/2 in both the two occupied electric subbands. We focused specially on the fractional levels of the second subband, whose experimental values of the magnetic field B of their minima do not obey a periodicity law in 1/|B-B(c)|, where B(c) is the critical field at the filling factor v = 3/2, and we explain this fact entirely in the framework of the composite fermions theory. We use a simple theoretical model to give a possible explanation for the fact. Copyright (c) EPLA, 2011
We report on the measurements of the quantum Hall effect states in double quantum well structures at the filling factors v = 4N + 1 and 4N + 3, where N is the Landau index number, in the presence of the in-plane magnetic field. The quantum Hall states at these filling factors vanish and reappear several times. Repeated reentrance of the transport gap occurs due to the periodic vanishing of the tunneling amplitude in the presence of the in-plane field. When the gap vanishes, the transport becomes anisotropic. The anisotropy persist at half-odd filling factors, when bilayer quantum Hall states are recovered with increase of the tilt angle. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We investigate the spin Hall conductivity sigma (xy) (z) of a clean 2D electron gas formed in a two-subband well. We determine sigma (xy) (z) as arising from the inter-subband induced spin-orbit (SO) coupling eta (Calsaverini et al., Phys. Rev. B 78:155313, 2008) via a linear-response approach due to Rashba. By self-consistently calculating eta for realistic wells, we find that sigma (xy) (z) presents a non-monotonic (and non-universal) behavior and a sign change as the Fermi energy varies between the subband edges. Although our sigma (xy) (z) is very small (i.e., a parts per thousand(a)`` e/4 pi aEuro(3)), it is non-zero as opposed to linear-in-k SO models.
The influence of the interlayer coupling on formation of the quantized Hall phase at the filling factor v = 2 was studied in the multilayer GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures The disorder broaden Gaussian photoluminescence line due to the localized electrons was found in the quantized Hall phase of the isolated multi-quantum well structure On the other hand. the quantized Hall phase of the weakly-coupled multilayers emitted an asymmetrical line similar to that one observed in the metallic electron systems. We demonstrated that the observed asymmetry indicates a formation of the Fermi Surface in the quantized Hall phase of the multilayer electron system due to the interlayer peicolation. A sharp decrease of the single-particle scattering time associated with the extended states oil the Fermi surface was observed at the filling factor v = 2. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved