759 resultados para amyloid


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Along with the increased life span of individuals, the burden of old age-associated diseases has inevitably increased. Alzheimer s disease (AD), probably the most well known geriatric disease, belongs to the old age-associated amyloid diseases. The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency, genetic and health-associated risk factors, mutual association, and amyloid proteins in two old age-associated amyloid disorders senile systemic amyloidosis (SSA) and cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) as part of the prospective population-based Vantaa 85+ autopsy study on a Finnish population aged 85 years or more (Studies I-III), completed with a case report on a patient with advanced AGel amyloidosis (Study IV). The numbers of patients investigated in the studies (I-III) were 256, 74, and 63, respectively. The diagnosis and grading of amyloid were based upon histological examination of tissue samples obtained post mortem and stained with Congo red. The amyloid fibril and associated proteins were characterized by immunohistochemical staining methods. The genotype frequencies of 20 polymorphisms in 9 genes and information on health-associated risk factors in subjects with and without SSA and CAA were compared. In a Finnish population ≥ 95 years of age, SSA and CAA occurred in 36% and 49% of the subjects, respectively. In total, two-thirds of these very elderly individuals had SSA, CAA, or both. However, in only 14% of the population these two conditions co-occurred. In subjects 85 years or older, the prevalence of SSA was 25%. In this population, SSA was associated with age at the time of death (p=0.002), myocardial infarctions (MIs; p=0.004), the G/G (Val/Val) genotype of the exon 24 polymorphism in the alpha2-macroglobulin (α2M) gene (p=0.042) and with the H2 haplotype of the tau gene (p=0.016). In contrast, the presence of CAA was strongly associated with APOE e4 (p=0.0003), with histopathological AD (p=0.0005), and with clinical dementia (p=0.01) in both e4+ (p=0.02) and e4- (p=0.06) individuals. Apart from demonstrating the amyloid fibril proteins, complement proteins 3d (C3d) and 9 (C9) were detected in the amyloid deposits of CAA and AGel amyloidosis, and α2M protein was found in fibrous scar tissue close to SSA. In conclusion, this first population based study on SSA shows that both SSA and CAA are common in very elderly individuals. Old age, MIs, the exon 24 polymorphism of the α2M gene, and H1/H2 polymorphism of the tau gene associate with SSA while clinical dementia and APOE ε4 genotype associate with CAA. The high prevalence of CAA, combined with its association with clinical dementia independent of APOE genotype, neuropathological AD, or SSA, also highlights its clinical significance in the very aged, among which the serious end stage complications of CAA, namely multiple infarctions and hemorrhages, are rare. The report on a patient having advanced AGel amyloidosis added knowledge on the disease and showed that this generally benign condition occasionally may lead to death. Further studies are warranted to confirm the findings in other populations. Also, the role of α2M and tau in the pathogenesis of SSA and the involvement of complement in the process of amyloid beta (Aβ) protein elimination from the brain remain to be clarified. Finally, the high prevalence of SSA in the elderly raises the need for prospective clinical studies to define its clinical significance.


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The biphenyl ethers (BPEs) are the potent inhibitors of TTR fibril formation and are efficient fibril disrupter. However, the mechanism by which the fibril disruption occurs is yet to be fully elucidated. To gain insight into the mechanism, we synthesized and used a new QD labeled BPE to track the process of fibril disruption. Our studies showed that the new BPE-QDs bind to the fiber uniformly and has affinity and specificity for TTR fiber and disrupted the pre-formed fiber at a relatively slow rate. Based on these studies we put forth the probable mechanism of fiber disruption by BPEs. Also, we show here that the BPE-QDs interact with high affinity to the amyloids of A beta(42), lysozyme and insulin. The potential of BPE-QDs in the detection of senile plaque in the brain of transgenic Alzheimer's mice has also been explored. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ever since lysozyme was discovered by Fleming in 1922, this protein has emerged as a model for investigations on protein structure and function. Over the years, several high-resolution structures have yielded a wealth of structural data on this protein. Extensive studies on folding of lysozyme have shown how different regions of this protein dynamically interact with one another. Data is also available from numerous biotechnological studies wherein lysozyme has been employed as a model protein for recovering active recombinant protein from inclusion bodies using small molecules like L-arginine. A variety of conditions have been developed in vitro to induce fibrillation in hen lysozyme. They include (a) acidic pH at elevated temperature, (b) concentrated solutions of ethanol, (c) moderate concentrations of guanidinium hydrochloride at moderate temperature, and (d) alkaline pH at room temperature. This review aims to bring together similarities and differences in aggregation mechanisms, morphology of aggregates, and related issues that arise using the different conditions mentioned above to improve our understanding. The alkaline pH condition (pH 12.2), discovered and studied extensively in our lab, shall receive special attention. More than a decade ago, it was revealed that mutations in human lysozyme can cause accumulation of large quantities of amyloid in liver, kidney, and other regions of gastrointestinal tract. Understanding the mechanism of lysozyme aggregation will probably have therapeutic implications for the treatment of systemic nonneuropathic amyloidosis. Numerous studies have begun to focus attention on inhibition of lysozyme aggregation using antibody or small molecules. The enzymatic activity of lysozyme presents a convenient handle to quantify the native population of lysozyme in a sample where aggregation has been inhibited. The rich information available on lysozyme coupled with the multiple conditions that have been successful in inducing/inhibiting its aggregation in vitro makes lysozyme an ideal model protein to investigate amyloidogenesis.


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hIAPP fibrillization implicated in Type 2 diabetes pathology involves formation of oligomers toxic to insulin producing pancreatic beta-cells. We report design, synthesis, 3D structure and functional characterization of dehydrophenylalanine (Delta F) containing peptides which inhibit hIAPP fibrillization. The inhibitor protects beta-cells from hIAPP induced toxicity.


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Aluminium and zinc are known to be the major triggering agents for aggregation of amyloid peptides leading to plaque formation in Alzheimer's disease. While zinc binding to histidine in A (amyloid ) fragments has been implicated as responsible for aggregation, not much information is available on the interaction of aluminium with histidine. In the NMR study of the N-terminal A fragments, DAEFRHDSGYEV (A12) and DAEFRHDSGYEVHHQK (A16) presented here, the interactions of the fragments with aluminium have been investigated. Significant chemical shifts were observed for few residues near the C-terminus when aluminium chloride was titrated with A12 and A16 peptides. Surprisingly, it is nonhistidine residues which seem to be involved in aluminium binding. Based on NMR constrained structure obtained by molecular modelling, aluminium-binding pockets in A12 were around charged residues such as Asp, Glu. The results are discussed in terms of native structure propagation, and the relevance of histidine residues in the sequences for metal-binding interactions. We expect that the study of such short amyloid peptide fragments will not only provide clues for plaque formation in aggregated conditions but also facilitate design of potential drugs for these targets.


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Protein aggregation, linked to many of diseases, is initiated when monomers access rogue conformations that are poised to form amyloid fibrils. We show, using simulations of src SH3 domain, that mechanical force enhances the population of the aggregation-prone (N*) states, which are rarely populated under force free native conditions but are encoded in the spectrum of native fluctuations. The folding phase diagrams of SH3 as a function of denaturant concentration (C]), mechanical force (f), and temperature exhibit an apparent two-state behavior, without revealing the presence of the elusive N* states. Interestingly, the phase boundaries separating the folded and unfolded states at all C] and f fall on a master curve, which can be quantitatively described using an analogy to superconductors in a magnetic field. The free energy profiles as a function of the molecular extension (R), which are accessible in pulling experiments, (R), reveal the presence of a native-like N* with a disordered solvent-exposed amino-terminal beta-strand. The structure of the N* state is identical with that found in Fyn SH3 by NMR dispersion experiments. We show that the timescale for fibril formation can be estimated from the population of the N* state, determined by the free energy gap separating the native structure and the N* state, a finding that can be used to assess fibril forming tendencies of proteins. The structures of the N* state are used to show that oligomer formation and likely route to fibrils occur by a domain-swap mechanism in SH3 domain. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Identifying the structures of membrane bound proteins is critical to understanding their function in healthy and diseased states. We introduce a surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy technique which can determine the conformation of membrane-bound proteins, at low micromolar concentrations, and also in the presence of a substantial membrane-free fraction. Unlike conventional surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, our approach does not require immobilization of molecules, as it uses spontaneous binding of proteins to lipid bilayer-encapsulated Ag nanoparticles. We apply this technique to probe membrane-attached oligomers of Amyloid-beta(40) (A beta(40)), whose conformation is keenly sought in the context of Alzheimer's disease. Isotope-shifts in the Raman spectra help us obtain secondary structure information at the level of individual residues. Our results show the presence of a beta-turn, flanked by two beta-sheet regions. We use solid-state NMR data to confirm the presence of the beta-sheets in these regions. In the membrane-attached oligomer, we find a strongly contrasting and near-orthogonal orientation of the backbone H-bonds compared to what is found in the mature, less-toxic A beta fibrils. Significantly, this allows a ``porin'' like beta-barrel structure, providing a structural basis for proposed mechanisms of A beta oligomer toxicity.


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The propensity of protein molecules to self-assemble into highly ordered, fibrillar aggregates lies at the heart of understanding many disorders ranging from Alzheimer's disease to systemic lysozyme amyloidosis. In this paper we use highly accurate kinetic measurements of amyloid fibril growth in combination with spectroscopic tools to quantify the effect of modifications in solution conditions and in the amino acid sequence of human lysozyme on its propensity to form amyloid fibrils under acidic conditions. We elucidate and quantify the correlation between the rate of amyloid growth and the population of nonnative states, and we show that changes in amyloidogenicity are almost entirely due to alterations in the stability of the native state, while other regions of the global free-energy surface remain largely unmodified. These results provide insight into the complex dynamics of a macromolecule on a multidimensional energy landscape and point the way for a better understanding of amyloid diseases.


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The self-assembly of proteins and peptides into polymeric amyloid fibrils is a process that has important implications ranging from the understanding of protein misfolding disorders to the discovery of novel nanobiomaterials. In this study, we probe the stability of fibrils prepared at pH 2.0 and composed of the protein insulin by manipulating electrostatic interactions within the fibril architecture. We demonstrate that strong electrostatic repulsion is sufficient to disrupt the hydrogen-bonded, cross-β network that links insulin molecules and ultimately results in fibril dissociation. The extent of this dissociation correlates well with predictions for colloidal models considering the net global charge of the polypeptide chain, although the kinetics of the process is regulated by the charge state of a single amino acid. We found the fibrils to be maximally stable under their formation conditions. Partial disruption of the cross-β network under conditions where the fibrils remain intact leads to a reduction in their stability. Together, these results support the contention that a major determinant of amyloid stability stems from the interactions in the structured core, and show how the control of electrostatic interactions can be used to characterize the factors that modulate fibril stability.


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1-42 beta-Amyloid (A beta(1-42)) peptide is a key molecule involved in the development of Alzheimer's disease. Some of its effects are manifested at the neuronal morphological level. These morphological changes involve loss of neurites due to cytoskeleton alterations. However, the mechanism of A beta(1-42) peptide activation of the neurodegenerative program is still poorly understood. Here, A beta(1-42) peptide-induced transduction of cellular death signals through the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/phosphoinositol- dependent kinase (PDK)/novel protein kinase C (nPKC)/Rac 1 axis is described. Furthermore, pharmacological inhibition of PDK1 and nPKC activities blocks Rac 1 activation and neuronal cell death. Our results provide insights into an unsuspected connection between PDK1, nPKCs and Rac 1 in the same signal-transduction pathway and points out nPKCs and Rac 1 as potential therapeutic targets to block the toxic effects of A beta(1-42) peptide in neurons.