985 resultados para alpha-L-Arabinofuranosidase


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We synthesized methoxy poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(alpha,L-glutamic acid) (mPEGGA) diblock copolymer by ring-opening polymerization of N-carboxy anhydride of gamma-benzyl-L-glutamate (NCA) using amino-terminated methoxy polyethylene glycol (mPEG) as macroinitiator. Polyelectrolyte complexation between mPEGGA as neutral-block-polyanion and chitosan (CS) as polycation has been scrutinized in aqueous solution as well as in the solid state.


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The cis-dihydrodiol metabolite from methyl benzoate has been used as a synthetic precursor of carba-beta-L-galactopyranose, carba-beta-L-talopyranose and carba-alpha-L-talopyranose. The structures and absolute configurations of these carbasugars were determined by a combination of NMR spectroscopy, stereochemical correlation and X-ray crystallography.


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When a multilayered material is analyzed by means of energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis, then the X-ray ratios of K alpha/K beta, or L alpha/L beta and L alpha/L gamma, for an element in the multilayered material, depend on the composition and thickness of the layer in which the element is situated, and on the composition and thickness of the superimposed layer (or layers). Multilayered samples are common in archaeometry, for example, in the case of pigment layers in paintings, or in the case of gilded or silvered alloys. The latter situation is examined in detail in the present paper, with a specific reference to pre-Columbian alloys from various museums in the north of Peru. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Calcium binding and charge distribution on highly branched and linear sulfated L-galactans from ascidians have been studied using a metallochromic indicator and conductimetric titrations. The distance between charged groups of the linear and highly branched galactans does not vary despite their marked differences in sulfate/total sugar molar ratios. These results indicate that the sulfated L-galactose units are concentrated in the central polysaccharide core and not intercalated among non-sulfated units. This inference is consistent with the chemical studies of these galactans. Surprisingly, calcium affinity increases with increasing amounts of non-sulfated sugar branches in the molecule. Thus, calcium binding in these polymers is not a simple function of availability of anion binding sites but a more complex calcium-polysaccharide interaction. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A xilana, o segundo principal componente da parede celular vegetal, pertence ao grupo das hemiceluloses, sendo composta por diferentes carboidratos, principalmente xilose e arabinose. Na natureza, devido a sua heterogeneidade estrutural, este complexo polissacarídeo é completamente hidrolisado pela ação sinergística de diferentes enzimas, incluindo xilanases e β-xilosidases, responsáveis pela degradação da sua cadeia principal e outras enzimas chamadas auxiliares ou desramificantes, importantes para remoção dos grupos laterais. Dentre estas últimas, destacam-se as α-L-arabinofuranosidases, enzimas responsáveis pela remoção de resíduos L-arabinofuranosil do polímero. As arabinofuranosidases podem ser produzidas por micro-organismos, como bactérias e fungos, sendo essencialmente enzimas extracelulares. Fungos, especialmente os de solo e madeira, têm sido utilizados para produção de enzimas xilanolíticas, sendo particularmente interessantes do ponto de vista industrial, pelo fato de secretarem suas enzimas diretamente no meio em que se encontram não necessitando de ruptura celular para a liberação das mesmas. Além disso, apresentam níveis de produção mais elevados que os obtidos em culturas bacterianas ou de leveduras. A crescente preocupação com a escassez dos recursos naturais e com a degradação ambiental tem levado à busca por tecnologias mais eficientes, mais competitivas e menos poluentes. Atualmente, muitos processos industriais empregam enzimas microbianas, apresentando inúmeras vantagens em relação às técnicas convencionais. As α-L-arabinofuranosidases podem ser utilizadas individualmente ou em combinação com outras enzimas, representando uma ferramenta promissora para aplicação em diversos processos biotecnológicos como no branqueamento da polpa celulósica, na síntese de oligossacarídeos, na produção de etanol de segunda geração, ou ainda...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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A gene encoding a-L-arabinofuranosidase (abfA) from Aspergillus niveus was identified, cloned, and successfully expressed in Aspergillus nidulans. Based on amino acid sequence comparison, the 88.6 kDa enzyme could be assigned to the GH family 51. The characterization of the purified recombinant AbfA revealed that the enzyme was active at a limited pH range (pH 4.0-5.0) and an optimum temperature of 70 degrees C. The AbfA was able to hydrolyze arabinoxylan, xylan from birchwood, debranched arabinan, and 4-nitrophenyl arabinofuranoside. Synergistic reactions using both AbfA and endoxylanase were also assessed. The highest degree of synergy was obtained after the sequential treatment of the substrate with endoxylanase, followed by AbfA, which was observed to release noticeably more reducing sugars than that of either enzyme acting individually. The immobilization of AbfA was performed via ionic adsorption onto various supports: agarose activated by polyethyleneimine polymers, cyanogen bromide activated Sepharose, DEAE-Sepharose, and Sepharose-Q The Sepharose-Q derivative remained fully active at pH 5 after 360 min at 60 degrees C, whereas the free AbfA was inactivated after 60 min. A synergistic effect of arabinoxylan hydrolysis by AbfA immobilized in Sepharose-Q and endoxylanase immobilized in glyoxyl agarose was also observed. The stabilization of arabinofuranosidases using immobilization tools is a novel and interesting topic. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation is the most effective treatment for Hurler syndrome but, since this therapy is not available to all patients, we have considered an alternative approach based on transfer and expression of the normal gene in autologous bone marrow. A retroviral vector carrying the full-length cDNA for alpha-L-iduronidase has been constructed and used to transduce bone marrow from patients with this disorder. Various gene-transfer protocols have been assessed including the effect of intensive schedules of exposure of bone marrow to viral supernatant and the influence of growth factors. With these protocols, we have demonstrated successful gene transfer into primitive CD34+ cells and subsequent enzyme expression in their maturing progeny. Also, by using long-term bone marrow cultures, we have demonstrated high levels of enzyme expression sustained for several months. The efficiency of gene transfer has been assessed by PCR analysis of hemopoietic colonies as 25-56%. No advantage has been demonstrated for the addition of growth factors or intensive viral exposure schedules. The enzyme is secreted into the medium and functional localization has been demonstrated by reversal of the phenotypic effects of lysosomal storage in macrophages. This work suggests that retroviral gene transfer into human bone marrow may offer the prospect for gene therapy of Hurler syndrome in young patients without a matched sibling donor.


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We report the 1.8-A crystal structure of the CD11a I-domain with bound manganese ion. The CD11a I-domain contains binding sites for intercellular adhesion molecules 1 and 3 and can exist in both low- and high-affinity states. The metal-bound form reported here is likely to represent a high-affinity state. The CD11a I-domain structure reveals a strained hydrophobic ridge adjacent to the bound metal ion that may serve as a ligand-binding surface and is likely to rearrange in the absence of bound metal ion. The CD11a I-domain is homologous to domains found in von Willebrand factor, and mapping of mutations found in types 2a and 2b von Willebrand disease onto this structure allows consideration of the molecular basis of these forms of the disease.


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In order to investigate the genetic bases of the physiological syndrome mealiness that causes abnormal fruit softening and juice loss in apples, an integrative approach was devised, consisting of sensory, instrumental, biochemical, genetic, and genomic methods. High levels of activity of a-L-arabinofuranosidase (a-AFase), a hydrolase acting on the pectic component of the cell walls, were found in individuals exhibiting the mealiness phenotype in a segregating population. The expression levels of the previously uncharacterized apple AF gene MdAF3 are higher in fruits from plants consistently showing mealiness symptons and high a-AFase activity. The transcription of MdAF3 is differentially regulated in distinct genomic contexts and appears to be independent of ethylene. Thus, it is likely to be controlled by endogenous developmental mechanisms associated with fruit ripening. The use of integrative approaches has allowed the identification of a novel contributor to the mealiness phenotype in apple and it has been possible to overcome the problems posed by the unavailability of near-isogenic lines to dissect the genetic bases of a complex physiological trait in woody perennial species.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a atividade enzimática de .-L-arabinofuranosidase em polpa de maçãs 'Gala' durante a maturação após a colheita, com e sem armazenamento refrigerado.


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Two commercial enzyme products, Depol 40 (D) and Liquicell 2500 (L), were characterised from a biochemical standpoint and their potential to improve rumen degradation of forages was evaluated in vitro. Enzyme activities were determined at pH 5.5 and 39 degreesC. Analysis of the enzyme activities indicated that L contained higher xylanase and endoglucanase, but lower exoglucanase, pectinase and alpha-amylase activities than D. The Reading Pressure Technique (RPT) was used to investigate the effect of enzyme addition on the in vitro gas production (GP) and organic matter degradation (OMD) of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) stems and leaves. A completely randomised design with factorial arrangement of treatments was used. Both alfalfa fractions were untreated or treated with each enzyme at four levels, 20 h before incubation with rumen fluid. Each level of enzyme provided similar amounts of filter paper (D1, L1), endoglucanase (D2, L2), alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase (D3, L3) and xylanase units (D4, L4) per gram forage DM. Enzymes increased the initial OMD in both fractions, with improvements of up to 15% in leaves (D4) and 8% in stems (L2) after 12 h incubation. All enzyme treatments increased the extent of degradation (96 h incubation) in the leaf fractions, but only L2 increased final OMD in the stems. Direct hydrolysis of forage fractions during the pre-treatment period did not fully account for the magnitude of the increases in OMD, suggesting that the increase in rate of degradation was achieved through a combined effect of direct enzyme hydrolysis and synergistic action between the exogenous (applied) and endogenous (rumen) enzymes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The crystal structure of the dehydro octapeptide Boc-Val-Delta Phe-Phe-Ala-Leu-Ala-Delta Phe-Leu-OH has been determined to atomic resolution by X-ray crystallographic methods. The crystals grown by slow evaporation of peptide solution in methanol/water are orthorhombic, space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). The unit cell parameters are a = 8.404(3), b = 25.598(2) and c = 27.946(3) Angstrom, Z = 4. The agreement factor is R = 7.58% for 3636 reflections having (\F-o\) greater than or equal to 3 sigma (\F-o\). The peptide molecule is characterised by a 3(10)-helix at the N-terminus and a pi-turn at the C-terminus. This conformation is exactly similar to the helix termination features observed in proteins. The pi-turn conformation observed in the octapeptide is in good agreement with the conformational features of pi-turns seen in some proteins. The alpha(L)-position in the pi-turn of the octapeptide is occupied by Delta Phe(7), which shows that even bulky residues can be accommodated in this position of the pi-turns. In proteins, it is generally seen that alpha(L)-position is occupied by glycine residue. No intermolecular head-to-tail hydrogen bonds are observed in solid state structure of the octapeptide. A water molecule located in the unit cell of the peptide molecule is mainly used to hold the peptide molecule together in the crystal. The conformation observed for the octapeptide might be useful to understand the helix termination and chain reversal in proteins and to construct helix terminators for denovo protein design.