968 resultados para acceptance analysis


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AIM Virtual patients (VPs) are a one-of-a-kind e-learning resource, fostering clinical reasoning skills through clinical case examples. The combination with face-to-face teaching is important for their successful integration, which is referred to as "blended learning". So far little is known about the use of VPs in the field of continuing medical education and residency training. The pilot study presented here inquired the application of VPs in the framework of a pediatric residency revision course. METHODS Around 200 participants of a pediatric nephology lecture ('nephrotic and nephritic syndrome in children') were offered two VPs as a wrap-up session at the revision course of the German Society for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ) 2009 in Heidelberg, Germany. Using a web-based survey form, different aspects were evaluated concerning the learning experiences with VPs, the combination with the lecture, and the use of VPs for residency training in general. RESULTS N=40 evaluable survey forms were returned (approximately 21%). The return rate was impaired by a technical problem with the local Wi-Fi firewall. The participants perceived the work-up of the VPs as a worthwhile learning experience, with proper preparation for diagnosing and treating real patients with similar complaints. Case presentations, interactivity, and locally and timely independent repetitive practices were, in particular, pointed out. On being asked about the use of VPs in general for residency training, there was a distinct demand for more such offers. CONCLUSION VPs may reasonably complement existing learning activities in residency training.


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A aceitação de 11 amostras de aguardentes de cana envelhecidas e não envelhecidas foi avaliada por testes sensoriais afetivos e análises estatísticas uni e multivariada. As aguardentes estudadas compreenderam seis amostras comerciais de diferentes marcas, (sendo três não envelhecidas e três envelhecidas) e ainda outras cinco amostras correspondentes a zero, 12, 24, 36 e 48 meses de envelhecimento em um tonel de carvalho de 200L. As amostras foram avaliadas por 100 provadores consumidores do produto, recrutados por questionário de avaliação quanto à afetividade. Para os testes afetivos foi utilizada escala hedônica não estruturada de 9cm, sendo os dados obtidos avaliados por dois métodos estatísticos distintos: o Mapa de Preferência Interno (MDPREF) e a análise de variância univariada (ANOVA) com comparação de médias pelo teste de Tukey e análise de correlação. As amostras de aguardente envelhecidas por 12, 36 e 48 meses obtiveram maior aceitação, com médias ao redor de 7,0 na escala hedônica. A amostra com menor aceitação foi a correspondente ao tempo zero de envelhecimento (controle). As demais amostras obtiveram aceitação intermediária. A análise por MDPREF gerou em espaço multidimensional (onde as variações com relação aos dados de preferência foram extraídas em eixos ortogonais e para cada dimensão de preferência), coordenadas relativas aos produtos, que foram geradas em função da resposta dos consumidores. Os dados de aceitação de cada provador foram utilizados para o desenvolvimento de vetores individuais de preferência, resultando na construção de um mapa mutidimensional das amostras, em função dos dados de aceitação. No presente estudo o MDPREF foi gerado pelas primeira e segunda dimensões de preferência, as quais explicaram em conjunto 89,83% das variações observadas entre as amostras com relação à aceitação. O MDPREF confirmou os resultados da ANOVA, indicando uma maior preferência dos provadores pelas amostras de aguardentes envelhecidas. Os resultados sugerem também que aguardentes envelhecidas por mais de 24 meses em tonel de carvalho de 200L são preferidas pelos consumidores, em detrimento das comerciais não envelhecidas e mesmo das comerciais envelhecidas, que podem ser adicionadas de aguardente não envelhecida (processo denominado corte) e também ter correção da cor, conforme permite a Legislação Brasileira. O conteúdo de polifenóis totais e a intensidade de cor também foram determinados, e ambos apresentaram correlação linear positiva significativa (p<=0,05) com o aumento do tempo de envelhecimento das amostras.


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Neste trabalho, foi avaliada a substituição de 5,10 e 15% de farinha de trigo por fécula de mandioca na elaboração de biscoito doce. Ambas, farinha e fécula, foram submetidas à caracterização físico-química, reológica e análise térmica diferencial (DTA). Os biscoitos produzidos foram comparados por meio de análises sensoriais e microbiológicas. O resultado da análise térmica diferencial não mostrou qualquer alteração no comportamento de gelatinização do amido. O teste de aceitação sensorial mostrou que a crocância foi o único atributo que apresentou diferença significativa, indicando a viabilidade técnica de substituição da farinha de trigo por 15% de fécula de mandioca.


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Information and communications technologies are a significant component of the healthcare domain and electronic health records play a major role within it. As a result, it is important that they are accepted en masse by healthcare professionals. How healthcare professionals perceive the usefulness of electronic health records and their attitudes towards them have been shown to have significant effects on their overall acceptance. This paper investigates the role of perceived usefulness and attitude on the intention to use electronic health records by future healthcare professionals using polynomial regression with response surface analysis. Results show that the relationship is more complex than predicted in prior research. The paper concludes that the predicting properties of the above determinants must be further investigated to clearly understand their role in predicting the intention to use electronic health records and in designing systems that are better adopted by healthcare professionals of the future.


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This paper explores the potential for online video as a mechanism to transform the ways students learn, as measured by research, user experience and usage following surveys and trials of patron-driven acquisition collaboratively undertaken by Queensland University of Technology, La Trobe University and Kanopy.


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Risk acceptance has been broadly discussed in relation to hazardous risk activities and/or technologies. A better understanding of risk acceptance in occupational settings is also important; however, studies on this topic are scarce. It seems important to understand the level of risk that stakeholders consider sufficiently low, how stakeholders form their opinion about risk, and why they adopt a certain attitude toward risk. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to examine risk acceptance in regard to occupational accidents in furniture industries. The safety climate analysis was conducted through the application of the Safety Climate in Wood Industries questionnaire. Judgments about risk acceptance, trust, risk perception, benefit perception, emotions, and moral values were measured. Several models were tested to explain occupational risk acceptance. The results showed that the level of risk acceptance decreased as the risk level increased. High-risk and death scenarios were assessed as unacceptable. Risk perception, emotions, and trust had an important influence on risk acceptance. Safety climate was correlated with risk acceptance and other variables that influence risk acceptance. These results are important for the risk assessment process in terms of defining risk acceptance criteria and strategies to reduce risks.


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A clinical case of compulsive gambling is exposed in this article. The subject’s playing behaviour had both positive and negative consequences. The subject tried to practice control over the urge to play. As shown in the functional analysis, the failure to control the urge despite the best efforts worsened the problem due to its negative consequences. A variation of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) was applied in order to break down the fight-surrender vicious circle of the playing behaviour. Two treatment strategies were agreed upon: acceptance of the fact that both playing and not playing had negatives consequences and commitment to one of these options despite its disadvantages. Finally, it is proposed that this acceptance and commitment therapy is a useful therapeutic process as it decreases the suffering subject and eliminates the problem: playing bahaviour.


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Stingless bee honey samples were evaluated by sensory descriptive analysis using free choice profile methodology. Appearance, flavor, and aroma were described and the data were treated with Generalized Procrustes Analysis. Individual descriptive terms ranged from 8 to 20. Plotting the samples in a bidimensional plan indicated that appearance attributes (color and viscosity) and sweet, sour and acid flavor were strongly correlated with x axis (Dimension 1) while coconut, wood, acid, sour, and sweet flavor aroma attributes were correlated with y axis (Dimension 2). The affective test was also performed and with the exception of the Melipona scutellaris honey, all the other samples showed good acceptance. Honeys that were described as sweeter and less acid were preferred by nontrained assessors, indicating that the regular consumer recognizes honey produced by Apis mellifera bee as a standard.


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El presente estudio analiza las intenciones de los usuarios acerca del uso de sistemas de tele-enseñanza LMS (Learning Management Systems, basándose en un modelo que integra el Modelo de Aceptación Tecnológica (TAM, Technology Acceptance Model, la Teoría del Comportamiento Percibido (TPB, Theory of Planned Behavior) y la Teoría Unificada de la Aceptación y Uso de la Tecnología (UTAUT, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology), tomando la edad como variable moderadora. Así, este artículo estudia la influencia de la intención conductual, la actitud hacia el uso, la facilidad de uso percibida, la utilidad percibida, la norma subjetiva y la influencia social en la intención de utilizar sistemas e-learning LMS. Como antecedentes de estos factores de influencia se plantean las características del sistema y del usuario. El resultado de la revisión teórica es un modelo unificado que ha sido validado con datos recogidos de 94 estudiantes a través de un cuestionario en línea. Estos datos han sido analizados utilizando la técnica de mínimos cuadrados parciales, y los principales resultados confirman la relevancia predictiva del modelo para usuarios de entre 26 y 35 años y de entre 36 y 45 años.


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Federal Highway Administration, Safety Design Division, McLean, Va.


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Federal Highway Administration, Safety Design Division, McLean, Va.


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This study sought to improve understanding of the persuasive process of emotion-based appeals not only in relation to negative, fear-based appeals but also for appeals based upon positive emotions. In particular, the study investigated whether response efficacy, as a cognitive construct, mediated outcome measures of message effectiveness in terms of both acceptance and rejection of negative and positive emotion-based messages. Licensed drivers (N = 406) participated via the completion of an on-line survey. Within the survey, participants received either a negative (fear-based) appeal or one of the two possible positive appeals (pride or humor-based). Overall, the study's findings confirmed the importance of emotional and cognitive components of persuasive health messages and identified response efficacy as a key cognitive construct influencing the effectiveness of not only fear-based messages but also positive emotion-based messages. Interestingly, however, the results suggested that response efficacy's influence on message effectiveness may differ for positive and negative emotion-based appeals such that significant indirect (and mediational) effects were found with both acceptance and rejection of the positive appeals yet only with rejection of the fear-based appeal. As such, the study's findings provide an important extension to extant literature and may inform future advertising message design.


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Service-orientation has gained widespread acceptance and is increasingly being employed as a paradigm for structuring both business and IT architectures. An earlier study of extant service analysis and design methodologies discovered a need for holistic approaches that equally account for both business and software services, which motivated the design of a new, consolidated service analysis and design methodology. A challenge in design-oriented research is to evaluate the utility of the newly created artefacts (here: the methodology), as they are often intended to become part of complex socio-technical systems. Therefore, after presenting a brief overview of the consolidated methodology, the paper discusses possible approaches for the “evaluate” phase of this design-science research process and presents the results of an empirical evaluation conducted in an Action Research study at one of Australia’s largest financial services providers.