966 resultados para XRD spectra
A dc magnetron sputtering-based method to grow high-quality Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin films, to be used as an absorber layer in solar cells, is being developed. This method combines dc sputtering of metallic precursors with sulfurization in S vapour and with post-growth KCN treatment for removal of possible undesired Cu2−xS phases. In this work, we report the results of a study of the effects of changing the precursors’ deposition order on the final CZTS films’ morphological and structural properties. The effect of KCN treatment on the optical properties was also analysed through diffuse reflectance measurements. Morphological, compositional and structural analyses of the various stages of the growth have been performed using stylus profilometry, SEM/EDS analysis, XRD and Raman Spectroscopy. Diffuse reflectance studies have been done in order to estimate the band gap energy of the CZTS films. We tested two different deposition orders for the copper precursor, namely Mo/Zn/Cu/Sn and Mo/Zn/Sn/Cu. The stylus profilometry analysis shows high average surface roughness in the ranges 300–550 nm and 230–250 nm before and after KCN treatment, respectively. All XRD spectra show preferential growth orientation along (1 1 2) at 28.45◦. Raman spectroscopy shows main peaks at 338 cm−1 and 287 cm−1 which are attributed to Cu2ZnSnS4. These measurements also confirm the effectiveness of KCN treatment in removing Cu2−xS phases. From the analysis of the diffuse reflectance measurements the band gap energy for both precursors’ sequences is estimated to be close to 1.43 eV. The KCN-treated films show a better defined absorption edge; however, the band gap values are not significantly affected. Hot point probe measurements confirmed that CZTS had p-type semiconductor behaviour and C–V analysis was used to estimate the majority carrier density giving a value of 3.3 × 1018 cm−3.
Nanocrystalline TiO2 modified with Nb has been produced through the sol-gel technique. Nanopowders have been obtained by means of the hydrolysis of pure alkoxides with deionized water and peptization of the resulting hydrolysate with diluted acid nitric at 100 C. The addition of Nb stabilizes the anatase phase to higher temperatures. XRD spectra of the undoped and the Nb-doped samples show that the undoped sample has been almost totally converted to rutile at 600 C, meanwhile the doped samples present still a low percentage of rutile phase. Nanocrystalline powders stabilized at 600 C with grain sizes of about 17 nm have successfully been synthesized by the addition of Nb with a concentration of 2% at., which appears to be an adequate additive concentration to improve the gas sensor performances, such as it is suggested by the catalytic conversion efficiency experiments performed from FTIR measurements. FTIR absorbance spectra show that catalytic conversion of CO occurs at lower temperatures when niobium is introduced. The electrical response of the films to different concentrations of CO and ethanol has been monitored in dry and wet environments in order to test the influence of humidity in the sensor response. The addition of Nb decreases the working temperature and increases the stability of the layers. Also, large enhancement of the response time is obtained even with lower working temperatures. Moreover, humidity effects on the gas sensor response toward CO and ethanol are less important in Nb-doped samples than in the undoped ones.
Nanocrystalline TiO2 modified with Nb has been produced through the sol-gel technique. Nanopowders have been obtained by means of the hydrolysis of pure alkoxides with deionized water and peptization of the resulting hydrolysate with diluted acid nitric at 100 C. The addition of Nb stabilizes the anatase phase to higher temperatures. XRD spectra of the undoped and the Nb-doped samples show that the undoped sample has been almost totally converted to rutile at 600 C, meanwhile the doped samples present still a low percentage of rutile phase. Nanocrystalline powders stabilized at 600 C with grain sizes of about 17 nm have successfully been synthesized by the addition of Nb with a concentration of 2% at., which appears to be an adequate additive concentration to improve the gas sensor performances, such as it is suggested by the catalytic conversion efficiency experiments performed from FTIR measurements. FTIR absorbance spectra show that catalytic conversion of CO occurs at lower temperatures when niobium is introduced. The electrical response of the films to different concentrations of CO and ethanol has been monitored in dry and wet environments in order to test the influence of humidity in the sensor response. The addition of Nb decreases the working temperature and increases the stability of the layers. Also, large enhancement of the response time is obtained even with lower working temperatures. Moreover, humidity effects on the gas sensor response toward CO and ethanol are less important in Nb-doped samples than in the undoped ones.
The influence of Anatasa/Rutile ratio on TiO2 films, grown by electrophoretic deposition was studied in the photoassisted electrolytic copper ions removal from cyanide solutions. The proper dispersant dosage allowing the simultaneous electrophoretic deposition of Anatase and Rutile was chosen based on electrokinetic measurements; evidenced by the XRD spectra of the formed films. The evaluation of films photoassisted electrolytic copper ion removal showeds that it is possible to enhance the activity of Anatase films by adding some Rutile exploiting the synergetic interaction between these two materials, achieve by its proper deposition.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Some properties of canna (Canna indica L.) and bore (Alocasia macrorrhiza) starches were evaluated and compared using cassava starch (Manihot esculenta Crantz) as a reference. Proximate analysis, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and viscosity measurements were performed. Canna and bore starches showed a similar degree of purity as that of the cassava starch. Canna starch exhibited higher thermal stability and viscosity of solution values than those of bore and cassava starches. XRD spectra showed that canna starch crystallizes as a B-type structure; however, bore and cassava starches crystallize as an A-type structure. Results proved that canna and bore starches are promising bio(materials), obtained from unconventional sources, to be used for industrial applications, as their physicochemical properties are similar to those of cassava starch, which it is known has potential applications in this area.
The basaltic rocks of Hole 794D drilled during Leg 128 are strongly altered. Microprobe analyses and XRD spectra on small quantities of matter extracted from thin sections show that primary minerals and glassy zones of the groundmass are totally or partially replaced by clay minerals with chlorite/saponite mixed-layer composition whatever the rock sample considered. This mixed-layer was also identified in veins and vesicles where it crystallizes in spheroidal aggregates. The largest veins and vesicles are filled by a zoned deposit: the chlorite/saponite mixed-layer always occupies the central part and is rimmed by pure saponite. Calcite crystallizes in secondary fractures which crosscut the clayey veins and vesicles. Chemographic analysis based on the M+-4Si-3R2+ projection shows that the chemical composition of the saponite component in the mixed-layer is identical to that of the free saponite. This indicates that the clay mineral crystallization was controlled by the chemical composition of the alteration fluids. From petrographic evidence, it is suggested that both chlorite/saponite mixed-layer and free saponite belong to the same hydrothermal event and are produced by a temperature decrease. This is supported by the stable isotopic data. The isotopic data show very little variation: d18O saponite ranges from 13.1 per mil to 13.5 per mil, and dD saponite from -73.6 per mil to -70.0 per mil. d18O calcite varies from +19.7 per mil to +21.9 per mil vs SMOW and d13C from -3.2 per mil to +0.4 per mil vs. PDB. These values are consistent with seawater alteration of the basalt. The formation of saponite took place at 150°-180°C and the formation of calcite at about 65°C.
This work reports on the growth by molecular beam epitaxy and characterization of InN/InGaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs) emitting at 1.5 μm. X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra show satellite peaks up to the second order. Estimated values of well (3 nm) and barrier (9 nm) thicknesses were derived from transmission electron microscopy and the fit between experimental data and simulated XRD spectra. Transmission electron microscopy and XRD simulations also confirmed that the InGaN barriers are relaxed with respect to the GaN template, while the InN MQWs grew under biaxial compression on the InGaN barriers. Low temperature (14 K) photoluminescence measurements reveal an emission from the InN MQWs at 1.5 μm. Measurements as a function of temperature indicate the existence of localized states, probably due to InN quantum wells’ thickness fluctuations as observed by transmission electron microscopy.
The mineralogical compositions of 119 samples collected from throughout the San Francisco Bay coastal system, including bayfloor and seafloor, area beaches, cliff outcrops, and major drainages, were determined using X-ray diffraction (XRD). Comparison of the mineral concentrations and application of statistical cluster analysis of XRD spectra allowed for the determination of provenances and transport pathways. The use of XRD mineral identifications provides semi-quantitative compositions needed for comparisons of beach and offshore sands with potential cliff and river sources, but the innovative cluster analysis of XRD diffraction spectra provides a unique visualization of how groups of samples within the San Francisco Bay coastal system are related so that sand-sized sediment transport pathways can be inferred. The main vector for sediment transport as defined by the XRD analysis is from San Francisco Bay to the outer coast, where the sand then accumulates on the ebb tidal delta and also moves alongshore. This mineralogical link defines a critical pathway because large volumes of sediment have been removed from the Bay over the last century via channel dredging, aggregate mining, and borrow pit mining, with comparable volumes of erosion from the ebb tidal delta over the same period, in addition to high rates of shoreline retreat along the adjacent, open-coast beaches. Therefore, while previously only a temporal relationship was established, the transport pathway defined by mineralogical and geochemical tracers support the link between anthropogenic activities in the Bay and widespread erosion outside the Bay. The XRD results also establish the regional and local importance of sediment derived from cliff erosion, as well as both proximal and distal fluvial sources. This research is an important contribution to a broader provenance study aimed at identifying the driving forces for widespread geomorphic change in a heavily urbanized coastal-estuarine system.
Methane hydrate is an ice-like substance that is stable at high-pressure and low temperature in continental margin sediments. Since the discovery of a large number of gas flares at the landward termination of the gas hydrate stability zone off Svalbard, there has been concern that warming bottom waters have started to dissociate large amounts of gas hydrate and that the resulting methane release may possibly accelerate global warming. Here, we can corroborate that hydrates play a role in the observed seepage of gas, but we present evidence that seepage off Svalbard has been ongoing for at least three thousand years and that seasonal fluctuations of 1-2°C in the bottom-water temperature cause periodic gas hydrate formation and dissociation, which focus seepage at the observed sites.
In the present work we have studied the effect of carbon supports with different graphitic character (carbon nanotubes, mesoporous graphite and activated carbon) on the catalytic performance of iridium nanoparticles on the liquid phase chemoselective hydrogenation of para-chloronitrobenzene at room temperature. The effect of the oxygen groups was also evaluated by oxidizing a portion of the carbon nanotubes. The Raman and XRD spectra showed that the mesoporous graphite displayed the strongest graphitic character. The characterization of the catalysts by HR-TEM, XPS and TPR-H2, showed that the catalysts had similar particle size and that the catalysts prepared over the previously oxidized support, Ir/CNTox, was not fully reduced. The activity and selectivity achieved with the catalyst Ir/CNT was the best among the samples and the presence of irdium oxide on Ir/CNTox diminished the yield to p-chloroaniline, being the worse catalyst. The reactivity of different isomers was also studied over Ir/CNT and it followed the order m > o > p.
Samples of Araucaria area soil from Parana state, Brazil, were separated by particle size fractionation and investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) in X-Band of 9.5 GHz at room temperature and 77K, infra-red spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry. The paramagnetic species in the soil samples were identified by comparison with EPR spectra of some minerals studied recently by our group, several soil types and/or soil components investigated in the literature. The value of g = 2.1 (Delta H = 85 mT) indicated the presence of ferrihydrite. Hematite was identified by g = 2.1 (Delta H = 100 mT) and g = 4.3 for Fe(3+) lines of the concentrated dominium and diluted dominium. Kaolinite was identified by IR and EPR with the resonance at g = 4.3 attributed to Fe(3+) ions in isolated sites of tetrahedral and octahedral symmetry with rhombic distortion. The resonances at g = 3.7 and g = 4.9 were attributed to Fe(3+) in more highly symmetrical environment than rhombic symmetry, but not in axial symmetry. Three signals around g = 2 were attributed to radiation defects, plus additional resonances at g = 2.8 and 9.0. Signals less intense than those at g = 2.1, 3.7, and 6.5, observed for clear grains of soil, were attributed to presence of Fe(3+) in quartz which was identified by IR and XDR. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The grain size of deep-sea sediments provides an apparently simple proxy for current speed. However, grain size-based proxies may be ambiguous when the size distribution reflects a combination of processes, with current sorting only one of them. In particular, such sediment mixing hinders reconstruction of deep circulation changes associated with ice-rafting events in the glacial North Atlantic because variable ice-rafted detritus (IRD) input may falsely suggest current speed changes. Inverse modeling has been suggested as a way to overcome this problem. However, this approach requires high-precision size measurements that register small changes in the size distribution. Here we show that such data can be obtained using electrosensing and laser diffraction techniques, despite issues previously raised on the low precision of electrosensing methods and potential grain shape effects on laser diffraction. Down-core size patterns obtained from a sediment core from the North Atlantic are similar for both techniques, reinforcing the conclusion that both techniques yield comparable results. However, IRD input leads to a coarsening that spuriously suggests faster current speed. We show that this IRD influence can be accounted for using inverse modeling as long as wide size spectra are taken into account. This yields current speed variations that are in agreement with other proxies. Our experiments thus show that for current speed reconstruction, the choice of instrument is subordinate to a proper recognition of the various processes that determine the size distribution and that by using inverse modeling meaningful current speed reconstructions can be obtained from mixed sediments.
Nowadays one of the challenges of materials science is to find new technologies that will be able to make the most of renewable energies. An example of new proposals in this field are the intermediate-band (IB) materials, which promise higher efficiencies in photovoltaic applications (through the intermediate band solar cells), or in heterogeneous photocatalysis (using nanoparticles of them, for the light-induced degradation of pollutants or for the efficient photoevolution of hydrogen from water). An IB material consists in a semiconductor in which gap a new level is introduced [1], the intermediate band (IB), which should be partially filled by electrons and completely separated of the valence band (VB) and of the conduction band (CB). This scheme (figure 1) allows an electron from the VB to be promoted to the IB, and from the latter to the CB, upon absorption of photons with energy below the band gap Eg, so that energy can be absorbed in a wider range of the solar spectrum and a higher current can be obtained without sacrificing the photovoltage (or the chemical driving force) corresponding to the full bandgap Eg, thus increasing the overall efficiency. This concept, applied to photocatalysis, would allow using photons of a wider visible range while keeping the same redox capacity. It is important to note that this concept differs from the classic photocatalyst doping principle, which essentially tries just to decrease the bandgap. This new type of materials would keep the full bandgap potential but would use also lower energy photons. In our group several IB materials have been proposed, mainly for the photovoltaic application, based on extensively doping known semiconductors with transition metals [2], examining with DFT calculations their electronic structures. Here we refer to In2S3 and SnS2, which contain octahedral cations; when doped with Ti or V an IB is formed according to quantum calculations (see e.g. figure 2). We have used a solvotermal synthesis method to prepare in nanocrystalline form the In2S3 thiospinel and the layered compound SnS2 (which when undoped have bandgaps of 2.0 and 2.2 eV respectively) where the cation is substituted by vanadium at a ?10% level. This substitution has been studied, characterizing the materials by different physical and chemical techniques (TXRF, XRD, HR-TEM/EDS) (see e.g. figure 3) and verifying with UV spectrometry that this substitution introduces in the spectrum the sub-bandgap features predicted by the calculations (figure 4). For both sulphide type nanoparticles (doped and undoped) the photocatalytic activity was studied by following at room temperature the oxidation of formic acid in aqueous suspension, a simple reaction which is easily monitored by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The spectral response of the process is measured using a collection of band pass filters that allow only some wavelengths into the reaction system. Thanks to this method the spectral range in which the materials are active in the photodecomposition (which coincides with the band gap for the undoped samples) can be checked, proving that for the vanadium substituted samples this range is increased, making possible to cover all the visible light range. Furthermore it is checked that these new materials are more photocorrosion resistant than the toxic CdS witch is a well know compound frequently used in tests of visible light photocatalysis. These materials are thus promising not only for degradation of pollutants (or for photovoltaic cells) but also for efficient photoevolution of hydrogen from water; work in this direction is now being pursued.