Isotope analysis and heat flow measurements of Maria S. Merian cruise MSM21/4 on the western Svalbard margin

Autoria(s): Berndt, Christian; Feseker, Tomas; Treude, Tina; Krastel, Sebastian; Liebetrau, Volker; Niemann, Helge; Bertics, Victoria J; Dumke, Ines; Dünnbier, Karolin; Ferre, Benedicte; Graves, Carolyn; Gross, Felix; Hissmann, Karen; Hühnerbach, Veit; Krause, Stefan; Lieser, Kathrin; Schauer, Jürgen; Steinle, Lea

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 78.555684 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 9.465464 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 78.546500 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 9.275670 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 78.612830 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 9.523170 * DATE/TIME START: 2012-08-18T19:48:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2012-09-04T04:45:00




Methane hydrate is an ice-like substance that is stable at high-pressure and low temperature in continental margin sediments. Since the discovery of a large number of gas flares at the landward termination of the gas hydrate stability zone off Svalbard, there has been concern that warming bottom waters have started to dissociate large amounts of gas hydrate and that the resulting methane release may possibly accelerate global warming. Here, we can corroborate that hydrates play a role in the observed seepage of gas, but we present evidence that seepage off Svalbard has been ongoing for at least three thousand years and that seasonal fluctuations of 1-2°C in the bottom-water temperature cause periodic gas hydrate formation and dissociation, which focus seepage at the observed sites.


application/zip, 29 datasets








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Supplement to: Berndt, Christian; Feseker, Tomas; Treude, Tina; Krastel, Sebastian; Liebetrau, Volker; Niemann, Helge; Bertics, Victoria J; Dumke, Ines; Dünnbier, Karolin; Ferre, Benedicte; Graves, Carolyn; Gross, Felix; Hissmann, Karen; Hühnerbach, Veit; Krause, Stefan; Lieser, Kathrin; Schauer, Jürgen; Steinle, Lea (2014): Temporal constraints on hydrate-controlled methane seepage off Svalbard. Published Online January 2 2014, Science, doi:10.1126/science.1246298

Palavras-Chave #(230Th/232Th); (230Th/234U); (238U/232Th); * Although the applied XRD library identified Kutnohorite it seems to be more appropriate to use the general term disordered dolomite instead, due to partially overlapping XRD spectra within this mineral group.; 230Th/234U activity ratio corrected for inherited 230Th by application of 230Th/232Th activity ratio of 0.75 ± 0.2 as continental crust average value (according to Wedepohl, 1995); 232Th; 234U/238U; 234U/238U e; 238U; Age, dated; Age, error; Age dated; Age e; Age estimates applying the Osmond isochron approach according data reduction system after Ludwig (2008).; Age estimates applying the Rosholt-1 isochron approach in 3 dimensional projection according data reduction system after Ludwig (2008).; Age model; Calculated; Carb; Carbonate; Center for Marine Environmental Sciences; Conductivity, thermal; d13C carb; d18O carb; delta 13C, carbonate; delta 18O, carbonate; delta234U(o) (meas. 234U/238U act. ratio -1) * 1000 at time 0 (today); delta234U(t)(234U/238U act. ratio at zero age -1) * 1000 at time (t = U/Th-age) Measured 234U/238U back-calculated for 234U decay since carbonate precipitation, based on the individual U/Th ingrowth age and half-lives measured by Cheng et al. (2000).; delta234U(t)(234U/238U act. ratio at zero age -1) * 1000 at time (t = U/Th-age) Measured 234U/238U back-calculated for 234U decay since carbonate precipitation, based on the individual U/Th ingrowth age and half-lives measured by Cheng et al. (2000). delta234U(t) of Rosholt-1 isochron approaches based on isoplot 3.75 calculation.; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; Description; Error, absolute; Error a; Event; For sub-samples postulated of cogenetic origin by petrographic observations the isoplot 3.75 software of the Berkeley Geochronology Center, CA, USA is applyied for isochron age estimates.; GEOMAR; Heat flow probe; Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel; k; Label; leachate mode in brackets; Location; MARUM; Mass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 253; MC-ICP-MS, isotope dilution; non-silicates, total; non silic tot; s. note 1; s. note 2; Sample code/label; Sample mass; Samp m; Sensor number; t; Temperature, in rock/sediment; Thorium 230/Thorium 232 activity ratio; Thorium 230/Uranium 234 activity ratio; Thorium 232; Uranium 234/Uranium 238 activity ratio; Uranium 234/Uranium 238 activity ratio, error, absolute; Uranium 238; Uranium 238/Thorium 232 activity ratio; V-PDB; X-ray diffractometry (Philips PW1710)
