45 resultados para Workspaces
CubIT is a multi-user, large-scale presentation and collaboration framework installed at the Queensland University of Technology’s (QUT) Cube facility, an interactive facility made up 48 multi-touch screens and very large projected display screens. The CubIT system allows users to upload, interact with and share their own content on the Cube’s display surfaces. This paper outlines the collaborative features of CubIT which are implemented via three user interfaces, a large-screen multi-touch interface, a mobile phone and tablet application and a web-based content management system. Each of these applications plays a different role and supports different interaction mechanisms supporting a wide range of collaborative features including multi-user shared workspaces, drag and drop upload and sharing between users, session management and dynamic state control between different parts of the system.
In this paper a method to determine the internal and external boundaries of planar workspaces, represented with an ordered set of points, is presented. The sequence of points are grouped and can be interpreted to form a sequence of curves. Three successive curves are used for determining the instantaneous center of rotation for the second one of them. The two extremal points on the curve with respect to the instantaneous center are recognized as singular points. The chronological ordering of these singular points is used to generate the two envelope curves, which are potentially intersecting. Methods have been presented in the paper for the determination of the workspace boundary from the envelope curves. Strategies to deal with the manipulators with joint limits and various degenerate situations have also been discussed. The computational steps being completely geometric, the method does not require the knowledge about the manipulator's kinematics. Hence, it can be used for the workspace of arbitrary planar manipulators. A number of illustrative examples demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method.
The finite resolution of joint drives or sensors imparts a discrete nature to the joints of a manipulator. Because of this an arbitrary point in the workspace cannot be reached without error even in ideal mechanical environment. This paper investigates the effect of this discrete nature of the joints on the accuracy of performance of a manipulator and develops a method to select the joint states to reach a point with least error. It is shown that the configuration leading to least error cannot, in general, be found from configuration space, especially when there is large variation in the link lengths or joint resolutions or both. The anomaly becomes severe when the gross motion of the end-effector approaches the local resolution of the workspace. The paper also shows how to distinguish two workspaces which may be identical so far as the boundary points are concerned, taking the joint resolutions into account. Finally, the concepts have been extended to define continuous space global and local performance indices for general multi degree of freedom manipulators.
This paper presents a general methodology for the synthesis of the external boundary of the workspaces of a planar manipulator with arbitrary topology. Both the desired workspace and the manipulator workspaces are identified by their boundaries and are treated as simple closed polygons. The paper introduces the concept of best match configuration and shows that the corresponding transformation can be obtained by using the concept of shape normalization available in image processing literature. Introduction of the concept of shape in workspace synthesis allows highly accurate synthesis with fewer numbers of design variables. This paper uses a new global property based vector representation for the shape of the workspaces which is computationally efficient because six out of the seven elements of this vector are obtained as a by-product of the shape normalization procedure. The synthesis of workspaces is formulated as an optimization problem where the distance between the shape vector of the desired workspace and that of the workspace of the manipulator at hand are minimized by changing the dimensional parameters of the manipulator. In view of the irregular nature of the error manifold, the statistical optimization procedure of simulated annealing has been used. A number of worked-out examples illustrate the generality and efficiency of the present method. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias de la Administración con Especialidad en Relaciones Industriales) - UANL, 2002
The problem of a manipulator operating in a noisy workspace and required to move from an initial fixed position P0 to a final position Pf is considered. However, Pf is corrupted by noise, giving rise to Pˆf, which may be obtained by sensors. The use of learning automata is proposed to tackle this problem. An automaton is placed at each joint of the manipulator which moves according to the action chosen by the automaton (forward, backward, stationary) at each instant. The simultaneous reward or penalty of the automata enables avoiding any inverse kinematics computations that would be necessary if the distance of each joint from the final position had to be calculated. Three variable-structure learning algorithms are used, i.e., the discretized linear reward-penalty (DLR-P, the linear reward-penalty (LR-P ) and a nonlinear scheme. Each algorithm is separately tested with two (forward, backward) and three forward, backward, stationary) actions.
Independientemente de la existencia de técnicas altamente sofisticadas y capacidades de cómputo cada vez más elevadas, los problemas asociados a los robots que interactúan con entornos no estructurados siguen siendo un desafío abierto en robótica. A pesar de los grandes avances de los sistemas robóticos autónomos, hay algunas situaciones en las que una persona en el bucle sigue siendo necesaria. Ejemplos de esto son, tareas en entornos de fusión nuclear, misiones espaciales, operaciones submarinas y cirugía robótica. Esta necesidad se debe a que las tecnologías actuales no pueden realizar de forma fiable y autónoma cualquier tipo de tarea. Esta tesis presenta métodos para la teleoperación de robots abarcando distintos niveles de abstracción que van desde el control supervisado, en el que un operador da instrucciones de alto nivel en la forma de acciones, hasta el control bilateral, donde los comandos toman la forma de señales de control de bajo nivel. En primer lugar, se presenta un enfoque para llevar a cabo la teleoperación supervisada de robots humanoides. El objetivo es controlar robots terrestres capaces de ejecutar tareas complejas en entornos de búsqueda y rescate utilizando enlaces de comunicación limitados. Esta propuesta incorpora comportamientos autónomos que el operador puede utilizar para realizar tareas de navegación y manipulación mientras se permite cubrir grandes áreas de entornos remotos diseñados para el acceso de personas. Los resultados experimentales demuestran la eficacia de los métodos propuestos. En segundo lugar, se investiga el uso de dispositivos rentables para telemanipulación guiada. Se presenta una aplicación que involucra un robot humanoide bimanual y un traje de captura de movimiento basado en sensores inerciales. En esta aplicación, se estudian las capacidades de adaptación introducidas por el factor humano y cómo estas pueden compensar la falta de sistemas robóticos de alta precisión. Este trabajo es el resultado de una colaboración entre investigadores del Biorobotics Laboratory de la Universidad de Harvard y el Centro de Automática y Robótica UPM-CSIC. En tercer lugar, se presenta un nuevo controlador háptico que combina velocidad y posición. Este controlador bilateral híbrido hace frente a los problemas relacionados con la teleoperación de un robot esclavo con un gran espacio de trabajo usando un dispositivo háptico pequeño como maestro. Se pueden cubrir amplias áreas de trabajo al cambiar automáticamente entre los modos de control de velocidad y posición. Este controlador háptico es ideal para sistemas maestro-esclavo con cinemáticas diferentes, donde los comandos se transmiten en el espacio de la tarea del entorno remoto. El método es validado para realizar telemanipulación hábil de objetos con un robot industrial. Por último, se introducen dos contribuciones en el campo de la manipulación robótica. Por un lado, se presenta un nuevo algoritmo de cinemática inversa, llamado método iterativo de desacoplamiento cinemático. Este método se ha desarrollado para resolver el problema cinemático inverso de un tipo de robot de seis grados de libertad donde una solución cerrada no está disponible. La eficacia del método se compara con métodos numéricos convencionales. Además, se ha diseñado una taxonomía robusta de agarres que permite controlar diferentes manos robóticas utilizando una correspondencia, basada en gestos, entre los espacios de trabajo de la mano humana y de la mano robótica. El gesto de la mano humana se identifica mediante la lectura de los movimientos relativos del índice, el pulgar y el dedo medio del usuario durante las primeras etapas del agarre. ABSTRACT Regardless of the availability of highly sophisticated techniques and ever increasing computing capabilities, the problems associated with robots interacting with unstructured environments remains an open challenge. Despite great advances in autonomous robotics, there are some situations where a humanin- the-loop is still required, such as, nuclear, space, subsea and robotic surgery operations. This is because the current technologies cannot reliably perform all kinds of task autonomously. This thesis presents methods for robot teleoperation strategies at different levels of abstraction ranging from supervisory control, where the operator gives high-level task actions, to bilateral teleoperation, where the commands take the form of low-level control inputs. These strategies contribute to improve the current human-robot interfaces specially in the case of slave robots deployed at large workspaces. First, an approach to perform supervisory teleoperation of humanoid robots is presented. The goal is to control ground robots capable of executing complex tasks in disaster relief environments under constrained communication links. This proposal incorporates autonomous behaviors that the operator can use to perform navigation and manipulation tasks which allow covering large human engineered areas of the remote environment. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methods. Second, the use of cost-effective devices for guided telemanipulation is investigated. A case study involving a bimanual humanoid robot and an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Motion Capture (MoCap) suit is introduced. Herein, it is corroborated how the adaptation capabilities offered by the human-in-the-loop factor can compensate for the lack of high-precision robotic systems. This work is the result of collaboration between researchers from the Harvard Biorobotics Laboratory and the Centre for Automation and Robotics UPM-CSIC. Thirdly, a new haptic rate-position controller is presented. This hybrid bilateral controller copes with the problems related to the teleoperation of a slave robot with large workspace using a small haptic device as master. Large workspaces can be covered by automatically switching between rate and position control modes. This haptic controller is ideal to couple kinematic dissimilar master-slave systems where the commands are transmitted in the task space of the remote environment. The method is validated to perform dexterous telemanipulation of objects with a robotic manipulator. Finally, two contributions for robotic manipulation are introduced. First, a new algorithm, the Iterative Kinematic Decoupling method, is presented. It is a numeric method developed to solve the Inverse Kinematics (IK) problem of a type of six-DoF robotic arms where a close-form solution is not available. The effectiveness of this IK method is compared against conventional numerical methods. Second, a robust grasp mapping has been conceived. It allows to control a wide range of different robotic hands using a gesture based correspondence between the human hand space and the robotic hand space. The human hand gesture is identified by reading the relative movements of the index, thumb and middle fingers of the user during the early stages of grasping.
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): F.4.1.
Part 12: Collaboration Platforms
The benefits and growing need for international transparency in engineering qualifications, simple cross-credit processes, international dual awards and mechanisms to encourage student mobility, are receiving much attention around the world at present. In response, there are a number of global initiatives now looking at how these issues may be addressed, particularly in Europe, North America and Australia. CDIO has adopted 12 Standards as guiding principles for program reform and evaluation. The 12 CDIO Standards address program philosophy curriculum development, design-build experiences and workspaces, new methods of teaching and learning, faculty/academic development, and assessment and evaluation. However, none of the Standards address international qualifications nor student mobility. This discussion paper presents the underpinning case for introducing the 13th CDIO Standard, Internationalization and Mobility.
Object identification and tracking have become critical for automated on-site construction safety assessment. The primary objective of this paper is to present the development of a testbed to analyze the impact of object identification and tracking errors caused by data collection devices and algorithms used for safety assessment. The testbed models workspaces for earthmoving operations and simulates safety-related violations, including speed limit violations, access violations to dangerous areas, and close proximity violations between heavy machinery. Three different cases were analyzed based on actual earthmoving operations conducted at a limestone quarry. Using the testbed, the impacts of device and algorithm errors were investigated for safety planning purposes.
Regardless of technology benefits, safety planners still face difficulties explaining errors related to the use of different technologies and evaluating how the errors impact the performance of safety decision making. This paper presents a preliminary error impact analysis testbed to model object identification and tracking errors caused by image-based devices and algorithms and to analyze the impact of the errors for spatial safety assessment of earthmoving and surface mining activities. More specifically, this research designed a testbed to model workspaces for earthmoving operations, to simulate safety-related violations, and to apply different object identification and tracking errors on the data collected and processed for spatial safety assessment. Three different cases were analyzed based on actual earthmoving operations conducted at a limestone quarry. Using the testbed, the impacts of the errors were investigated for the safety planning purpose.
The Weberian sense of work and life suggests that working is something around which the rest of life flows. Moreover, work life and domestic life have been defined as separate for most people based on physical structures. That is, being physically in a building at work limited your ability to interact with those who are not nearby – not part of work. As such, social conventions regarding the uses of media at work have become part of our cultural sensibilities – we “know” it is not proper to have romantic discourse over the office phone, much less romance during work! Doing so becomes news. Yet, despite the construction of such distinctions, these workspaces and places have always been difficult to render as such. For example, one might consider the relatively recent development of teleworking from the 1980s or the “putting out system”[1] which dates back to the 1400s – both requiring work in the home. The papers in this special issue draw our attention to some of the ethical issues raised by the growing pervasiveness of information and communications technologies (ICTs) in our everyday lives and the fact that it is becoming increasingly difficult to make distinctions between being somewhere (like work) and being away from some things (like one’s friends, social interests and other parts of life that are not integrated into this space or place [2] )...