694 resultados para Work Integrated Learning
The aim of this work is to develop a prototype of an e-learning environment that can foster Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for students enrolled in an aircraft maintenance training program, which allows them to obtain a license valid in all EU member states. Background research is conducted to retrace the evolution of the field of educational technology, analyzing different learning theories behaviorism, cognitivism, and (socio-)constructivism and reflecting on how technology and its use in educational contexts has changed over time. Particular attention is given to technologies that have been used and proved effective in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Based on the background research and on students learning objectives, i.e. learning highly specialized contents and aeronautical technical English, a bilingual approach is chosen, three main tools are identified a hypertextbook, an exercise creation activity, and a discussion forum and the learning management system Moodle is chosen as delivery medium. The hypertextbook is based on the technical textbook written in English students already use. In order to foster text comprehension, the hypertextbook is enriched by hyperlinks and tooltips. Hyperlinks redirect students to webpages containing additional information both in English and in Italian, while tooltips show Italian equivalents of English technical terms. The exercise creation activity and the discussion forum foster interaction and collaboration among students, according to socio-constructivist principles. In the exercise creation activity, students collaboratively create a workbook, which allow them to deeply analyze and master the contents of the hypertextbook and at the same time create a learning tool that can help them, as well as future students, to enhance learning. In the discussion forum students can discuss their individual issues, content-related, English-related or e-learning environment-related, helping one other and offering instructors suggestions on how to improve both the hypertextbook and the workbook based on their needs.
A high productivity rate in Engineering is related to an efficient management of the flow of the large quantities of information and associated decision making activities that are consubstantial to the Engineering processes both in design and production contexts. Dealing with such problems from an integrated point of view and mimicking real scenarios is not given much attention in Engineering degrees. In the context of Engineering Education, there are a number of courses designed for developing specific competencies, as required by the academic curricula, but not that many in which integration competencies are the main target. In this paper, a course devoted to that aim is discussed. The course is taught in a Marine Engineering degree but the philosophy could be used in any Engineering field. All the lessons are given in a computer room in which every student can use each all the treated software applications. The first part of the course is dedicated to Project Management: the students acquire skills in defining, using Ms-PROJECT, the work breakdown structure (WBS), and the organization breakdown structure (OBS) in Engineering projects, through a series of examples of increasing complexity, ending up with the case of vessel construction. The second part of the course is dedicated to the use of a database manager, Ms-ACCESS, for managing production related information. A series of increasing complexity examples is treated ending up with the management of the pipe database of a real vessel. This database consists of a few thousand of pipes, for which a production timing frame is defined, which connects this part of the course with the first one. Finally, the third part of the course is devoted to the work with FORAN, an Engineering Production package of widespread use in the shipbuilding industry. With this package, the frames and plates where all the outfitting will be carried out are defined through cooperative work by the studens, working simultaneously in the same 3D model. In the paper, specific details about the learning process are given. Surveys have been posed to the students in order to get feed-back from their experience as well as to assess their satisfaction with the learning process. Results from these surveys are discussed in the paper
Acourse focused on the acquisition of integration competencies in ship production engineering, organized in collaboration with selected industry partners, is presented in this paper. The first part of the course is dedicated to Project Management: the students acquire skills in defining, using MS-PROJECT, the work breakdown structure (WBS), and the organization breakdown structure (OBS) in Engineering projects, through a series of examples of increasing complexity with the final one being the construction planning of a vessel. The second part of the course is dedicated to the use of a database manager, MS-ACCESS, in managing production related information.Aseries of increasing complexity examples is treated, the final one being the management of the piping database of a real vessel. This database consists of several thousand pipes, for which a production timing frame is defined connecting this part of the course with the first one. Finally, the third part of the course is devoted to working withFORAN,an Engineering Production application developed bySENERand widely used in the shipbuilding industry. With this application, the structural elements where all the outfittings will be located are defined through cooperative work by the students, working simultaneously in the same 3D model. In this paper, specific details about the learning process are given. Surveys have been posed to the students in order to get feedback from their experience as well as to assess their satisfaction with the learning process, compared to more traditional ones. Results from these surveys are discussed in the paper.
This paper aims to outline a theory-based Content and Language Integrated Learning course and to establish the rationale for adopting a holistic approach to the teaching of languages in tertiary education. Our work focuses on the interdependence between Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), and the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in particular regarding the learning of English within the framework of Telecommunications Engineering. The study first analyses the diverse components of the instructional approach and the extent to which this approach interrelates with technologies within the context of what we have defined as a holistic experience, since it also aims to develop a set of generic competences or transferable skills. Second, an example of a course project framed in this holistic approach is described in order to exemplify the specific actions suggested for learner autonomy and CLIL. The approach provides both an adequate framework as well as the conditions needed to carry out a lifelong learning experience within our context, a Spanish School of Engineering. In addition to specialized language and content, the approach integrates the learning of skills and capacities required by the new plans that have been established following the Bologna Declaration in 1999.
Aquest estudi pretn investigar els intercanvis verbals mestre/a aprenent(s) en dos contextos d'instrucci diferents: classes amb un enfocament AICLE (Aprenentatge Integrat de Continguts Curriculars i Llengua Estrangera) on saprenen continguts no lingstics a travs de langls, per una banda, i classes 'tradicionals' d'angls com a llengua estrangera, on langls s alhora objecte destudi i vehicle de comunicaci, per una altra banda. Ms concretament, les preguntes que formula el/la mestre/a, la producci oral dels aprenents i el 'feedback' del/de la mestre/a en els episodis datenci a la forma shan estudiat a la llum de les principals teories provinents del camp de lAdquisici de Segones Llenges (SLA) per tal de demostrar el seu paper en laprenentatge de langls. El corpus de dades prov de lenregistrament de 7 sessions AICLE i d'11 sessions EFL enregistrades en format udio i vdeo en dos centres pblics dEducaci Primria (EP) de Catalunya. A cadascuna de les escoles, el/la mateix/a mestre/a s lencarregat/da dels dos tipus dinstrucci amb el mateix grup daprenents (10-11 anys dedat), fet que permet eliminar variables individuals com l'aptitud dels aprenents o l'estil del/de la mestre/a.Els resultats mostren un cert nombre de similituds discursives entre AICLE i EFL donat que ambds enfocaments tenen lloc en el context-classe amb unes caracterstiques ben definides. Tal com apunta la recerca realitzada en aquest camp, la instrucci AICLE reuneix un seguit de condicions idnies per un major desenvolupament dels nivells de llengua anglesa ms enll de les classes tradicionals dangls. Malgrat aix, aquest estudi sembla indicar que el potencial d'AICLE pel que fa a facilitar una exposici rica a langls i una producci oral significativa no sexplota degudament. En aquest sentit, els resultats daquest estudi poden contribuir a la formaci dels futurs professors d'AICLE si es busca lassoliment duna complementarietat dambds contextos amb lobjectiu ltim de millorar els nivells de domini de la llengua anglesa.
Estudiantes motivados producen profesores motivados y viceversa (Lesley Denham)La cita refleja el efecto recproco que tiene el comportamiento del profesor en el compromiso de los estudiantes a lo largo del ao y viceversa. Es sorprendente como, destacando las fortalezas de cada estudiante en lugar de sus debilidades, nunca comparndolos entre ellos sino con su propio rendimiento, puede despertar una motivacin intrnseca en el estudiante, y una merecida satisfaccin personal para el profesor.Sin embargo, no existen botones motivacionales mgicos que podamos pulsar y hacer que el alumno quiera aprender. Como profesores, tomar la iniciativa ser crucial: dar a nuestros estudiantes el espacio suficiente para experimentar, realzar su autonoma, e intuir las respuestas a travs de un proceso inductivo. En definitiva, hacerles protagonistas de su proceso de aprendizaje.Incluir AICLE en la clase de ingls es una metodologa que nos ayudar a conseguirlo. Los estudiantes asocian AICLE con algo interesante y divertido, diferente a las sesiones tericas. Como resultado, al utilizar la lengua, lo hacen movidos por sus sentimientos, aprendiendo de forma implcita.Estudiants motivats produeixen professors motivats i viceversa (Lesley Denham)La cita reflecteix l'efecte recproc que t el comportament del professor en el comproms dels estudiants al llarg de l'any i viceversa. s sorprenent com, destacant les fortaleses de cada estudiant en lloc de les seves debilitats, mai comparant-los entre ells sin amb el seu propi rendiment, pot despertar una motivaci intrnseca a l'estudiant, i una merescuda satisfacci personal per al professor.No obstant aix, no existeixen botons motivacionals mgics que puguem prmer i fer que l'alumne vulgui aprendre. Com a professors, prendre la iniciativa ser crucial: donar als nostres estudiants l'espai suficient per experimentar, realar la seva autonomia, i intuir les respostes a travs d'un procs inductiu. En definitiva, fer-los protagonistes del seu procs d'aprenentatge.Incloure AICLE en la classe d'angls s una metodologia que ens ajudar a aconseguir-ho. Els estudiants consideren AICLE interessant i divertit, diferent a les sessions teriques. Com a resultat, en utilitzar la llengua, ho fan moguts pels seus sentiments, aprenent de forma implcita.
The Iowa Department of Education (DE) was appropriated $1.45 million for the development and implementation of a statewide work-based learning intermediary network. This funding was awarded on a competitive basis to 15 regional intermediary networks. Funds received by the regional intermediary networks from the state through this grant are to be used to develop and expand work-based learning opportunities within each region. A match of resources equal to 25 percent was a requirement of the funding. This match could include private donations, in-kind contributions, or public moneys. Funds may be used to support personnel responsible for the implementation of the intermediary network program components.
This study examined the practice and implementation of undergraduate student internships in Ontario, Canada. A literature review revealed that implementation of internships at the undergraduate level in Ontario varies within campuses by faculty and department and also across the university spectrum, partly due to a lack of consistency and structure guiding internship practice in Ontario. Moreover, a lack of general consensus among participating stakeholders concerning the philosophy and approach to internship further complicates and varies its practice. While some departments and universities have started to embrace and implement more experiential learning opportunities into their curriculum, the practice of undergraduate internships is struggling to gain acceptance and validity in others. Using the theory of experiential learning as presented by Dewey (1938) and Kolb (1984) as theoretical frameworks, this research project developed an internship implementation strategy to provide structure and guidance to the practice of internships in Ontarios undergraduate university curriculum.
The genesis of this innovation lies in the commitment of a national Irish business enterprise to the professional development of its staff in general, and to the enhancement of its Information Technologies (IT) staff specifically, in collaboration with a national Higher Education (HE) provider. A postgraduate degree, awarded by the HE provider, seeks to bring coherence and cohesion to the education and training provision for newly recruited IT graduate staff of the business enterprise, simultaneously acting both as an induction process for new staff and as a professional capacity building exercise, thereby enhancing the enterprises organisational learning and collective competence in the areas of information technologies, IT security and technical service management. The curriculum was designed by the HE provider in collaboration with the business enterprise to offer it to circa sixteen IT staff per cycle of delivery through a model known generally as the new apprenticeship for professional practice which uses a combination of college-based, block release taught elements, regular day release seminars and substantial work-based learning, supported by the academic staff of the HE provider and work-based support staff/mentors of the business enterprise. Academic quality assurance, pedagogical, assessment and accreditation responsibilities remain with the HE provider. (...)
Una gua para los profesores de idiomas con diferentes metodologas y tcnicas utilizadas en la enseanza del Aprendizaje Integrado de Conocimientos Curriculares y Lengua Extranjera (AICLE). Ofrece ideas y sugerencias prcticas sobre lo que funciona en el aula, explicaciones y ejemplos de cmo utilizar AICLE en la enseanza primaria, secundaria y profesional para contribuir a conseguir el plurilingismo.
Los autores se basan en su experiencia en las escuelas secundarias, escuelas primarias y escuelas de idioma ingls en toda Europa para ofrecer una visin global de Content and Language Integral Learning (CLIL). Se resume la teora que sustenta la enseanza de una asignatura a travs de otro idioma y se discute su aplicacin prctica, destacando los ejes importantes para el desarrollo de la investigacin y la prctica. Reconocen la incertidumbre que muchos docentes sienten sobre el CLIL, debido a la exigencia del lenguaje y conocimiento de la materia, al tiempo que presentan rutas tericas y prcticas con xito para todos.
Libro dirigido a profesores que imparten la asignatura de educacin para la ciudadana en relacin con el trabajo y la empresa, en los niveles Key Stage 3 y 4 (educacin secundaria). Est estructurado en cinco secciones basadas en un tema clave: definicin de empresa en qu consiste?, involucrarse cmo puedo ser un ciudadano activo en el 'sector servicios'?, cules son mis derechos como consumidor?, el mundo es muy, muy pequeo, y cules son los derechos y deberes de los trabajadores? El libro incluye un CD-Rom con material de apoyo.