1000 resultados para Wave Confinement


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This paper examines the vibration characteristics and vibration control of complex ship structures. It is shown that input mobilities of a ship structure at engine supports, due to out-of-plane force or bending moment excitations, are governed by the flexural stiffness of the engine supports. The frequency averaged input mobilities of the ship structure, due to such excitations, can be represented by those of the corresponding infinite beam. The torsional moment input mobility at the engine support can be estimated from the torsional response of the engine bed section under direct excitation. It is found that the inclusion of ship hull and deck plates in the ship structure model has little effect on the frequency-averaged response of the ship structure. This study also shows that vibration propagation in complex ship structures at low frequencies can be attenuated by imposing irregularities to the ring frame locations in ships. Vibration responses of ship structures due to machinery excitations at higher frequencies can be controlled by structural modifications of the local supporting structures such as engine beds in ships.


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We derive and analyze the statistics of reflection coefficient of light backscattered coherently from an amplifying and disordered optical medium modeled by a spatially random refractive index having a uniform imaginary part in one dimension. We find enhancement of reflected intensity owing to a synergy between wave confinement by Anderson localization and coherent amplification by the active medium. This is not the same as that due to enhanced optical path lengths expected from photon diffusion in the random active medium. Our study is relevant to the physical realizability of a mirrorless laser by photon confinement due to Anderson localization.


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We report ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) study on a grid formed with permalloy nanowires to understand the spin wave dynamics. The presence of two sets of magnetic nanowires perpendicular to each other in the same device enables better control over spin waves. The grid was fabricated using e-beam lithography followed by DC-Magnetron sputtering and liftoff technique. It has dimensions of 800 +/- 10 and 400 +/- 10 nm as periods along X and Y directions with permalloy wires of width 145 +/- 10 nm. FMR studies were done at X-band (9.4 GHz) with the field sweep up to 1 Tesla. The in-plane angular variation of resonant fields shows that there are two well separated modes present, indicating two uniaxial anisotropy axes which are perpendicular to each other. The variation in the intensities in the FMR signal w.r.t. the grid angle is used to describe the spin wave confinement in different regions of the grid. We also explained the asymmetry in the magnetic properties caused by the geometrical property of the rectangular grid and the origin for the peak splitting for the modes occurring at higher resonant fields. Micromagnetic simulations based on OOMMF with two dimensional periodic boundary conditions (2D-PBC) are used to support our experimental findings.


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Self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots show unique physical properties such as three dimensional confinement, high size homogeneity, high density and low number of dislocations. They have been extensively used in the active regions of laser devices for optical communications applications [1]. Therefore, buried quantum dots (BQDs) embedded in wider band gap materials have been normally studied. The wave confinement in all directions and the stress field around the dot affect both optical and electrical properties [2, 3]. However, surface quantum dots (SQDs) are less affected by stress, although their optical and electrical characteristics have a strong dependence on surface fluctuation. Thus, they can play an important role in sensor applications


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A GaAs/GaAlAs graded-index separate confinement single quantum well heterostructure single-mode ridge waveguide electroabsorption modulator was fabricated and investigated. For the modulator with a quantum well width of 100 angstrom and device length of 700-mu-m, an on/off ratio of 29.7 dB and estimated absorption insertion loss of 3 dB were obtained for TE polarised light with wavelength 8650 angstrom, and for TM polarisation the on/off ratio was 28.5 dB. With a switching voltage of 1 V, an on/off ratio of 15 dB was achieved. Photocurrent spectra exhibited a red shift of 600 angstrom of the absorption edge when the voltage applied to the PIN diode was varied from 0.5 to -7 V. The corresponding shift of the room temperature exciton peak energy was 96 meV.


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The technological world has attained a new dimension with the advent of miniaturization and a major breakthrough has evolved in the form of moems, technically more advanced than mems. This breakthrough has paved way for the scientists to research and conceive their innovation. This paper presents a mathematical analysis of the wave propagation along the non-uniform waveguide with refractive index varying along the z axis implemented on the cantilever beam of MZI based moem accelerometer. Secondly the studies on the wave bends with minimum power loss focusing on two main aspects of bend angle and curvature angle is also presented.


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The normal shock wave/boundary-layer interaction is important to the operation and performance of a supersonic inlet, and the normal shock wave/boundary-layer interaction is particularly prominent in external compression inlets. To improve understanding of such interactions, it is helpful to make use of fundamental flows that capture the main elements of inlets, without resorting to the level of complexity and system integration associated with full-geometry inlets. In this paper, several fundamental flowfield configurations have been considered as possible test cases to represent the normal shock wave/boundary-layer interaction aspects found in typical external compression inlets, and it was found that the spillage diffuser more closely retains the basic flow features of an external compression inlet than the other configurations. In particular, this flowfield allows the normal shock Mach number as well as the amount and rate of subsonic diffusion to all be held approximately constant and independent of the application of flow control. In addition, a survey of several external compression inlets was conducted to quantify the flow and geometric parameters of the spillage diffuser relevant to actual inlets. The results indicated that such a flow may be especially relevant if the terminal Mach number is about 1.3 to 1.4, the confinement parameter is around 10%, and the width is around twice or three times the height. In addition, the area expansion downstream of the shock should be limited to the conservative side of incipient stall based on incompressible diffusers. Copyright © 2013 by the authors.


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The quantum confinement effect, electronic properties, and optical properties of TiO2 nanowires in rutile structure are investigated via first-principles calculations. We calculate the size- and shape-dependent band gap of the nanowires and fit the results with the function E-g = E-g(bulk) + beta/d(alpha). We find that the quantum confinement effect becomes significant for d < 25 angstrom, and a notable anisotropy exists that arises from the anisotropy of the effective masses. We also evaluate the imaginary part of the frequency-dependent dielectric function [epsilon(2)(omega)] within the electric-dipole approximation, for both the polarization parallel [epsilon(parallel to)(2)(omega)] and the perpendicular [epsilon 1/2(omega)] to the axial (c) direction. The band structure of the nanowires is calculated, with which the fine structure of epsilon(parallel to)(2)(omega) has been analyzed.


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We calculate the binding energy of a hydrogenic donor impurity in a rectangular parallelepiped-shaped quantum dot (QD) in the framework of effective-mass envelope-function theory using the plane wave basis. The variation of the binding energy with edge length, position of the impurity, and external electric field is studied in detail. A finite potential model is adopted in our calculations. Compared with the infinite potential model [C. I. Mendoza , Phys. Rev. B 71, 075330 (2005)], the following results are found: (1) if the impurity is located in the interior of the QD, our results give a smaller binding energy than the infinite potential model; (2) the binding energies are more sensitively dependent on the applied electric field in the finite potential model; (3) the infinite potential model cannot give correct results for a small QD edge length for any location of the impurity in the QD; (4) some degeneracy is lifted when the dot is no longer cubic. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The effects of the geometrical shape on two electrons confined in a two-dimensional parabolic quantum dot and subjected to an external uniform magnetic field have been calculated using a variational-perturbation method based on a direct construction of trial wave functions. The calculations show that both the energy levels and the spin transition of two electrons in elliptical quantum dots are dramatically influenced by the shape of the dots. The ground states with total spin S=0 and S=1 are affected greatly by changing the magnetic field and the geometrical confinement. The quantum behavior of elliptical quantum dots show some relation to that of laterally coupled quantum dots. For a special geometric configuration of the confinement omega(y)/omega(x)=2.0, we encounter a characteristic magnetic field at which spin singlet-triplet crossover occurs. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Nonlinear optical properties of silicon nanocrystals (nc-Si) embedded in SiO2 films are investigated using time-resolved four-wave mixing technique with a femtosecond laser. the off-resonant third-order nonlinear susceptibility chi((3)) is observed to be 1.3 x 10(-10) esu at 800 nm. The relaxation time of the film is fast as short as 50 fs. The off-resonant nonlinearity is predominantly electronic in origin and enhanced due to quantum confinement.


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We investigate the electronic structures of the inhomogeneous quantum dots within the framework of the effective mass theory. The results show that the energies of electron and hole states depend sensitively on the relative magnitude 77 of the core radius to the capped quantum dot radius. The spatial distribution of the electrons and holes vary significantly when the ratio eta changes. A quantum-confinement-driven type-II-type-I transition is found in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs-capped quantum dot structures. The phase diagram is obtained for different capped quantum dot radii. The ground-state exciton binding energy shows a highly nonlinear dependence on the innner structures of inhomogeneous quantum dots, which originates from the redistribution of the electron and hole wave functions.


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The electronic states and optical transition properties of silicon quantum-well layers embedded by SiO2 layers are studied by the empirical pseudopotential homojunction model. The energy bands, wave functions, and the optical transition matrix elements are obtained for layers of thickness from 1 to 6 nm, and three oriented directions (001), (110), and (111). It is found that for Si layers in the (001) direction the energy gap is pseudodirect, for these in the (111) direction the energy gap is indirect, while for those in the (110) direction the energy gap is pseudodirect or indirect for a thickness smaller or larger than 3 nm, respectively. The optical transition matrix elements are smaller than that of diner transition, and increase with decreasing layer thickness. When the thickness of a layer is smaller than 2 nm, the Si QW layers have larger transition matrix elements. It is caused by mixing of bulk X states with the Gamma(1) state. The calculated results are compared with experimental results.


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The electronic states and optical transition properties of three semiconductor wires Si? GaAs, and ZnSe are studied by the empirical pseudopotential homojunction model. The energy levels, wave functions, optical transition matrix elements, and lifetimes are obtained for wires of square cross section with width from 2 to 5 (root 2a/2), where a is the lattice constant. It is found that these three kinds of wires have different quantum confinement properties. For Si wires, the energy gap is pseudodirect, and the wave function of the electronic ground state consists mainly of four bulk Delta states. The optical transition matrix elements are much smaller than that of a direct transition, and increase with decreasing wire width. Where the width of wire is 7.7 Angstrom, the Si wire changes from an indirect energy gap to a direct energy gap due to mixing of the bulk Gamma(15) state. For GaAs wires. the energy gap is also pseudodirect in the width range considered, but the optical transition matrix elements are larger than those of Si wires by two orders of magnitude for the same width. However, there is no transfer to a direct energy gap as the wire width decreases. For ZnSe wires, the energy gap is always direct, and the optical transition matrix elements are comparable to those of the direct energy gap bulk semiconductors. They decrease with decreasing wire width due to mixing of the bulk Gamma(1) state with other states. All quantum confinement properties are discussed and explained by our theoretical model and the semiconductor energy band structures derived. The calculated lifetimes of the Si wire, and the positions of photoluminescence peaks, are in good agreement with experimental results.


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A 1.3μm low-threshold edge-emitting AlGaInAs multiple-quantum-well(MQW) laser with AlInAs-oxide confinement layers is fabricated.The Al-contained waveguide layers upper and low the active layers are oxidized as current-confined layers using wet-oxidation technique.This structure provides excellent current and optical confinement,resulting in 12.9mA of a low continuous wave threshold current and 0.47W/A of a high slope efficiency of per facet at room temperature for a 5-μm-wide current aperture.Compared with the ridge waveguide laser with the same-width ridge,the threshold current of the AlInAs-oxide confinement laser has decreased by 31.7% and the slope efficiency has increased a little.Both low threshold and high slope efficiency indicate that lateral current confinement can be realized by oxidizing AlInAs waveguide layers.The full width of half maximum angles of the Al-InAs-oxide confinement laser are 21.6° for the horizontal and 36.1° for the vertical,which demonstrate the ability of the AlInAs oxide in preventing the optical field from spreading laterally.