13 resultados para Warpage


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Nos últimos anos a indústria de semicondutores, nomeadamente a produção de memórias, tem sofrido uma grande evolução. A necessidade de baixar custos de produção, assim como de produzir sistemas mais complexos e com maior capacidade, levou à criação da tecnologia WLP (Wafer Level Packaging). Esta tecnologia permite a produção de sistemas mais pequenos, simplificar o fluxo do processo e providenciar uma redução significativa do custo final do produto. A WLP é uma tecnologia de encapsulamento de circuitos integrados quando ainda fazem parte de wafers (bolachas de silício), em contraste com o método tradicional em que os sistemas são individualizados previamente antes de serem encapsulados. Com o desenvolvimento desta tecnologia, surgiu a necessidade de melhor compreender o comportamento mecânico do mold compound (MC - polímero encapsulante) mais especificamente do warpage (empeno) de wafers moldadas. O warpage é uma característica deste produto e deve-se à diferença do coeficiente de expansão térmica entre o silício e o mold compound. Este problema é observável no produto através do arqueamento das wafers moldadas. O warpage de wafers moldadas tem grande impacto na manufatura. Dependendo da quantidade e orientação do warpage, o transporte, manipulação, bem como, a processamento das wafers podem tornar-se complicados ou mesmo impossíveis, o que se traduz numa redução de volume de produção e diminuição da qualidade do produto. Esta dissertação foi desenvolvida na Nanium S.A., empresa portuguesa líder mundial na tecnologia de WLP em wafers de 300mm e aborda a utilização da metodologia Taguchi, no estudo da variabilidade do processo de debond para o produto X. A escolha do processo e produto baseou-se numa análise estatística da variação e do impacto do warpage ao longo doprocesso produtivo. A metodologia Taguchi é uma metodologia de controlo de qualidade e permite uma aproximação sistemática num dado processo, combinando gráficos de controlo, controlo do processo/produto, e desenho do processo para alcançar um processo robusto. Os resultados deste método e a sua correta implementação permitem obter poupanças significativas nos processos com um impacto financeiro significativo. A realização deste projeto permitiu estudar e quantificar o warpage ao longo da linha de produção e minorar o impacto desta característica no processo de debond. Este projecto permitiu ainda a discussão e o alinhamento entre as diferentes áreas de produção no que toca ao controlo e a melhoria de processos. Conseguiu–se demonstrar que o método Taguchi é um método eficiente no que toca ao estudo da variabilidade de um processo e otimização de parâmetros. A sua aplicação ao processo de debond permitiu melhorar ou a fiabilidade do processo em termos de garantia da qualidade do produto, como ao nível do aumento de produção.


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The aim of this paper consists in presenting a method of simulating the warpage in 7xxx series aluminium alloy plates. To perform this simulation finite element software MSC.Patran and MSC.Marc were used. Another result of this analysis will be the influence on material residual stresses induced on the raw material during the rolling process upon the warpage of primary aeronautic parts, fabricated through machining (milling) at Embraer. The method used to determinate the aluminium plate residual stress was Layer Removal Test. The numerical algorithm Modified Flavenot Method was used to convert layer removal and beam deflection in stress level. With such information about the level and profile of residual stresses become possible, during the step that anticipate the manufacturing to incorporate these values in the finite-element approach for modelling warpage parts. Based on that warpage parameter surely the products are manufactured with low relative vulnerability propitiating competitiveness and price. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Nonlinear thermo-mechanical properties of advanced polymers are crucial to accurate prediction of the process induced warpage and residual stress of electronics packages. The Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor based method is advanced and implemented to determine temperature and time dependent nonlinear properties. The FBG sensor is embedded in the center of the cylindrical specimen, which deforms together with the specimen. The strains of the specimen at different loading conditions are monitored by the FBG sensor. Two main sources of the warpage are considered: curing induced warpage and coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch induced warpage. The effective chemical shrinkage and the equilibrium modulus are needed for the curing induced warpage prediction. Considering various polymeric materials used in microelectronic packages, unique curing setups and procedures are developed for elastomers (extremely low modulus, medium viscosity, room temperature curing), underfill materials (medium modulus, low viscosity, high temperature curing), and epoxy molding compound (EMC: high modulus, high viscosity, high temperature pressure curing), most notably, (1) zero-constraint mold for elastomers; (2) a two-stage curing procedure for underfill materials and (3) an air-cylinder based novel setup for EMC. For the CTE mismatch induced warpage, the temperature dependent CTE and the comprehensive viscoelastic properties are measured. The cured cylindrical specimen with a FBG sensor embedded in the center is further used for viscoelastic property measurements. A uni-axial compressive loading is applied to the specimen to measure the time dependent Young’s modulus. The test is repeated from room temperature to the reflow temperature to capture the time-temperature dependent Young’s modulus. A separate high pressure system is developed for the bulk modulus measurement. The time temperature dependent bulk modulus is measured at the same temperatures as the Young’s modulus. The master curve of the Young’s modulus and bulk modulus of the EMC is created and a single set of the shift factors is determined from the time temperature superposition. The supplementary experiments are conducted to verify the validity of the assumptions associated with the linear viscoelasticity. The measured time-temperature dependent properties are further verified by a shadow moiré and Twyman/Green test.


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Experts in injection molding often refer to previous solutions to find a mold design similar to the current mold and use previous successful molding process parameters with intuitive adjustment and modification as a start for the new molding application. This approach saves a substantial amount of time and cost in experimental based corrective actions which are required in order to reach optimum molding conditions. A Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) System can perform the same task by retrieving a similar case which is applied to the new case from the case library and uses the modification rules to adapt a solution to the new case. Therefore, a CBR System can simulate human e~pertise in injection molding process design. This research is aimed at developing an interactive Hybrid Expert System to reduce expert dependency needed on the production floor. The Hybrid Expert System (HES) is comprised of CBR, flow analysis, post-processor and trouble shooting systems. The HES can provide the first set of operating parameters in order to achieve moldability condition and producing moldings free of stress cracks and warpage. In this work C++ programming language is used to implement the expert system. The Case-Based Reasoning sub-system is constructed to derive the optimum magnitude of process parameters in the cavity. Toward this end the Flow Analysis sub-system is employed to calculate the pressure drop and temperature difference in the feed system to determine the required magnitude of parameters at the nozzle. The Post-Processor is implemented to convert the molding parameters to machine setting parameters. The parameters designed by HES are implemented using the injection molding machine. In the presence of any molding defect, a trouble shooting subsystem can determine which combination of process parameters must be changed iii during the process to deal with possible variations. Constraints in relation to the application of this HES are as follows. - flow length (L) constraint: 40 mm < L < I 00 mm, - flow thickness (Th) constraint: -flow type: - material types: I mm < Th < 4 mm, unidirectional flow, High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) and Acrylic. In order to test the HES, experiments were conducted and satisfactory results were obtained.


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Has the 1998 prediction of a well-known contact lens researcher – that rigid contact lenses will be obsolete by the year 2010 – come to fruition? This Eulogy to RGPs will demonstrate why it has. A recent survey of international contact lens prescribing trends shows that rigid lenses constituted less than 5% of all contact lenses prescribed in 16 out of 27 nations surveyed. This compares with rigid lenses representing 100% of all lenses prescribed 1965 and about 40% in 1990). With the wide range of sophisticated soft lens materials available today, including super-permeable silicone hydrogels, and designs capable of correcting astigmatism and presbyopia, there is now no need to fit cosmetic patients with rigid lenses, with the associated intractable problems of rigid lens-induced ptosis, 3 and 9 o’clock, staining, lens binding, corneal warpage and adaptation discomfort. Orthokeratology is largely a fringe application of marginal efficacy, and the notion that rigid lenses arrest myopia progression is flawed. That last bastion of rigid lens practice – fitting patients with severely distorted corneas as in keratoconus – is about to crumble in view of a number of demonstrations by independent research groups of the efficacy of custom-designed wavefront-corrected soft contact lenses for the correction of keratoconus. It is concluded that rigid contact lenses now have no place in modern contact lens practice.


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This presentation discusses latest developments in SiP technology and the challenges for design in terms of manufacture and reliability. It presents results from a UK government funded project that aims to develop modelling techniques that will assess the thermo-mechanical reliability of SiP structures such as (i) stacked die, (ii) side-by-side dies and (iii) embedded die. Finite element analysis coupled with numerical optimisation and uncertainty analysis is used is used to model the reliability of a particular package design. In particular, the damage (energy density) in the lead free solder interconnects under accelerated temperature cycling is predicted and used to observe the fatigue life-time. Warpage of the structure is also investigated


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A computational modelling approach integrated with optimisation and statistical methods that can aid the development of reliable and robust electronic packages and systems is presented. The design for reliability methodology is demonstrated for the design of a SiP structure. In this study the focus is on the procedure for representing the uncertainties in the package design parameters, their impact on reliability and robustness of the package design and how these can be included in the design optimisation modelling framework. The analysis of thermo-mechanical behaviour of the package is conducted using non-linear transient finite element simulations. Key system responses of interest, the fatigue life-time of the lead-free solder interconnects and warpage of the package, are predicted and used subsequently for design purposes. The design tasks are to identify the optimal SiP designs by varying several package input parameters so that the reliability and the robustness of the package are improved and in the same time specified performance criteria are also satisfied


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This paper discusses a reliability based optimisation modelling approach demonstrated for the design of a SiP structure integrated by stacking dies one upon the other. In this investigation the focus is on the strategy for handling the uncertainties in the package design inputs and their implementation into the design optimisation modelling framework. The analysis of fhermo-mechanical behaviour of the package is utilised to predict the fatigue life-time of the lead-free board level solder interconnects and warpage of the package under thermal cycling. The SiP characterisation is obtained through the exploitation of Reduced Order Models (ROM) constructed using high fidelity analysis and Design of Experiments (DoE) methods. The design task is to identify the optimal SiP design specification by varying several package input parameters so that a specified target reliability of the solder joints is achieved and in the same time design requirements and package performance criteria are met


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Assembly processes used to bond components to printed circuit boards can have a significant impact on these boards and the final packaged component. Traditional approaches to bonding components to printed circuit boards results in heat being applied across the whole board assembly. This can lead to board warpage and possibly high residual stresses. Another approach discussed in this paper is to use Variable Frequency Microwave (VFM) heating to cure adhesives and underfills and bond components to printed circuit boards. In terms of energy considerations the use of VFM technology is much more cost effective compared to convection/radiation heating. This paper will discuss the impact of traditional reflow based processes on flexible substrates and it will demonstrate the possible advantages of using localised variable frequency microwave heating to cure materials in an electronic package.


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Beim Laser-Sintern wird das Pulverbett durch Heizstrahler vorgeheizt, um an der Pulveroberfläche eine Temperatur knapp unterhalb des Materialschmelzpunktes zu erzielen. Dabei soll die Temperaturverteilung auf der Oberfläche möglichst homogen sein, um gleiche Bauteileigenschaften im gesamten Bauraum zu erzielen und den Bauteilverzug gering zu halten. Erfahrungen zeigen jedoch sehr inhomogene Temperaturverteilungen, weshalb oftmals die Integration von neuen oder optimierten Prozessüberwachungssystemen in die Anlagen gefordert wird. Ein potentiell einsetzbares System sind Thermographiekameras, welche die flächige Aufnahme von Oberflächentemperaturen und somit Aussagen über die Temperaturen an der Pulverbettoberfläche erlauben. Dadurch lassen sich kalte Bereiche auf der Oberfläche identifizieren und bei der Prozessvorbereitung berücksichtigen. Gleichzeitig ermöglicht die Thermografie eine Beobachtung der Temperaturen beim Lasereingriff und somit das Ableiten von Zusammenhängen zwischen Prozessparametern und Schmelzetemperaturen. Im Rahmen der durchgeführten Untersuchungen wurde ein IR-Kamerasystem erfolgreich als Festeinbau in eine Laser-Sinteranlage integriert und Lösungen für die hierbei auftretenden Probleme erarbeitet. Anschließend wurden Untersuchungen zur Temperaturverteilung auf der Pulverbettoberfläche sowie zu den Einflussfaktoren auf deren Homogenität durchgeführt. In weiteren Untersuchungen wurden die Schmelzetemperaturen in Abhängigkeit verschiedener Prozessparameter ermittelt. Auf Basis dieser Messergebnisse wurden Aussagen über erforderliche Optimierungen getroffen und die Nutzbarkeit der Thermografie beim Laser-Sintern zur Prozessüberwachung, -regelung sowie zur Anlagenwartung als erster Zwischenstand der Untersuchungen bewertet.


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Das Laser-Sintern hat sich in den letzten Jahren zunehmend als Kleinserienfertigungsverfahren für Kunststoffbauteile etabliert. Dennoch entspricht die Bauteilqualität aufgrund von Verzug oder mangelnder Reproduzierbarkeit der Eigenschaften oftmals nicht den Anforderungen. Ein Grund hierfür ist die inhomogene Temperaturführung während des Prozesses. So ergeben sich aufgrund einer inhomogenen Temperaturverteilung auf der Pulverbettoberfläche sowie durch unterschiedliche Abkühlgeschwindigkeiten im Pulverbett zum Teil deutliche lokale Unterschiede im Temperatur-Zeit-Verhalten. Grundlegende Untersuchungen zu diesen Effekten fehlen jedoch bislang. Im Rahmen der dargestellten Untersuchungen gilt es daher zum einen die Reproduzierbarkeit verschiedener Laser-Sinter-Anlagen in Bezug auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften, die Maßhaltigkeit und die Bauteildichte zu analysieren und zum anderen diese Ergebnisse mit den lokalen Temperatur- und Abkühlbedingungen im Pulverbett zu korrelieren. Dabei werden durch thermografische Untersuchungen die Temperaturverteilung an der Pulverbett-oberfläche charakterisiert sowie durch Einsatz entsprechender Funk-Temperatur-messsensorik die lokalen Abkühlbedingungen von Bauteilen innerhalb des Pulverbettes analysiert. Diese lokalen Temperatur- und Abkühlbedingungen sollen anschließend mit positionsabhängigen Analysen zum Bauteilschrumpf korreliert werden. Abschließend werden Optimierungspotentiale für ein neuentwickeltes Temperaturführungssystem mit homogeneren Temperatur- und Abkühlbedingungen abgeleitet.


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Rotational molding suffers from a relatively long cycle time, which hampers more widespread growth of the process. During each cycle, both the polymer and mold must be heated from room temperature to above polymer melting temperature and subsequently cooled to room temperature. The cooling time in this process is relatively long due to the poor thermal conductivity of plastics. Although rapid external cooling is possible, internal cooling rates are the major limitation. This causes the process to be uneconomical for large production runs of small parts. Various researchers have strived to minimize cycle times by applying various internal cooling procedures. This article presents a review of these methods, including computer simulations and practical investigations published to date. The effects of cooling rate on the morphology, shrinkage, warpage, and impact properties of rotationally molded polyolefins are also highlighted. In general, rapid and symmetrical cooling across the mold results in smaller spherulite size, increased mechanical properties and less potential warpage or distortion in moldings. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 2011. ©2011 Society of Plastics Engineers.