994 resultados para Voleibol - Test


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El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar dos pruebas submáximas de capacidad aeróbica, el YMCA step test y la prueba de capacidad de trabajo físico a 170 ppm (P170) de frecuencia cardíaca (FC), en jugadoras de voleibol femenino. Se analizaron en 152 participantes variables antropométricas, el rendimiento, la frecuencia cardiaca final (Stepend) y la frecuencia cardiaca en el primer minuto de recuperación (Steprec) en la prueba YMCA step test, la P170 fue analizada expresando los resultados en valores absolutos (P170,abs, W) y relativos (P170,rel, W.kg-1). Además, un subgrupo (n=14) fue analizado otra vez después de un año. Los resultados mostraron como el YMCA step test correlacionó altamente (Steprec) y muy altamente (Stepend) con la P170 rel (r = –0.58 and r = –0.76, p < 0.001, respectively), y con la P170,abs (r = –0.54 and r = –0.68, p < 0.001, respectively). No se encontraron correlaciones entre los porcentajes de cambio en los test de capacidad aeróbica después de un año (p>0.05). La edad presentó una correlación baja a moderada con todos los índices de capacidad aeróbica (0.23 ≤ ŇrŇ ≤ 0.45, p<0.05), viendo como las mayores edades tenían una mejor capacidad aeróbica. Basándonos en estos resultados podemos concluir que la prueba YMCA step test (especialmente el parámetro Stepend) y la P170 podrian ser utilizadas indistintamente por entrenadores y preparadores físicos para monitorizar la capacidad aeróbica de jugadoras de voleibol. El paradójico incremento de la capacidad aeróbica con la edad puede ser atribuido a los métodos de evaluación utilizados que están basados en la FC y al descenso de la FC máxima con la edad. Por lo tanto, estos test deberían ser utilizados solo con edades inferiores.


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Las carreras cortas a máxima velocidad son acciones muy frecuentes en el voleibol, estando su importancia relacionada con la necesidad de llegar rápidamente a la posesión de un balón o a un espacio determinado en el campo de juego. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las características del voleibol y reflexionar sobre la velocidad de jugadoras de voleibol utilizando un test de 9m partiendo de parados y un test de 3 metros. Cada deportista realizó tres series con un descanso intermedio de 5 minutos. Los resultados, se proporcionaron en tiempo real, datos de velocidades medias y máximas en tramos de 0-3m, 3-6m y 6-9m en el test de 9 metros, y 0-1.5m, 1.5-3m, 3-1.5m, 1.5-0m en el test de 3 metros. Se analizó, tanto en valores absolutos, las variables: la velocidad (máxima y media). En la primera parte del trabajo explicaremos cual ha sido el motivo de la elección del análisis de test de velocidad como principal objeto de estudio y comentaremos los objetivos tanto principales como específicos. En la segunda parte, definiremos las características del voleibol y los estudios precedentes sobre test de velocidad. A continuación, en la parte de resultados y discusión, mostraremos los datos, las gráficas y comparativas obtenidas del análisis de los dos test de velocidad. Podremos comprobar las diferencias de velocidades máximas en cada tramo, las correlaciones que tienen ambos test y los porcentajes de velocidad máxima en cada tramo. Finalmente, en la parte de conclusiones, en el que se justifica entre otras cosas, que las jugadoras de voleibol estudiadas son capaces de generar velocidades altas no solo en un sprint clásico como el de 9 metros en el que tienen espacio suficiente para acelerar, sino también en un espacio mucho más reducido y seguido de un cambio de sentido, como se produce en el test de 3 metros.


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The kinanthropometric characteristics are used by the sports science as selection criteria and detection of talents. Hence, this study aimed at comparing the anthropometrical profile, the body composition, the somatotype and the vertical jumps of the beach volleyball players. This study consists of 79 male beach volleyball players, being forty nine (n=49) Brazilian participants of the National Circuit and thirty (n=30) of 15 countries participating in the XV Pan American Games. In order to analyze the vertical jumps of the Brazilian the participants were allocated into two groups (G1 and G2) in agreement with the national ranking of their teams. The vertical jump protocol developed by Smith and collaborators was used to evaluate the vertical jumps of spike and block. The Heath-Carter anthropometrical technique (1990) was used for calculating the somatotype. The Student s t test with the Bonferroni adjustment was used to calculate the differences among the investigated variables. The multiple regression analysis was used to identify the contributions of the anthropometrical variables in the performance of the vertical jumps and the multivariance analysis was used to calculate the differences among the components of the somatotype. The Brazilian athletes of G1 were better than G2 in the spike jump (p <0.01), block jump (p <0.01) and in the block difference (p <0.01). The prediction model of the spike jump of G2 included the body mass and standing spike reach (adjusted R2 = 0.77), the body mass and the standing block reach were also included in the model of the block jump (adjusted R2 = 0.73). The regression model of G1 was not statistically significant. As for the somatotype, statistically significant differences were found between the Brazilians and the Pan Americans (Wilks' lambda = 0.498; p <0.05). The Brazilian somatotype was classified as balanced mesomorph (2.7-4.3-3.0) and the Pan American somatotype as endomorphic mesomorph (3.5-4.6-2.4). As to the specific position of the block game (2.8-4.3-2.9) and the defense game (2.6-4.4-3.0), the Brazilian somatotype was classified as balanced mesomorph and the Pan American somatotype, the block (3.7-4.4-2.4) and the defense (3.4-4.9-2.3), was classified as endomorphic mesomorph. In conclusion, the vertical jump height (spike and block) influences the male Brazilian beach volleyball players performance. The physical type of the Brazilian blockers and defenders was similar with relationship to the somatotype. The Brazilian and Pan American beach volleyball players differ in terms of kinanthropometric characteristics. This work had a multidisciplinary feature with the participation of several departments and laboratories, like the Physiotherapy Department, the Nutrition Department, the Physical Education Laboratory, thus corroborating the multidisciplinary research feature


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Objective: Identify phenotype and genotype parameters of female volleyball players at different performance levels to help in player selection. Methods: We identified characteristics of phenotype and genotype using the somatotype method (Heath Carter); anthropometry (weight, height and fat percentage); dermatoglyphics (Cummins and Midlo s method) as well as applying physical quality tests (Shuttle Run to assess agility and the Sargent Jump Test adapted for spike and block reach). The sample was composed of 179 players (54 from national teams and 125 from state teams). Results: Somatotype was similar among the performance levels in the mesomorphic component. The Height and ectomorphic component were greater in national team players as was spike and block reach. The vertical jump height for the spike was similar between the national under-17 team and the state teams observed, but in the block jump the lower level players were better. The dermatoglyphics characteristics identified were similar among the groups studied. Conclusions: The results of the variables studied show that somatotype, height, spike reach and block reach are fundamental parameters in player selection and in the specific characteristics of each game position of this sport. This paper proposes a multidisciplinary approach applicable in the fields of physical education, medicine and nutrition


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The elaboration of profiles with characteristics that can be parameters in the different categories of sports modalities and the investment in scientific studies have revealed a significant importance in the development of new generations of athletes. Based in the exposed, the purpose of this study was to identify and compare the somatotype characteristics, physical qualities and genetic markers of Brazilian male volleyball players in the 14-17 category playing at different levels (international, national and regional). We used a scale, stadiometer, pachymeter, and adipometer to evaluate somatotype, attack and block reach test, medicine ball toss, 30-meter agility test , the AAHPER -30 test to evaluate basic physical qualities and the dermatoglyphic method to identify genetic markers. The results show the superiority of the national team over the other squads in the somatotype component (ectomorphy), and in the level of basic physical qualities. We found no significant difference in genetic markers among the teams studied. We conclude that Brazilian volleyball players at different performance levels have characteristics peculiar to the sport, with height and physical qualities being significantly different among these teams. The results confirm de necessity of knowing the athletes specific characteristics when dealing with high performance teams using nutrition, medicine, physiology and genetics specific knowledges to achieve a better sportive development


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The purpose of the present study is to identify the dermatoglyphic and somatotypic characteristics and the physical qualities of athletes from the under-17 State volleyball team, in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The sample was composed of athletes, n = 14, aged 15.0 ± 0.88 years, weight (Kg) 58.3 ± 5.90 and height (cm) 169.4 ± 7.97, members of the referred team. For data collection Cummins & Midlo s (1942), o dermatoglyphic method and Heath & Carter s (1967) somatotypic method were used and to evaluate physical qualities, 2400m, 50m, Shuttle Run, abdominal , Sargent test and medicine-ball toss were performed. Fingerprints show that the group presents genetic predisposition for the following physical qualities: explosive force and velocity. As to somatotype, the group was endo-ectomorphic. At physical evaluation the group presented low Vo2 max values and reasonable levels of explosive force, local muscular endurance, agility and velocity. We conclude that: according to the dermatoglyphic model observed, the group needs training strategies to improve coordination and agility; somatotype reveals the necessity for reducing fat levels and increasing muscular mass; the evaluation of physical qualities demonstrates the need for better physical preparation. This study traces the profile of the under-17 volleyball player from Rio Grande do Norte, with respect to genetic and somatotypic aspects and physical qualities, which will serve as a parameter for future state teams


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Volleyball is a sport in which the laterality dominant limb shows superior strength and coordination because of its preferential use. Asymmetrical tendencies during the landing after the jump when striking or blocking actions are predominant for most part of game (ARRUDA; EDUARDO, 2008). Adaptations include imbalance of forces in static and dynamic motions at the knee joint, which increases risk for injury. Also, asymmetries in balance control during jumping and landing associate with a general postural instability that can be observed during static balance tasks. The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between unequal lower limb strength (muscle imbalance) and postural stability levels in volleyball athletes and non-athletes. Nine female volleyball athletes and 10 active non-athletes participated in this study. Four encouters with participants were scheduled: three encounters in the bodybuilding gymnasium to collect anthropometric measures (weight, height for BMI, thigh circumference, which provided an initial diagnosis about asymmetry), and to perform the isometric strength test (i.e., leg press using a load cell and a force transducer to calculate uni an bilateral strength). The last encounter was in the laboratory where a balance test on a force platform was administered under five test conditions, with three repetitions each: baseline (natural standing position), one-leg standing, right side, with full vision (D_CV), and blindfolded (D_SV), one-leg standing, left side, with full vision (E_CV), and blindfolded (E_SV). The stability levels were evaluated using the path length parameters which was based on the total displacement of the center of pressure (DTCP). . Both groups shows asymmetric strength levels between legs, with better performance for the right leg. An ANOVA three way using the DTCP for the CV condition, legs (D x E), trials (3) with repeated measures for the first two factors and with a between (three)...


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The present study has for objective been to know the answers of performance indicators between different positions of volleyball and check for possible relationship between subjective perception referred by coach effort of volleyball athletes during training. Eleven athlete of the feminine sex, during eight weeks, 23 carried through sessions of training and eleven games, inferior members (Vertical Jump) and superiors had been evaluated by means of measures of explosive power in (Throw Medicine Ball), at the beginning and end of each week. For the verification of the subjective perceived of exertion it was used scales proposal for Foster (1998), to the end of each session of training. The collected data had been kept in computer file, producing information in the descriptive plan (measured central and dispersion) and the inferencial for the analysis of variance for the model with a factor complemented with the test of multiple comparisons of Tukey and linear correlation of Pearson. The results present as it has detached: i) the exercises specifics as content of bigger frequency in the training; ii) the test of vertical jump presented difference between the positions and, finally, iii) the subjective perceived of exertion between coach and athlete, he points that the trainer overestimates in 9,76% the perceived of the athletes. Such data are argued how much to the contents of the training as well as the load used in the interior of the process of preparation and monitoring of the training.


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Los datos antropom?tricos y motores de referencia, establecen una herramienta de gran utilidad en la valoraci?n de deportistas. A pesar de ello, no existen investigaciones de este tipo reportados con atletas colombianas de voleibol playa. La intenci?n de este estudio fue determinar las caracter?sticas antropom?tricas y motoras de las jugadoras colombianas de voleibol playa m?s representativas de circuito nacional, de tal forma sentar un precedente que permita establecer un punto de comparaci?n de las duplas colombianas con las duplas internacionales, as? mismo, mejorar la especificidad de los entrenamientos y del encaminamiento en el momento de realizar la selecci?n deportiva. Fueron evaluadas 6 duplas del g?nero femenino participantes de las paradas del circuito nacional de voleibol playa del a?o 2013 (12 jugadoras). La estatura present? valores que responden a 173 +/- 7 Cm, con un peso de 63 +/- 7 kg y un ?ndice de Masa Corporal de 21,11 donde un 45,58% corresponde a masa Muscular y un 17,64% a masa Grasa, el porcentaje de Masa Residual es de 20,90% y de Masa ?sea es solo un 15,88%, con predominancia de un somatotipo Central o balanceado. Con relaci?n a la media aritm?tica de la poblaci?n, el alcance a una mano oscila entre los 222 y 230 Cm mientras que el alcance a dos manos est? entre los 220 cm +/- 8 cm, en el Test de Sargent 1 Modificado para el voleibol (Remate) el promedio de alcance total es de 275,7 cm, diferenciado del el Test de Sargent 2 Modificado para el voleibol (Bloqueo) por -6,5 cm, de tal forma la potencia de miembros inferiores traducida en salto Neto total equivale a 53 cm para el remate y 48,5 cm para el bloqueo. Para los valores de tiempo en la ejecuci?n de los test motores las jugadoras se encuentran en un promedio normal-bueno de acuerdo a cada una las tablas de evaluaci?n realizadas para cada test.


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Single and continuous vertical jumping tests, as well as the Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT), are commonly used to assess the short-term muscle power of female volleyball players; however, the relationship among these tests has not been studied adequately. Thus, the aim of the present study was to examine the relationship of single and continuous vertical jumps with the WAnT in female volleyball players. Seventy adolescent (age 16.0 ˘ 1.0 years, body mass 62.5 ˘ 7.1 kg, height 170.4 ˘ 6.1 cm, body fat 24.2% ˘ 4.3%) and 108 adult female volleyball players (age 24.8 ˘ 5.2 years, body mass 66.5 ˘ 8.7 kg, height 173.2 ˘ 7.4 cm, body fat 22.0% ˘ 5.1%) performed the squat jump (SJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), Abalakov jump (AJ), 30 s Bosco test and WAnT (peak power, Ppeak; mean power, Pmean). Mean power in the Bosco test was correlated (low to large magnitude) with Pmean of the WAnT (r = 0.27, p = 0.030 in adolescents versus r = 0.56, p < 0.001 in adults). SJ, CMJ and AJ also correlated with Ppeak (0.28 ď r ď 0.46 in adolescents versus 0.58 ď r ď 0.61 in adults) and with Pmean (0.43 ď r ď 0.51 versus 0.67 ď r ď 0.71, respectively) of the WAnT (p < 0.05). In summary, the impact of the Bosco test and WAnT on muscle power varied, especially in the younger age group. Single jumping tests had larger correlations with WAnT in adults than in adolescent volleyball players. These findings should be taken into account by volleyball coaches and fitness trainers during the assessment of short-term muscle power of their athletes.