991 resultados para Virasoro algebra
In this paper we employ the construction of the Dirac bracket for the remaining current of sl(2) q deformed Kac-Moody algebra when constraints similar to those connecting the sl(2)-Wess-Zumino-Witten model and the Liouville theory are imposed to show that it satisfies the q-Virasoro algebra proposed by Frenkel and Reshetikhin The crucial assumption considered in our calculation is the existence of a classical Poisson bracket algebra induced in a consistent manner by the correspondence principle, mapping the quantum generators into commuting objects of classical nature preserving their algebra.
We define the Virasoro algebra action on imaginary Verma modules for affine and construct an analogue of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation in the operator form. Both these results are based on a realization of imaginary Verma modules in terms of sums of partial differential operators.
Les modèles sur réseau comme ceux de la percolation, d’Ising et de Potts servent à décrire les transitions de phase en deux dimensions. La recherche de leur solution analytique passe par le calcul de la fonction de partition et la diagonalisation de matrices de transfert. Au point critique, ces modèles statistiques bidimensionnels sont invariants sous les transformations conformes et la construction de théories des champs conformes rationnelles, limites continues des modèles statistiques, permet un calcul de la fonction de partition au point critique. Plusieurs chercheurs pensent cependant que le paradigme des théories des champs conformes rationnelles peut être élargi pour inclure les modèles statistiques avec des matrices de transfert non diagonalisables. Ces modèles seraient alors décrits, dans la limite d’échelle, par des théories des champs logarithmiques et les représentations de l’algèbre de Virasoro intervenant dans la description des observables physiques seraient indécomposables. La matrice de transfert de boucles D_N(λ, u), un élément de l’algèbre de Temperley- Lieb, se manifeste dans les théories physiques à l’aide des représentations de connectivités ρ (link modules). L’espace vectoriel sur lequel agit cette représentation se décompose en secteurs étiquetés par un paramètre physique, le nombre d de défauts. L’action de cette représentation ne peut que diminuer ce nombre ou le laisser constant. La thèse est consacrée à l’identification de la structure de Jordan de D_N(λ, u) dans ces représentations. Le paramètre β = 2 cos λ = −(q + 1/q) fixe la théorie : β = 1 pour la percolation et √2 pour le modèle d’Ising, par exemple. Sur la géométrie du ruban, nous montrons que D_N(λ, u) possède les mêmes blocs de Jordan que F_N, son plus haut coefficient de Fourier. Nous étudions la non diagonalisabilité de F_N à l’aide des divergences de certaines composantes de ses vecteurs propres, qui apparaissent aux valeurs critiques de λ. Nous prouvons dans ρ(D_N(λ, u)) l’existence de cellules de Jordan intersectorielles, de rang 2 et couplant des secteurs d, d′ lorsque certaines contraintes sur λ, d, d′ et N sont satisfaites. Pour le modèle de polymères denses critique (β = 0) sur le ruban, les valeurs propres de ρ(D_N(λ, u)) étaient connues, mais les dégénérescences conjecturées. En construisant un isomorphisme entre les modules de connectivités et un sous-espace des modules de spins du modèle XXZ en q = i, nous prouvons cette conjecture. Nous montrons aussi que la restriction de l’hamiltonien de boucles à un secteur donné est diagonalisable et trouvons la forme de Jordan exacte de l’hamiltonien XX, non triviale pour N pair seulement. Enfin nous étudions la structure de Jordan de la matrice de transfert T_N(λ, ν) pour des conditions aux frontières périodiques. La matrice T_N(λ, ν) a des blocs de Jordan intrasectoriels et intersectoriels lorsque λ = πa/b, et a, b ∈ Z×. L’approche par F_N admet une généralisation qui permet de diagnostiquer des cellules intersectorielles dont le rang excède 2 dans certains cas et peut croître indéfiniment avec N. Pour les blocs de Jordan intrasectoriels, nous montrons que les représentations de connectivités sur le cylindre et celles du modèle XXZ sont isomorphes sauf pour certaines valeurs précises de q et du paramètre de torsion v. En utilisant le comportement de la transformation i_N^d dans un voisinage des valeurs critiques (q_c, v_c), nous construisons explicitement des vecteurs généralisés de Jordan de rang 2 et discutons l’existence de blocs de Jordan intrasectoriels de plus haut rang.
The problem of the classification of the extensions of the Virasoro algebra is discussed. It is shown that all H-reduced G(r)-current algebras belong to one of the following basic algebraic structures: local quadratic W-algebras, rational U-algebras, nonlocal W-algebras, nonlocal quadratic WV-algebras and rational nonlocal UV-algebras. The main new features of the quantum Ir-algebras and their heighest weight representations are demonstrated on the example of the quantum V-3((1,1))-algebra.
We consider the Hamiltonian reduction of the two-loop Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten model (WZNW) based on an untwisted affine Kac-Moody algebra script Ĝ. The resulting reduced models, called Generalized Non-Abelian Conformal Affine Toda (G-CAT), are conformally invariant and a wide class of them possesses soliton solutions; these models constitute non-Abelian generalizations of the conformal affine Toda models. Their general solution is constructed by the Leznov-Saveliev method. Moreover, the dressing transformations leading to the solutions in the orbit of the vacuum are considered in detail, as well as the τ-functions, which are defined for any integrable highest weight representation of script Ĝ, irrespectively of its particular realization. When the conformal symmetry is spontaneously broken, the G-CAT model becomes a generalized affine Toda model, whose soliton solutions are constructed. Their masses are obtained exploring the spontaneous breakdown of the conformal symmetry, and their relation to the fundamental particle masses is discussed. We also introduce what we call the two-loop Virasoro algebra, describing extended symmetries of the two-loop WZNW models.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We construct higher-spin N = 1 superalgebras as extensions of the super-Virasoro algebra containing generators for all spins s ≥ 3/2. We find two distinct classical (Poisson) algebras on the phase superspace. Our results indicate that only one of them can be consistently quantized.
We construct a centerless W-infinity type of algebra in terms of a generator of a centerless Virasoro algebra and an abelian spin 1 current. This algebra conventionally emerges in the study of pseudo-differential operators on a circle or alternatively within KP hierarchy with Watanabe's bracket. Construction used here is based on a spherical deformation of the algebra W ∞ of area preserving diffeomorphisms of a 2-manifold. We show that this deformation technique applies to the two-loop WZNW and conformal affine Toda models, establishing henceforth W ∞ invariance of these models.
It is known that the Camassa–Holm (CH) equation describes pseudo-spherical surfaces and that therefore its integrability properties can be studied by geometrical means. In particular, the CH equation admits nonlocal symmetries of “pseudo-potential type”: the standard quadratic pseudo-potential associated with the geodesics of the pseudo-spherical surfaces determined by (generic) solutions to CH, allows us to construct a covering π of the equation manifold of CH on which nonlocal symmetries can be explicitly calculated. In this article, we present the Lie algebra of (first-order) nonlocal π-symmetries for the CH equation, and we show that this algebra contains a semidirect sum of the loop algebra over sl(2,R) and the centerless Virasoro algebra. As applications, we compute explicit solutions, we construct a Darboux transformation for the CH equation, and we recover its recursion operator. We also extend our results to the associated Camassa–Holm equation introduced by J. Schiff.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
We show that the partition function of the super eigenvalue model satisfies, for finite N (non-perturbatively), an infinite set of constraints with even spins s = 4, 6, . . . , ∞. These constraints are associated with half of the bosonic generators of the super (W∞/2 ⊕ W1+∞/2) algebra. The simplest constraint (s = 4) is shown to be reducible to the super Virasoro constraints, previously used to construct the model.
Given a separable unital C*-algebra C with norm parallel to center dot parallel to, let E-n denote the Banach-space completion of the C-valued Schwartz space on R-n with norm parallel to f parallel to(2)=parallel to < f, f >parallel to(1/2), < f, g >=integral f(x)* g(x)dx. The assignment of the pseudodifferential operator A=a(x,D) with C-valued symbol a(x,xi) to each smooth function with bounded derivatives a is an element of B-C(R-2n) defines an injective mapping O, from B-C(R-2n) to the set H of all operators with smooth orbit under the canonical action of the Heisenberg group on the algebra of all adjointable operators on the Hilbert module E-n. In this paper, we construct a left-inverse S for O and prove that S is injective if C is commutative. This generalizes Cordes' description of H in the scalar case. Combined with previous results of the second author, our main theorem implies that, given a skew-symmetric n x n matrix J and if C is commutative, then any A is an element of H which commutes with every pseudodifferential operator with symbol F(x+J xi), F is an element of B-C(R-n), is a pseudodifferential operator with symbol G(x - J xi), for some G is an element of B-C(R-n). That was conjectured by Rieffel.
We describe the realization of the super-Reshetikhin-Semenov-Tian-Shansky (RS) algebra in quantum affine superalgebras, thus generalizing the approach of Frenkel and Reshetikhin to the supersymmetric (and twisted) case. The algebraic homomorphism between the super-RS algebra and the Drinfeld current realization of quantum affine superalgebras is established by using the Gauss decomposition technique of Ding and Frenkel. As an application, we obtain Drinfeld realization of quantum affine superalgebra U-q [osp(1/2)((1))] and its degeneration - central extended super-Yangian double DY(h over bar) [osp(1/2)((1))].
We present an anisotropic correlated electron model on a periodic lattice, constructed from an R-matrix associated with the Temperley-Lieb algebra. By modification of the coupling of the first and last sites we obtain a model with quantum algebra invariance.