997 resultados para Verbal interactions


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Notre recherche vise à décrire les connaissances grammaticales élaborées par des élèves de première secondaire au cours de l’enseignement/apprentissage de l’accord du verbe. Cette description se fonde sur l’observation des interactions didactiques entre les élèves, et leur enseignant autour de l’objet de savoir « accord du verbe » : elle concerne plus particulièrement l’interaction entre les pôles « élève » et « savoir ». Notre recherche s’inscrit dans le courant de la grammaire pédagogique moderne. La théorie de la transposition didactique de Chevallard (1985/1991) constitue également la pierre angulaire de nos travaux : les concepts de transposition didactique externe (le passage du savoir savant au savoir à enseigner) et interne (le passage du savoir à enseigner au savoir effectivement enseigné) agissent à titre d’analyseurs des interactions didactiques. L’observation, la description et la théorisation des interactions didactiques imposent une démarche écologique pour la collecte des données. Pour notre recherche, les données ont été recueillies grâce à la captation vidéo de séquences didactiques portant sur l’accord du verbe : elles consistent en des interactions verbales entre élèves ou entre les élèves et leur enseignant. L’analyse des données s’est effectuée selon une perspective macro et micro : (1) L’analyse macro indique que les connaissances antérieures des élèves résistent à l’institutionnalisation des savoirs puisque le savoir enseigné n’est pas celui qui est exclusivement mobilisé. Les élèves recourent à un vaste éventail de connaissances de types procédural et déclaratif pour l’identification du verbe et du sujet, dont la réussite n’est par ailleurs pas assurée. De plus, les connaissances qu’ils ont élaborées autour de la règle d’accord et du transfert des traits morphologiques sont également nombreuses et variées et ne les conduisent pas à accorder le verbe avec constance. (2) L’analyse micro suggère que l’élaboration des connaissances relatives à l’accord du verbe dépend de la manière dont les outils de la grammaire (manipulations syntaxiques et phrase de base) sont utilisés par les élèves. Plus précisément, le savoir piétine ou recule lorsque les manipulations syntaxiques ne sont pas appliquées dans la phrase ou qu’elles ne sont pas adaptées dans certains contextes syntaxiques; le savoir fait des bonds en avant dans les classes où les élèves sont en mesure de recourir à la phrase de base pour soutenir leur analyse grammaticale. Les descriptions proposées dans le cadre de notre thèse conduisent à discuter de leurs implications pour la transposition didactique externe et, plus généralement, pour la didactique du français et de la grammaire.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this article, we discuss our experiences of using photography and video while observing contentious parades and protests in Belfast. We show how our use of these methods drew us into a series of unplanned for non-verbal interactions with other event participants who were also freely and abundantly using photographic and filming equipment to capture their own images. This interactive use of photography and video affected us emotionally and influenced what we noticed and what we omitted in our observations. In particular, it forced us to reflect upon and question our role as researchers in the events we observed and in the changing balance of power between researchers and researched.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Educação (Didática da Matemática), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2012


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This practice-based PhD is comprised of two interrelated elements: (i) ‘(un)childhood’, a 53’ video-essay shown on two screens; and (ii) a 58286 word written thesis. The project, which is contextualised within the tradition of artists working with their own children on time-based art projects, explores a new approach to timebased artistic work about childhood. While Stan Brakhage (1933-2003), Ernie Gher (1943-), Erik Bullot (1963-) and Mary Kelly (1941-) all documented, photographed and filmed their children over a period of years to produce art projects (experimental films and a time-based installation), these projects were implicitly underpinned by a construction of childhood in which children, shown as they grow, represent the abstract primitive subject. The current project challenges the convention of representing children entirely from the adult’s point of view, as aesthetic objects without a voice, as well as through the artist’s chronological approach to time. Instead, this project focuses on the relational joining of the child’s and adult’s points of view. The artist worked on a video project with her own son over a four-and-a-half year period (between the ages of 5 and 10) through which she developed her ‘relational video-making’ methodology. The video-essay (un)childhood performs the relational voices of childhood as resulting from the verbal interactions of both children and adults. The non-chronological nature of(un)childhood offers an alternative to the linear-temporal approach to the representation of childhood. Through montage and a number of literal allusions to time in its dialogue, (un)childhood performs the relational times of childhood by combining children’s lives in the present with the temporal dimensions that have traditionally constructed childhood: past, future and timeless.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Intervenção Precoce


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The introduction of computer and communications technology, and particularly the internet, into education has opened up some new possibilities for teaching and learning. Courses designed and delivered in an online environment offer the possibility of highly interactive and individually focussed teaching and learning experiences. However, online courses also present new challenges for both teachers and students. A qualitative study was conducted to explore teachers' perceptions about the similarities and differences in teaching in the online and face-to-face (F2F) environments. Focus group discussions were held with 5 teachers; 2 teachers were interviewed in depth. The participants, 3 female and 2 male, were full-time teachers from a large College of Applied Arts & Technology in southern Ontario. Each of them had over 10 years of F2F teaching experience and each had been involved in the development and teaching of at least one online course. i - -; The study focussed on how teaching in the online environment compares with teaching in the F2F environment, what roles teachers and students adopt in each setting, what learning communities mean online and F2F and how they are developed, and how institutional policies, procedures, and infrastructure affect teaching and learning F2F and online. This study was emic in nature, that is the teachers' words determine the themes identified throughout the study. The factors identified as affecting teaching in an online environment included teacher issues such as course design, motivation to teach online, teaching style, role, characteristics or skills, and strategies. Student issues as perceived by the teachers included learning styles, role, and characteristics or skills. As well, technology issues such as a reliable infrastructure, clear role and responsibilities for maintaining the infrastructure, support, and multimedia capability affected teaching online. Finally, administrative policies and procedures, including teacher selection and training, registration and scheduling procedures, intellectual property and workload policies, and the development and communication of a comprehensive strategic plan were found to impact on teaching online. The teachers shared some of the benefits they perceived about teaching online as well as some of the challenges they had faced and challenges they perceived students had faced online. Overall, the teachers feh that there were more similarities than differences in teaching between the two environments, with the main differences being the change from F2F verbal interactions involving body language to online written interactions without body language cues, and the fundamental reliance on technology in the online environment. These findings support previous research in online teaching and learning, and add teachers' perspectives on the factors that stay the same and the factors that change when moving from a F2F environment to an online environment.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Na presente dissertação relato minhas inquietações profissionais intrinsecamente ligadas ao desconforto que eu percebia estar produzindo em meus alunos, a partir de uma prática docente, que, em muitos aspectos, necessitava de reformulações e adequações aos novos tempos. Era uma prática docente fundada nos pressupostos da ciência moderna, que pretendia descrever a realidade por leis deterministas, exatas, hierarquizadas e compartimentalizadas. Buscando transformar minha prática, (re)construí, na interação com meus pares, a proposta de um laboratório de Educação Matemática. As atividades desse laboratório deviam proporcionar uma fértil ambiência de interações verbais, despertando uma participação ativa dos alunos na construção de conhecimento. Com a certeza de que precisava ampliar a reflexão sobre meu trabalho docente, (re)construí uma nova visão pessoal de ciência, me apoiando nas idéias de alguns filósofos que se aproximam de um olhar transdisciplinar e do que tem sido chamado de ciência pós-moderna. Com esta nova concepção, procurei articular a Educação Matemática com os postulados da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural, a fim de me apropriar de ferramentas teórico-metodológicas para investigar minha prática docente. Na presente dissertação, relato uma análise microgenética de minha interação com dois alunos em uma atividade típica do laboratório de Educação Matemática: a aprendizagem da solução lógico-aritimética otimizada de um jogo com regras, o Nim. Filmei as 36 partidas que joguei com os alunos até que eles descobrissem a estratégia otimizada do jogo e depois as transcrevi, integralmente. A análise mostrou três momentos da construção da estratégia otimizada: a formulação e (re)formulação de hipóteses; a seleção, aplicação e teste de hipóteses e a transferência do raciocínio construído para a formulação de novas hipóteses. Observei transições genéticas em todos os momentos e mudanças nos padrões interativos que ora refletiam uma abordagem comunicativa predominantemente dialógica (no primeiro e terceiro momento), ora de autoridade (no segundo momento). Percebi como os alunos, interagindo comigo, desenvolveram a capacidade de regular suas próprias ações para resolver o problema que os desafiavam.


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Este trabalho analisa a construção discursiva das identidades sociais em três interações com menores infratores sob o regime semiliberdade. O objetivo desta investigação é correlacionar língua e identidades. Para isto, o estudo começa por problematizar as idéias sobre o sujeito e sua identificação com diferentes centros sociais numa sociedade moderna e plural. Destaca, também, a influência das instituições na formação identitária do indivíduo, especialmente das instituições reguladoras para menores infratores e do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA). Assim, relaciona o estigma, socialmente construído, às contingências identitárias com os quais os menores se deparam nas interações verbais. Deste modo, recorre a abordagens teóricas que consideram a língua em seu contexto social, como a Sociolingüística Interacional e as teorias da Enunciação, como também a outras áreas do conhecimento, como os Estudos Culturais e a Psicologia Social. É uma investigação de cunho interpretativista e etnográfico que analisa a construção das identidades sociais por meio de diferentes alinhamentos e enquadres no discurso, e estuda a relação do discurso dos adolescentes com os discursos que circulam na unidade onde estão e na sociedade. Para tanto, entrevistas com funcionários e pessoas que visitam o referido local foram realizadas, assim como notas de campo sobre a situação social dos participantes foram tomadas. O trabalho observa as identidades emergentes mais relevantes no discurso dos menores, tais como a identidade estigmatizada, a identidade religiosa, as familiares e a identidade da transformação, sempre formadas na sua necessária relação com o outro. A análise revela o conflito entre a identidade do infrator e as identidades, consideradas socialmente como normais, o que demonstra a complexidade das identidades sociais e suscita novas problematizações a serem consideradas em pesquisas futuras.


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This research intend to situate the process of literacy as a practice interlocutive acquisition of written language, through which students interact with each other and the teacher, and through these interactions are constituted as a subject of dialogue and history. So he had as an aim to investigate through the key concepts of dialogism Bakhtin and discourse analysis, the possibilities of teaching and learning of reading and writing, using language in use, showing the dialogical practices in order to demonstrate that the verbal interactions that result from the actual discursive situations, actually originated in the classroom, from working with the genre can guide the teaching of reading and writing and its social use. Therefore, I base this research on the methodological framework of literature and field. This takes place in view of observed teaching practice related to the early years of literacy and, therefore, to investigate such activities are carried out that reading and writing during the teaching of mother tongue, as are utilized practices of orality and literacy in room classroom and, even if the teacher makes use of this type of language for the acquisition of written language. The results of analysis of data collected by the instruments used, namely, questionnaires, systematic observation and textual production of the students, point to the fact that the literacy teaching practices, classroom researched are far from forming a student literate because the fact of the teachers surveyed knew not the key content for teaching the language, means that they will lead to literacy, from the point of view of language as a monologic process.


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Objectives The present study investigated the predictive value of the explicit and implicit affiliation motive for social behavior in sport competitions. From an information processing perspective, an explicit motive is linked to verbal cues and respondent behavior. The implicit motive in turn is linked to nonverbal stimuli and operant behavior (McClelland, Koestner, & Weinberger, 1989; Schultheiss, 2008). Both respondent affiliative behavior (e.g., verbal interactions with teammates) and operant nonverbal social behavior (e.g., pleasant to opponents) can be observed in racquet sports team competitions. Design & Methods Fifty-two male racquet sportsmen completed the Personality Research Form (explicit affiliation motive) and the Operant Motive Test (implicit affiliation motive). Motive measures were used to predict social behavior during competitions using multiple regression analyses. To this aim real competitive matches were videotaped and analyzed. Results Results show that the explicit affiliation motive is associated with time spent in verbal team contact. The implicit affiliation motive, by contrast, is linked to pleasant nonverbal behavior shown toward opponents. Conclusions Findings suggest that implicit and explicit affiliation motives predict different kinds of social behavior in sports competition respectively. Indirect motive measures may be of additional predictive value for different behavior in real sports settings.


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El análisis de las acciones verbales que tienen lugar en las clases proporciona información sobre las prácticas docentes. Los seres humanos contamos con el lenguaje como herramienta fundamental para comunicarnos y construir conocimiento. La reflexión sobre su uso, concretamente el uso que los docentes hacen de este instrumento netamente humano en sus prácticas, es esencial para acrecentar nuestro conocimiento acerca de la tarea docente.
Desde el área de la Didáctica de la Lengua y los enfoques teóricos de la Teoría de la actividad (Leontiev, 1983) y el Interaccionismo socio-discursivo (Bronckart, 1997/2004, 2007), emprendemos este trabajo que se circunscribe al material resultado de las observaciones de clases de Educación Física de nivel primario de escuelas públicas de San Carlos de Bariloche (Río Negro-Argentina). La metodología consiste en convertir los textos orales de las clases en registros escritos para estudiar su organización interna según tres niveles superpuestos, tal como Bronckart (1997/2004) plantea. El resultado es un trabajo de corte cualitativo en el que se estudian en profundidad los contenidos actitudinales presentes en las clases.
Nuestro objetivo es estudiar las interacciones docente-alumnos en el medio social áulico para determinar a través de qué actividades los docentes propiciamos el desarrollo de nuestros alumnos. Es decir, analizar cómo a través de los enunciados de los docentes, se construye el medio ambiente social y cultural (Voloshinov, 1992; Riestra, 2011) en las clases de Educación física.