999 resultados para Variação do PE


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Partindo do quadro teórico-metodológico da sociolinguística laboviana, o presente trabalho procura analisar as crenças e as atitudes linguísticas que os falantes madeirenses têm das variedades e da variação sintática do Português Europeu (Doravante considerada como PE). Atendendo a estes pressupostos teórico-metodológicos, pretende- se verificar se os fatores sociais, tais como, idade, género, nível de escolaridade e localidade, condicionam as perceções dos falantes madeirenses. A análise, de tipo quantitativo e com o recurso ao programa SPSS, tem por base a realização de um questionário aplicado a uma amostra de 126 inquiridos, distribuídos por sete localidades da Madeira. Os principais resultados deste estudo mostram a preferência dos informantes madeirenses, nos seus juízos avaliativos, pela sua variedade, seguida de perto pela variedade de Lisboa, considerada a mais próxima do PE padrão. Relativamente à variação sintática do PE, foi possível elaborar um continuum percetivo de algumas variantes não padrão, no qual a construção sem realização de OD, surge como sendo a preferida pelos inquiridos madeirenses (polo positivo), e a construção com OD realizado pelo clítico lhe, a mais rejeitada e estigmatizada (polo negativo).


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The air temperature is a climatic element of interest for several agricultural related studies. Hence, daily air temperature from two locations in Brazil (Botucatu and Petrolina, with different climate classification), hourly recorded from January 2004 to December 2005, were analysed to verify if 24 h long air temperature variation can be predicted with 6 h interval records. Three data set were selected, with different first time record of air temperature, and analyses performed using geoestatistics to confirm the temporal dependency of records. Then, ordinary krigging was used to model air temperature variation within 1 h interval, and spherical model presented the best approach, with range of 11.6 h for Botucatu and 12.7 for Petrolina. For both locations, the time of air temperature recording was the most importnat factor on accuracy of estimation of air temperature variation. Records at 2, 8, 14 and 20 h and at 4, 10, 16 and 22 h presented the best approaches, but for records at 9, 15 and 21 h, the approach was worst.


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O sistema estuarino-lagunar da Bacia do Pina e Rio Capibaribe situa-se no Recife (PE) Brasil, formado pela confluência dos rios Capibaribe, Tejipió, Jiquiá, Jordão e Pina, de grande importância para a Região Metropolitana do Recife. A variação vertical da porcentagem de carbonato de cálcio (CaCO3) no ambiente e a susceptibilidade magnética são ferramentas utilizadas para identificar o processo sedimentar dominante durante a deposição em ambientes costeiros e marinhos, podendo ser de origem marinha ou continental. Foi recuperado um testemunho, com 109 cm, localizado no setor médio do sistema estuarino. Os valores de susceptibilidade foram obtidos com o medidor da marca Bartington MS 2C, descritos visualmente quanto a granulometria e estruturas sedimentares, sub-amostrados em intervalos de 2 cm para a %CaCO3. Os valores de susceptibilidade variaram de 1 a 24 SI, os valores de carbonato variaram de 1,56 a 41,17 %. De acordo com a descrição visual foi observado a presença de granocrescência ascendente entre areia fina a média, cascalho biodetríticos, fragmentos de CaCO3, camadas de lama com matéria orgânica, fragmentos plásticos em algumas profundidades e a presença de uma camada de cascalho terrígeno. Por ser um ambiente de transição continental/marinho, a variação da sedimentação possivelmente está associada ao regime pluviométrico, onde em períodos chuvosos o sedimento fino presente no ambiente é remobilizado, e no período seco a pouca vazão fluvial favorece a deposição de finos. No intervalo 14 – 16 cm foi observado a maior porcentagem de CaCO3 indicando influência marinha durante a sedimentação. Diversos pulsos de sedimentação predominantemente terrígena foram observados na coluna sedimentar, representados por picos mais altos de susceptibilidade magnética provavelmente associados à ciclicidade das cheias do rio Capibaribe. As variações verticais de carbonato e da susceptibilidade obtidas foram importantes na identificação da variabilidade de influência terrígena ou marinha durante o processo de sedimentação recente no estuário


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A criação de uniões, como a União Europeia e o Mercosul, o aumento do intercâmbio de mercadorias, de informações e conhecimentos, etc. estabelece novos trabalhos na área da Terminologia Científica e Técnica, tanto bilíngue como monolíngue, inclusive entre variantes de uma mesma língua, como o Português Brasileiro (PB) e o Português Europeu (PE), o que torna relevante o conhecimento das variantes fraseoterminológicas entre duas normas linguísticas para o especialista e para o tradutor. Sendo a Culinária uma área que proporciona vários tipos de intercâmbios, como linguístico, cultural, mercantil, etc. e, dessa forma, necessitando trocar conhecimentos, nosso estudo propõe, através de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar que engloba a Terminologia, numa ótica variacionista, a Fraseologia e a Linguística de Corpus, estabelecer critérios para identificar, emparelhar, contrastar e descrever as unidades fraseoterminológicas (UFT) da Culinária do PB e do PE, almejando, por conseguinte, estruturá-las numa ferramenta que seja útil aos especialistas, estudantes e tradutores dessa área. O desenvolvimento deste trabalho está organizado em sete capítulos. O primeiro, apresenta a Culinária, traçando um panorama histórico dessa área, e estabelece o mapa conceitual da Culinária que, além de servir para a organização das relações conceituais no dicionário, limita o universo da pesquisa. O segundo aborda a variação em Terminologia, bem como as principais tendências da Terminologia que aceitam a variação terminológica. O terceiro explana a Fraseologia, desde a língua corrente até à língua de especialidade, e estabelece os critérios para recolha dos candidatos a UFT da Culinária. O quarto apresenta brevemente a Linguística de Corpus e traça os caminhos seguidos para a constituição dos dois corpora textuais da Culinária, compostos de receitas culinárias e técnicas de preparo, os quais serviram para o levantamento da terminologia. O quinto trata da coleta e organização das unidades fraseoterminológicas da Culinária em PB bem como das respectivas variantes em PE e seu armazenamento em Base de Dados. O sexto, analisa a variação entre os pares de UFT selecionados para esse fim, descreve os contrastes detectados, e apresenta uma tipologia contrastiva dessas UFT variantes entre PB e PE. O sétimo apresenta o projeto do Dicionário Fraseológico Contrastivo de Culinária: Português Brasileiro - Português Europeu, descrevendo suas partes e o sistema de remissivas. Com base nas reflexões teóricas e na análise dos dados recolhidos, pudemos, além de identificar, emparelhar e descrever as diferentes formas assumidas do discurso da Culinária pelas UFT, chegar a um projeto de dicionário fraseoterminológico, cuja microestrutura possibilitará, mais que compreender o significado da UT, encontrar elementos para produzir um texto, visando, desse modo, as necessidades reais de tradutores e redatores, que carecem de recursos para o uso adequado das UFT presentes nas línguas de especialidade. Os resultados obtidos reafirmam que a variação terminológica é um fenômeno inerente aos domínios de especialidade, assim como às línguas naturais em que estão inseridas e, portanto, não deve ser ignorado na hora de elaborar dicionários terminológicos.


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In this study were conducted experimental procedures for determination of variation of the expandability of rigid polyurethane foam (PUR) from a natural oil polyol (NOP), specifically the Castor oil plant, Ricinus communis, pure and additions of the vermiculite in phase dispersed in different percentage within a range from 0% to 20%, mass replacement. From the information acquired, were defined the parameters for production of bodies of test, plates obtained through controlled expansion, with the final volume fixed. Initially, the plates were subjected to thermal performance tests and evaluated the temperature profiles, to later be extracted samples duly prepared in accordance with the conditions required for each test. Was proceeded then the measurement of the coefficient of thermal conductivity, volumetric capacity heat and thermal diffusivity. The findings values were compared with the results obtained in the tests of thermal performance, contributing to validation of the same. Ultimately, it was investigated the influence that changes in physical-chemical structure of the material had exerted on the variation of thermophysical quantities through gas pycnometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) combined with energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (EDXRF), infrared spectroscopy using Fourier transform (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). Based on the results obtained was possible to demonstrate that all load percentage analyzed promoted an increase in the potential expansion (PE) of the resin. In production of the plates, the composites with density near at the free expansion presented high contraction during the cure, being the of higher density adopted as definitive standard. In the thermal performance tests, the heating and cooling curves of the different composites had presented symmetry and values very close for lines of the temperature. The results obtained for the thermophysical properties of composites, showed little difference in respect of pure foam. The percentage of open pores and irregularities in the morphology of the composites were proportionate to the increment of vermiculite. In the interaction between the matrix and dispersed phase, there were no chemical transformations in the region of interface and new compounds were not generated. The composites of PUR-NOP and vermiculite presented thermal insulating properties near the foam pure and percentage significantly less plastic in its composition, to the formulation with 10% of load


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Muitas áreas com solos arenosos vêm sendo irrigadas de modo inadequado devido a falta de conhecimentos, particularmente físico-hídricos, causando desperdícios da água e insumos, concorrendo para o aumento do custo de produção agrícola e degradação ambiental. Com o objetivo de gerar conhecimentos sobre aspectos relacionados com parâmetros físicos e hídricos dos solos arenosos irrigados no Projeto de irrigação Apolônio Sales em Petrolândia - PE foram realizados estudos hidropedológicos centrados principalmente nas determinações do movimento e armazenamento da água no solo. Foram selecionados 05 lotes irrigados onde foram descritos e amostrados perfis de Neossolos Quartzarênicos e avaliada a velocidade de infiltração básica, a capacidade de infiltração capacidade de campo dos solos. Os perfis analisados apresentam pequenas diferenças quanto à textura em profundidade, diretamente relacionadas às variações dos parâmetros hidrodinâmicos estudados. Nos solos com textura areia em superfície e tendendo a areia franca em subsuperfície, os valores médios das taxas de infiltração básica variaram entre 286 e 904 mm/h. Já nas repetições dos testes, iniciados com o solo no estado úmido (em torno da capacidade de campo), a faixa de variação dos valores médios de 228 e 413 mm/h. Solos com textura somente na classe areia, os valores médios dos testes situaram-se na faixa de 604 e 668 mm/h. Nas repetições dos testes, a variação média das taxas de infiltração foi de 190 e 292 mm/h. Tais valores caracterizam taxas de infiltração rápida a muito rápida. Com relação ao armazenamento hídrico, as diferenças mais notáveis entre os solos, indicam que estão relacionadas ao conteúdo e a distribuição das frações mais finas nos perfis dos solos.


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PERWAPI is a component for reading and writing .NET PE-files. The name is a compound acronym for Program Executable – Reader/Writer – Application Programming Interface. The code was written by one of us (Diane Corney) with some contributions from some of the early users of the tool. PERWAPI is a managed component, written entirely in safe C#. The design of the writer part of the component is loosely based on Diane Corney’s previous PEAPI component. It is open source software, and is released under a “FreeBSD-like” license. The source may be downloaded from “http://plas.fit.qut.edu.au/perwapi/” As of the date of this document the code has facilities for reading and writing PEfiles compatible with the latest (beta-2) release of the ”Whidbey” version of .NET, that is, the Visual Studio 2005 framework. An invocation option allows earlier versions of the framework to be targeted.


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PERWAPI is a component for reading and writing .NET PE-files. The name is a compound acronym for Program Executable – Reader/Writer – Application Programming Interface. The code was written by one of us (Diane Corney) with some contributions from some of the early users of the tool. PERWAPI is a managed component, written entirely in safe C#. The design of the writer part of the component is loosely based on Diane Corney’s previous PEAPI component. It is open source software, and is released under a “FreeBSD-like” license. The source may be downloaded from “http://perwapi.codeplex.com”. As of the date of this document the code has facilities for reading and writing PEfiles compatible with the V2 or later frameworks.


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The aim of the thesis was to compare the correspondence of the outcome a computer assisted program appearance compared to the original image. The aspect of the study was directed to embroidery with household machines. The study was made from the usability point of view with Brother's PE-design 6.0 embroidery design programs two automatic techniques; multicoloured fragment design and multicoloured stitch surface design. The study's subject is very current because of the fast development of machine embroidery. The theory is based on history of household sewing machines, embroidery sewing machines, stitch types in household sewing machines, embroidery design programs as well as PE-design 6.0 embroidery design program's six automatic techniques. Additionally designing of embroidery designs were included: original image, digitizing, punching, applicable sewing threads as well as the connection between embroidery designs and materials used on embroidery. Correspondences of sewn appearances were examined with sewing experimental methods. 18 research samples of five original image were sewn with both techniques. Experiments were divided into four testing stages in design program. Every testing stage was followed by experimental sewing with Brother Super Galaxie 3100D embroidery machine. Experiments were reported into process files and forms made for the techniques. Research samples were analysed on images syntactic bases with sensory perception assessment. Original images and correspondence of the embroidery appearances were analysed with a form made of it. The form was divided into colour and shape assessment in five stage-similarity-scale. Based on this correspondence analysis it can be said that with both automatic techniques the best correspondence of colour and shape was achieved by changing the standard settings and using the makers own thread chart and edited original image. According to the testing made it is impossible to inform where the image editing possibilities of the images are sufficient or does the optimum correspondence need a separate program. When aiming at correspondence between appearances of two images the computer is unable to trace by itself the appearance of the original image. Processing a computer program assisted embroidery image human perception and personal decision making are unavoidable.


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The Game Sense coaching approach emphasises the modification of game elements or the development of modified games to achieve learning outcomes. In this article we will introduce the constraints-led approach to learning and demonstrate how the theory can underpin the design of games lessons ensuring that teachers give themselves the best chance of satisfying the skill acquisition and psychological needs of every child in PE.


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Low-cycle fatigue (LCF) responses of NIMONIC PE-16 for various prior microstructures and strain amplitudes have been evaluated and the fatigue behavior has been explained in terms of the operative deformation mechanisms. Total strain-controlled LCF tests were performed at 923 K on samples possessing three different prior microstructures: alloy A in solution-annealed condition (free of γ′ and carbides), alloy B with double aging treatment (spherical γ′ of 18-nm diameter and M23C6), and alloy C with another double aging treatment (γ′ of size 35 nm, MC and M23C6). All three microstructures exhibited an intial cyclic hardening followed by a period of gradual softening at 923 K. Coffin-Manson plots describing the plastic strain amplitudevs number of reversals to failure showed that alloy A had maximum fatigue life while C showed the least. Alloy B exhibited a two-slope behavior in the Coffin-Manson plot over the strain amplitudes investigated. This has been ascribed to the change in the degree of homogeneity of deformation at high and low strain amplitudes. Transmission electron microscopic studies were carried out to characterize the various deformation mechanisms and precipitation reactions occurring during fatigue testign. Fresh precipitation of fine γ′ was confirmed by the development of “mottled contrast” in alloy C. Evidence for the shearing of the ordered γ′ precipitates was revealed by the presence of superdislocations in alloy C. Repeated shearing during cyclic loading led to the reduction in the size of the γ′ and consequent softening. Coarser γ′ precipitates were associated with Orowan loops. The observed fatigue behavior has been rationalized based on the micromechanisms stated above and on the degree of homogenization of slip assessed by slipband spacing measurements on tested samples.


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Strain-rate effects on the low-cycle fatigue (LCF) behavior of a NIMONIC PE-16 superalloy have been evaluated in the temperature range of 523 to 923 K. Total-strain-controlled fatigue tests were per-formed at a strain amplitude of +/-0.6 pct on samples possessing two different prior microstructures: microstructure A, in the solution-annealed condition (free of gamma' and carbides); and microstructure B, in a double-aged condition with gamma' of 18-nm diameter and M23C6 carbides. The cyclic stress response behavior of the alloy was found to depend on the prior microstructure, testing temperature, and strain rate. A softening regime was found to be associated with shearing of ordered gamma' that were either formed during testing or present in the prior microstructure. Various manifestations of dynamic strain aging (DSA) included negative strain rate-stress response, serrations on the stress-strain hysteresis loops, and increased work-hardening rate. The calculated activation energy matched well with that for self-diffusion of Al and Ti in the matrix. Fatigue life increased with an increase in strain rate from 3 x 10(-5) to 3 x 10(-3) s-1, but decreased with further increases in strain rate. At 723 and 823 K and low strain rates, DSA influenced the deformation and fracture behavior of the alloy. Dynamic strain aging increased the strain localization in planar slip bands, and impingement of these bands caused internal grain-boundary cracks and reduced fatigue life. However, at 923 K and low strain rates, fatigue crack initiation and propagation were accelerated by high-temperature oxidation, and the reduced fatigue life was attributed to oxidation-fatigue interaction. Fatigue life was maximum at the intermediate strain rates, where strain localization was lower. Strain localization as a function of strain rate and temperature was quantified by optical and scanning electron microscopy and correlated with fatigue life.


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India already has earned the dubious distinction of being one of the countries with the highest incidence of tuberculosis (TB). The conventional control measures have had little impact on the relentless march of the TB epidemic. Potential solutions to this problem include the development of new drugs and an effective TB vaccine. In this perspective, identification of the mycobacterial components that have important role(s) in the establishment of the infection assumes crucial importance. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an intracellular pathogen and it resides inside the macrophage, which is considered to be the most important component of the immune system. M. tuberculosis possesses two highly polymorphic sets of genes called the PE and PPE families. These unique families of proteins account for about 10% of the mycobacterial genome and have drawn considerable interest from different schools of M. tuberculosis researchers across the globe. In this review, we discuss the importance of these proteins in the regulation of dendritic cell and macrophage immune-effector functions, as well as the relevance of these proteins in the clinical manifestation of TB. This information may be helpful to better understand the immunological importance of PE/PPE proteins and their roles in mycobacterial virulence. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.