998 resultados para UNDERGROUND SYSTEMS
In the Brazilian Cerrado (neotropical savanna), the development of bud-bearing underground systems as adaptive structures to fire and dry periods can comprise an important source of buds for this ecosystem, as already demonstrated in the Brazilian Campos grasslands and North American prairies. Asteraceae species from both woody and herbaceous strata have subterranean organs that accumulate carbohydrates, reinforcing the adaptive strategy of these plants to different environmental conditions. This study aims to analyse the morpho-anatomy of underground systems of six species of Asteraceae (Mikania cordifolia L.f. Willd., Mikania sessilifolia DC, Trixis nobilis (Vell.) Katinas, Pterocaulon alopecuroides (Lam.) DC., Vernonia elegans Gardner and Vernonia megapotamica Spreng.), to describe these structures and to verify the occurrence and origin of shoot buds, and to analyse the presence of reserve substances. Individuals sampled in Cerrado areas in São Paulo State showed thick underground bud-bearing organs, with adventitious or lateral roots and presence of fructans. Xylopodium was found in all studied species, except for Trixis nobilis, which had stem tuber. The presence of fructans as reserve, and the capacity of structures in the formation of buds indicate the potential of herbaceous species of Asteraceae in forming a viable bud bank for vegetation regeneration in the Brazilian Cerrado.
MARTINS, A. R. (Institute of Biology, State University of Campinas - UNICAMP, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil), N. PUT, (Division of Biology and Education, University of Vechta, 49377 Vechta, Germany), A. N. SOARES, A.B BOMB, and B. APPEZZATO DA GLORIA (Biological Science Department, Escola Superior de Agricultura `Luiz de Queiroz`, University of Sao Paulo, 13418-900, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil). J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 137: 220-235. 2010.-New approaches to underground systems in Brazilian Smilax species (Smilacaceae). Scientific studies show that the watery extract of the thickened underground stem and its adventitious roots of the genus Smilax can act as a therapeutic agent in immunoinflammatory disorders, such as rheumatic arthritis. Brazilians have used this genus of plants in folk medicine, however it is very hard to identify these species, since the morphology of the underground systems is very similar in this group. For better identification of those systems, we studied six species of Smilax L. (S. brasiliensis, S. campestris, S. cissoides, S. goyazana, S. oblongifolia and S. rufescens), collected in different regions of Brazil with different physiognomies and soil characteristics. The main purpose is to describe the morpho-anatomy of the underground systems and to analyze if their structure depends on environmental conditions. The underground stem (rhizophore) is of brown color and it is knotty, massive, slender (S. rufescens) or tuberous (S. brasiliensis, S. campestris, S. cissoides, S. goyazana and S. oblongifolia). The tuberization is a result of primary thickened meristem (PTM) activity. The color and thickness of the adventitious roots change during development because the epidermis and outer cortex are disposed of, so the inner cortex becomes the new covering tissue with lignified and dark color cells. There are differences in starch grain shapes in mature roots. The chemical attributes of the soil are very similar in all studied environments and, even when soil characteristics varied, all the species` underground system was distributed close to the soil surface (10 to 15 cm deep). The species exhibited clonal growth hence their underground system functions as storage structures and the axillary buds can sprout into new stems. Only Smilax rufescens, collected in sandy soil of Restinga, has vegetative dispersal due to the runners.
In contrast with the abundance of anatomical studies of secretory structures on aerial vegetative organs of Asteraceae species, the information about secretory structures on thickened subterranean organs is sparse. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of secretory structures on thickened and nonthickened subterranean organs of seven Asteraceae species from three tribes: Eupatorieae (Chromolaena squalida and Gyptis lanigera), Vernonieae (Chresta sphaerocephala, Lessingianthus bardanoides, L. glabratus and Orthopappus angustifolius), and Plucheeae (Pterocaulon angustifolium). The specimens were collected in areas of cerrado, from the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. All species of the tribe Vernonieae studied exhibited endodermic cells, other than the epithelial cells of the canal, with secretory activity in the roots. In C. sphaerocephala roots, two types of endodermic cell were found, but only one had secretory activity. Secretory canals were found in the tuberous and nontuberous roots of all studied species. These data agree with the results from the literature for Asteraceae species. Here, we describe for the first time in Asteraceae the presence of secretory idioblasts in C. sphaerocephala. Secretory trichomes are present in the Orthopappus angustifolius rhizophore. Histochemical tests have shown that all types of secretory structure possess substances containing lipids. (C) 2008 The Linnean Society of London.
Underground systems of Asteraceac species from the Brazilian Cerrado. The aim or this study was to describe the underground systems structure, the origin of the shoot buds, and to identify the storage reserve of seven Asteraceae species in order to understand the adaptive strategies of these species in burned Cerrado areas and their higher frequency in the floristic Surveys for herbaceous and undershrub layers of this biome. The subterranean systems types-diffuse underground system, rhizophore, tuberous roots, and xylopodium-varied among the studied species, but all of them have high shoot bud-forming potential. Fructans of the inulin type were detected as storage substances. The presence of these characteristics on the underground systems Could explain the frequency of these species in the floristic surveys from the Brazilian Cerrado, in which Fire and seasonal drought are frequent. It is possible that the belowground bud banks in the Cerrado biome are as important as demonstrated in North American prairies where fire is also frequent. However, in the Cerrado, as demonstrated here, there are types of underground systems other than rhizomes that are usually described in the prairie. Understanding the anatomical features of these plants is one of the steps to appropriate conservation management of these species in the Cerrado.
In this paper we propose an accurate method for fault location in underground distribution systems by means of an Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) classifier. We applied the Time Domains Reflectometry method for signal acquisition, which was further analyzed by OPF and several other well known pattern recognition techniques. The results indicated that OPF and Support Vector Machines outperformed Artificial Neural Networks classifier. However, OPF has been much more efficient than all classifiers for training, and the second one faster for classification. © 2011 IEEE.
The need for high reliability and environmental concerns are making the underground networks the most appropriate choice of energy distribution. However, like any other system, underground distribution systems are not free of failures. In this context, this work presents an approach to study underground systems using computational tools by integrating the software PSCAD/EMTDC with artificial neural networks to assist fault location in power distribution systems. Targeted benefits include greater accuracy and reduced repair time. The results presented here shows the feasibility of the proposed approach. © 2012 IEEE.
We report an analysis of the accessibility between different locations in big cities, which is illustrated with respect to London and Paris. The effects of the respective underground systems in facilitating more uniform access to diverse places are also quantified and investigated. It is shown that London and Paris have markedly different patterns of accessibility, as a consequence of the number of bridges and large parks of London, and that in both cases the respective underground systems imply in general, thought in distinct manners, an increase of accessibility. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010
Although the occurrence of glandular trichomes is frequently reported for aerial vegetative organs, many questions still remain opened about the presence of such trichomes in underground systems. Here, we present, for the first time, a comparative study concerning the structure, ultrastructure and chemical aspects of both, the aerial and underground glandular trichomes of two different Chrysolaena species, C obovata and C platensis. Glandular trichomes (GTs) were examined using LM, SEM, and TEM and also analyzed by GC-MS and HPLC coupled to UV/DAD and HR-ESI-MS (HPLC-UV-MS). In both aerial (leaf and bud) and underground (rhizophore) organs, the GTs are multicellular, biseriate and formed by five pairs of cells: a pair of support cells, a pair of basal cells, and three pairs of secreting cells. These secreting cells have, at the beginning of secretory process, abundance of smooth ER. The same classes of secondary metabolites are biosynthesized and stored in both aerial and underground GTs of C platensis and C obovata. These GTs from aerial and underground organs have similar cellular and sub-cellular anatomy, however the belowground trichomes show a higher diversity of compounds when compared to those from the leaves. We also demonstrate by means of HPLC-UV-DAD that the sesquiterpene lactones are located inside the trichomes and that hirsutinolides are not artifacts. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Recently, molecular analysis caused the South American Viguiera Kunth species to be transferred to Aldama La Llave. However, the circumscription has not been established for certain of the South American species, including Aldama filifolia (Sch. Bip. ex Baker) E. E. Schill. & Panero, A. linearifolia (Chodat) E. E. Schill. & Panero and A. trichophylla (Dusen) Magenta (comb. nov.), which had previously been treated as synonyms because of their high similarity. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the anatomy of the aerial organs, and the yield and chemical composition of the essential oils from these three species, to determine the differences among them and thereby assist in species distinction. The anatomical analysis identified characteristics unique to each species, which are primarily related to the position and occurrence of secretory structures. Histochemical analysis demonstrated that the glandular trichomes and the canals secrete lipophilic substances, which are characterised by the presence of essential oils. The analysis of these essential oils identified monoterpenes as their major constituent and allowed for the recognition of chemical markers for each species. The anatomical and chemical characteristics identified by the present study confirmed that the studied samples belong to three distinct taxa.
Underground hardrock mining can be very energy intensive and in large part this can be attributed to the power consumption of underground ventilation systems. In general, the power consumed by a mine’s ventilation system and its overall scale are closely related to the amount of diesel power in operation. This is because diesel exhaust is a major source of underground air pollution, including diesel particulate matter (DPM), NO2 and heat, and because regulations tie air volumes to diesel engines. Furthermore, assuming the size of airways remains constant, the power consumption of the main system increases exponentially with the volume of air supplied to the mine. Therefore large diesel fleets lead to increased energy consumption and can also necessitate large capital expenditures on ventilation infrastructure in order to manage power requirements. Meeting ventilation requirements for equipment in a heading can result in a similar scenario with the biggest pieces leading to higher energy consumption and potentially necessitating larger ventilation tubing and taller drifts. Depending on the climate where the mine is located, large volumes of air can have a third impact on ventilation costs if heating or cooling the air is necessary. Annual heating and cooling costs, as well as the cost of the associated infrastructure, are directly related to the volume of air sent underground. This thesis considers electric mining equipment as a means for reducing the intensity and cost of energy consumption at underground, hardrock mines. Potentially, electric equipment could greatly reduce the volume of air needed to ventilate an entire mine as well as individual headings because they do not emit many of the contaminants found in diesel exhaust and because regulations do not connect air volumes to electric motors. Because of the exponential relationship between power consumption and air volumes, this could greatly reduce the amount of power required for mine ventilation as well as the capital cost of ventilation infrastructure. As heating and cooling costs are also directly linked to air volumes, the cost and energy intensity of heating and cooling the air would also be significantly reduced. A further incentive is that powering equipment from the grid is substantially cheaper than fuelling them with diesel and can also produce far fewer GHGs. Therefore, by eliminating diesel from the underground workers will enjoy safer working conditions and operators and society at large will gain from a smaller impact on the environment. Despite their significant potential, in order to produce a credible economic assessment of electric mining equipment their impact on underground systems must be understood and considered in their evaluation. Accordingly, a good deal of this thesis reviews technical considerations related to the use of electric mining equipment, especially ones that impact the economics of their implementation. The goal of this thesis will then be to present the economic potential of implementing the equipment, as well as to outline the key inputs which are necessary to support an evaluation and to provide a model and an approach which can be used by others if the relevant information is available and acceptable assumptions can be made.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this article we propose an efficient and accurate method for fault location in underground distribution systems by means of an Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) classifier. We applied the time domains reflectometry method for signal acquisition, which was further analyzed by OPF and several other well-known pattern recognition techniques. The results indicated that OPF and support vector machines outperformed artificial neural networks and a Bayesian classifier, but OPF was much more efficient than all classifiers for training, and the second fastest for classification.
"Prepared under Contract No. CST 263 between the National Academy of Sciences and the National Bureau of Standards."
Mode of access: Internet.
"Period of performance: September, l968- December, 1973."