992 resultados para Trans women
Este estudo discute as transformações corporais realizadas por mulheres trans a partir das suas narrativas, coletadas através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e complementadas pela observação participante realizada em seus diferentes espaços de sociabilidade. Agrega também análise documental e pesquisa bibliográfica, com o objetivo de contextualizar e localizar histórica e socialmente o objeto da pesquisa. Fizeram parte deste estudo: travestis, mulheres transexuais, bombadeiras, cirurgiões plásticos e a equipe de saúde do ambulatório trans de um hospital universitário da cidade do Rio de Janeiro.O processo de investigação desdobrou-se em três diferentes níveis: análise dos discursos contidos nos dispositivos legais, políticas de saúde voltadas para as pessoas trans, materiais informativos, técnicos e educativos; análise das narrativas de travestis e mulheres transexuais em seus itinerários de reconstrução corporal; e análise de saberes e práticas de bombadeiras, cirurgiões plásticos e profissionais de saúde, suas concepções sobre a relação corpo e gênero e sua percepção de risco e cuidados com a saúde. Os dados coletados foram sistematizados e interpretados à luz da análise de conteúdo temática, privilegiando as narrativas dos sujeitos sobre suas experiências, saberes e práticas, comparando-os aos resultados da revisão de literatura e ao previsto nos dispositivos legais que normatizam o direito das mulheres trans à saúde.Os resultados demonstram que as mulheres trans investigadas começam a estranhar seus corpos, gostos e desejos ainda na infância e que dois fatos parecem indispensáveis para a decisão em modificar o corpo: a emergência e aceitação da identidade trans e o acesso à informação sobre técnicas, substâncias e pessoas que podem ajudá-las a fazer um corpo de mulher. As minhas interlocutoras demonstraram conhecer os riscos do uso do silicone industrial e hormônios na construção clandestina do corpo, mas também me fizeram constatar que é a situação financeira de cada uma que define as formas seguras ou não de modificação corporal. O conjunto de normativas, através das leis, resoluções e portarias que, de certa forma, anunciam uma política de saúde para as mulheres trans, entende de forma diferenciada e reducionista as identidades trans, localizando travestis e transexuais em diferentes alternativas de cuidado à saúde, muitas vezes, centrando as travestis nas estratégias de prevenção das DST-AIDS e as mulheres transexuais no acesso à cirurgia de transgenitalização, sem que seja proposto, ou melhor, efetivados serviços e práticas de modificação corporal no SUS. Essa conformação das políticas, sistemas e serviços de saúde, acaba por recrudescer a recorrência das mulheres trans aos serviços das bombadeiras, fato que aumenta os riscos à saúde dessas pessoas. Mesmo para as mulheres transexuais cadastradas no processo transexualizador, o foco do atendimento é a construção da genitália, ficando a modificação corporal (implante de próteses mamária e/ou glúteos, depilação a laser, lipoescultura, rinoplastia e feminização da face) para quando possível. Estas mulheres esperam que o sistema de saúde compreenda sua necessidade de modificação corporal não como uma questão meramente de estética, mas como uma questão de saúde pública.
‘¡Porque ni putas, ni peluqueras, ni nada… somos ciudadanas!’. Se pregunta por cómo se puede entender la ciudadanía desde las acciones comunitarias que llevaron a cabo un grupo de mujeres trans en la ciudad de Bogotá . Según informes nacionales y a nivel Latinoamérica son las mujeres trans pertenecientes al sector LGBT las que dijeron sentir, en mayor número, vulnerados sus derechos entorno a trabajo, salud y educación en la capital del país en comparación a la población LGB. La causa de tal vulneración pareció coincidir con su identidad de género, por ejemplo, al no poder encontrar trabajo por las expresiones de género que utilizaban. Por ende era necesario abordar cómo se entiende la ciudadanía desde corporalidades que no han tenido un óptimo acceso a la ciudad teniendo como referencia sus experiencias personales. Siendo el tránsito un proceso que se hace a lo largo del tiempo.
This research investigates on gender performance in trans women, through bibliographical research, with the aim of building the script: family home scenic. We analyze essential concepts of gender studies to discuss the experience of these subjects, a brief history of motion picture LGBTT, data on violence suffered by this group, in official reports and hemerográficos, noting the fragility of the data and the high degree of imprecision. Also we discuss about the feminine, a gender role that socially generates vulnerabilities, as can be seen in cisgêneras women, Transgender and gay men effeminate. The bibliographical research served the theatrical script homestay, churning out a product accessible to the community.
This thesis, based on the results of an organizational ethnography of a university-based feminist organization in Southern Ontario (the Centre), traces how third wave feminism is being constituted in the goals, initiatives, mandate, organizational structure, and overall culture of university-based feminist organizations. I argue that, from its inception, the meanings and goals of the Centre have been contested through internal critique, reflection, and discussion inspired by significant shifts in feminist theory that challenge the fundamental principles of second wave feminism. I identify a major shift in the development and direction of the Centre that occurs in two distinct phases. The first phase of the shift occurs with the emergence of an antioppression framework, which broadens the Centre's mandate beyond gender and sexism to consider multiple axes of identity and oppression that affect women's lives. The second phase of this shift is characterized by a focus on (trans) inclusion and accessibility and has involved changing the Centre's name so that it is no longer identified as a women's centre in order to reflect more accurately its focus on mUltiple axes of identity and oppression. Along with identifying two phases of a major shift in the direction of the Centre, I trace two discourses about its development. The dominant discourse of the Centre's development is one of progress and evolution. The dominant discourse characterizes the Centre as a dynamic feminist organization that consistently strives to be more inclusive and diverse. The reverse discourse undermines the dominant discourse by emphasizing that, despite the Centre's official attempts to be inclusive and to build diversity, little has actually changed, leaving women of colour marginalized in the Centre's dominant culture of whiteness. This research reveals that, while many of their strategies have unintended (negative) consequences, members of the Centre are working to build an inclusive politics of resistance that avoids the mistakes of earlier feminist movements and organizations. These members, along with other activists, actively constitute third wave feminism in a process that is challenging, contradictory, and often painful. A critical analysis of this process and the strategies it involves provides an opportunity for activists to reflect on their experiences and develop new strategies in an effort to further struggles for social justice and equity.
This case study of curriculum at Dubai Women's College (DWC) examines perceptions of international educators who designed and implemented curriculum for female Emirati higher-educational students in the UAE, and sheds light on the complex social, cultural, and religious factors affecting educational practice. Participants were faculty and supervisors, mainly foreign nationals, while students at DWC are exclusively Emirati. Theories prominent in this study are: constructivist learning theory, trans formative curriculum theory, and sociological theory. Change and empowerment theory figure prominently in this study. Findings reveal this unique group of educators understand curriculum theory as a "contextualized" construct and argue that theory and practice must be viewed through an international lens of religious, cultural, and social contexts. As well, the study explores how mandated "standards" in education-in the form of the International English Language Testing System (IEL TS) and integrated, constructivist curriculum, as taught in the Higher Diploma Year 1 program-function as dual curricular emphases in this context. The study found that tensions among these dual emphases existed and were mediated through specific strategies, including the use of authentic texts to mirror the IEL TS examination during in-class activities, and the relevance of curricular tasks.
This paper seeks to examine the particular operations of gender and cultural politics that both shaped and restrained possible 'networked' interactions between Jamaican women and their British 'motherlands' during the first forty years of the twentieth century. Paying particular attention to the poetry of Albinia Catherine MacKay (a Scots Creole) and the political journalism of Una Marson (a black Jamaica), I shall seek to examine why both writers speak in and of voices out of place. MacKay's poems work against the critical pull of transnational modernism to reveal aesthetic and cultural isolation through a model of strained belonging in relation to both her Jamaica home and an ancestral Scotland. A small number of poems from her 1912 collection that are dedicated to the historical struggle between the English and Scots for the rule of Scotland and cultural self-determination, some of which are written in a Scottish idiom, may help us to read the complex cultural negotiations that silently inform the seemingly in commensurability of location and locution revealed in these works. In contrast, Marson's journalism, although less known even than her creative writings, is both politically and intellectually radical in its arguments concerning the mutual articulation of race and gender empowerment. However, Marson remains aware of her inability to articulate these convictions with force in a British context and thereby of the way in which speaking out of place also silences her.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
To evaluate the relationship between carotenoid concentrations in serum and breast tissue, we measured serum carotenoid concentrations and endogenous carotenoid levels in breast adipose tissue of women with benign breast tumor (n = 46) or breast cancer (n = 44). Before extraction, serum was digested with lipase and cholesterol esterase, and breast adipose tissue was saponified. Serum and tissue carotenoids were extracted with ether/hexane and measured by using HPLC with a C30 column. Serum retinoic acid was extracted with chloroform/methanol and measured using HPLC with a C18 column. There were no significant differences in serum carotenoids [lutein, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin (both α- and β-), α-carotene, all-trans β-carotene, 13-cis β-carotene and lycopene], retinoids (retinol, all-trans and 13-cis retinoic acids), and α- and -γ- tocopherol concentrations between benign breast tumor patients and breast cancer patients. A substantial amount of 9-cis β- carotene was present in adipose tissue and was the only carotenoid that had a significantly lower level in benign breast tumor patients than in breast cancer patients. Correlations between carotenoid concentrations in serum and in breast adipose tissue were determined by combining the data of the two groups. Concentrations of the major serum carotenoids except cryptoxanthin showed significant correlations with breast adipose tissue carotenoid levels. When the concentrations of serum carotenoids were adjusted for serum triglycerides or LDL, correlations between serum carotenoid concentrations and breast adipose tissue carotenoid levels markedly increased, including that of cryptoxanthin (P <0.001). The strong correlation between serum carotenoid concentrations and endogenous breast adipose tissue carotenoid levels indicate that dietary intake influences adipose tissue carotenoid levels as well as serum concentrations, and that adipose tissue is a dynamic reservoir of fat-soluble nutrients.
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: To assess the performance of a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) for estimating omega-3, omega-6 and trans fatty acid intake during pregnancy. Moreover, we determined whether the fatty acid composition of mature breast milk represents a valuable biomarker for fatty acid intake during pregnancy. SUBJECTS/METHODS: A prospective study in 41 pregnant women, aged 18-35 years, was conducted. Food intake during pregnancy was evaluated by three 24-h recalls (24 hR), and 2 FFQ. The fatty acid composition of mature breast milk was determined by gas chromatography. The method of triads and joint classification between quartiles of intake were applied. RESULTS: The FFQ was accurate for estimating docosahexanoic (DHA), linoleic and total omega-6 fatty acids according to validity coefficients. Higher agreements (>70%) into the same or adjacent quartiles between the dietary methods were found for alpha-linolenic, total omega-3, linoleic and trans fatty acid intake. High validity coefficients for eicosapentanoic (EPA) and DHA acids of human milk were found (0.61 and 0.73, respectively), and the method was adequate for categorizing the intake of alpha-linolenic, total omega-3 and trans fatty acids compared with FFQ estimates, and for arachidonic acid and trans fatty acids compared with food recall estimates, during pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: The FFQ was an accurate tool for categorizing alpha-linolenic, total omega-3 and trans fatty acid intake. According to the validity coefficients observed, the FFQ accurately estimated DHA, linoleic and total omega-6 fatty acids and the composition of mature breast milk was shown to be a suitable biomarker for EPA and DHA fatty acid intake during pregnancy.
Persistent organic pollutants (POPS) present in the living environment are thought to have detrimental health effects on the population, with pregnant women and the developing foetus being at highest risk. We report on the levels of selected POPs in maternal blood of 155 delivering women residing in seven regions within the Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The following selected POPs were measured in the maternal whole blood: 12 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) congeners (IUPAC Nos. 99, 101, 118, 138, 153, 156, 163, 170, 180, 183, 187, 194); dichlordiphenyltrichloroethane p,p'-DDT, diphenyldichloroethylene p,p'-DDE and other pesticides such as hexachlorocyclohexanes (alpha-HCH, beta-HCH, gamma-HCH), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), chlordane derivatives cis-chlordane, trans-chlordane. oxy-chlordane, cis-nonachlor and trans-nonachlor. Statistical comparisons between regions were performed only on compounds having concentrations above LOD in 70% of the samples. PCB118 congener was found to be highest in the industrial site (mean 4.97 ng/g lipids); PCB138 congener concentration was highest in the Urban 3 site (mean 4.27 ng/g lipids) and congener PCB153 was highest in the industrial and Urban 3 sites with mean concentration of 7.2 ng/g lipids and 5.89 ng/g lipids respectively. Large differences in levels of p,p'-DDE between regions were observed with the Urban 3 and industrial sites having the highest concentrations of 645 ng/g lipids and 417 ng/g lipids, respectively; beta-HCH was found to be highest in the Rural 1 site; the gamma-HCH in Rural 1 and industrial; the HCB in the Rural 1 and industrial sites and oxy-chlordane and t-NC in the Rural 2 sites. An association between levels of some contaminants and maternal age and parity was also found. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
There has been a recent explosion of interest in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Perspective Psychology amongst students and academics, and this interest is predicted to continue to rise. Recent media debates on subjects such as same–sex marriage have fuelled interest in LGBTQ perspectives. This edited collection showcases the latest thinking in LGBTQ psychology. The book has 21 chapters covering subjects such as same sex parenting, outing, young LGBTQ people, sport, learning disabilities, lesbian and gay identities etc. The book has an international focus, with contributors from UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand List of Contributors. Foreword by Jerry J. Bigner. 1. Introducing Out in Psychology (Victoria Clarke and Elizabeth Peel). 2. From lesbian and gay psychology to LGBTQ psychologies: A journey into the unknown (Victoria Clarke and Elizabeth Peel) 3. What comes after discourse analysis for LGBTQ psychology(Peter Hegarty). 4. Recognising race in LGBTQ psychology: Power, privilege and complicity (Damien W. Riggs). 5. Personality, individual differences and LGB psychology (Gareth Hagger Johnson). 6. Heteronormativity and the exclusion of bisexuality in psychology (Meg Barker). 7. A minority within a minority: Experiences of gay men with intellectual disabilities.(Christopher Bennett and Adrian Coyle). 8. Closet talk: The contemporary relevance of the closet in lesbian and gay interaction (Victoria Land and Celia Kitzinger) 9. Romance, rights, recognition, responsibilities and radicalism: Same-sex couples’ accounts of civil partnership and marriage (Victoria Clarke, Carole Burgoyne and Maree Burns). 10. The experience of social power in the lives of trans people (Clair Clifford and Jim Orford). 11. What do they look like and are they among us? Bisexuality, (dis.closure and (Maria Gurevich, Jo Bower, Cynthia M. Mathieson and Bramilee Dhayanandhan). 12. Heterosexism at work: Diversity training, discrimination law and the limits of liberal individualism (Rosie Harding and Elizabeth Peel). 13. Out on the ball fields: Lesbians in sport (Vikki Krane and Kerrie J. Kauer). 14. Homophobia, rights and community: Contemporary issues in the lives of LGB people in the UK (Sonja J. Ellis). 15. Striving for holistic success: How lesbians come out on top (Faith Rostad and Bonita C. Long). 16. On Passing: The Interactional Organization of Appearance Attributions in the Psychiatric Assessment of Transsexual Patients (Susan A. Speer and Richard Green). 17. Alcohol and gay men: Consumption, promotion and policy responses (Jeffrey Adams, Timothy McCreanor and Virginia Braun). 18. Towards a clinical-psychological approach to address the hetero sexual concerns of intersexed women (Lih-Mei Liao). 19. Educational psychology practice with LGB youth in schools: Individual and institutional interventions (Jeremy J. Monsen and Sydney Bailey). 20. Que(e)rying the meaning of lesbian health: Individual(izing and community discourses (Sara MacBride-Stewart). 21. Transsexualism: Diagnostic dilemmas, transgender politics and the future of transgender care (Katherine Johnson). Index.