695 resultados para Tourism promotion
In this article we intend to make a summary overview of the influence that literary production, originated under colonial mapping missions or later in travel writing, had in the construction and establishment of a discourse to advertise and promote tourism in Mauritania. To this end we will draw on travel narratives that are illustrative of different periods and that correspond in some way to discourses of otherness. In this specific case, such discourses relate to the “Moors” of the West African coast and were produced in various historical contexts. We will also consider the discourse present in the tourism promotion materials of the colonial period and we will demonstrate to what extent it can be engaged in a dialogue with 19th and 20th centuries’ Western colonial literature.
Despite continued growth over recent decades, travel journalism has so far gained little attention in journalism research, with scholars often ridiculing it and other forms of lifestyle journalism as not being real journalism. This paper aims to the shift the focus by arguing that non-news journalism is increasingly important as a site for research. It reports the results from a content analysis of Australian newspaper travel sections and examines the role they play in mediating foreign places. The results demonstrate that travel stories can be mostly classed as service stories in that they focus on destinations which are already popular with Australians. At the same time they report very little about local cultures at the destinations, demonstrating a focus on the tourist experience and a missed opportunity for improving inter-cultural understanding. A visual analysis of photographs shows stereotypical portrayals of destinations broadly in line with tourism promotion materials.
To better address the charter and party boat fishery needs in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, fishery managers must understand the linkages between the industry and other groups and organizations that affect its success. Gulf state charter and party boat operators were interviewed to ascertain the extent of their social network linkages, membership in community organizations, business community relationships, and linkages to information sources. Approximately one-third to one-half of the charter and party boat operators did not belong to local community organizations that could assist their business through tourism promotion or natural resource protection. Despite their limited integration in the community, the vast majority of operators gave and received referrals from other businesses. Of four major information sources, the National Weather Service and the County Marine Extension agents were rated highest and lowest, respectively, in mean importance to charter and party boat operators. Results suggest that business success can be enhanced by strengthening network ties between operators and local businesses, chambers of commerce, and tourism organizations. For this to occur, individual operators and charter/party boat organizations need to become more effective in representing industry interests. Informational linkages between industry and govemment agencies also need improvement.
The primary aim of this work is to give voice to the silent history of graphic design in Greece, long uncharted and undocumented in both the international forum and the local design community. This study focuses on the professional modernisation of graphic design and its role in providing the means for change in Greek society. The research is supported by interdisciplinary analysis of commercial advertisements, posters, leaflets and magazines, as well as other supporting documentation, in the historical and cultural context of Athens, Greece from 1945 to 1970. The time examined was a transitional and vociferous period in the history of Greece, one of intense and rapid economic modernisation during the post-Second World War decades from the mid-1940s to 1970. This was a time when, along with broader changes in the social, economic and political life of Greece, important developments in design education, print technology, and professional organisation marked a new age for graphic design, as a profession emerging from the broader ‘graphic arts’ field (inclusive of both technological and creative processes) and claiming autonomy over the more established fine arts sector. All four chapters deal with modernisation in relation to the assumed divisions of traditional/modern, continuity/change, centre/periphery. Main areas of investigation are: trade organisation, graphic design education, advertising and urbanisation, electricity and tourism promotion. This research offers a view of the ways the ‘modern’ and the condition of modernity were experienced in the case of Greece through certain applications of graphic design and its agents of influence: graphic designers, artists, managers, publishers, the state and private entrepreneurs. The research benefited significantly from a number of interviews with design professionals and related individuals. The present endeavour has a modest aim: to enable understanding of how and why Greek graphic design at the time came to be, and to stress the validity of the visual as a means of historical documentation.
Ce mémoire de maîtrise a pour objectif de montrer la construction de la représentation visuelle de « l’indigène » de la région de Cuzco et sa relation avec le discours de « l’authenticité » tel que défini par l’indigénisme, l’anthropologie et le tourisme. Il s’intéresse au rôle que jouent les médias visuels et audiovisuels dans la création d’une image de l’indigène perçu comme « authentique » et d’un discours commun sur les Andes. Les documents visuels étudiés, tous produits par des Péruviens, sont une sélection de photographies prises par Martin Chambi entre 1920-1945, le film Kukuli (1961) coréalisé par les Cuzquéniens Luis Figueroa, Eulogio Nishiyama et César Villanueva et la publicité touristique de PromPerú, intitulée «Perú: Vive la leyenda» («Pérou : Vis la légende») (2008). Cette analyse fait ressortir la représentation folklorique et anthropologique de l’indigène telle que suggérée par ces documents, qui l’associent principalement avec les origines, la tradition et le passé précolombien. Elle démontre aussi comment les images constituent une alternative à la stratégie représentationnelle proposée par l’indigénisme lettré et offrent un autre regard sur la réalité. Ainsi, les images technologiques montrent des détails qui ne concordent pas avec les stéréotypes culturels et révèlent un monde d’identités plus nuancées. D’autre part, elles créent aussi un espace de collaboration –entre le photographe/cinéaste et leurs modèles– qui permet aux acteurs sociaux marginalisés de participer à leur propre représentation. Enfin, notre recherche établit le lien entre cette image de l’indigène andin et la promotion touristique du Pérou.
Esta investigación se realizó con el objetivo de conocer la evolución que ha tenido el sector turismo en el mundo y en Colombia para analizar el impacto que este ha generado en la economía nacional. La información obtenida de fuentes secundarias permitió conocer el desarrollo y el avance del sector a través de cifras y estadísticas con las cuales se identificaron las oportunidades y ventajas que tiene Colombia para lograr ser un país turísticamente competitivo y a su vez se evidenciaron los factores de mejora. Las Políticas Sectoriales ayudaron a identificar la normativa del sector y la manera en que cada uno de los procedimientos se debe llevar. Se realizó un análisis de competitividad en el país en el cual se resalta que a pesar de las falencias que aun se presentan en las actividades y servicios que se prestan para este sector, Colombia ha logrado un avance significativo con la correcta aplicación de la Políticas que el Gobierno Nacional creó y las buenas prácticas que día a día se convierten en un estilo de vida para los empresarios y actores participantes del sector. Se destacaron factores como la Política de Mercadeo y Promoción turística, los programas de educación y certificación que han sido apoyados por el Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo y la planificación para las diferentes obras que se han llevado a cabo por medio de herramientas como los Inventarios turísticos y los fondos que están disponibles para estas provenientes de entidades públicas y/o privadas, Fondo de promoción turística y donaciones, entre otros. De igual manera, se destacó la importancia de los Convenios de Competitividad Turística como aspecto fundamental en el proceso de posicionar a Colombia como un destino de talla mundial ya que en estos se define la problemática por departamento, las estrategias para solucionarla y el seguimiento que cada región le ha hecho a sus compromisos. Se mostró el cumplimiento de los objetivos específicos propuestos mediante una tabla en la que se describe la acción que se llevó a cabo para la respuesta satisfactoria de cada uno de ellos. Finalmente se dieron recomendaciones para el desarrollo del sector con base al análisis realizado en toda la investigación, resaltando las ciudades que han tenido un mayor crecimiento en los dos últimos años, las acciones que hacen falta implementar en las principales ciudades del país, la necesidad de certificar el talento humano mediante cursos ofrecidos por entidades como el SENA, el mejoramiento de la infraestructura colombiana y la continuidad que se le debe dar a programas como las “marcas país”
Consiste em detectar o perfil da demanda hoteleira da cidade de Imperatriz, Maranhão, as principais motivações que levam o hóspede até lá, bem como apontar as características de sua viagem, tais como: gastos, permanência e periodicidade em que visita a cidade, além de revelar o perfil sócio-econômico. A pesquisa também traça as características da rede hoteleira, analisa a categoria dos hotéis da cidade, segundo a classificação da Embratur, analisa a geração de empregos, os serviços oferecidos pelos hotéis, assim como o fluxo desta demanda hoteleira de acordo com os meses do ano. Todos estes fatores são relevantes para a elaboração de um planejamento estratégico para o turismo de Imperatriz, como também, para as políticas do turismo da região. São dados indispensáveis, tendo em vista que o município não possui nehnum banco de dados sobre o perfil do turismo na região. O universo pesquisado foi constituído de 100% dos empreendimentos hoteleiros de Imperatriz, um total de 24 estabelecimentos.
Sustainable regional development: Reconciling global and local dynamics and stakes in the Swiss Alps
This article explores how global and local dynamics and stakes can be brought together when trying to combine conservation and regional development. For this purpose we analyse a series of studies carried out in the area of the Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch World Heritage Site (WHS). The approaches used in these studies to analyse the diversity and development of the region included data collection and evaluation of indicators such as population development, number of working places, occupation rates in various economic sectors and commuter balance, as well as interviews with key informants and assessment of existing planning tools. The major challenge of the newly declared World Heritage Region is that it is neither a political or administrative nor a cultural unit but constitutes a completely new type of space that breaks up and crosses traditional boundaries. The studies revealed an economic tertiarisation process and migration of the population from remote areas to regional centres. Tourism was identified as the key economic sector in the region. Regarding regional sustainability, the studies identified a need for quality dialogue and negotiation of interests and stakes. It was shown that in dealing with sustainability at the local level, many key issues cannot be resolved on the ground, as they depend on regional or national decisions, e.g. the conditions for tourism promotion in the region or economic validation of agricultural activity. We conclude from these findings that national or even international factors do not provide a basis for location-specific solutions, as they are often too general, and that the global label does not ensure sustainability in a designated WHS region; this depends entirely on local and regional dynamics.
En 1933, por iniciativa municipal y con el apoyo del Gobierno, con la intención de captar un turismo extranjero y nacional de élite generando una nueva ‘industria’, se convoca el concurso de anteproyectos para la construcción de una ciudad satélite (a modo de ciudad jardín) para destinarla a ciudad de vacaciones en la Playa de San Juan (cvPSJ), Alicante, al que se presentan tres propuestas. Aquí se estudia el anteproyecto ganador (de P. Muguruza), que resulta pionero por las técnicas urbanísticas empleadas (información y zonificación), por la aplicación de la fotografía para la inserción de arquitecturas y equipamientos y por la sensibilidad desplegada en la protección del patrimonio cultural (medioambiental e histórico). Los referentes para este macro complejo turístico (de casi 10 km2), coetáneo a la Ciutat del Repós i Vacances (CRV) de Castelldefels, no proceden tanto de Europa como de EUA. Se realiza un análisis pormenorizado de la ordenación urbanística en atención a cómo el territorio existente la condiciona y se entrelaza con estrategias de promoción turística, donde se combinan la tríada: hotel, deporte y naturaleza (alojamiento, ocio y salud). Pero toda la ciudad está enfocada a un turismo burgués, para el que se prevé una arquitectura comercial que pronto envejecería en su repertorio. Veinticinco años después, en 1958, cuando las condiciones económicas y sociales fueron favorables al desarrollo de la zona, el mundo sería ya otro y el proyecto quedó obsoleto.
«Viatjant i llegint: promoció de la lectura i vertebració del país» és un projecte de promoció de la lectura i del patrimoni cultural engegat per la Coordinadora pel Valencià de l'Alcoià-Comtat (Escola Valenciana). Des de l'any 2007 s'han posat en marxa una sèrie de rutes literàries amb un destinatari doble: el món educatiu, per la vessant didàctica i d'animació a la lectura; i el públic en general, per la dimensió de promoció turística i de redreçament de la identitat. L'article provarà de justificar el recurs de les rutes literàries com una eina útil per a l'animació a la lectura i la normalització del valencià. Explicarà en què han consistit tres d'aquestes propostes i farà una aplicació didàctica de cadascuna, en funció del nivell educatiu en què poden ser treballades, des d'educació primària a secundària i batxillerat.
In a globalized society, the relations between heritage and tourism are reflected in an ambiguous reality, shaped between the interests of preservation and the aspirations for economic benefits. On the one hand, the cities as a main generating cultural offerings needs to contemplate its heritage as a development axis, finding in the cultural tourism promotion a strategy to support the high cost of recovery and maintenance of its historical center and its expressions cultural. On the other, adds to the new requirements of demand, causing the tourism projects to turn to the cultural factor in the formation of their products, which allows municipalities to attract the growing cultural tourism segment. In this perspective, this study develops into a focused cross-cut in the analysis of Natal’s Historical City Center, in order to understand how this cultural heritage fallen has been used by the municipal administration for tourism. By understanding the heritage as a reference to identity and memory, as well as a cultural symbol of Natal society, characterized as an element surrounded by complex and strictly private situations, it identified the need for a qualitative approach to his deep understanding. The in-depth case study developed in two stages, first the realization of bibliographical and documentary research; and thereafter the interpretation of data collected through semi-structured interviews with municipal administrators and local residents. The survey results show that the official representatives of heritage are concerned about the preservation of the material dimension of the architectural heritage of the city, however, still can not reach and sensitize the local population, which seems to be part of a process that should be democratic and strengthening the sense of belonging of these people. Finally, it indicates an absence of revitalization strategies by the current municipal public administration for Natal’s Historical City Center, revealing a speech covered by a positivist interpretation of tourism, which deals with the use of assets by the scope of the marketing empiricism.
Mallorca, the largest of the Balearic Islands, is a well-known summer holidays destination; an ideal place to relax and enjoy the sun and the sea. That tourist gaze reflected on postcards results from advertising campaigns, where cinema played an important role with documentaries and fiction films. The origins of that iconography started in the decades of the 1920’s and 1930’s, reflecting the so-called myth of the “island of calm”. On the other hand, the films of the 1950’s and 1960’s created new stereotypes related to the mass tourism boom. Busy beaches and the white bodies of tourists replaced white sandy beaches, mountains and landscapes shown up in the movies of the early decades of the 20th century. Besides, hotels and nightclubs also replaced monuments, rural landscapes and folk exhibitions. These tourist images mirror the social and spatial transformations of Mallorca, under standardization processes like other seaside mass tourist destinations. The identity was rebuilt on the foundations of "modernity". Although "balearization" has not ceased, nowadays filmmaking about Mallorca is advertising again a stereotype close to that one of the 1920s and 1930s, glorifying the myth of the "island of calm". This singular identity makes the island more profitable for capital that searches socio-spatial differentiation in post-fordist times.