1000 resultados para Tipologia lingüística


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L'article fa un recorregut per la història del tractament de la diversitat lingüística a Europa, tan marcada per la ideologia de l'Estat-nació. Europa, en el seu procés vacil·lant d'unificació, es planteja fins a quin punt pot mantenir i encoratjar la seva diversitat cultural i lingüística i alhora ésser una potència competitiva en un món cada vegada més globalitzat. S'examina, doncs, aquesta diversitat presentant la tipologia lingüística de les llengües, la seva distribució espacial, el seu pes demogràfic, el seu poder d'atracció i la seva vitalitat etnolingüística, així com els tipus de política lingüística que s'hi apliquen. En una segona part l'article descriu la filosofia lingüística oficial de la UE , els seus programes de caire lingüístic i, sobretot, la Carta Europea per a les Llengües Regionals i Minoritàries. Finalment, les conclusions suggereixen algunes línies per a la política lingüística europea futura.


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El propòsit d'aquest treball és fixar, basant-nos en l'anàlisi tipològica, les diferències lingüístiques en la construcció de les expressions de moviment de l'anglès i el català. Partim de la hipòtesi que en funció de l'origen de la llengua, s'apliquen solucions diferents a determinats problemes lingüístics que apareixen a l'hora de traduir un discurs. Analitzarem, doncs, el grau de fidelitat de la traducció quant a l'expressió del trajecte i de la manera. Per consegüent, estudiarem si hi ha cap pèrdua d'informació, de qualitat o de genuïnitat en relació amb el text original servint-nos de la comparació d'ambdós estils narratius.


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In this paper, we present a critical analysis of the state of the art in the definition and typologies of paraphrasing. This analysis shows that there exists no characterization of paraphrasing that is comprehensive, linguistically based and computationally tractable at the same time. The following sets out to define and delimit the concept on the basis of the propositional content. We present a general, inclusive and computationally oriented typology of the linguistic mechanisms that give rise to form variations between paraphrase pairs.


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In this paper we present ClInt (Clinical Interview), a bilingual Spanish-Catalan spoken corpus that contains 15 hours of clinical interviews. It consists of audio files aligned with multiple-level transcriptions comprising orthographic, phonetic and morphological information, as well as linguistic and extralinguistic encoding. This is a previously non-existent resource for these languages and it offers a wide-ranging exploitation potential in a broad variety of disciplines such as Linguistics, Natural Language Processing and related fields.


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The thesis L’ús dels clítics pronominals del català i la seva adquisició per parlants de romanès i de tagal [The use of pronominal clitics in Catalan and their acquisition by Romanian and Tagalog speakers] analyzes the mechanisms of transfer from the L1 in the process of acquisition of Catalan (L2) in two groups of learners, one of which has Romanian and the other Tagalog as their native language. Our study lends support to the idea of transfer from the L1 to a second language in general, and, in particular, within the process of acquisition of pronominal clitics from a Romance language (Catalan). The results show that the differences between the two groups are statistically significant and are attributable to the characteristics of the L1. Moreover, starting from a detailed description of the grammar of pronominal clitics in the three languages involved, we define the specific grammatical aspects of the Tagalog and Romanian languages that can have an influence on certain productions and on certain errors in the use of pronominal clitics in Catalan, within the process of acquisition of this Romance language as L2. In the theoretical domain, we started from studies on functional markedness to determine four reference terms that allowed us to carry out a systematized study of the difficulties in acquisition of the use of Catalan clitic pronouns according to their complexity and their degree of grammaticalization.


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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In this study we analyse a body of documents in sworn translation from and to Portuguese in relation to French and Italian. Our objective has been to check the textual typology most requested for sworn translation in these languages and to outline a profile of the terminology recurrent in these types of text. We also present examples of interlinguistic terminological equivalence which become apparent when one translates some of the types of text in our corpus. The data presented here was obtained by the LexTraJu-O lexical project of sworn translation, of which the research is developed in the São José do Rio Preto campus of UNESP with the objective of obtaining resources for the improvement of the Translation Courses of this institution and of making a contribution to translation studies on the theme of sworn translation.


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This retrospective paper will shed light on the relations between Linguistics and Archaeology by drawing special attention to the history of Archaeology and the influence of Linguistic models for the development of archaeological interpretive frameworks. Reference will be made to culture history theoreticians, like Gordon Childe, to processual archaeologists influenced by Structuralism and to post-processual discourse analysis. The paper will conclude stressing the importance of Linguistics to archaeological thought.


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This article presents a panorama of the area of the linguistics of the indigenous languages in Brazil within the discipline of Brazilian linguiistics as a whole. Special attention is given to those aspects related to its specific development. It is argued that in contrast to what is commonly supposed, the arrival of the Summer Institute of Linguistics (1959) not only was not the beginning of this area of study in the country, but it even contributed to the delay in its establishment. It was only after the return of Brazilian scholars educated abroad who were interested in the study of the national indigenous languages that a specialized branch of linguistics directed to the study of these languages began to take form. The present situation of the area and perspectives for future development are both explored.


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This paper reintroduces the discussion about stress-timing in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). It begins by surveying some phonetic and phonological issues raised by the syllable- vs stress-timed dichotomy which culminated with the emergence of the p-center notion. Strict considerations of timing of V-V units and stress groups are taken into account to analyze the long term coupling of two basic oscillators (vowel and stress flow). This coupling allows a two-parameter characterization of language rhythms (coupling strength and speech rate) revealing that BP utterances present a high-degree of syllable-timing. A comparison with other languages, including European Portuguese, is also presented. The results analyzed indicate that Major's arguments for considering Portuguese (sic) as stress-timing are misleading.


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This paper aims to discuss the future -- and the proper survival of Textlinguistics this millenium, and the challenges it has to face in order to contribute to the development of Human Sciences in a new era.


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O segundo volume da s??rie Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica trata de estudo realizado pela consultora Suely Komatsu sobre estruturas organizacionais do Governo Federal. O trabalho foi realizado em agosto de 2009 e, portanto, traz um retrato das estruturas ?? ??poca da pesquisa. Apesar do lapso temporal de tr??s anos, o estudo permanece relevante e atual. A publica????o ?? composta por tr??s cap??tulos. O Cap??tulo 1 traz a consolida????o e an??lise da evolu????o das reformas administrativas que orientamos arranjos institucionais e organizacionais no pa??s. O Cap??tulo 2, por sua vez, apresenta o levantamento e a sistematiza????o de marcos legais e orienta????es normativas relevantes para defini????o de estruturas organizacionais nas ??reas meio e final??stica. Por fim, o Cap??tulo 3 identifica par??metros comuns e compar??veis nos arranjos organizacionais, com a proposi????o de uma tipologia inicial de estruturas organizacionais da esfera federal tendo como base as seguintes vari??veis: ???concentra????o das atribui????es principais???, ???natureza jur??dico- -institucional???, ???grau de descentraliza????o das principais atividades???, ???n??mero de subunidades em cada n??vel hier??rquico??? e ???amplitude de comando???


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As teorias sobre a burocracia governamental e seu comportamento fornecem diferentes abordagens te??ricas e diferentes interpreta????es. A partir da tipologia de agentes burocr??ticos criada por Anthony Downs (1967), esse trabalho analisa os servidores p??blicos federais brasileiros e sua postura face ao trabalho. Com a aplica????o de question??rios a um grupo de servidores, buscou-se verificar a exist??ncia e/ou pertin??ncia dos tipos descritos como alpinistas, conservadores, defensores, militantes e homens de Estado. Os dados obtidos foram tratados pela t??cnica de an??lise de aglomerados. Os resultados encontrados apontam que a tipologia possui limites fluidos entre um perfil de burocrata e outro, acenando para a necessidade de se repensar as concep????es sobre a burocracia governamental e aprofundar os estudos.