987 resultados para Temporary public servants


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This paper addresses the creation of pension funds for federal civil servants in Brazil, analyzing the existing legislation and regulation on this issue. To this end, it takes off based on the genesis of the Brazilian private pension plans, logging the emergence of private funds as well as the existence of various laws and constitutional amendments prior to Law 12.618/2012, which provided for the pension funds system for Brazilian federal public servants. It also identifies proponents and opponents to the Foundation for Pension Funds of Federal Civil Servants (FUNPRESP), signaling the discursive construction of the pension fund schemes as central character in contemporary welfare capitalism. Finally, presents controversial aspects of the new pension fund law developments in Brazil.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo aprofundar o regime jurídico disciplinar do servidor público temporário. Analisam-se as características principais dessa espécie de agente público que o diferenciam dos demais servidores e que justificam um regime disciplinar próprio. Em uma breve investigação sobre as prováveis origens do temporário, constata-se a presença desse servidor na Administração Pública brasileira desde 1823. No direito estrangeiro (particularmente, no direito francês e no direito português), verifica-se a existência de figuras assemelhadas ao servidor público temporário brasileiro, que é uma espécie de servidor público do gênero agente público, exercendo uma função pública, mas não ocupando nem cargo, nem emprego públicos, sendo contratado por tempo determinado para atender a necessidade temporária de excepcional interesse público. A Constituição Federal, em seu artigo 37, IX, indica que a lei estabelecerá os casos de contratação por tempo determinado, mas não há uma uniformidade entre os entes da federação sobre o regime jurídico adotado para o servidor temporário. Esta análise concentra-se na Lei Federal n.º 8.745/93, que disciplina o assunto. No âmbito federal, o servidor público temporário é dotado de um regime jurídico com características mais próximas do regime jurídico administrativo, sendo recrutado por meio de contrato administrativo assemelhado ao regime estatutário. Tal contratação deve pautar-se pela observância dos princípios da continuidade do serviço público, da moralidade, da impessoalidade, da razoabilidade, da proporcionalidade e da motivação. Focaliza-se a responsabilidade do servidor público temporário no âmbito administrativo, procurando-se demonstrar que tal servidor, por um princípio de equiparação, submete-se a um processo administrativo disciplinar para apuração de suas faltas, o qual cumpre prazos especiais e condições específicas em razão do vínculo temporário com a Administração Pública, em tudo sendo respeitado o devido processo legal, a ampla defesa e o contraditório. Analisam-se as diferenças entre o processo disciplinar do servidor temporário (sindicância) e o processo do servidor público em geral, os ritos adotados, os prazos, as penalidades e os recursos, constatando-se que o servidor público temporário responde pelos atos ilícitos em todas as esferas: penal, civil, administrativa e por atos de improbidade. A transitoriedade na função não o exime de responsabilidades, por isso, com as devidas adaptações, está sujeito aos ônus e bônus do serviço público. Daí a necessidade de construir, com base nas características próprias dessa espécie de servidor público, um regime adaptado às especificações do vínculo especial a que se submete o servidor público temporário. Propõe-se aqui um miniprocesso disciplinar ou um processo disciplinar especial, ou uma minissindicância ou uma sindicância especial, sui generis.


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Studies of street-level bureaucracy have introduced a variety of conceptualizations, research approaches, and causal inferences. While this research has produced several insights, the impact of variety in the institutional context has not been adequately explored. We present the construct of a public service gap as a way to incorporate contextual factors and facilitate comparison. This construct addresses the differences between what is asked of and what is offered to public servants working at the street level. The heuristic enables the systematic capture of macro- and meso-contextual influences, thus enhancing comparative research on street-level bureaucracy.


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This article examines the relationship between red tape, Public Service Motivation (PSM) and a particular work outcome labelled 'resigned satisfaction'. Using data from a national survey of over 3754 public servants working at the municipal level in Switzerland, this study shows the importance of looking more closely at the concept of work satisfaction and, furthermore, of thoroughly investigating the impact of the different PSM dimensions on work outcomes. Unsurprisingly, research findings show that red tape is the most important predictor of resignation. Nevertheless, when PSM dimensions are analysed separately, results demonstrate that 'commitment to public interest/civic duty' and, to a lesser extent, 'attraction to policy-making' decrease resignation, whereas 'compassion' and 'self-sacrifice' increase it. This study thus highlights some of the negative (or undesirable) effects of PSM that have not been previously addressed in PSM literature.


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Research on Public Service Motivation (PSM) has increased enormously in the last 20 years. Besides the analysis of the antecedents of PSM and its impact on organizations and individuals, many open questions about the nature of PSM itself still remain. This article argues that the theoretical construct of PSM should be contextualized by integrating the political and administrative contexts of public servants when investigating their specific attitudes towards working in a public environment. It also challenges the efficacy of the classic four-dimensional structure of PSM when it is applied to a specific context. The findings of a confirmatory factor analysis from a dataset of 3754 employees of 279 Swiss municipalities support the appropriateness of contextualizing parts of the PSM construct. They also support the addition of an extra dimension called, according to previous research, Swiss democratic governance. With regard to our results, there is a need for further PSM research to set a definite measure of PSM, particularly in regard to the international diffusion of empirical research on PSM.Points for practitionersThis study shows that public service motivation is a relevant construct for practitioners and may be used to better assess whether public agents are motivated by values or not. Nevertheless, it stresses also that the measurement of PSM must be adapted to the institutional context as well. Public managers interested in understanding better the degree to which their employees are motivated by public values must be aware that the measurement of this PSM construct has to be contextualized. In other words, PSM is also a function of the institutional environment in which organizations operate.


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Over the past several decades, many theories have been advanced as to why efforts to reform the public service have met with only limited success. Clearly, the role of leadership with respect to reform must be examined, since successful organizational leaders should be extremely accomplished in the promotion and protection of the values that underlie decision-making. The issue of effective leadership is particularly significant for the future of the public service of Canada. Large numbers of public servants in the executive ranks are due to retire within the next five years. Given their central role, it is vital that there be enough dedicated and committed public servants to staff future vacancies. It is also essential that future public service leaders possess the competencies and values associated with a world-class public service and, a new type of public organization. Related to this point is the importance of people-management skills. People management in the public service is an issue that has historically faced - and will continue to face - major challenges with respect to recruiting and retaining the leaders it requires for its continued success. It is imperative that the public service not only be revitalized and be seen as an employer of choice, but also that the process by which it accomplishes this goal - the practice of human resource management - be modernized. To achieve the flexibility needed to remain effective, the public service requires the kind ofleadership that supports new public service values such as innovation and which emphasizes a "people- first" approach. This thesis examines the kind of public service leadership needed to modernize the human resource management regime in the federal public service. A historical examination of public service values is presented to help determine the values that are important for public service leaders with respect to modernizing human resource management. Since replenishing the 2 ranks of public service leaders is crucial to ensure the quality of service to Canadians, leadership that supports career planning will be a major focus of this paper. In addition, this thesis demonstrates that while traditional public service values continue to endure, innovative leaders must effectively reconcile new public service values with traditional values in order to increase the possibilities for successful reform as well as achieve business objectives. Much of the thesis is devoted to explaining the crucial role of post-bureaucratic leadership to successful reform. One of the major findings of the thesis is that leaders who demonstrate a blending of new public service values and traditional values are critical to creating effective employment relationships, which are key to modernizing human resource management in the federal public service. It will be apparent that public service leaders must ensure that an appropriate accountability framework is in place before embarking on reform. However, leaders who support new public service values such as innovation and empowerment and who emphasize the importance of people are essential to successful reform.


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The aim of this MA thesis is to demonstrate how corporate concentration within the global music industry specifically affects the Canadian music industry's ability to compete for its own national audience as well as audiences worldwide. Federal public policies, regulatory regimes and subsidies are considered within the context of the structure of the global marketplace which is, in effect, an oligopoly controlled by four major corporations. Through an extensive literature review of political economy theory, Canadian public policies and music studies, as well as personal interviews conducted with Canadian musicians, entrepreneurs and public servants, I will situate my research within the body of political economy theory; present a detailed report of the structure of the global music industry; address the key players within the industry; describe the relationship between the major corporations and the independent companies operating in the industry; discuss how new technologies affect said relationships; consider the effectiveness of Canadian public policies in safeguarding the national music industry; and recommend steps that can be taken to remedy the shortcomings of Federal policies and regulatory regimes.


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Las cuestiones relacionadas con el transporte de residuos radiactivos de alta actividad (RAA) al previsto almacén temporal centralizado (ATC) en Villar de Cañas (Cuenca) están de actualidad, debido a la movilidad que se espera en un futuro próximo, el compromiso con el medio ambiente, la protección de las personas, así, como la normativa legal reguladora. En esta tesis se ha evaluado el impacto radiológico asociado a este tipo de transportes mediante una nueva herramienta de procesamiento de datos, que puede ser de utilidad y servir como documentación complementaria a la recogida en el marco legal del transporte. Además puede facilitar el análisis desde una perspectiva más científica, para investigadores, responsables públicos y técnicos en general, que pueden utilizar dicha herramienta para simular distintos escenarios de transportes radiactivos basados únicamente en datos de los materiales de entrada y las rutas elegidas. Así, conociendo el nivel de radiación a un metro del transporte y eligiendo una ruta, obtendremos los impactos asociados, tales como las poblaciones afectadas, la dosis recibida por la persona más expuesta, el impacto radiológico global, las dosis a la población en el trayecto y el posible detrimento de su salud. En España se prevé una larga “ruta radiactiva” de más de 2.000 kilómetros, por la que el combustible nuclear gastado se transportará presumiblemente por carretera desde las centrales nucleares hasta el ATC, así como los residuos vitrificados procedentes del reprocesado del combustible de la central nuclear Vandellos I, que en la actualidad están en Francia. Como conclusión más importante, se observa que la emisión de radiaciones ionizantes procedentes del transporte de residuos radiactivos de alta actividad en España, en operación normal, no es significativa a la hora de generar efectos adversos en la salud humana y su impacto radiológico puede considerarse despreciable. En caso de accidente, aunque la posibilidad del suceso es remota, las emisiones, no serán determinantes a la hora de generar efectos adversos en la salud humana. Issues related to the transport of high level radioactive wastes (HLW) to the new centralised temporary storage facility to be built in Villar de Cañas (Cuenca) are attracting renewed attention due to the mobility expected in the near future for these materials, the commitment to the environment, the protection of persons and the legal regulatory standards. This study assesses the radiological impacts associated with this type of transport by means of a new dataprocessing tool, which may be of use and serve as documentation complementary to that included in the legal framework covering transport. Furthermore, it may facilitate analysis from a more scientific perspective for researchers, public servants and technicians in general, who may use the tool to simulate different radioactive transport scenarios based only on input materials data and the routes selected. Thus, by knowing the radiation level at a distance of one metre from the transport and selecting a route, it is possible to obtain the associated impacts, such as the affected populations, the dose received by the most exposed individual, the overall radiological impact and the doses to the public en route and the possible detriment to their health. In Spain a long “radioactive route” of more than 2,000 kilometres is expected, along which spent nuclear fuels will be transported – foreseeably by road – from the nuclear power plants to the CTS facility. The route will also be used for the vitrified wastes from fuel reprocessing of the fuel from Vandellós I nuclear power plant, which are currently in France. In conclusion, it may be observed that the emission of ionising radiations from transport of high level radioactive wastes in Spain is insignificant, in normal operations, as regards the generation of adverse effects for human health, and that the radiological impact may be considered negligible. In the event of an accident, the possibility of which is remote, the emissions will not be also a very determining factor as regards adverse effects for human health.


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Neste estudo, procurou-se identificar o significado da intervenção médica e da fé religiosa para o paciente idoso com câncer. Pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva foi desenvolvida no período de 9/01 a 28/03/2001 no Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual - Francisco Morato de Oliveira/ IAMSPE. A amostra foi não aleatória, constituída de vinte idosos com câncer. A coleta de dados ocorreu mediante a técnica da entrevista semi-estruturada. Para a tabulação e análise dos dados, utilizou-se o método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, com aplicação de três figuras metodológicas: a Idéia Central, as Expressões-chave e o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC). As principais idéias centrais presentes nos discursos foram: 1. Nada a reclamar. Eu acho muito bom e penso que eles estão no caminho certo; 2. Não. Por enquanto estou acompanhando tudo o que os médicos falam; 3. Eu já participei, mas atualmente não; 4. Eu não participo de atividade religiosa; 5. Fortalecimento, esperança e equilíbrio. A fé religiosa é tudo!; 6. Continua a mesma, porém, mudou a maneira de ser. O DSC mostra que o procedimento médico adotado forneceu maior esperança ao paciente, elegendo a fé religiosa como instrumento-chave para o enfrentamento da doença


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This study discusses distance learning (DL) as a corporate education strategy in the scope of National Policy on Staff Development. The purpose was to identify, along with managers and specialists of National Network of Schools of Government in Brazil (RNEG), demanded competencies for DL professionals acting in continued education to service public. Part of the research is based in official documents and in related capacity-building initiatives of Schools of Government in the last three years. Through questionnaire sent to managers of institutions of RNEG, we identified existing infrastructure, teams profile, actions developed in DL and training needs. The research allowed to map the critical competencies to work in DL programs and to create a proposal from a Competency-Based Training Matrix for school teams in order to leverage continuing education programs to public servants in three spheres of government. The results revealed the key technological, pedagogical, management and communication skills, as well as the critical activities and content to be included in the training plans. It was found that 88% of institutions have already implemented or are in the process of implementing DL, and the other 12% are deficient in qualified staff to make regulations on hiring personnel or in technology fluency. This corroborates the importance and the contribution of Competency-Based Training Matrix for RNEG


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Desde o in??cio de 2000, a Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) e a Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP) demonstraram interesse na possibilidade de coopera????o para desenvolver capacidades de gest??o de servidores p??blicos brasileiros. Um acordo assinado em 2003, inicialmente foi planejado para ser uma parceria de tr??s anos entre as duas escolas. No entanto, a parceria continua at?? hoje e agora estamos no final do segundo, e ??ltimo projeto de coopera????o t??cnica financiado pela Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) entre Brasil e Canad??, denominado ???Desenvolvimento da Capacidade de Governan??a???. Este relat??rio representa o resultado deste segundo projeto, o qual ampliou o esfor??o de capacita????o da primeira parceria, focando agora em funcion??rios p??blicos mais pr??ximos da "linha de frente" da presta????o de servi??os, aumentando assim a efic??cia do governo nessas ??reas. O projeto mostrou ser bem-sucedido, principalmente, porque seguiu de perto os princ??pios do desenvolvimento eficaz e sustent??vel. Considerando a sua miss??o de desenvolver compet??ncias de servidores p??blicos, a ENAP deu prioridade, dentro deste projeto de coopera????o com o Canad??, a atividades que visam refor??ar a capacidade de governan??a do pa??s, trabalhando em conjunto com escolas em cinco regi??es: Norte, Nordeste, Centro-Oeste, Sudeste e Sul, com especial ??nfase nas ??reas mais pobres do pa??s, localizadas nas regi??es Norte e Nordeste. Foram participantes-chave neste projeto: i) seis escolas brasileiras regionais de administra????o p??blica; ii) uma das principais institui????es acad??micas do Canad?? - Queen's University, e iii) o Minist??rio do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate ?? Fome e tr??s Secretarias de Ra??a, Direitos Humanos e Pol??ticas para as Mulheres. Neste projeto, a CSPS compartilhou suas metodologias em educa????o a dist??ncia, lideran??a e gest??o p??blica. Trabalhando com parceiros brasileiros, ela tamb??m transferiu e adaptou curr??culos e conte??dos de seus cursos. A CIDA forneceu $1.845.000,00 por meio da Programa de Interc??mbio de Conhecimentos para a Promo????o da Eq??idade (PIPE) Brasil-Canad??. A ENAP e as EPBs contribu??ram com $993,752 e a CSPS contribuiu com material de curso, conhecimento e apoio t??cnico no valor de $ 1.000.000