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VLDL secretion is a regulated process that depends on the availability of lipids, apoB and MTP. Our aim was to investigate the effect of liver denervation upon the secretion of VLDL and the expression of proteins involved in this process. Denervation was achieved by applying a 85% phenol solution onto the portal tract, while control animals were treated with 9% NaCl. VLDL secretion was evaluated by the Tyloxapol method. The hepatic concentration of TAG and cholesterol, and the plasma concentration of TAG, cholesterol, VLDL-TAG, VLDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol were measured, as well as mRNA expression of proteins involved in the process of VLDL assembly. Hepatic acinar distribution of MTP and apoB was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Denervation increased plasma concentration of cholesterol (125.3 +/- 10.1 vs. 67.1 +/- 4.9 mg dL(-1)) and VLDL-cholesterol (61.6 +/- 5.6 vs. 29.4 +/- 3.3 mg dL(-1)), but HDL-cholesterol was unchanged (45.5 +/- 6.1 vs. 36.9 +/- 3.9 mg dL(-1)). Secretion of VLDL-TAG (47.5 +/- 23.8 vs. 148.5 +/- 27.4 mg dL h(-1)) and mRNA expression of CPT I and apoB were reduced (p < 0.01) in the denervated animals. MTP and apoB acinar distribution was not altered in the denervated animals, but the intensity of the reaction was reduced in relation to controls. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The suitability of the caco-2 cell line as a model for studying the long term impact of dietary fatty acids on intestinal lipid handling and chylomicron production was examined. Chronic supplementation of caco-2 cells with palmitic acid (PA) resulted in a lower triacylglycerol secretion than oleic acid (OA). This was coupled with a detrimental effect of PA, but not OA, on transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) measurements, suggesting a loss of structural integrity across the cell monolayer. Addition of OA reversed the adverse effects of PA and stearic acid on TER and increased the ability of cells to synthesise and accumulate lipid, but did not normalise the secretion of lipids by caco-2 cells. Increasing amounts of OA and decreasing amounts of PA in the incubation media markedly improved the ability of cells to synthesise apolipoprotein B and secrete lipids. Real time RT-PCR revealed a down regulation of genes involved in lipoprotein synthesis following PA than OA. Electron microscopy showed adverse effects of PA on cellular morphology consistent with immature enterocytes such as stunted microvilli and poor tight junction formation. In conclusion, previously reported differences in lipoprotein secretion by caco-2 cells supplemented with saturated fatty acids (SFA) and OA may partly reflect early cytotoxic effects of SFA on cellular integrity and function. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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There is currently considerable interest in potential atherogenic and thrombogenic consequences of elevated concentrations of triacylglycerols, especially in the post-prandial state. Despite this, there is limited information on the effects of dietary fatty acids on the synthesis, secretion and metabolism of chylomicrons, the large triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins synthesized in the enterocyte following the digestion and absorption of dietary fat. This brief review considers current approaches to the investigation of chylomicron synthesis and summarizes some of the human, cell and animal studies that have investigated effects of different fatty acids on these pathways. Potential sites for modulatory effects of dietary fatty acids on the molecular events of chylomicron synthesis are proposed in the light of the recent model that has been developed from cell and animal studies and observations based on abnormalities in chylomicron formation in human inherited autosomal recessive diseases.


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Meal fatty acids have been shown to modulate the size and composition of triacylglycerol (TAG)-rich lipoproteins influencing the magnitude and duration of the postprandial plasma TAG response. As a result there is considerable interest in the origin of these meal fatty-acid induced differences in particle composition. Caco-2 cells were incubated over 4 days with fatty acid mixtures resembling the composition of saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)-rich meals fed in a previous postprandial study to determine their impact on lipoprotein synthesis and secretion. The MUFA- and PUFA-rich mixtures supported greater intracellular TAG, but not cholesterol accumulation compared with the SFA-rich mixture (P < 0.001). The MUFA-rich mixture promoted significantly greater TAG and cholesterol secretion than the other mixtures and significantly more apolipoprotein B-100 secretion than the PUFA-rich mixture (P < 0.05). Electron microscopy revealed the SFA-rich mixture had led to unfavourable effects on cellular morphology, compared with the unsaturated fatty acid-rich mixtures. Our findings suggest the MUFA-rich mixture, may support the formation of a greater number of TAG-rich lipoproteins, which is consistent with indirect observations from our human study. Our electron micrographs are suggestive that some endocytotic uptake of MUFA-rich taurocholate micelles may promote greater lipoprotein synthesis and secretion in Caco-2 cells.


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The present study was carried out to determine whether cephalic stimulation, associated with eating a meal, was sufficient stimulus to provoke the release of stored triacylglycerol (TAG) from a previous high-fat meal. Ten subjects were studied on three separate occasions. Following a 12 h overnight fast, subjects were given a standard mixed test meal which contained 56 g fat. Blood samples were taken before the meal and for 5 h after the meal when the subjects were randomly allocated to receive either water (control) or were modified sham fed a low-fat (6 g fat) or moderate-fat (38 g fat) meal. Blood samples were collected for a further 3 h. Compared with the control, modified sham feeding a low- or moderate-fat meal did not provoke an early entry of TAG, analysed in either plasma or TAG-rich lipoprotein (TRL) fraction (density ,1´006 kg/l). The TRL-retinyl ester data showed similar findings. A cephalic phase secretion of pancreatic polypeptide, without a significant increase in cholecystokinin levels, was observed on modified sham feeding. Although these data indicate that modified sham feeding was carried out successfully, analysis of the fat content of the expectorant showed that our subjects may have accidentally ingested a small amount of fat (0´7 g for the low-fat meal and 2´4 g for the moderate-fat meal). Nevertheless, an early TAG peak following modified sham feeding was not demonstrated in the present study, suggesting that significant ingestion of food, and not just orosensory stimulation, is necessary to provoke the release of any TAG stored from a previous meal.


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The present study reports results from two investigations to determine effects of a 6-week period of moderate n-3 fatty acid supplementation (2.7 g/d) on fasting and on postprandial triacylglycerol and metabolic hormone concentrations in response to standard test meals. In the first study postprandial responses were followed for 210 min after an early morning test meal challenge; in the second study responses to an evening test meal were followed during the evening and overnight for a total period of 12 h. In both studies postprandial triacylglycerol responses to the test meals were significantly reduced after compared with before fish-oil supplementation. In the second study the triacylglycerol peak response seen between 200 and 400 min in subjects studied before supplementation with fish oils was almost completely absent in the same subjects after 6 weeks of n-3 fatty acid supplementation. Analysis of fasting concentrations of metabolites and hormones was carried out on the combined data from the two studies. There were no significant differences in total, low-density-lipoprotein- or high-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol concentrations during fish-oil supplementation, although there was considerable individual variation in cholesterol responses to the supplement. Concentrations of Apo-B and Apo-A1 were unchanged during supplementation with fish oils. Fasting and early morning postprandial GIP concentrations were lower in subjects taking fish oils, possibly due to acute effects of fish-oil capsules taken on the evening before the studies. In both studies fasting insulin and glucose and postprandial insulin concentrations remained unchanged following fish-oil supplementation. The results do not support the view that triacylglycerol-lowering effects of n-3 fatty acids are due to modulation of insulin secretion mediated via the enteroinsular axis. Further studies are required to determine the precise mechanism by which fish oils reduce both fasting and postprandial triacylglycerol concentrations.


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Articular cartilage provides a low-friction surface for joint articulation, with boundary lubrication facilitated by proteoglycan 4 (PRG4), which is secreted by chondrocytes of the superficial zone. Chondrocytes from different zones are phenotypically distinct, and their phenotypes in vitro are influenced by the system in which they are cultured. We hypothesized that culturing cells from the superficial (S) zone in two-dimensional monolayer or three-dimensional alginate would affect their synthesis of PRG4, and that subsequently seeding them atop alginate-recovered cells from the middle/ deep (M) zone in various proportions would result in tissue-engineered constructs with varying levels of PRG4 secretion and matrix accumulation. During monolayer culture, S cells retained their PRG4-secreting phenotype, whereas in alginate culture the percentage of cells secreting PRG4 decreased with time. Constructs formed with increasing percentages of S cells decreased in thickness and matrix accumulation, depending on both the culture conditions before construct formation and the S-cell density. PRG4-secreting cells were localized to the S-cell seeded construct surface, with secretion rates of 0.1–4 pg/cell/day or 0.1–1 pg/cell/day for constructs formed with monolayer-recovered or alginate-recovered S cells, respectively. Tailoring secretion of PRG4 in cartilage constructs may be useful for enhancing low-friction properties at the articular surface, while maintaining other surfaces free of PRG4 for enhancing integration with surrounding tissues.


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Lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophages rapidly synthesize and secrete tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) to prime the immune system. Surface delivery of membrane carrying newly synthesized TNFα is controlled and limited by the level of soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins syntaxin 4 and SNAP-23. Many functions in immune cells are coordinated from lipid rafts in the plasmamembrane, and we investigated a possible role for lipid rafts in TNFα trafficking and secretion. TNFα surface delivery and secretion were found to be cholesterol- dependent. Upon macrophage activation, syntaxin 4 was recruited to cholesterol-dependent lipid rafts, whereas its regulatory protein, Munc18c, was excluded from the rafts. Syntaxin 4 in activated macrophages localized to discrete cholesterol-dependent puncta on the plasmamembrane, particularly on filopodia. Imaging the early stages of TNFα surface distribution revealed these puncta to be the initial points of TNFα delivery. During the early stages of phagocytosis, syntaxin 4 was recruited to the phagocytic cup in a cholesterol dependent manner. Insertion of VAMP3-positive recycling endosome membrane is required for efficient ingestion of a pathogen. Without this recruitment of syntaxin 4, it is not incorporated into the plasma membrane, and phagocytosis is greatly reduced. Thus, relocation of syntaxin 4 into lipid rafts in macrophages is a critical and rate-limiting step in initiating an effective immune response.


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Membrane traffic in activated macrophages is required for two critical events in innate immunity: proinflammatory cytokine secretion and phagocytosis of pathogens. We found a joint trafficking pathway linking both actions, which may economize membrane transport and augment the immune response. Tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) is trafficked from the Golgi to the recycling endosome (RE), where vesicle-associated membrane protein 3 mediates its delivery to the cell surface at the site of phagocytic cup formation. Fusion of the RE at the cup simultaneously allows rapid release of TNFα and expands the membrane for phagocytosis.


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Flightless (Flii) is upregulated in response to wounding and has been shown to function in wound closure and scarring. In macrophages intracellular Flii negatively modulates TLR signalling and dampens cytokine production. We now show that Flii is constitutively secreted from macrophages and fibroblasts and is present in human plasma. Secretion from fibroblasts is upregulated in response to scratch wounding and LPS-activated macrophages also temporally upregulate their secretion of Flii. Using siRNA, wild-type and mutant proteins we show that Flii is secreted via a late endosomal/lysosomal pathway that is regulated by Rab7 and Stx11. Flii contains 11 leucine rich repeat (LRR) domains in its N-terminus that have nearly 50% similarity to those in the extracellular pathogen binding portion of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). We show secreted Flii can also bind LPS and has the ability to alter macrophage activation. LPS activation of macrophages in Flii depleted conditioned media leads to enhanced macrophage activation and increased TNF secretion compared to cells activated in the presence of Flii. These results show secreted Flii binds to LPS and in doing so alters macrophage activation and cytokine secretion, suggesting that like the intracellular pool of Flii, secreted Flii also has the ability to alter inflammation.


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Expression of caveolin-1 is up-regulated in prostate cancer metastasis and is associated with aggressive recurrence of the disease. Intriguingly, caveolin-1 is also secreted from prostate cancer cell lines and has been identified in secreted prostasomes. Caveolin-1 is the major structural component of the plasma membrane invaginations called caveolae. Co-expression of the coat protein Polymerase I and transcript release factor (PTRF) is required for caveolae formation. We recently found that expression of caveolin-1 in the aggressive prostate cancer cell line PC-3 is not accompanied by PTRF, leading to noncaveolar caveolin-1 lipid rafts. Moreover, ectopic expression of PTRF in PC-3 cells sequesters caveolin-1 into caveolae. Here we quantitatively analyzed the effect of PTRF expression on the PC-3 proteome using stable isotope labeling by amino acids in culture and subcellular proteomics. We show that PTRF reduced the secretion of a subset of proteins including secreted proteases, cytokines, and growth regulatory proteins, partly via a reduction in prostasome secretion. To determine the cellular mechanism accounting for the observed reduction in secreted proteins we analyzed total membrane and the detergent-resistant membrane fractions. Our data show that PTRF expression selectively impaired the recruitment of actin cytoskeletal proteins to the detergent-resistant membrane, which correlated with altered cholesterol distribution in PC-3 cells expressing PTRF. Consistent with this, modulating cellular cholesterol altered the actin cytoskeleton and protein secretion in PC-3 cells. Intriguingly, several proteins that function in ER to Golgi trafficking were reduced by PTRF expression. Taken together, these results suggest that the noncaveolar caveolin-1 found in prostate cancer cells generates a lipid raft microenvironment that accentuates secretion pathways, possibly at the step of ER sorting/exit. Importantly, these effects could be modulated by PTRF expression.


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Intracellular Flightless I (Flii), a gelsolin family member, has been found to have roles modulating actin regulation, transcriptional regulation and inflammation. In vivo Flii can regulate wound healing responses. We have recently shown that a pool of Flii is secreted by fibroblasts and macrophages, cells typically found in wounds, and its secretion can be upregulated upon wounding. We show that secreted Flii can bind to the bacterial cell wall component lipopolysaccharide and has the potential to regulate inflammation. We now show that secreted Flii is present in both acute and chronic wound fluid.


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The secretion of cytokines by immune cells plays a significant role in determining the course of an inflammatory response. The levels and timing of each cytokine released are critical for mounting an effective but confined response, whereas excessive or dysregulated inflammation contributes to many diseases. Cytokines are both culprits and targets for effective treatments in some diseases. The multiple points and mechanisms that have evolved for cellular control of cytokine secretion highlight the potency of these mediators and the fine tuning required to manage inflammation. Cytokine production in cells is regulated by cell signaling, and at mRNA and protein synthesis levels. Thereafter, the intracellular transport pathways and molecular trafficking machinery have intricate and essential roles in dictating the release and activity of cytokines. The trafficking machinery and secretory (exocytic) pathways are complex and highly regulated in many cells, involving specialized membranes, molecules and organelles that enable these cells to deliver cytokines to often-distinct areas of the cell surface, in a timely manner. This review provides an overview of secretory pathways - both conventional and unconventional - and key families of trafficking machinery. The prevailing knowledge about the trafficking and secretion of a number of individual cytokines is also summarized. In conclusion, we present emerging concepts about the functional plasticity of secretory pathways and their modulation for controlling cytokines and inflammation.