949 resultados para System selection
The process of resources systems selection takes an important part in Distributed/Agile/Virtual Enterprises (D/A/V Es) integration. However, the resources systems selection is still a difficult matter to solve in a D/A/VE, as it is pointed out in this paper. Globally, we can say that the selection problem has been equated from different aspects, originating different kinds of models/algorithms to solve it. In order to assist the development of a web prototype tool (broker tool), intelligent and flexible, that integrates all the selection model activities and tools, and with the capacity to adequate to each D/A/V E project or instance (this is the major goal of our final project), we intend in this paper to show: a formulation of a kind of resources selection problem and the limitations of the algorithms proposed to solve it. We formulate a particular case of the problem as an integer programming, which is solved using simplex and branch and bound algorithms, and identify their performance limitations (in terms of processing time) based on simulation results. These limitations depend on the number of processing tasks and on the number of pre-selected resources per processing tasks, defining the domain of applicability of the algorithms for the problem studied. The limitations detected open the necessity of the application of other kind of algorithms (approximate solution algorithms) outside the domain of applicability founded for the algorithms simulated. However, for a broker tool it is very important the knowledge of algorithms limitations, in order to, based on problem features, develop and select the most suitable algorithm that guarantees a good performance.
The issue of selecting an appropriate healthcare information system is a very essential one. If implemented healthcare information system doesn’t fit particular healthcare institution, for example there are unnecessary functions; healthcare institution wastes its resources and its efficiency decreases. The purpose of this research is to develop a healthcare information system selection model to assist the decision-making process of choosing healthcare information system. Appropriate healthcare information system helps healthcare institutions to become more effective and efficient and keep up with the times. The research is based on comparison analysis of 50 healthcare information systems and 6 interviews with experts from St-Petersburg healthcare institutions that already have experience in healthcare information system utilization. 13 characteristics of healthcare information systems: 5 key and 7 additional features are identified and considered in the selection model development. Variables are used in the selection model in order to narrow the decision algorithm and to avoid duplication of brunches. The questions in the healthcare information systems selection model are designed to be easy-to-understand for common a decision-maker in healthcare institution without permanent establishment.
Demands for thermal comfort, better indoor air quality together with lower environmental impacts have had ascending trends in the last decade. In many circumstances, these demands could not be fully covered through the soft approach of bioclimatic design like optimisation of the building orientation and internal layout. This is mostly because of the dense urban environment and building internal energy loads. In such cases, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC&R) systems make a key role to fulfill the requirements of indoor environment. Therefore, it is required to select the most proper HVAC&R system. In this study, a robust decision making approach for HVAC&R system selection is proposed. Technical performance, economic aspect and environmental impacts of 36 permutations of primary and secondary systems are taken into account to choose the most proper HVAC&R system for a case study office building. The building is a representative for the dominant form of office buildings in the UK. Dynamic performance evaluation of HVAC&R alternatives using TRNSYS package together with life cycle energy cost analysis provides a reliable basis for decision making. Six scenarios broadly cover the decision makers' attitudes on HVAC&R system selection which are analysed through Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). One of the significant outcomes reveals that, despite both the higher energy demand and more investment requirements associated with compound heating, cooling and power system (CCHP); this system is one of the top ranked alternatives due to the lower energy cost and C02 emissions. The sensitivity analysis reveals that in all six scenarios, the first five top ranked alternatives are not changed. Finally, the proposed approach and the results could be used by researchers and designers especially in the early stages of a design process in which all involved bodies face the lack of time, information and tools for evaluation of a variety of systems.
A combination of an extension of the topological instability ""lambda criterion"" and a thermodynamic criterion were applied to the Al-La system, indicating the best range of compositions for glass formation. Alloy compositions in this range were prepared by melt-spinning and casting in an arc-melting furnace with a wedge-section copper mold. The GFA of these samples was evaluated by X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry and scanning electron microscopy. The results indicated that the gamma* parameter of compositions with high GFA is higher, corresponding to a range in which the lambda parameter is greater than 0.1, which are compositions far from Al solid solution. A new alloy was identified with the best GFA reported so far for this system, showing a maximum thickness of 286 mu m in a wedge-section copper mold. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Res no pot garantir que un procés de selecció d'un sistema automatitzat arribi a tenir èxit, però l'observació d'un conjunt de principis de sentit comú pot ajudar a assegurar l'èxit del resultat. El procés ha de centrar-se en el llarg termini i ha de tenir present el context institucional en el qual el sistema s'establirà. Els sistemes estan cada vegada més orientats als usuaris, i per tant el compromís dels usuaris en el procés de selecció és més i més important. Els components del procés de selecció poden ser previstos i combinats de moltes maneres diferents. El procediment usat per les Purdue University Libraries serveix per a il·lustrar una via en la realització pràctica d'un procés.
Taking the maximum advantage of technological innovations and the investment in them is of key importance for businesses. The IT industry offers a wide range of innovative high-technology solutions to manage information processing and distribution. However for end-user businesses to make informed decisions in this area is challenging. The aim of this research is to identify the key differences in principal solutions, and what the selection criteria should be for those involved. Existing methodologies for software development are classified, and some key criteria are described to help IT system developers and users determine what are the most important factors in system selection, development and deployment. Statistical data is researched and analysed, a theoretical basis is developed and reviewed, key issues from case studies are identified and generalized to be presented along with the conclusions in the current study. The results give a good basis for corporate consideration and provide overall support to the key decisions in developing web-based software. The conclusion is that new web developments should be considered the stakeholders as an evolution of existing business systems, but they should then pay particular attention to the new advantages that web-based software offers in terms of standardised interfaces and procedures, universal deployment opportunities, and a range of other benefits the study highlights.
Työn tavoitteena on kirjallisuutta tutkien etsiä toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän implementointiprosessissa esiintyviä ongelmia ja niiden ratkaisuja. Löydetyt ongelmat liittyvät suurelta osin yrityksen johtoon, projektipäällikköön ja -ryhmään, ohjelmistoon sekä loppukäyttäjiin. Suurimmat ongelmat koskevat muutoskäyttäytymistä, projektin johtamista eri muodoissa, ohjelmiston valintaa sekä työntekijöiden kouluttamista. Työn sisältönä on kirjallisuuskatsaus ongelmista ja menestystekijöistä implementointiprosessissa sekä erilaisten ratkaisu- ja toimintamallien esittäminen ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi. Lopputuloksena on opas, jonka avulla implementointiprosessi voidaan viedä menestyksekkäästi loppuun asti.
Today, renewable energy technologies and modern power electronics have made it feasible to implement low voltage direct current (LVDC) microgrids (MGs) ca-pable to island operation. Such LVDC networks are particularly useful in remote areas. However, there are still pending issues in island operated LVDC MGs like electrical safety and controlled operation, which should be addressed before wide-scale implementation. This thesis is focused on the overall protection of an island operated LVDC network concept, including protection against electrical shocks, mains equipment protection and protection of photovoltaic (PV) power sources and battery energy storage systems (BESSs). The topic is approached through ex-amination of the safety hazards and the appropriate methods to protect against them, comprising considerations for earthing system selection and realisation of the protection system.
Angepasste Kommunikationssysteme für den effizienten Einsatz in dezentralen elektrischen Versorgungsstrukturen - In öffentlichen Elektrizitätsnetzen wird der Informationsaustausch seit längerem durch historisch gewachsene und angepasste Systeme erfolgreich bewerkstelligt. Basierend auf einem weiten Erfahrungsspektrum und einer gut ausgebauten Kommunikationsinfrastruktur stellt die informationstechnische Anbindung eines Teilnehmers im öffentlichen Versorgungsnetz primär kein Hemmnis dar. Anders gestaltet sich dagegen die Situation in dezentralen Versorgungsstrukturen. Da die Elektrifizierung von dezentralen Versorgungsgebieten, mittels der Vernetzung vieler verteilter Erzeugungsanlagen und des Aufbaus von nicht an das öffentliche Elektrizitätsnetz angeschlossenen Verteilnetzen (Minigrids), erst in den letzten Jahren an Popularität gewonnen hat, sind nur wenige Projekte bis dato abgeschlossen. Für die informationstechnische Anbindung von Teilnehmern in diesen Strukturen bedeutet dies, dass nur in einem sehr begrenzten Umfang auf Erfahrungswerte bei der Systemauswahl zurückgegriffen werden kann. Im Rahmen der Dissertation ist deshalb ein Entscheidungsfindungsprozess (Leitfaden für die Systemauswahl) entwickelt worden, der neben einem direkten Vergleich von Kommunikationssystemen basierend auf abgeleiteten Bewertungskriterien und Typen, der Reduktion des Vergleichs auf zwei Systemwerte (relativer Erwartungsnutzenzuwachs und Gesamtkostenzuwachs), die Wahl eines geeigneten Kommunikationssystems für die Applikation in dezentralen elektrischen Versorgungsstrukturen ermöglicht. In Anlehnung an die klassische Entscheidungstheorie werden mit der Berechnung eines Erwartungsnutzens je Kommunikationssystems, aus der Gesamtsumme der Einzelprodukte der Nutzwerte und der Gewichtungsfaktor je System, sowohl die technischen Parameter und applikationsspezifischen Aspekte, als auch die subjektiven Bewertungen zu einem Wert vereint. Mit der Ermittlung der jährlich erforderlichen Gesamtaufwendungen für ein Kommunikationssystem bzw. für die anvisierten Kommunikationsaufgaben, in Abhängigkeit der Applikation wird neben dem ermittelten Erwartungsnutzen des Systems, ein weiterer Entscheidungsparameter für die Systemauswahl bereitgestellt. Die anschließende Wahl geeigneter Bezugsgrößen erlaubt die Entscheidungsfindung bzgl. der zur Auswahl stehenden Systeme auf einen Vergleich mit einem Bezugssystem zurückzuführen. Hierbei sind nicht die absoluten Differenzen des Erwartungsnutzen bzw. des jährlichen Gesamtaufwandes von Interesse, sondern vielmehr wie sich das entsprechende System gegenüber dem Normal (Bezugssystem) darstellt. Das heißt, der relative Zuwachs des Erwartungsnutzen bzw. der Gesamtkosten eines jeden Systems ist die entscheidende Kenngröße für die Systemauswahl. Mit dem Eintrag der berechneten relativen Erwartungsnutzen- und Gesamtkostenzuwächse in eine neu entwickelte 4-Quadranten-Matrix kann unter Berücksichtigung der Lage der korrespondierenden Wertepaare eine einfache (grafische) Entscheidung bzgl. der Wahl des für die Applikation optimalsten Kommunikationssystems erfolgen. Eine exemplarisch durchgeführte Systemauswahl, basierend auf den Analyseergebnissen von Kommunikationssystemen für den Einsatz in dezentralen elektrischen Versorgungsstrukturen, veranschaulicht und verifiziert die Handhabung des entwickelten Konzeptes. Die abschließende Realisierung, Modifikation und Test des zuvor ausgewählten Distribution Line Carrier Systems unterstreicht des Weiteren die Effizienz des entwickelten Entscheidungsfindungsprozesses. Dem Entscheidungsträger für die Systemauswahl wird insgesamt ein Werkzeug zur Verfügung gestellt, das eine einfache und praktikable Entscheidungsfindung erlaubt. Mit dem entwickelten Konzept ist erstmals eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung unter Berücksichtigung sowohl der technischen und applikationsspezifischen, als auch der ökonomischen Aspekte und Randbedingungen möglich, wobei das Entscheidungsfindungskonzept nicht nur auf die Systemfindung für dezentrale elektrische Energieversorgungsstrukturen begrenzt ist, sondern auch bei entsprechender Modifikation der Anforderungen, Systemkenngrößen etc. auf andere Applikationsanwendungen übertragen werden.
Heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC&R) systems account for more than 60% of the energy consumption of buildings in the UK. However, the effect of the variety of HVAC&R systems on building energy performance has not yet been taken into account within the existing building energy benchmarks. In addition, the existing building energy benchmarks are not able to assist decision-makers with HVAC&R system selection. This study attempts to overcome these two deficiencies through the performance characterisation of 36 HVAC&R systems based on the simultaneous dynamic simulation of a building and a variety of HVAC&R systems using TRNSYS software. To characterise the performance of HVAC&R systems, four criteria are considered; energy consumption, CO2 emissions, thermal comfort and indoor air quality. The results of the simulations show that, all the studied systems are able to provide an acceptable level of indoor air quality and thermal comfort. However, the energy consumption and amount of CO2 emissions vary. One of the significant outcomes of this study reveals that combined heating, cooling and power systems (CCHP) have the highest energy consumption with the lowest energy related CO2 emissions among the studied HVAC&R systems.
The present work resulted from a study about coolant filtration systems in industries with metalworking process in large scale. The filtration and element filter world markets move billions of Reais per year and have a promissory future considering that with the global requirements of sustainable economic development, many companies invest in new filtering technology. Either known as coolant or cutting fluid, it is used to lubricate e cool parts during machining and is necessary due to the high volume demanded in the several machining operations and to the high cost of the product. Therefore, there is the need for recycling the product after its use. The work shows the technology and fundamentals of filtration as well as different filtering elements, filtration systems and scale contamination used in the industry. Also, there is a differentiation between filtration of the surface type (cake) and depth filtration and shows the basic theory of filtration by mathematic models in different operational conditions. Ultimately, project criteria for a coolant filtration system selection is shown followed by technical-operational details of a real vacuum filtration system and a case study aiming the operational cost reduction of the system
Customer relationship management (CRM) implementation projects reflect a growing conceptual shift from the traditional engineering view of projects. Such projects are complex and risky because they call for both organisational and technological changes. This requires effective project management across various phases of the implementation process. However, few empirical researches have dealt with these project management issues. The aim of this research is to investigate how a “project team” manages CRM implementation projects successfully, across the different phases of the implementation process. We conducted an in-depth case study of the “Firm-Clients Branch” of a large telecommunications company in France. The findings show that, to manage CRM implementation projects successfully, an integrated and balanced approach is required. This involves appropriate system selection, effective process re-engineering and further development of organizational structures. We highlight the need for a “technochange approach” to achieve successful organisational transition and effective CRM implementation. The study reveals that the project team plays a central role throughout the implementation phases. Furthermore the effectiveness of technochange depends on project team performance, technology efficiency and close coordination with stakeholders.
To achieve the goal of sustainable development, the building energy system was evaluated from both the first and second law of thermodynamics point of view. The relationship between exergy destruction and sustainable development were discussed at first, followed by the description of the resource abundance model, the life cycle analysis model and the economic investment effectiveness model. By combining the forgoing models, a new sustainable index was proposed. Several green building case studies in U.S. and China were presented. The influences of building function, geographic location, climate pattern, the regional energy structure, and the technology improvement potential of renewable energy in the future were discussed. The building’s envelope, HVAC system, on-site renewable energy system life cycle analysis from energy, exergy, environmental and economic perspective were compared. It was found that climate pattern had a dramatic influence on the life cycle investment effectiveness of the building envelope. The building HVAC system energy performance was much better than its exergy performance. To further increase the exergy efficiency, renewable energy rather than fossil fuel should be used as the primary energy. A building life cycle cost and exergy consumption regression model was set up. The optimal building insulation level could be affected by either cost minimization or exergy consumption minimization approach. The exergy approach would cause better insulation than cost approach. The influence of energy price on the system selection strategy was discussed. Two photovoltaics (PV) systems—stand alone and grid tied system were compared by the life cycle assessment method. The superiority of the latter one was quite obvious. The analysis also showed that during its life span PV technology was less attractive economically because the electricity price in U.S. and China did not fully reflect the environmental burden associated with it. However if future energy price surges and PV system cost reductions were considered, the technology could be very promising for sustainable buildings in the future.
A point-of-sale system can enhance decision making, operational control, guest service, and revenues. However, not all POS systems offer the same features and potential for profit improvement. The author discusses those factors which are critical to POS system selection for table service restaurants