137 resultados para Stasi
Vastine dosentti Kimmo Elon artikkeliin "Tapaus Pakaslahti" ja tiedustelututkimuksen metodiikka" (HAik 2/2014).
Dans ce mémoire, l’auteur part d’un constat : deux commissions sont lancées au Québec et en France dans des contextes similaires d’intense débat social autour de la question de la laïcité. Même si la commission française réserve le rôle principal au concept de laïcité et que la commission québécoise l’examine parmi d’autres concepts, il est évident que la polémique québécoise des accommodements raisonnables en matière sociale et religieuse fait écho au débat du voile en France, les trames de lancement des commissions, une comparaison des concepts de laïcité est ainsi pertinente. Des modèles différents de laïcité des commissions mises en parallèle : une laïcité ouverte mettant davantage l’accent sur la liberté de conscience et permettant le port de signes religieux pour le Rapport Bouchard-Taylor et une laïcité ferme mettant en équilibre la liberté de conscience et l’égalité de traitement avec une nécessité de respect de l’ordre et de la neutralité d’un espace public, alors que le port d’objet religieux ostensibles est exclu de l’école publique pour le Rapport Stasi. Les trajectoires historiques menant à ces commissions permettent de dégager l’importance de moments clés dans la formation de la laïcité : les révolutions, l’installation des idéologies étatiques et l’institutionnalisation par le droit et l’éducation. Ces charnières par leur spécificité nationale contribuent à façonner les laïcités québécoise et française.
Baccharis dracunculifolia DC (Asteraceae) is a Brazilian medicinal plant popularly used for its antiulcer and anti-inflammatory properties. This plant is the main botanical source of Brazilian green propolis, a natural product incorporated into food and beverages to improve health. The present study aimed to investigate the chemical profile and intestinal anti-inflammatory activity of B. dracunculifolia extract on experimental ulcerative colitis induced by trinitrobenzenosulfonic acid (TNBS). Colonic damage was evaluated macroscopically and biochemically through its evaluation of glutathione content and its myeloperoxidase (MPO) and alkaline phosphatase activities. Additional in vitro experiments were performed in order to test the antioxidant activity by inhibition of induced lipid peroxidation in the rat brain membrane. Phytochemical analysis was performed by HPLC using authentic standards. The administration of plant extract (5 and 50 mgkg(-1)) significantly attenuated the colonic damage induced by TNBS as evidenced both macroscopically and biochemically. This beneficial effect can be associated with an improvement in the colonic oxidative status, since plant extract prevented glutathione depletion, inhibited lipid peroxidation and reduced MPO activity. Caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, aromadendrin-4-O-methyl ether, 3-prenyl-p-coumaric acid, 3,5-diprenyl-p-coumaric acid and baccharin were detected in the plant extract.
Leaf fractions of Wilbrandia ebracteata were investigated for anti-ulcerogenic effects in ethanol and indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer assays in mice. Protective anti-ulcer effects were detected only in the ethanol-induced ulcer assay effects after pre-treatment with MeOH extract, MeOH chlorophyll-free, chlorophyll residue, HEX, DCM, aqueous MeOH fraction, ethyl acetate (EtOAc) and aqueous fractions. A potent anti-ulcerogenic effect was determined after pre-treatment of animals with EtOAc fraction, which was fractionated for isolation of active constituents. Seven flavonoids, 3`,4`,5,6,7,8-hexahydroxyflavonol, orientin, isoorientin, vitexin, isovitexin, luteolin, 6-methoxi-luteolin were isolated from the leaves of W. ebracteata (Cucurbitaceae) by chromatographic methods and identified by their spectral data. The data suggest that flavonoids are active anti-ulcerogenic compounds from leaves of W. ebracteata. The ability of scavenging free radicals was evaluated by DPPH reduction assay by TLC of flavonoids isolated.
La presenza di imponenti ruderi antichi a Palazzo Pignano era già conosciuta nel 1600, mentre per affrontare in modo scientifico il ritrovamento si dovette aspettare fino al 1963, con i radicali restauri all’interno della pieve protoromanica di San Martino: sotto la pieve fu rinvenuto un edificio rotondo a pianta centrale, e nella zona retrostante alla Pieve verso est furono scoperti, fra il 1969 e 1972, i resti della grandiosa Villa che oggi trattiamo. Vi fu una stasi nelle ricerche tra il 1972 e il 1977, quando fu eseguita una serie di sondaggi per definire le dimensioni e le caratteristiche del complesso abitativo. Nel 1988 uno scavo stratigrafico lungo il lato sud della Chiesa ha permesso di individuare una vasca battesimale a immersione. Tra gli anni 1999 e 2001 una campagna di rilievi e prospezioni con magnetometro Fluxgate ha permesso di precisare le varie fasi di vita della Villa: una ristrutturazione importante nella prima metà del V sec. d.C.; e poi l’insediamento nella zona della villa già in abbandono di capanne e sepolture, databili genericamente in un momento altomedioevale.
Alguns efeitos farmacológicos da folha, talo e bulbo do alho foram investigados. Os extratos foram preparados por triturarão em solução etanólica 50%. Após evaporação a concentração final foi ajustada para 100 mg sólidos/ml. A dose utilizada foi de 1 g sólidos/kg por via oral. Vários efeitos (discretos) foram observados em comundongos, tais como diarréia, ptose e piloereção. Em ratos observou-se efeito hipoglicêmico do bulbo, efeitos analgésicos e hiperalgésicos dos três extratos e em ratos com hipertensão espontânea (mas não em ratos normotensos) um pronuciado efeito antihipertensivo de longa duração.
Reguladores e estimulantes vegetais tem sido utilizados nas condições dos trópicos sem a verificação de seus efeitos sob condições controladas, levando frequentemente ao mascaramento de seus efeitos pelas condições do agroecossistema. Com a finalidade de observar os efeitos dessas substâncias sob condições de laboratório, sementes de Zea mays cv. C-525 e Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Kada foram submetidas aos efeitos de giberelina 100 ppm, chlormequat 2000 ppm, hidrazida maleica 1000 ppm, Agrostemin 1,25 g. l-1 e Atonik 0,5 ml.1-1, além do controle, em caixas de Petri. Observações realizadas 7 e 15 dias após a instalação do ensaio mostraram que giberelina e Agrostemin promoveram aumento no crescimento da radícula e do hipocótilo de milho e tomateiro. Hidrazida maleica inibiu o desenvolvimento da radícula das plântulas de milho. Hidrazida maleica e Atonik tenderam a reduzir o crescimento da radícula e do hipocótilo de tomateiro.
Com o objetivo de estudar os efeitos de estimulantes e reguladores vegetais, sob condições de laboratório, no desenvolvimento da radícula e do hipocótilo de Helianthus annuus cv. Anhandy, plantas com 21 dias de idade, cultivadas em vaso, foram pulverizadas com Cytozyme 1 ml. 1-1, Ergostim 2 ml.1-1, Figaron 1 ml.1-1 e Multiprop 1 ml.1-1, além do controle. Sete dias depois verificou-se que Ergostim promoveu a maior variação no crescimento do hipocótilo, sendo que Multiprop e Figaron também incrementaram o desenvolvimento. Cytozyme causou significativo aumento no comprimento do hipocótilo do girassol com relação ao controle.
Novos estimulantes vegetais têm merecido estudos por possuírem alto potencial para melhorarem a produtividade de culturas. Triacontanol, um álcool alifático primário de cadeia longa isolado de vegetais encontra-se dentre essas substâncias. Com o objetivo de verificar o efeito deste estimulante vegetal sob condições de laboratório, sementes de Zea mays cv. C-525 e Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Kada foram submetidas aos efeitos de 10 ml de triacontanol 0,01, 0,1 e 1 mg. 1-1, além do controle, em caixas de Petri. Observações realizadas 7 e 14 dias após a instalação do ensaio mostraram que concentrações crescentes de triacontanol tendem a aumentar o crescimento da radícula e do hipocótilo do tomateiro, 14 dias após a aplicação. Nesta data notou-se também que concentrações crescentes de triacontanol tendem a incrementar o desenvolvimento do hipocótilo do milho.
Searches for substances with antimicrobial activity are frequent, and medicinal plants have been considered interesting by some researchers since they are frequently used in popular medicine as remedies for many infectious diseases. The aim of this study was to verify the synergism between 13 antimicrobial drugs and 8 plant extracts - "guaco" (Mikania glomerata), guava (Psidium guajava), clove (Syzygium aromaticum), garlic (Allium sativum), lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), ginger (Zingiber officinale), "carqueja" (Baccharis trimera), and mint (Mentha piperita) - against Staphylococcus aureus strains, and for this purpose, the disk method was the antimicrobial susceptibility test performed. Petri dishes were prepared with or without dilution of plant extracts at sub-inhibitory concentrations in Mueller-Hinton Agar (MHA), and the inhibitory zones were recorded in millimeters. In vitro anti-Staphylococcus aureus activities of the extracts were confirmed, and synergism was verified for all the extracts; clove, guava, and lemongrass presented the highest synergism rate with antimicrobial drugs, while ginger and garlic showed limited synergistic capacity.
Reliability of transient elastography for the diagnosis of advanced fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C.
Resumen basado en el del autor
The emergence and spread of infectious diseases reflects the interaction of ecological and economic factors within an adaptive complex system. We review studies that address the role of economic factors in the emergence and spread of infectious diseases and identify three broad themes. First, the process of macro-economic growth leads to environmental encroaching, which is related to the emergence of infectious diseases. Second, there are a number of mutually reinforcing processes associated with the emergence/spread of infectious diseases. For example, the emergence and spread of infectious diseases can cause significant economic damages, which in turn may create the conditions for further disease spread. Also, the existence of a mutually reinforcing relationship between global trade and macroeconomic growth amplifies the emergence/spread of infectious diseases. Third, microeconomic approaches to infectious disease point to the adaptivity of human behavior, which simultaneously shapes the course of epidemics and responds to it. Most of the applied research has been focused on the first two aspects, and to a lesser extent on the third aspect. With respect to the latter, there is a lack of empirical research aimed at characterizing the behavioral component following a disease outbreak. Future research should seek to fill this gap and develop hierarchical econometric models capable of integrating both macro and micro-economic processes into disease ecology.