14 resultados para Starbucks
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
Consumers are often less satisfied with a product chosen from a large assortment than a limited one. Experienced choice difficulty presumably causes this as consumers have to engage in a great number of individual comparisons. In two studies we tested whether partitioning the choice task so that consumers decided sequentially on each individual attribute may provide a solution. In a Starbucks coffee house, consumers who chose from the menu rated the coffee as less tasty when chosen from a large rather than a small assortment. However, when the consumers chose it by sequentially deciding about one attribute at a time, the effect reversed. In a tailored-suit customization, consumers who chose multiple attributes at a time were less satisfied with their suit, compared to those who chose one attribute at a time. Sequential attribute-based processing proves to be an effective strategy to reap the benefits of a large assortment.
Des de la perspectiva del brand management, el present treball pretén demostrar que una incoherent aplicació del marketing experiencial en entorns espacials pot contribuir a malmetre la construcció de la marca. Per corroborar la hipòtesi, el treball consta d’una una part teòrica, on s’aborda des de la marca fins al marketing experiencial, i una part pràctica en què s’exposa l’anàlisi de cinc entorns espacials de la ciutat de Barcelona: Nespresso, IceBarcelona, Pans&Company, Sephora i Starbucks Coffee.
Treball Final de Carrera ( TFC ) consistent en l'anàlisi de diferents tipus d'estratègies que les empreses poden aplicar centrant-se en les idees de Michael Porter i el desenvolupament d'aquestes idees per part de diferents professionals. El TFC està dividit en dos blocs, un de teòric i un de pràctic. El primer bloc consisteix en l'anàlisi dels diferents tipus d'estratègies derivades de les idees de Michael Porter. En aquest primer bloc, hem analitzat com a través del model de les cinc forces, Porter va arribar a les estratègies genèriques. Després hem analitzat les tres estratègies genèriques conjuntament amb l'estratègia híbrida i amb l'Estratègia de l'Oceà Blau. El segon bloc està format per diversos casos pràctics d'empreses que han aconseguit l'èxit durant l'actual període de crisi en els diferents sectors de l'economia. Aquestes empreses són Yoigo com a exemple de baix cost , Starbucks com implementació d'una estratègia de diferenciació i Ryan Air exemplificant una estratègia de segmentació enfocada als baixos costos. Finalment, hem analitzat a Toyota degut a la seva estratègia híbrida i Graphenea com una companyia que implementa Estratègia de l'Oceà Blau. Totes aquestes companyies han aconseguit l'èxit durant l'actual període de crisi. El motiu és que aquestes empreses van escollir un tipus d'estratègia d'acord amb l'estructura de la indústria en la qual operen. No obstant això, la implementació d'aquestes estratègies no assegura resultats d'èxit. L'adequada aplicació d'aquestes estratègies suposa per a les empreses una demostració de que aconseguir l'èxit durant períodes de recessió econòmica és possible, vinculat a una bona gestió estratègica.
O trabalho discute a inovação de Modelo de Negócio nas organizações. Um Modelo de Negócio é a maneira como uma empresa organiza seus recursos, competências e relacionamentos, de forma a criar valor para seus clientes. No ambiente atual de dinamismo e competitividade crescentes, passa a ser fundamental que as empresas desenvolvam Modelos de Negócio inovadores, para poderem se diferenciar de seus concorrentes, e criarem vantagens competitivas duradouras. Empresas como Dell, Amazon, Walmart e Starbucks desenvolveram Modelos de Negócio únicos, baseados em suas próprias competências, e que conseguiram antecipar necessidades de seus clientes. Muitos outros exemplos de Modelos de Negócio inovadores são descritos neste trabalho. A inovação é fundamentalmente um processo que envolve criatividade e imaginação. Modelos de Negócio inovadores podem ser desenvolvidos através de processos criativos que envolvem a geração de idéias, e transformação das idéias de maior potencial em novos empreendimentos. Dessa forma, as empresas podem criar condições para explorar o potencial empreendedor de seus empregados. o final do trabalho retrata um Estudo de Caso no Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo. Um novo Modelo de Negócio é sugerido para desenvolver a capacidade empreendedora do IPT.
Women in Changsha are patronizing coffee-houses, ordering beverages and sweets, and disliking the taste of the expensive product purchased. This thesis is an exploratory research study conducted in Changsha, China with a consumer behavior focus. It uses primary surveys and interviews in addition to secondary sources from books, articles, and academic journals. It seeks to identify underlying motives for purchasing behavior from working women in the developing third-tier city Changsha, Hunan, China. It delves into the psychology of the working women who spend their hard-earned discretionary incomes at costly western chain coffee-houses. The inland mass-market consumer class feels the desire to project their newly established status while needing to save money for their personal future, their children’s schooling, and their parent’s retirement. They must wisely spend discretionary income while satisfying social societal norms. An individual’s self-concept plays and important role in determining which coffee shop she will frequent and what she will order. Daylight Donuts, Starbucks, Costa Coffee and local café’s all serve brewed coffee but they have different associations. This study aims at understanding the influencing factors associated with coffee-house brand equity and how the consumer’s perception of the brand forms her purchasing behavior. All coffee-house brands are relatively new in Changsha, none existing more than seven years. They do not have lasting ties with the community and need to create consumer relationships to ensure sustainability. Changsha women are bold and strong willed. If a corporation is to succeed in the future of Hunan, it will need to create an environment of hospitality excellence, place socially responsible roots in the society, and ask its customers what they want.
Der Psychologe Stephan Grünewald ist einer der Mitbegründer des Kölner Marktforschungsinstitutes rheingold. Das Institut versucht, Marktprozessen durch qualitative Interviews und psychologische Analyse auf die Schliche zu kommen. Die Grundüberlegung: auch bei alltäglichen Gewohnheiten, Lebensstil und Kaufentscheidungen spielten psychologische Prozesse eine bestimmende Rolle. Ergebnisse aus diesen Interviews verarbeitete Grünewald kürzlich in seinem Buch Deutschland auf der Couch (Frankfurt a.M.: Campus). Daniel Buggert und Karl R. Kegler sprachen mit Stephan Grünewald über die Bedeutung von Kopien, Lebensentwürfen und Medieneinflüssen in der Architektur.
The main research objective of this study was to find out whether perceived value significantly affects consumers’ purchase intention. Additionally, this study examined if there are any significant differences in perceived value for different fast-food restaurant brands and attempted to identify which fast-food restaurant is perceived to be the industry leader. A total number of six fast-food restaurants (McDonalds, Subway, Starbucks, Wendy’s, Burger King, and Taco Bell) were selected. Findings showed that among the five perceived service value dimensions, Starbucks is the leader in terms of quality, emotional response, and reputation. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and multiple regression analysis were performed to test the study hypotheses. Results indicated that there were significant differences in perceived value for different fast-food restaurant brands. Besides, monetary and behavioral price significantly affects consumers’ purchase intention. Findings are expected to help hospitality marketers to strategically manage their brands.
Análisis de la dinámica legitimadora de la Corte Constitucional en el tributo de estampillas, considerado desde la jurisdicción departamental, en el Estado colombiano.