927 resultados para Stakeholders management. Management of Touristic destinations. Religious Tourism
This study is about the primary stakeholder management - the resident community, given its participation and support for the development of tourism in touristic destinations. It has as a general aim to analyze the factors that are capable to influence the residents‟ support to the development of religious tourism in Santa Cruz, RN, and the existing interrelationships between factors. In order to achieve this objective, it was necessary to use exploratory and descriptive research, followed by a quantitative approach through questionnaires with 422 residents of Santa Cruz -RN. The study was based on the variables relationship model proposed by Nunkoo and Ramkissoon (2012), it was also used the technique of Structural Equation Modeling - SEM, aiming to explain the relationships between the constructs studied. The results found on the survey suggest that the more residents realize the benefits generated by tourism, as well as trust in government actors in charge of tourism development, the more there will be a propensity to support the development of religious tourism. This result is similar to the one found in the study of Nunkoo and Ramkissoon (2012). We conclude that the structural model that best represents the reality of Santa Cruz -RN is composed of the factors: benefits, costs, and confidence in governmental actors, which are able to influence the support of Santa Cruz‟s residents for the development of religious tourism. It is also noteworthy that it was found a highly significant connection between the factors benefits perceived from tourism and confidence in governmental actors and between both of them, the political support for tourism
A versenyző együttműködés (co-opetition) népszerű fogalma számos elméleti alátámasztást nyert a versenyképesség elméleti megközelítéseiben is, így a regionális versenyképesség és a klaszterek elméleti alapvetéseinek területén. Maga a fogalom pedig kifejezetten „divatossá” vált hazánk turizmusában: a közelmúltban kerültek a versenyző együttműködést és a turisztikai versenyképességet szolgáló desztináció-menedzsment szervezetek (Turisztikai Desztináció Menedzsment Szervezetek, TDMSZ a továbbiakban) a turisztikai irányításpolitika és a turisztikai szakma figyelmének középpontjába. Jelen cikkben a szerző célja a versenyző együttműködés és a turisztikai desztinációk versenyképessége közötti elméleti összefüggés feltárása. További cél az elméleti alapvetések primer kutatás során való vizsgálata: az együttműködés mintáinak feltárása a desztinációk szereplői között három (egy hazai és két ausztriai) esettanulmány keretében, a hazai és nemzetközi esetek specifikumainak, valamint a desztinációk fejlettsége miatti kritikus különbségeknek a kimutatása által. / === / The popular term of co-opetition gained theoretical support even in the theoretical approaches of the area of competitiveness, particularly in the field of regional competitiveness and the clusters.The term became rather popular in Hungary: as the tools of destination management and the destination management organizations (DMOs) focusing on the development of co-opetition and competitiveness came to the focus of the Hungarian touristic practice, governmental decisions in the recent past. In this article the author’s aim is to describe the theoretical connections among co-opetition, and the competitiveness of the touristic destinations. Further aim is to analyze the theoretical baselines in primary research, to map the samples of cooperation among the actors of touristic destinations in three case studies (made in one Hungarian, and two Austrian destinations) regarding the topic with regard to Hungarian and international cases, as well as the stage of development.
Although previous research has widely acknowledged the phenomenon of film-induced tourism, there is a paucity of research in relation to management of film-induced tourism at built heritage sites. This research, underpinned by a constructivist paradigm, draws on three distinct fields of study – heritage tourism management, film-induced tourism and heritage interpretation – in order to provide a contribution to the heritage management field and address this particular gap in knowledge. Relying on the method of semi-structured interviews with managers, guides and visitors at Rosslyn Chapel (RC) and Alnwick Castle (AC), this thesis provides a rich understanding of how heritage interpretation can address a range of management challenges at heritage sites where film-induced tourism has occurred. These heritage visitor attractions (HVAs) were specifically selected as case studies as they have played different roles in media products. Rosslyn Chapel (RC) was an actual place named in The Da Vinci Code (TDVC) book and then film, whereas Alnwick Castle (AC) served as a backdrop for the first two Harry Potter (HP) films. Findings of this research include a range of management challenges at both RC and AC such as an increase in visitor numbers; seasonality issues; changes in visitor profile; revenue generation concerns; conservation, access, and visitor experience; and the complex relationship between heritage management and tourism activities. The findings also reveal film-induced tourism’s implications for heritage interpretation such as the various visitors’ expectations for heritage interpretation, changes to heritage interpretation as a result of film-induced tourism, and issues with commodification. These findings also demonstrate that film-induced tourism to some extent influenced visitors’ preferences for heritage interpretation, though visitors’ preferences differed from one to another. This thesis argues that, in the context of film-induced tourism at HVAs, as evident from the two case studies considered, heritage interpretation can be a valuable management tool and can also play a significant role in the quality of the visitors’ experience.
Segmenting stakeholders in terms of corporate responsibility: implications for reputation management
A desztináció menedzsment valamennyi desztinációs versenyképesség modell középponti eleme, és „csodaszerként” jelenik meg, különösen azokban az országokban, amelyek a desztináció menedzsment eszközrendszerét a közelmúltban vezették be, annak érdekében, hogy a desztinációk lépést tudjanak tartani a versenytársaikkal, mint ahogyan ez hazánkban is történt. Jelen tanulmány alapját a témában írt PhD Értekezésem (Sziva, I. (2010)) adja, amelynek fókuszában a desztinációs versenyképesség értelmezése, az ex ante oldali tényezők feltárása állt. A téziskutatás során feltárt tényezők, és a Bírálóim konstruktív fejlesztési javaslatai a téma továbbkutatására ösztönöztek. Mindezért tartottam elengedhetetlennek, hogy a tézisemben összefoglalt hazai és osztrák kutatások legfontosabb eredményeit további nemzetközi színtéren, ezúttal Dániában vizsgáljam, jelen esetben a fókuszt a desztináció menedzsment tényezőire, és annak kiemelt kontextusaira helyezve. Jelen tanulmány legfontosabb célja az, hogy egyrészt összefoglalást adjon a desztináció menedzsment szerepéről a desztinációs versenyképesség elméleti megközelítéseit tekintve. Továbbá, hogy a hazai tapasztalatok összevetésre kerüljenek a szakértői interjúk során megismert dán tapasztalatokkal és további kutatási irányok kerüljenek meghatározásra. Ezúton szeretném megköszönni dániai kutatásom interjú-alanyainak részvételét és a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem TÁMOP 4.2.1.B-09/1/KMR-2010-0005 projekt keretében nyújtott támogatását! _________ Destination management is the central element of the model concerning destinations competitiveness, and appears as „wonder medicine”, particularly in those countries, where the tools of destination management was introduced in the near past, as it happened in Hungary. The baseline of this study is given by my PhD Dissertation (Sziva, I. (2010)), which was focusing on interpretation and the ex ante factors of destinations competitiveness. The factors identified during my thesis research, and the constructive recommendations of my Reviewer gave the motivation for further analysis. That is why was it important to make further researchers based on the results identified in the Hungarian and Austrian cases of my thesis research, and add further international, this time Danish context to the research, by focusing on destination management among the factors of competitiveness. The aim of the article is to give a summary about the theoretical approach of destination management and compare the Hungarian experiences with that of the results of the Danish research based on experts’ interviews. Hereby I would like to thank my interviewees their participation, and the support of Corvinus University Budapest in the framework of TÁMOP 4.2.1.B-09/1/KMR-2010-0005 project.
Coastal lagoons are valued and sensitive ecosystems often threatened by human pressure. In our study we focused on the development of local activities in the Óbidos lagoon and we aimed to understand the stakeholders’ view about the best solutions for local development. Stakeholders were divided into residents, tourists, groups of interest and surveys and interviews were applied. The results indicated that although the lagoon is considered a dynamic economical resource for the local economy communities, tourism was identified by all stakeholders as the strategic tool for development in the lagoon. These results suggest the urgency to promote sustainable guidelines for the local tourism development.
This study proposes a conceptual framework that explores the correlations between economic dependence (ED), local government management of tourism (GMT), perceived tourism benefits and costs, and support for sustainable tourism development (STD). A quantitative research design was adopted. Data collection was carried out by personal survey applied to 300 residents of the small historic town of Lamego, located within the Douro Valley World Heritage Site. Structural equation modelling methods were employed to analyse the proposed model. Results suggest that GMT has a significant effect on the perceived impacts of tourism, both in the positive and in the negative. The effect of GMT in fostering residents’ support to STD was also empirically supported. Additionally, it was also determined that positive perceptions of the impacts of tourism directly influence support to STD. Nevertheless, ED does not have a significant effect either on perceivedbenefits, nor on perceived costs or on residents’ support to STD. Likewise, perceptions of the negative impacts do not predict residents’ support to STD.
Delivering infrastructure projects involves many stakeholders. Their responsibilities and authorities vary over the course of the project lifecycle - from establishing the project parameters and performance requirements, to operating and maintaining the completed infrastructure. To ensure the successful delivery of infrastructure projects, it is important for the project management team to identify and manage the stakeholders and their requirements. This chapter discusses the management of stakeholders in delivering infrastructure projects, from their conception to completion. It includes managing the stakeholders for project selection and involving them to improve project constructability, operability and maintainability.
The building and construction sector is one of the five largest contributors to the Australian economy and is a key performance component in the economy of many other jurisdictions. However, the ongoing viability of this sector is increasingly reliant on its ability to foster and transfer innovated products and practices. Interorganisational networks, which bring together key industry stakeholders and facilitate the flows of information, resources and trust necessary to secure innovation, have emerged as a key growth strategy within this and other arenas. The blending of organisations, resources and purposes creates new, hybrid institutional forms that draw on a mix of contract, structure and interpersonal relationship as integration processes. This paper argues that hybrid networked arrangements, because they incorporate relational elements, require management strategies and techniques that not always synonymous with conventional management approaches, including those used within the building and construction sector. It traces the emergence of the Construction Innovation Project in Australia as a hybrid institutional arrangement moulding public, private and academic stakeholders of the building and construction industry into a coherent collective force aimed at fostering innovation and its application within all levels of the industry. Specifically, the paper examines the Construction Innovation Project to ascertain the impact of relational governance and its management to harness and leverage the skills, resources and capacities of members to secure innovative outcomes. Finally, the paper offers some prospects to guide the ongoing work of this body and any other charged with a similar integrative responsibility.