993 resultados para Stable solutions


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We address the issue of stability of recently proposed significantly super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs. We present stable solutions of magnetostatic equilibrium models for super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs pertaining to various magnetic field profiles. This has been obtained by self-consistently including the effects of the magnetic pressure gradient and total magnetic density in a general relativistic framework. We estimate that the maximum stable mass of magnetized white dwarfs could be more than 3 solar mass. This is very useful to explain peculiar, overluminous type Ia supernovae which do not conform to the traditional Chandrasekhar mass-limit.


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In 1931 Dirac studied the motion of an electron in the field of a magnetic monopole and found that the quantization of electric charge can be explained by postulating the mere existence of a magnetic monopole. Since 1974 there has been a resurgence of interest in magnetic monopole due to the work of ‘t’ Hooft and Polyakov who independently observed that monopoles can exist as finite energy topologically stable solutions to certain spontaneously broken gauge theories. The thesis, “Studies on Magnetic Monopole Solutions of Non-abelian Gauge Theories and Related Problems”, reports a systematic investigation of classical solutions of non-abelian gauge theories with special emphasis on magnetic monopoles and dyons which possess both electric and magnetic charges. The formation of bound states of a dyon with fermions and bosons is also studied in detail. The thesis opens with an account of a new derivation of a relationship between the magnetic charge of a dyon and the topology of the gauge fields associated with it. Although this formula has been reported earlier in the literature, the present method has two distinct advantages. In the first place, it does not depend either on the mechanism of symmetry breaking or on the nature of the residual symmetry group. Secondly, the results can be generalized to finite temperature monopoles.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A vertex-centred finite volume method (FVM) for the Cahn-Hilliard (CH) and recently proposed Cahn-Hilliard-reaction (CHR) equations is presented. Information at control volume faces is computed using a high-order least-squares approach based on Taylor series approximations. This least-squares problem explicitly includes the variational boundary condition (VBC) that ensures that the discrete equations satisfy all of the boundary conditions. We use this approach to solve the CH and CHR equations in one and two dimensions and show that our scheme satisfies the VBC to at least second order. For the CH equation we show evidence of conservative, gradient stable solutions, however for the CHR equation, strict gradient-stability is more challenging to achieve.


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The nonminimal coupling of a self-interacting complex scalar field with gravity is studied. For a Robertson-Walker open universe the stable solutions of the scalar-field equations are time dependent. As a result of this, a novel spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs which leads to a varying effective gravitational coupling coefficient. It is found that the coupling coefficient changes sign below a critical ‘‘radius’’ of the Universe implying the appearance of repulsive gravity. The occurrence of the repulsive interaction at an early epoch facilitates singularity avoidance. The model also provides a solution to the horizon problem.


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The image reconstruction problem encountered in diffuse optical tomographic imaging is ill-posed in nature, necessitating the usage of regularization to result in stable solutions. This regularization also results in loss of resolution in the reconstructed images. A frame work, that is attributed by model-resolution, to improve the reconstructed image characteristics using the basis pursuit deconvolution method is proposed here. The proposed method performs this deconvolution as an additional step in the image reconstruction scheme. It is shown, both in numerical and experimental gelatin phantom cases, that the proposed method yields better recovery of the target shapes compared to traditional method, without the loss of quantitativeness of the results.


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The tomography problem is investigated when the available projections are restricted to a limited angular domain. It is shown that a previous algorithm proposed for extrapolating the data to the missing cone in Fourier space is unstable in the presence of noise because of the ill-posedness of the problem. A regularized algorithm is proposed, which converges to stable solutions. The efficiency of both algorithms is tested by means of numerical simulations. © 1983 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Dans ce mémoire, on étudie la désintégration d’un faux vide, c’est-à-dire un vide qui est un minimum relatif d’un potentiel scalaire par effet tunnel. Des défauts topologiques en 1+1 dimension, appelés kinks, apparaissent lorsque le potentiel possède un minimum qui brise spontanément une symétrie discrète. En 3+1 dimensions, ces kinks deviennent des murs de domaine. Ils apparaissent par exemple dans les matériaux magnétiques en matière condensée. Un modèle à deux champs scalaires couplés sera étudié ainsi que les solutions aux équations du mouvement qui en découlent. Ce faisant, on analysera comment l’existence et l’énergie des solutions statiques dépend des paramètres du modèle. Un balayage numérique de l’espace des paramètres révèle que les solutions stables se trouvent entre les zones de dissociation, des régions dans l’espace des paramètres où les solutions stables n’existent plus. Le comportement des solutions instables dans les zones de dissociation peut être très différent selon la zone de dissociation dans laquelle une solution se trouve. Le potentiel consiste, dans un premier temps, en un polynôme d’ordre six, auquel on y rajoute, dans un deuxième temps, un polynôme quartique multiplié par un terme de couplage, et est choisi tel que les extrémités du kink soient à des faux vides distincts. Le taux de désintégration a été estimé par une approximation semi-classique pour montrer l’impact des défauts topologiques sur la stabilité du faux vide. Le projet consiste à déterminer les conditions qui permettent aux kinks de catalyser la désintégration du faux vide. Il appert qu’on a trouvé une expression pour déterminer la densité critique de kinks et qu’on comprend ce qui se passe avec la plupart des termes.


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The stability of stationary flow of a two-dimensional ice sheet is studied when the ice obeys a power flow law (Glen's flow law). The mass accumulation rate at the top is assumed to depend on elevation and span and the bed supporting the ice sheet consists of an elastic layer lying on a rigid surface. The normal perturbation of the free surface of the ice sheet is a singular eigenvalue problem. The singularity of the perturbation at the front of the ice sheet is considered using matched asymptotic expansions, and the eigenvalue problem is seen to reduce to that with fixed ice front. Numerical solution of the perturbation eigenvalue problem shows that the dependence of accumulation rate on elevation permits the existence of unstable solutions when the equilibrium line is higher than the bed at the ice divide. Alternatively, when the equilibrium line is lower than the bed, there are only stable solutions. Softening of the bed, expressed through a decrease of its elastic modulus, has a stabilising effect on the ice sheet.


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The metal–insulator transition of VO2 so far has evaded an accurate description by density functional theory. The screened hybrid functional of Heyd, Scuseria and Ernzerhof leads to reasonable solutions for both the low-temperature monoclinic and high-temperature rutile phases only if spin polarization is excluded from the calculations. We explore whether a satisfactory agreement with experiment can be achieved by tuning the fraction of Hartree Fock exchange (a) in the density functional. It is found that two branches of locally stable solutions exist for the rutile phase for 12:5% 6 a 6 20%. One is metallic and has the correct stability as compared to the monoclinic phase, the other is insulating with lower energy than the metallic branch. We discuss these observations based on the V 3d orbital occupations and conclude that a ¼ 10% is the best possible choice for spin-polarized VO2 calculations.


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We analyse the global structure of the phase space of the planar planetary 2/1 mean-motion resonance in cases where the outer planet is more massive than its inner companion. Inside the resonant domain, we show the existence of two families of periodic orbits, one associated to the librational motion of resonant angle (sigma-family) and the other related to the circulatory motion of the difference in longitudes of pericentre (Delta pi-family). The well-known apsidal corotation resonances (ACR) appear as intersections between both families. A complex web of secondary resonances is also detected for low eccentricities, whose strengths and positions are dependent on the individual masses and spatial scale of the system. The construction of dynamical maps for various values of the total angular momentum shows the evolution of the families of stable motion with the eccentricities, identifying possible configurations suitable for exoplanetary systems. For low-moderate eccentricities, several different stable modes exist outside the ACR. For larger eccentricities, however, all stable solutions are associated to oscillations around the stationary solutions. Finally, we present a possible link between these stable families and the process of resonance capture, identifying the most probable routes from the secular region to the resonant domain, and discussing how the final resonant configuration may be affected by the extension of the chaotic layer around the resonance region.


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Considering the static solutions of the D-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation with trap and attractive two-body interactions, the existence of stable solutions is limited to a maximum critical number of particles, when D greater than or equal to 2. In case D = 2, we compare the variational approach with the exact numerical calculations. We show that, the addition of a positive three-body interaction allows stable solutions beyond the critical number. In this case, we also introduce a dynamical analysis of the conditions for the collapse. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work we study the local coupled Kuramoto model with periodic boundary conditions. Our main objective is to show how analytical solutions may be obtained from symmetry assumptions, and while we proceed on our endeavor we show apart from the existence of local attractors, some unexpected features resulting from the symmetry properties, such as intermittent and chaotic period phase slips, degeneracy of stable solutions and double bifurcation composition. As a result of our analysis, we show that stable fixed points in the synchronized region may be obtained with just a small amount of the existent solutions, and for a class of natural frequencies configuration we show analytical expressions for the critical synchronization coupling as a function of the number of oscillators, both exact and asymptotic. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)