730 resultados para Sport organization


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With the recent growth in cultural complexity, many organizations are faced with increasingly diverse employee pools. Gaining a greater understanding of the values that employees possess is the first step in effectively satisfying their needs and achieving a more productive workforce (lung & Avolio, 2000). Values playa significant role in influencing individual behaviours. It is therefore necessary to assess the qualities of employee value systems and directly link them to the values of the organization. The importance of values and value congruence has been emphasized by many organizational behaviour researchers (cf. Adkins & Caldwell, 2004; Erdogan, Kraimer, & Liden, 2004; Jung & Avolio, 2000; Rokeach, 1973); however the emphasis on value studies remains fairly stagnant within the sport industry (Amis, Slack, & Hinings, 2002). In order to examine the realities that were constructed by the participants in this study a holistic view of the impact of values within a specific sport organization were provided. The purpose of this case study was to examine organizational and employee values to understand the effects of values and value congruence on employee behaviours within the context of a large Canadian sport organization. A mUltiple methods case study approach was adopted in order to fully serve the purpose and provide a comprehensive view of the organization being examined. Document analysis, observations, surveys, as well as semi-structured interviews were conducted. The process allowed for triangulation and confirmability of the findings. Each method functioned to create an overarching understanding of the values and value congruence within this organization. The analysis of the findings was divided into qualitative and quantitative sections. The qualitative documents were analyzed twice, once manually by the researcher and once via AtIas.ti Version 4 (1998). The a priori and emergent coding that took place was based on triangulating the findings and uncovering common themes throughout the data. The Rokeach Value Survey (1973) that was incorporated into the survey design of the study was analyzed using descriptive statistics, as well as Mann-Whitney U, and Kruskal Wallis formulas. These were deemed appropriate for analysis given the non-parametric nature of the survey instrument (Kinnear & Gray, 2004). The quantitative survey served to help define the values and value congruence that was then holistically examined through the qualitative interviews, document analyses, and observations. The results of the study indicated incongruent value levels between employees and those stated or perceived as the organization's values. Each finding demonstrated that varying levels of congruence may have diverse affects on individual behaviours. These behaviours range from production levels to interactions with fellow employees to turnover. In addition to the findings pertaining to the research questions, a number of other key issues were uncovered regarding departmentalization, communication, and board relations. Each has contributed to a greater understanding of the organization and has created direction for further research within this area of study.


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Within sport, a tremendous amount of effort is committed to the on-the-field performance of athletes and coaches, neglecting the off-the-field performance and development of sport managers. This study examines the impact of human resource training on the performance of five Canadian national sport organizations (NSO) and their managers (N=22). Data were collected on three outcome variables (learning, individual performance, organizational performance) and three mediating variables (motivation to transfer, training design, organizational climate) at three time measures (pre-training, post-training1, post-training2). Results indicate that training improves the learning and individual performance of sport managers, as well as the organizational performance of NSOs. Varying relationships were found at each of the three time measures, demonstrating that a progression to training-related performance change exists, while providing support for three levels of analysis (individual, organizational, systemic). Implications and future research directions are discussed and highlight the need for on-going training opportunities for Canadian sport managers.


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This project is about Fast and Female, a community-based girls’ sport organization, that focuses on empowering girls through sport. In this thesis I produce a discourse analysis from interviews with six expert sportswomen and a textual analysis of the organization’s online content – including its social media pages. I ground my analysis in poststructural theory as explained by Chris Weedon (1997) and in literature that helps contextualize and better define empowerment (Collins, 2000; Cruikshank, 1999; Hains, 2012; Sharma, 2008; Simon, 1994) and neoliberalism (Silk & Andrews, 2012). My analysis in this project suggests that Fast and Female develops a community through online and in-person interaction. This community is focused on girls’ sport and empowerment, but, as the organization is situated in a neoliberal context, organizers must take extra consideration in order for the organization to develop a girls’ sport culture that is truly representative of the desires and needs of the participants rather than implicit neoliberal values. It is important to note that Fast and Female does not identify as a feminist organization. Through this thesis I argue that Fast and Female teaches girls that sport is empowering – but, while the organization draws on “empowerment,” a term often used by feminists, it promotes a notion of empowerment that teaches female athletes how to exist within current mainstream and sporting cultures, rather than encouraging them to be empowered female citizens who learn to question and challenge social inequity. I conclude my thesis with suggestions for Fast and Female to encourage empowerment in spite of the current neoliberal situation. I also offer a goal-setting workbook that I developed to encourage girls to set goals while thinking about their communities rather than just themselves.


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Although capacity has been used in recent federal government accords and policies related to the voluntary and amateur sport sectors, there is little consensus over the meaning of the term. Consequently, the purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the concept of organizational capacity within a temporary voluntary sport organization. Specifically, the nature of organizational capacity was examined within the case of the Volunteers Division of the 2005 Canada Summer Games (CSG) Host Society. Data were collected from executive planning and middle management CSG volunteers through the use of a variety of methods: verbal journals, interviews, observations, documents and a focus group. Findings indicated several challenges associated with the volunteer management model utilized by the host society, varying levels of importance among six elements of capacity, and key aspects of the relationship between organizational capacity and transformational development. Implications focused upon the importance of highlighting individuals rather than the organizational as a whole in order to build capacity, and utilizing a brain or hybrid brain-machine organizational form to enhance capacity. Recommendations are provided for both the Canada Games Council and Canada Games host societies.


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The purpose of this study was to provide an in-depth, life history examination of the leadership qualities of the President of a for-profit sport organization and explore this individual's leadership development within the framework of the Authentic Leadership Development Model (ALDM). A series of semi-structured interviews was conducted, including interviews with the President, three employees within the organization, and three individuals as selected by the President who attested to her authenticity and lifehistory. As well, observations for a period of three months were used to create a lifehistory of the President and determine if she was aligned with the ALDM. Creating a lifehistory of the President allowed the researcher to outline the story of her life up until the conclusion of the study. The narrative case study of the female President of a for-profit sport organization provided a glimpse into the life of a person whose values, beliefs, and actions aligned. The major findings of this study suggested that the President displayed characteristics similar to those identified as outcomes of the ALDM model.


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Understanding and managing the knowledge transfer process in sport organizations is an essential component to enhance organizational capacity. Very little research on either capacity or knowledge transfer within a sport organization exists. Consequently, the purpos e of this qualitative case study was to, examine the transfer of knowledge process within a major games host society. Specifically, two research goals guided the study: 1) To develop a model to explain a knowledge t r ans f e r process in a non-profit ma jor games hos t organization and 2) To examine the relevance of the model to a Canada Games Hos t Society. Data we r e collected from interviews with middle and senior level volunteers as well as senior s t a f f members (n= 27), document s and observations. The findings indicated three barriers to knowledge transfer: structural, systemic, and cultural. As a result of the findings a revised model for knowledge transfer wa s proposed that included modifications related to the direction of knowledge flow, timing of the knowledge transfer process, and group inter-relations. Implications identified the importance of intuition managers, time and organizational levels for successful knowledge transfer. Recommendations for future host societies and the Canada Games Council are presented.


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Cette thèse lève en partie le voile sur l’histoire des sports féminins au Québec de 1919 à 1961, soit de l’âge d’or des sports féminins au Canada jusqu’à l’adoption de la Loi sur la condition physique et le sport amateur par le gouvernement fédéral. Elle montre comment les rapports de genre ont été re/produits dans les sports féminins en étudiant les discours et les pratiques, tout en portant une attention particulière à l’influence qu’exercent l’appartenance de classe, l’ethnicité et la religion sur les sports féminins. L’analyse se penche d’abord sur les discours des médecins, des professeurs d’éducation physique et des clercs de l’Église catholique pour étudier les prescriptions qu’ils ont formulées à l’égard de la participation sportive des femmes. Les idées de deux Montréalaises, Myrtle Cook et Cécile Grenier, sont ensuite examinées pour montrer comment elles contestent les discours dominants. Enfin, les pratiques sportives des femmes dans deux centres sportifs montréalais, soit la Palestre nationale et le Young Women’s Christian Association, ont été étudiées de manière détaillée afin de mettre en lumière les différences, mais aussi certaines similitudes, entre l’organisation des sports féminins dans les communautés francophones et anglophones de la ville. Cette thèse met en évidence les tensions qui découlent des rapports de genre, de classe, d’ethnicité et de l’appartenance religieuse, et qui sont présentes à la fois dans les discours et les pratiques. Comme ailleurs en Amérique du Nord et même ailleurs en Occident, les discours dominants au Québec ne sont pas univoques, alors que des vues divergentes les contestent et que les pratiques sont plurielles. Tout en s’inscrivant dans le mouvement plus large d’accès des femmes aux sports en Occident, les discours et les pratiques observables à Montréal s’en distinguent, notamment par la forte influence de l’Église catholique et par les tensions ethniques. Le Québec est donc un cas d’espèce tout indiqué pour mettre en lumière la complexité de la re/production des rapports de genre à travers l’analyse des sports féminins, l’étude de ce champ constituant en même temps une avenue de recherche fort stimulante pour mieux saisir l’entrée de la province dans la modernité.


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Em diversos países, a estrutura organizacional voltada ao desenvolvimento das modalidades esportivas é definida por programas de esporte desenvolvidos nacionalmente. Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar a organização, as estruturas e as políticas para o esporte de rendimento no Brasil. Foram analisadas as ações de órgãos governamentais e/ou entidades nacionais do esporte de alto nível. Foram analisados os 14 Fatores Críticos para o Sucesso (FCS) referentes aos quatro indicadores que compõem o Pilar 2 do modelo SPLISS (Sports Policies Leading to Sport Sucess) (De Bosscher et al., 2009). Verificou- se que: o país possui ações isoladas oriundas do COB e do Ministério do Esporte; não existe priorização na aplicação dos recursos financeiros nas modalidades com chances reais de medalhas; existem ações do COB em relação à formação de gestores e técnicos, e a participação da representação de atletas nas entidades nacionais de esporte ainda é bastante restrita e recente.


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A Gestão de Processos de Negócio (BPM – Business Process Management) é uma abordagem que tem como objetivo melhorar a eficiência nas organizações, através da gestão dos processos, em que se realiza a sua modelação, organização e otimização de uma forma iterativa e contínua. O BPM permite suportar os processos de negócio, através da utilização de métodos, técnicas e software para projetar, representar e analisar processos organizacionais que envolvem, pessoas, organizações, aplicações, documentos e outras fontes de informação (Aalst, Hofstede, & Weske, 2003). Neste estudo é utilizado um Business Process Management System (BPMS) para realizar a modelação dos processos do Comité Européen de Rink-Hockey (CERH), para a inscrição de equipas e atletas, nos eventos realizados sob a responsabilidade deste comité. A modelação é realizada através da utilização do Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). A utilização do BPMS foi realizada considerando as seguintes etapas: (1) desenho do processo; (2) definição do processo; (3) desenvolvimento do processo e (4) administração e utilização de processos. Pretendeu-se, demonstrar a viabilidade e operacionalidade na utilização de uma ferramenta BPMS open-source, numa abordagem BPM, na modelação e implementação de processos, em detrimento de soluções proprietárias de custo elevado. O critério adotado para a seleção da ferramenta baseia-se na análise de relatórios sobre BPMS, que nos permitiu identificar e sustentar a solução adotada (Hill, Cantara, & Kerremans, 2009; Ovum, 2010; Richardson, Moore, Clair, & Vitti, 2010; Sinur & Hill, 2010). O resultado foi o desenvolvimento dos processos na organização, com a sua modelação em BPMN e implementação num BPMS, onde podemos comprovar a abordagem BPM numa organização desportiva.


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Se presentan los resultados de la aplicación de una metodología integradora de auditoría de información y conocimiento, llevada a cabo en un Centro de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente de la provincia de Holguín, Cuba, conformada por siete etapas con un enfoque híbrido dirigida a revisar la estrategia y la política de gestión de información y conocimiento, identificar e inventariar y mapear los recursos de I+C y sus flujos, y valorar los procesos asociados a su gestión. La alta dirección de este centro, sus especialistas e investigadores manifestaron la efectividad de la metodología aplicada cuyos resultados propiciaron reajustar la proyección estratégica en relación con la gestión de la I+C, rediseñar los flujos informativos de los procesos claves, disponer de un directorio de sus expertos por áreas y planificar el futuro aprendizaje y desarrollo profesional.


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Volunteer coaches are critical for the existence of youth sports organizations. They are both leading the activity and are expected to develop the athletes in a technical, psychological, social and cultural way. The mission as a coach requires skills and knowledge from a wide range of fields and the mission as a coach appears complex. Stakeholders like Riksidrottsförbundet, Gymnastikförbundet and the sport organization have certain requirements on how to design the activities. Coaches have to follow those guidelines and implement them in practice. The social context is one important factor for understanding the driving force. It affects how coaches perceive their assignment as a volunteer coach. This study aims to contribute to increased understanding of the fenomen volunteer coach mission and increase understanding for the drivers of volunteer coaches in gymnastics. In order to clarify this, 6 interviews with volunteer coaches from gymnastics organizations linked to Riksidrottsförbundet were conducted. This study indicates that the motive behind the coaching mission is grounded in an intrinsic value of being a coach. The coaching mission itself appears partly contradictory when trying to combine the sport related and the social dimensions. Seeing progress from practice and to follow the development of gymnasts are aspects that drives coaches. That combined with the social interaction is important for understanding the drivers of being a coach.


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A gestão de uma organização, independentemente da sua natureza, representa na atualidade um grande desafio. Inicialmente, o sucesso no desenvolvimento do processo de gestão de uma organização depende, essencialmente, de uma estratégia bem formulada e implementada, mas no entanto, a longo prazo, este êxito só será possível se existir um mecanismo de monitorização que permita realizar ao longo do tempo uma avaliação do desempenho. O Balanced Scorecard (BSC), da autoria de Robert Kaplan e David Norton, na década de 90, surgiu inicialmente como uma metodologia de avaliação do desempenho e rapidamente começou a ser utlizado também como um sistema de gestão estratégica. Esta ferramenta pode ser utilizada nos mais variados tipos de organizações visto que pode ser adaptada às características e especificidades de cada uma. O presente estudo tem como objetivo adaptar o Balanced Scorecard a uma organização desportiva, as Piscinas da Associação Humanitária de Bombeiros Voluntários de Colares, de modo que, relativamente à metodologia empregue, este consiste num estudo de caso. Com o objetivo de suportar o estudo de uma forma coerente, foram utilizados como instrumentos de recolha de dados um conjunto de entrevistas e a análise documental. Como principal conclusão deste estudo retiramos que o BSC é de facto uma ferramenta muito útil para desenvolver a estratégia de uma organização e avaliar o seu desempenho.


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Sport-for-development is the active practice of achieving social ideals through the use of sport and other traditional development programs. The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate SFD best practices from the context of an African organization development project. The case was a development organization in Zambia, Africa that was utilizing sport within its strategy. The data collection and analysis framed using Curado and Bontis (2007) MIC Matrix, the Sport For Development International Working Group’s (2007) best practices model, and B. Kidd’s (2011) Sport-in-Development Logic Model. The research supports that a SFD project is multi-faceted and should include the employment of strategic community programming on the basis of collaborative and integrative sport, health care and education. Further, the researcher found that the best practices include setting specific goals and objectives, as well as instituting regular monitoring and evaluation strategies