28 resultados para Specials


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Multiproduct retailers facing similar costs and serving the same public commonly announce different weekly specials. These promotional prices also seem to evolve randomly over the weeks. Here, weekly specials are viewed as the strategic outcome of an oligopolistic price competition among multiproduct retail stores facing nonconvex costs. Existence of an equilibrium in mixed strategies is proven. ldentical stores serving the same public will never charge the same price vector with probability one (cross-store price dispersion). Mixed strategies can generate random price dispersion over time in the repeated version of the mode!.


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Free independent travelers require flexible, reactive service delivery due to their regularly changing location and activities and the lack of a wired Internet connection. A ubiquitous travel service delivery system that is able to dynamically deliver services in response to relevant events, such as changing location, availability of new last-minute specials, work opportunities, and safety issues can provide added value while retaining the flexibility that is so important to independent travelers. This article describes such a system. An engineering design research approach has been adopted to design the system. Issues addressed include traveler and service states and events, contexts, situations, and situation-action rules. An architecture is proposed that is based on distributed, cooperating software agents and mobile data technologies. The role of these agents is to continuously monitor situations that are occurring in the physical and virtual service spaces and to take the required action for any situations that are relevant to the traveler.


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Jatkuvasti muuttuva työympäristö vaatii organisaatiolta kykyä muuntua nopeasti vastaamaan tehokkaasti uusiin haasteisiin. Organisaation on tärkeää tuntea kriittiset menestystekijänsä ja pystyä mittaamaan suorituskykyään. Tämän vuoksi asiantuntijaorganisaatioiden suorituskykyyn on alettu kiinnittää entistä enemmän huomiota. Mittareiden käyttö asiantuntijatyön suorituskyvyn mittaamisessa ei ole kovinkaan yleistä johtuen tehtävän työn erityispiirteistä. Asiantuntijatyössä älyllisellä pääomalla, kuten esimerkiksi henkilöstön tiedoilla ja osaamisella, on merkittävä rooli organisaation toimintaan. Tämä asettaa omat erityisvaatimuksensa suorituskyvyn mittaamiselle, toiminnan ohjaamiselle ja erityisesti motivoinnille. Tutkielmassa pyrittiin löytämään tutkimuksen kohteena olleen yrityksen kehittämisen tärkeät toiminta-alueet henkilöstölle suunnatun kyselyn avulla. On erittäin tärkeää, että henkilöstö kokee mittauksen ja tehostamistoimenpiteet omaa työtä tukeviksi asioiksi. Tutkimuksen tuloksena löytyivät selkeästi kehittämistä vaativat osa-alueet. Haastava jatkotoimenpide on määritellä sopivat suorituskykymittarit älylliseen pääomaan liittyville kriittisille menestystekijöille.


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Después de los ataques del 11 de septiembre de 2001, Pakistán se ha convertido en uno de los principales aliados de Estados Unidos para combatir las fuerzas terroristas de Al-Qaeda y los talibán en el centro y sur de Asia. La alianza bilateral no ha manifestado resultados determinantes para aliviar los problemas de seguridad en Pakistán, por el contrario, la yihad islámica se ha fortalecido en su población y los ataques terroristas que atentan contra la población civil y el aparato estatal se vuelven cada vez mas frecuentes, en razón de lo anterior, los grupos insurgentes en Pakistán han fortalecido su capacidad operativa y expandido su escenario de influencia.


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Este trabajo de investigación explora el proceso de toma de decisiones fundamentado desde la perspectiva psicológica. El campo de interés está centrado en la toma de decisiones éticas a nivel organizacional y las consecuencias que las zonas grises o las conductas de riesgo repercuten en las dinámicas económicas y sociales. Con base en el análisis de los escándalos financieros más importantes de Europa, Estados Unidos y Colombia, y la literatura ofrecida por las ciencias sociales, la ética y las ciencias económicas se reconstruye una recopilación teórica de los aportes que los modelos psicológicos aplicados pueden dar al campo de la consultoría y el funcionamiento organizacional como también al estudio y análisis de los comportamientos anti éticos en empresas.


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El propósito de este estudio de caso es identificar los retos y estrategias de los gobiernos locales para definir la cooperación descentralizada como un instrumento de desarrollo territorial en Colombia. Para ello, se analiza el proyecto Cane-Iguaque y Vallée de L’Orb et du Libron para el tratamiento y purificación de agua y manejo de cuencas hidrográficas, y se explica la manera en que se refuerzan las relaciones de cooperación colombo-francesas enmarcadas particularmente en el fortalecimiento institucional a partir del intercambio de experiencias, para generar nuevas y mayores capacidades de participación en el escenario internacional de las entidades territoriales del país.


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This report presents the canonical Hamiltonian formulation of relative satellite motion. The unperturbed Hamiltonian model is shown to be equivalent to the well known Hill-Clohessy-Wilshire (HCW) linear formulation. The in°uence of perturbations of the nonlinear Gravitational potential and the oblateness of the Earth; J2 perturbations are also modelled within the Hamiltonian formulation. The modelling incorporates eccentricity of the reference orbit. The corresponding Hamiltonian vector ¯elds are computed and implemented in Simulink. A numerical method is presented aimed at locating periodic or quasi-periodic relative satellite motion. The numerical method outlined in this paper is applied to the Hamiltonian system. Although the orbits considered here are weakly unstable at best, in the case of eccentricity only, the method ¯nds exact periodic orbits. When other perturbations such as nonlinear gravitational terms are added, drift is signicantly reduced and in the case of the J2 perturbation with and without the nonlinear gravitational potential term, bounded quasi-periodic solutions are found. Advantages of using Newton's method to search for periodic or quasi-periodic relative satellite motion include simplicity of implementation, repeatability of solutions due to its non-random nature, and fast convergence. Given that the use of bounded or drifting trajectories as control references carries practical di±culties over long-term missions, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is applied to the quasi-periodic or slowly drifting trajectories to help provide a closed reference trajectory for the implementation of closed loop control. In order to evaluate the e®ect of the quality of the model used to generate the periodic reference trajectory, a study involving closed loop control of a simulated master/follower formation was performed. 2 The results of the closed loop control study indicate that the quality of the model employed for generating the reference trajectory used for control purposes has an important in°uence on the resulting amount of fuel required to track the reference trajectory. The model used to generate LQR controller gains also has an e®ect on the e±ciency of the controller.


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This article explores the translation and reception of the Memoirs and Travels (1790) of Count Mauritius Augustus Benyowsky (1746-86) in the Netherlands, and examines the complications, tensions and problems that transfer between a major and a more minor European language involves. I analyse how the Dutch translator Petrus Loosjes Adriaanszoon positioned himself as a mediator between these very different source and target cultures and ask how he dealt with the problems of plausibility and ‘credit’ which had beleaguered the reception of the Memoirs and Travels from the outset. In this article I am concerned to restore minority languages to the discussion of how travel literature circulated in Western Europe at the close of the eighteenth century and to demonstrate how major/minor language translation was central to the construction of Dutch-language culture in the Low Countries in this period.


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Globalization has developed more and more within the business world as well as private life during the last decades. Globalization has influenced the way companies are conducting business and their approach towards the consumers which can have an influence on their way of purchasing. Consumers nowadays have more than ever the possibility to get involved and gather experiences from abroad, as well as companies are taking advantage of this globalization. Within this thesis the following question will be discussed: Do consumers see the value companies try to create for them with an identical offer the same way in different markets? This idea is based on Theodore Levitt’s theory of globalization which comprises standardization of an offer since consumer needs are homogenizing globally. Douglas & Wind instead state that segmentation with adaptations is necessary to fulfill all consumer needs. Within this elaboration the question whether standardization is accepted and liked by the consumers is discussed and analyzed by including an empirical research. This research is based on Zeithaml’s model of the Perceived Quality Components, which was the fundamental base behind formulating the survey questions. These were submitted in Germany, the Republic of Ireland and Sweden to be able to discuss and visualize how the consumers of these different markets perceive different aspects of a company’s offer. One particular company, which is seen as doing business globally, was chosen as a test object. Based on the test object Lidl - which consumers were questioned about in the survey - it was possible to conduct a comparison of consumers’ general expectations against components of Lidl’s offer such as price, weekly specials, product range, etc. where differences and similarities between the three countries of Lidl’s fulfillment of these expectations were achieved. They were analyzed to discover to which extent globalization is present. Resulting from the comparison it was concluded that nowadays segmentation is important but developing with time globalization seems to increase in significance. Recommendations for further research about topics which were omitted due to limited resources are presented.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este trabalho investigou como se deu a implementação de Políticas Públicas para Educação Especial no município de Marabá-Pará. Para tanto se fez necessário analisar e refletir o papel da Secretaria Municipal de Educação na efetivação dessas políticas, tendo como focos a política de inclusão escolar e o processo de municipalização do Ensino Fundamental. A temática foi desenvolvida por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa sobre o processo de inclusão escolar, pois a última década, em nosso país, marca o início da luta da sociedade civil para que se façam valer os direitos preconizados pela Constituição Federal de 1988, dentre os quais garantia do acesso e permanência de todos na escola. O problema de pesquisa que norteou este trabalho foi o de verificar a relação entre as políticas públicas educacionais para a educação especial traçadas pelo governo federal e a implementação das mesmas pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Marabá-Pará para a inclusão escolar dos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais. A pesquisa se desenvolveu metodologicamente por meio de um estudo de caso de uma escola da rede municipal de educação de Marabá. Utilizamos como instrumentos de coleta de dados a entrevista semÍ-estruturada e a análise interpretativa das entrevistas e dos documentos cujos dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo. A partir de nossas análises e reflexões constatamos que a implantação da Educação Especial em âmbito municipal deu-se por força do processo de municipalização ocorrido em Marabá no de 2000. Ressaltamos que a implementação da mesma na prática, vem sofrendo muitos complicadores, dentre eles a falta de conhecimento de grande parte dos professores da rede em relação às questões mais específicas apresentadas pela maioria das deficiências de seus alunos, além da falta de infra-estrutura adequada das escolas para atender os alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais matriculados nas classes comuns.


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Introduction: the patients with specials necessities ne ed a singular dentistry treatment because they have limitations due to theirs deficiency. The quality of oral health is related to the clinical situation of patient. The individuals with motor and understanding problems have poor oral health. Aim: this st udy aimed to review the literature about the importance of the early dentistry treatment of pacients with specials necessities. Methodology: the review of literature was made through t he Pubmed and Bireme. Studies about dental caries and periodontal dise a se of patient s with specials necessities had shown high index of caries and periodontal disease. Therefore it is important that there are capacity p rofessionals and multidisciplinary treatment. It is necessary to supply the dificulties of treatment like an xiety of parents, systemic problems and discrimination. Conclusion: the early treatment results in good coperation during the treatment, and the aquisition of cares for all life. The best way is a program of oral health with instructions about diet, oral hygiene, control of bacterials, motivation and interaction between patients and professionals.