962 resultados para Specialized Dental Centers


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Esta tese tem por objeto o processo de regionalização das ações de média complexidade e da oferta de próteses dentárias no âmbito da Política Nacional de Saúde Bucal (PNSB). Foram realizadas duas pesquisas fundamentais para o entendimento desse processo: a primeira esteve voltada para o levantamento da descrição da oferta de ações especializadas e de próteses dentárias nos Planos Diretores de Regionalização (PDR) nas 27 unidades federadas do país. A segunda pesquisa verificou a cobertura por Equipes de Saúde Bucal (ESBs) na Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) e a distribuição dos 844 Centros de Especialidades Odontológicas (CEOs) e dos 526 Laboratórios Regionais de Próteses Dentárias (LRPDs) implantados até setembro de 2010 nas regiões de saúde do Brasil dos 27 estados da federação. Essas pesquisas permitiram concluir que: os PDRs, na grande maioria dos estados brasileiros, não contribuíram para a organização regionalizada da distribuição de CEOs e LRPDs no Brasil. A cobertura por Equipes de Saúde Bucal é heterogênea, com predominância da Região Nordeste e dos municípios de pequeno porte, em detrimento das capitais e dos estados das regiões Sul e Sudeste. No tocante à distribuição das unidades CEO e LRPD pelas regiões de saúde, a pesquisa mostrou que os critérios normativos para a seleção dos municípios a sediarem essas unidades vêm sendo cumpridos de forma precária na maior parte do país. Além disso, a distribuição dessas unidades não apresenta coerência com os princípios da regionalização prevista pelo Pacto de Gestão do SUS.


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O Ministério da Saúde (MS), através de sua política de incentivos financeiros, vem promovendo um processo de reorganização da atenção à saúde bucal, com a implantação das Equipes de Saúde Bucal (ESB) na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF), no âmbito da atenção básica, e dos Centros de Especialização Odontológica (CEO) e Laboratório Regional de Próteses Dentárias (LRPD), na atenção secundária. Nesse contexto, esta dissertação foca o processo de reorganização da atenção à saúde bucal em Cascavel e nos demais municípios pertencentes à 10 Regional de Saúde do Estado do Paraná. Consideramos que, em tese, este processo de regionalização deve ser orientado pelas diretrizes da Política Nacional de Saúde Bucal (PNSB), que priorizam a atenção básica em saúde bucal através da ESF e trazem ainda como proposta a ampliação da média e alta complexidade em saúde bucal. Foi realizada ampla pesquisa nas bases de dados do DATASUS, relativos à produção das ações de saúde bucal dos 25 municípios pertencentes à 10 Regional de Saúde do Estado do Paraná, no período de janeiro de 1998 a dezembro de 2007. Os dados foram cotejados com aqueles disponibilizados pelo Departamento de Atenção Básica (DAB) relativos à implantação das ESB, CEO e LRPD. Os resultados demonstram que, no âmbito da 10 RS, ocorreu ampliação do acesso e da oferta de ações e serviços de saúde bucal. No entanto, a despeito da ampliação do acesso, há um longo caminho a ser percorrido para que haja avanços significativos nas condições de saúde bucal da população, tal como é a proposta da PNSB.


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The Specialized Dental Care Centers (CEO) were developed to provide specialized dental care to the population, given the accumulated needs of health since the past. They must operate as units of reference for the Oral Health Team of the Primary Care, complementing the dental procedures performed at this level of attention. This study aims to assess the performance of CEOs of the Grande Natal Health Region as a strategy of Secondary Care consolidation in oral health through users, dentists and managers. For this to try to identify factors about access, hosting and satisfaction with the service, the actions developed in these centers, integration between the CEOs and the Basic Health Units (UBS), considering the reference and counter reference. Data were collected through semi-structured interview, conducted in four CEOs, among 253 users, 31 dentists and 4 managers. It was submitted to descriptive statistical analysis and to content analysis by software ALCESTE 4.5. The results revealed that the specialties of prosthesis, endodontics and surgery were the most sought by 38.2%, 23.7% and 21.7% of respondents, respectively. It was noticed that among users aged 18 to 30 years-old the greatest demand is for the specialty of endodontics (44.4%) and over 50 years for prosthesis (76.4%). There is a weakness in the reference and counter reference between UBS and CEO, because part of users goes directly to the centers without going before to the Primary Care and the majority does not want to return to the dentist of Health Unit. Satisfaction with care was reported by 90.9% of users, because they resolved the problems needed and were welcomed by the team. But the delay in care was the main factor for not satisfaction. For most dentists, some users could solve their problems completely in Primary Care, which shows the existence of unnecessary referrals to the CEOs, however they consider the existence of limiting factors in UBS that compromise the service. Most dentists revealed that some users do not get to CEOs with the basic dental treatment done, and some of them do not counter reference users. It can be concluded that the studied CEOs are being resolutive for those who access them, offering necessary care for the population, and if they don t account with this service, will encounter obstacles to resolution of problems, ranging seek care service in particular, in another public sector, or even giving up treatment. However, it is perceived the need of professionals training to understand the importance of the reference and counter reference, to that they can better serve and guide users. It is also important that cities offer better conditions to UBS and CEOs, so they can work together, with complementary actions of oral health, seeking full care, aiming for better resolution to the users' health problems


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Objective: To evaluate the degree of users satisfaction and technical quality of endodontic treatment in specialized dental clinics (CEO) of Grande Natal / RN between 2006 and 2008. Methodology: evaluated 282 endodontically treated teeth in CEOs through clinical and radiographic examinations. A questionnaire about the clinical condition of the tooth, evaluation of care and satisfaction with treatment was applied. Data on pre-and trans-operative were noted by the patient's clinical record. Endodontically treated teeth were examined by a specialist in endodontics, which compared with previous radiographs and current ones. The collected datas were presented descriptively by absolute numbers, percentages, averages. To determine the association between the independent and dependent variables was carried out through the bivariate association test Chi-square and Fisher exact test. Results: 79.8% presented with radiographic normal and 84.4% without pain symptoms. 8.2% of the teeth were fractured and 3.2% extracted. The persistence of the periapical lesion was associated with initial periapical status (p <0.05). 91.5% of patients are satisfied with the outcome of treatment. Such satisfaction is associated with absence of pain and an adequate esthetic tooth position (p <0.05). Conclusion: endodontic treatment in specialized dental clinics have an adequate technical quality, resulting in the success of endodontic therapy performed in these centers and that users are satisfied with the treatment


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BACKGROUND We investigated the rate of severe hypoglycemic events and confounding factors in patients with type-2-diabetes treated with sulfonylurea (SU) at specialized diabetes centers, documented in the German/Austrian DPV-Wiss-database. METHODS Data from 29,485 SU-treated patients were analyzed (median[IQR] age 70.8[62.2-77.8]yrs, diabetes-duration 8.2[4.3-12.8]yrs). The primary objective was to estimate the event-rate of severe hypoglycemia (requiring external help, causing unconsciousness/coma/convulsion and/or emergency.hospitalization). Secondary objectives included exploration of confounding risk-factors through group-comparison and Poisson-regression. RESULTS Severe hypoglycemic events were reported in 826(2.8%) of all patients during their most recent year of SU-treatment. Of these, n = 531(1.8%) had coma, n = 501(1.7%) were hospitalized at least once. The adjusted event-rate of severe hypoglycemia [95%CI] was 3.9[3.7-4.2] events/100 patient-years (coma: 1.9[1.8-2.1]; hospitalization: 1.6[1.5-1.8]). Adjusted event-rates by diabetes-treatment were 6.7 (SU + insulin), 4.9 (SU + insulin + other OAD), 3.1 (SU + other OAD), and 3.8 (SU only). Patients with ≥1 severe event were older (p < 0.001) and had longer diabetes-duration (p = 0.020) than patients without severe events. Participation in educational diabetes-programs and indirect measures of insulin-resistance (increased BMI, plasma-triglycerides) were associated with fewer events (all p < 0.001). Impaired renal function was common (N = 3,113 eGFR ≤30 mL/min) and associated with an increased rate of severe events (≤30 mL/min: 7.7; 30-60 mL/min: 4.8; >60 mL/min: 3.9). CONCLUSIONS These real-life data showed a rate of severe hypoglycemia of 3.9/100 patient-years in SU-treated patients from specialized diabetes centers. Higher risk was associated with known risk-factors including lack of diabetes-education, older age, and decreased eGFR, but also with lower BMI and lower triglyceride-levels, suggesting that SU-treatment in those patients should be considered with caution. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Objective Based on the system of reference and counter-reference and comprehensiveness in oral health care, we aimed to examine ways of refering users to Specialized Dental Care Centers (SDCC) and the interface between them and Primary Care. Methods This is a cross-sectional study carried out with users and dentists of SDCC in a metropolitan region of Northeast of Brazil. Analyses were descriptive, and the association test was done with chi-square. Results Six forms of entry to specialized service were identified: free demand (13.8 %) and reference by the Primary Care dentist (63.2 %) were most frequent. Users referred by the basic health unit dentist had more interest in making a counter-reference than the others (p<0.001, PR=4.65, 95 % CI: 2.74 to 7.91), while individuals without this referral had 1.49 times more difficulty obtaining care (95 % CI: 1.02 to 2.17). Referral procedures are a decisive factor for counter-references. However, the high demand for primary care services and the short supply these services can offer in the face of needs make SDCC performance difficult. Conclusion The analysis of oral health practices from the perspective of network modeling points to the service's need to establish protocols for regulation in a bid to improve access to and the quality of care provided.


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Objective Based on the system of reference and counter-reference and comprehensiveness in oral health care, we aimed to examine ways of refering users to Specialized Dental Care Centers (SDCC) and the interface between them and Primary Care. Methods This is a cross-sectional study carried out with users and dentists of SDCC in a metropolitan region of Northeast of Brazil. Analyses were descriptive, and the association test was done with chi-square. Results Six forms of entry to specialized service were identified: free demand (13.8 %) and reference by the Primary Care dentist (63.2 %) were most frequent. Users referred by the basic health unit dentist had more interest in making a counter-reference than the others (p<0.001, PR=4.65, 95 % CI: 2.74 to 7.91), while individuals without this referral had 1.49 times more difficulty obtaining care (95 % CI: 1.02 to 2.17). Referral procedures are a decisive factor for counter-references. However, the high demand for primary care services and the short supply these services can offer in the face of needs make SDCC performance difficult. Conclusion The analysis of oral health practices from the perspective of network modeling points to the service's need to establish protocols for regulation in a bid to improve access to and the quality of care provided.


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Esta dissertação discute o entendimento dos assistentes sociais que atuam nos centros de referência especializados de assistência social de três coordenadorias de desenvolvimento social do município do Rio de Janeiro sobre o tema das drogas, com o objetivo de analisar se as ações profissionais são dirigidas a uma perspectiva crítica, desconsiderando valores conservadores na sua intervenção, e se, durante seu trabalho profissional, buscam contribuir criticamente para a garantia dos direitos dos usuários. Para tal, realizamos entrevista com os assistentes sociais inseridos nesses centros, e através das respostas apresentadas, analisamos como o tema das drogas é abordado pelos profissionais de serviço social. A contribuição para a garantia de direitos requer do profissional de Serviço Social a possibilidade de realizar mediações entre as políticas e a contextualidade do usuário, considerando, também, as possibilidades e limites no percurso histórico que atravessa o uso das drogas. Cabe inclusive situar a compreensão das drogas e sua relação com o desenvolvimento do capital, em que a estratégia proibicionista responde aos interesses de um determinado bloco do poder. Dessa forma esse estudo resgata a construção histórica da profissão de Serviço Social no Brasil, destacando os processos que marcaram uma possibilidade de ruptura com o conservantismo profissional e, por conseguinte, suscitavam uma perspectiva profissional mais crítica e densa teoricamente. Apresenta uma análise do desenvolvimento capitalista, destacando as tendências e estratégias atuais para o enfrentamento da questão social, sob o contexto neoliberal. E por fim, acrescido da pesquisa empírica realizadanos CREAS o estudo buscou identificar se os profissionais de serviço social conseguem fortalecer o projeto ético-político da profissão, ou se as marcas deixadas pela herança conservadora, que gestaram a profissão são resgatadas e utilizadas no trabalho profissional.


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Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Medicina Dentária


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Aim: To evaluate user satisfaction and quality of prosthetic treatments performed in specialized dental clinics (CEOs) of Natal Metropolitan Region - RN. Methods: Cross-sectional study with subjects who underwent prosthetic CEOs in the cities of Natal, Macaíba, Parnamirim and Sao Goncalo do Amarante in the period 2007 to 2009. Data collection was performed by questionnaire, clinical examination of the oral cavity and examination of fabricated denture. This analysis involved the following aspects: retention, stability, aesthetics and prosthesis fixation. The variables are presented by means of absolute numbers and proportions. The determination of the association between the independent and dependent variables was conducted by the association of Chi-square test and Fisher exact test. Results: A total of 149 users, totaling 233 conventional dentures (148 upper and 85 lower). Most patients (56.4%) were rehabilitated with conventional complete dentures. The technical quality of the denture was regarded as satisfactory in the majority (52.7%), whereas the inferior dentures were rated as unsatisfactory in 90.5% of cases. Satisfaction with the prosthesis was 69.1% (N = 103). The average time to begin treatment was 3 months to receive while the prosthesis was 4 months old. The presence of injury from the upper prosthesis occurred in 21.5% of cases (N = 32), candidiasis being the most frequent (N = 18). The technical quality of the upper prosthesis (p=0,041), as well as retention (p=0,002) and stability (p<0,001) were significantly associated with user satisfaction. Conclusions: The specialized Dental clinics has been fulfilling its role of providing treatment of intermediate complexity for low-income population with the majority of satisfield patients, even when their dentures have problems of technical quality


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OBJECTIVE: To assess quality of life (QoL) and psychological aspects in patients with gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD).METHODS: This cross-sectional self-report study was conducted among 54 women. Validated questionnaires assessed QoL (WHO-QOL-bref), symptoms of depression (Beck Depression Inventory [BDI]) and anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory [STAI]).RESULTS: Most patients rated overall QoL as good (44.44%) anti were satisfied with their health status (42.59%). Mean QoL domain score was lowest for psychologic health (53.86 +/- 21.46) and highest for social relationships (65.74 +/- 22.41). BDI mean was 15.81 +/- 11.15, indicating dysphoria. STAI means were 46 +/- 6.46 for trait-anxiety and 43.72 +/- 4.23 for state-anxiety, both evidencing medium-high anxiety. Among employed patients, environment domain mean was the highest (p = 0.024). Presence of children resulted in lowest means for physical health (p = 0.041) and environment (p = 0.045). Patients desiring children showed significantly higher means for physical health (p = 0.004), psychological health (p = 0.021) and environment (p = 0.003). Chemotherapy had no significant influence on QoL (p > 0.05).CONCLUSION: This study evidenced psychological impact on GTD patients, suggesting specialized care centers should provide psychological interventions during treatment and follow-up of GTD patients, highlighting the importance of a multidisciplinary approach. (J Reprod Med 2009;54:239-244)


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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O presente trabalho identificou a resiliência, enquanto processo de enfrentamento, superação e fortalecimento, presente na atuação profissional dos assistentes sociais, mostrando que esta pode ser utilizada como instrumental teórico-metodológico que tem a Garantia de Direitos como importante mecanismo de proteção para bloquear fatores de risco. Desta forma, a resiliência enquanto instrumental teórico-metodológico poderá dar suporte às teorias do Serviço Social, no que se refere à intervenção e avaliação, por meio da mediação entre mecanismos de risco e proteção, facilitando a ação-reflexão-ação.


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[ES] CronCare es una plataforma que establece una nueva vía bidireccional de comunicación entre los Centros de Atención Especializada y los familiares de sus residentes a través del uso de la tecnología. Conscientes de la importancia de la implicación de la familia en la realidad de los centros, esta herramienta se ha diseñado para ser un canal seguro, ágil y eficiente. La familia de cada residente recibe en su smartphone notificaciones en tiempo real de los eventos y las anotaciones que tienen lugar en el centro. El equipo de cuidadores dispondrá de una app para tabletas Android (también compatible con teléfonos) con la que podrá tomar los registros que alimentan al sistema y notificar a los familiares.


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Una de las características de los países de capitalismo dependiente – periférico es la escasa inversión en el campo de la investigación científica. En particular, en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales, esta situación se manifiesta en los muy limitados recursos para el desarrollo de centros de documentación y bibliotecas especializadas como soporte necesario para el desarrollo eficiente y eficaz de la investigación social sobre las realidades nacionales. La Comunidad Universitaria de Unidades de Información Especializadas en Ciencias Sociales es una experiencia exitosa en la educación superior, que provoca romper, a su vez, la lógica de mercantilizar la información, potenciando el uso de los limitados recursos que las universidades públicas costarricenses invierten en el campo de la información para investigación social, por medio de la coordinación de tareas y la integración de procesos técnicos entre distintas unidades de información participantes. Abstract One of the characeristics of peripherial capitalism dependant countries is the scant investment in scientific research particulary, in the field of Social Sciences; this situation is shown in the limited resources available for the development of specialized documentation centers and libraries as necessary support for the efficient and effective development of the social research on the national realities. The University Community of Specialized Information Units on Social Sciences is a successful experience in the university education field; this experience induces a break on the logic of commercialization of information by strengthening the use of the scarce resources that Costarican universities invest in this area. This action is carried out by means of coordinating the tasks and the integration of the technical processes between the different information units involved