978 resultados para Social worlds


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Abstract Background: Paediatric oncology palliative care in the community is rare and nationally there is a lack of standardisation of out of hours nursing service provision. Objectives: This paper seeks to explore influences on the experiences of paediatric nurses providing out of hours palliative care within the family home to children with cancer. The study used social worlds theory to aid identification and demonstration of the findings. Methods: Twelve community-based palliative cases were purposively selected from children with cancer treated at one regional centre. Tape-recorded interviews were undertaken with 54 health professionals (general practitioners, community nurses and allied health professionals) involved in providing their palliative care and five facilitated case discussions completed. Data analysis followed a grounded theory approach; chronological comparative data analysis identifying generated themes. Social worlds theory was used as a framework to examine the data. Results: Nurses’ experiences are shaped by their social world and those of the nursing team,child and family and the inter-professional team providing the care. The lack of a formalised service, sub-optimal inter-professional working and impact of social worlds influence the experience of the nurse. Conclusions: Social worlds theory provided a new perspective in understanding these experiences based within a paediatric palliative care setting, knowledge that can be used to inform service provision.


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A intervenção sobre a tuberculose no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, revela atualmente uma intensificação e alargamento das articulações de pessoas, organizações e instituições envolvidas. Para compreender este processo, recorri ao mapeamento de arenas e mundos sociais. Os mundos sociais definem-se pela partilha de objetivos e de ações, constituindo unidades de ação coletiva. Para atingir os seus objetivos precisam de interagir com outros mundos sociais. Os espaços onde interagem sobre temas de comum interesse, mas sobre os quais têm perspetivas e até objetivos diferentes, denominam-se arenas. O estudo revelou que a arena da tuberculose no Rio de Janeiro se ampliou na última década, aumentando e diversificando os mundos sociais envolvidos, através do “trabalho político” de pessoas e organizações locais, nacionais e internacionais, isto é, através da atribuição de poder a determinadas instâncias com base na valorização ética de objetivos comuns. Este trabalho político tem vindo a implicar a interseção com as arenas do Sistema Único de Saúde e do VIH-Sida. A ampliação da arena da tuberculose redefine a própria doença e as formas de intervir sobre ela. Os apoios socioeconómicos para as/os pacientes, o tratamento de comorbidades, os direitos humanos, bem como outras questões que extravasam a perspetiva biomédica, integram agora as agendas da tuberculose. Neste processo, os intervenientes alargam também as fronteiras da ação na saúde.


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Nobody would deny that we today live in a globalized world. Our digitalized living daily revises our worldwide mindmaps. Thanks to free trade and travel our material and social worlds have become global as well. This radical sociocultural change has since the last decade been preached all over the world with public institutions and business-interest organizations as megaphones. Since those carrying the globalization message mainly represent nations or super-nations such as the EU, the viewpoints of lower-level actors such as regions, localities, firms and individual citizens have seldom been considered. Paternalistically (super-)national bodies have instructured its subjects, not the least the many small firms that populate the (private) economy, what action to take. The basic message is: submit to the global forces – local is not beautiful any longer.


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This qualitative exploratory research investigates how Canadian Jewish girls understand the discursive stereotype of the Jewish American Princess (JAP), and how they take up these understandings of the J AP in relation to their identities. Three focus groups and six interviews were conducted with girls attending Jewish high schools in Toronto, Canada to explore these questions. From a third wave Jewish feminist perspective, and taking a mediated action approach to identity, two analyses were conducted. A thematic analysis of peer relations, gender, community, and religious understandings demonstrates how aspects of individual identities mediate interpretations of the JAP. A series ofpor t rai t s of JAP-related identity were constructed to analyze how the JAP discursive stereotype also functions as a cultural tool that is taken up by the participants to mediate expressions of their identities. These findings establish the contradictory ways these Jewish girls describe, interpret, and utilize the JAP discursive stereotype, and the complex roles it plays in their social worlds.


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This qualitative case study explored 10 young female Shi’i Muslim Arabic-Canadian students’ experiences associated with wearing the Hijab (headscarf) within their home, community, and predominantly White Canadian public elementary school environments. The study integrated several bodies of scholarly theories in order to examine the data under a set of comprehensive lenses that more fully articulates and theorizes on the diversity of female Shi’i Muslim Canadian students’ experiences. These theories are: identity theories with a focus on religious identity and negative stereotypes associated with Muslims; feminism and the Hijab discourses; research pertaining to Muslims in school settings; and critical race theory. In order to readdress the dearth of information about Shi’is’ experiences in schools, this study provides an in-depth case study analysis in which the methodology strategies included 10 semi-structured in-depth interviews, 2 focus-group meetings, and the incorporation of the researcher’s fieldnotes. Data analysis revealed the following themes corresponding to participants’ experiences and values in their social worlds of home, community, and schools: (a) martyrdom and self-sacrifice as a means for social justice; (b) transformational meaning of the Hijab; (c) intersectionality between culture, religion, and gender; and (d) effects of visits “back home” on participants’ religious identities. Additional themes related to participants’ school experiences included: (a) “us versus them” mentality; (b) religious and complex secular dialogues; (c) absence of Muslim representations in monocultural schools; (d) discrimination; (e) remaining silent versus speaking out; and (f) participants’ strategies for preserving their identities. Recommendations are made to integrate Shi’i Muslim females’ identity within the context of Islam and the West, most notably in relation to: (a) the role of Muslim community in nondiverse settings as a space that advances and nurtures Shi’i Muslim identity; and (b) holistic and culturally responsive teaching that fosters respect of others’ religiosity and spirituality. This study makes new inroads into feminist theorizing by drawing conceptual links between these previously unknown connections such as the impact of the historical female exemplary role model and the ritual stories on the experiences of Muslim females wearing the Hijab.


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In challenging normative social relations, queer cultural studies has shied away from deploying historical materialist theoretical tools. My research addresses this gap by drawing these two literatures into conversation. I do so by investigating how global economic relations provide an allegorical and material context for the regulation, representation and re-imagining of working-class queer childhood through anti- capitalist queer readings of three films: Kes, Billy Elliot, and Boys Village. I deploy this reading practice to investigate how these films represent heteronormative capitalism’s systematic extermination of the life possibilities of working class children, how children resist forces of normalisation by creating queer times and spaces, and how nostalgia engenders a spatio-temporal understanding of queerness through a radical utopianism. My analysis foregrounds visual cultural productions as sites for understanding how contemporary social worlds exclude queer working class children, who struggle to insert themselves into and thereby shift the grounds of normative social relations.


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Cette étude ethnographique porte sur le réseau social du tango argentin à Montréal, les valeurs esthétiques du tango, l’interprétation de l’expérience de la danse acquise au cours du processus de socialisation et les différents agents de socialisation. Dans un contexte de réappropriation et de déterritorialisation d’un savoir-faire comme le tango, les références symboliques relatives à son contexte d’origine, son imaginaire collectif et son contexte sociohistorique sont moins accessibles. Ceci semble appeler chez les danseurs montréalais une sorte de surdétermination de l’expérience immédiate, concrète et interactive de la danse dans la construction d’un sens collectif. Cette recherche s’intéresse plutôt à la transposition dans le réseau montréalais de certaines normes esthétiques en lien avec les modalités interactives de la danse. Ces normes esthétiques induisent une attention particulière portée à la qualité de l’expérience se reflétant dans les pratiques et les discours. Ces valeurs esthétiques remontent au contexte d’origine du tango et à la rencontre entre différents univers socialisateurs transnationaux à différentes étapes de son évolution. De ce type de rencontres «transesthétiques», s’est développé un dualisme entre le danser pour les autres et le danser pour soi, dans les représentations et la mise en forme d’une expérience dansée. À Montréal, c’est avec emphase qu’on observe la cohabitation de ces deux systèmes de valeurs en apparence antagonistes où, d’une part, est valorisé l’exhibition du soi et, d’autre part, sont priorisés l’intériorité et l’expérience subjective. En bref, ce mémoire explore les relations complexes qui existent entre les processus culturels et leurs produits, l’expérience et le sens, entre la subjectivité individuelle et la collectivité, et redéfinit l’agentivité des acteurs sociaux en étudiant les modes spécifiques de production du sens dans un art comme la danse.


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Esta investigación cualitativa-cuantitativa tiene como objetivo explorar las potencialidades terapéuticas del Juego de Rol, las cuales no han sido objeto de estudio. Se realizó con cinco estudiantes de colegio y cuatro de universidad, aplicándoles las escalas 16PF, SASS, ocho sesiones de juego de rol (Dungeons and dragons) y Grupos de Discusión. Se concluyó que no hay diferencia entre la adaptación pre y post. Los estudiantes de Colegio tienen características de personalidad similares en escala de Autosuficiencia, Apertura al Cambio y Aprensión, los universitarios en Atrevimiento, Vigilancia, Abstracción y Aprensión y dimensión global de Ansiedad. El Juego de Rol mejora las relaciones interpersonales dentro y fuera del grupo de juego, la expresión de sentimientos repercute fuera del Juego, la principal diferencia entre la experiencia de juego y la Vida Real es la libertad para romper las normas sociales. El trabajo en Equipo es una enseñanza primordial, contribuye a la toma de decisiones, proyección como mecanismo de defensa, capacidad Imaginativa inherente, desarrollo de la empatía, socialización, potenciación de habilidades no explotadas, encuentro de intereses, toma de conciencia, responsabilidad y sublimación de aspectos reprimidos de la personalidad.


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Set readings 1. Sismondo S. (2009). The Kuhnian revolution. In An introduction to science and technology studies. p12-22 2. Ben-David J, Sullivan T. (1975) Sociology of science. Annual Review of Sociology p203-21 3. Clarke A, Star SL. (2008) The social worlds framework: a theory/methods package. In Hackett EJ et al. The handbook of science and technology studies. Cambridge MA: MIT Press p113-137 Bonus paper (read if you have time) 4. Mitroff I. (1974). Norms and Counternorms in a Select Group of Apollo Moon Scientists. American Sociological Review 39:79-95 • Aim to ensure that you understand the core arguments of each paper • Look up/note any new terminology (and questions you want to ask) • Think about your critical appraisal of the paper (what are the merits/demerits of the argument, evidence etc) In the seminar we will spend about 5 minutes talking about each paper, and then - building on the two lectures - discuss how these ideas might be used to think about the Web and Web Science. At the end there will be some time for questions and a chance to note your key learning points.


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Group biases based on broad category membership appear early in human development. However, like many other primates humans inhabit social worlds also characterised by small groups of social coalitions which are not demarcated by visible signs or social markers. A critical cognitive challenge for a young child is thus how to extract information concerning coalition structure when coalitions are dynamic and may lack stable and outwardly visible cues to membership. Therefore, the ability to decode behavioural cues of affiliations present in everyday social interactions between individuals would have conferred powerful selective advantages during our evolution. This would suggest that such an ability may emerge early in life, however, little research has investigated the developmental origins of such processing. The present paper will review recent empirical research which indicates that in the first 2 years of life infants achieve a host of social-cognitive abilities that make them well adapted to processing coalition-affiliations of others. We suggest that such an approach can be applied to better understand the origins of intergroup attitudes and biases. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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En estas páginas, a través de un diálogo comparativo entre dos objetos y sujetos de investigación diferentes, reflexionaremos sobre representaciones corporales y nociones de lo masculino Proponemos comparar los resultados de dos trabajos etnográficos uno entre hombres que juegan al rugby en la ciudad de La Plata y el otro entre hombres y mujeres policías de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Nuestro objetivo es analizar cómo diferentes agentes del mundo social producen y reproducen, a través del cuerpo, nociones de género. Nuestro recorrido analítico nos lleva, primero a ver las representaciones del cuerpo, en cada uno de estos mundos relacionales para luego analizar cómo se usan estas representaciones. Nos motiva reflexionar las formas en que lo corporal se constituye en referente de nociones de masculinidad, y cómo estas son, al fin y al cabo, recursos utilizables según los contextos sociales


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En estas páginas, a través de un diálogo comparativo entre dos objetos y sujetos de investigación diferentes, reflexionaremos sobre representaciones corporales y nociones de lo masculino Proponemos comparar los resultados de dos trabajos etnográficos uno entre hombres que juegan al rugby en la ciudad de La Plata y el otro entre hombres y mujeres policías de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Nuestro objetivo es analizar cómo diferentes agentes del mundo social producen y reproducen, a través del cuerpo, nociones de género. Nuestro recorrido analítico nos lleva, primero a ver las representaciones del cuerpo, en cada uno de estos mundos relacionales para luego analizar cómo se usan estas representaciones. Nos motiva reflexionar las formas en que lo corporal se constituye en referente de nociones de masculinidad, y cómo estas son, al fin y al cabo, recursos utilizables según los contextos sociales


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En estas páginas, a través de un diálogo comparativo entre dos objetos y sujetos de investigación diferentes, reflexionaremos sobre representaciones corporales y nociones de lo masculino Proponemos comparar los resultados de dos trabajos etnográficos uno entre hombres que juegan al rugby en la ciudad de La Plata y el otro entre hombres y mujeres policías de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Nuestro objetivo es analizar cómo diferentes agentes del mundo social producen y reproducen, a través del cuerpo, nociones de género. Nuestro recorrido analítico nos lleva, primero a ver las representaciones del cuerpo, en cada uno de estos mundos relacionales para luego analizar cómo se usan estas representaciones. Nos motiva reflexionar las formas en que lo corporal se constituye en referente de nociones de masculinidad, y cómo estas son, al fin y al cabo, recursos utilizables según los contextos sociales


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El Ejido es una ciudad del sudeste español que ha pasado de ser una pequeña aldea dedicada a la agricultura de subsistencia, a principios de 1960, a tener en 2015 más de 85.000 habitantes. Este cambio se debe al desarrollo de una economía de invernaderos muy próspera que hoy está totalmente inserta en las dinámicas de la globalización. Tales dinámicas han ocasionado efectos contradictorios y han suscitado reacciones y/o formas de protesta diferentes en los dos principales actores sociales de El Ejido (los agricultores y los inmigrantes), entre los que se observan profundas asimetrías socioeconómicas y relaciones de explotación laboral. Como consecuencia, los inmigrantes y los agricultores viven en dos mundos sociales completamente diferentes y tienen percepciones y actitudes opuestas sobre la realidad, las cuales, a su vez, afectan a sus respectivas posibilidades y modos de reacción y/o de protesta


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Tese de doutoramento, Antropologia (Antropologia da Religião e do Simbólico), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2016