956 resultados para Social causes


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Includes bibliography


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RESUMO - A Responsabilidade Social é actuar de modo justo, digno e responsável com todos os stakeholders. Por outro lado a Saúde Pública tem como principal objectivo promover a saúde dos indivíduos, comunidades e sociedades como um todo, incidindo nos determinantes de saúde. As empresas têm adoptado inúmeras acções e politicas socialmente responsáveis que contribuem para o aumento da concretização dos objectivos a longo prazo. As empresas criam códigos de ética e de conduta, redigem relatórios sociais, aderem a normas e certificações internacionais, promovem auditorias internas e externas, desenvolvem políticas laborais para evitar problemas e escândalos que afectem a reputação da empresa, apoiam cada vez mais causas sociais, preocupamse com o bem-estar e as condições de trabalho dos colaboradores e com o ambiente. Todos os esforços e investimentos parecem ser poucos quando se observa a possibilidade de maior reconhecimento e retorno financeiro. Existem diversas concepções para o que é ser-se socialmente responsável e de como a empresa deve agir enquanto cidadã. Ao mesmo tempo, são muitas as actividades que podem ser desenvolvidas no que diz respeito à responsabilidade social das empresas na área da promoção da saúde pública. Este estudo pretende criar uma ligação entre o conceito de Responsabilidade Social das Empresas e de Saúde Pública e, nesse sentido, procurar associar os objectivos das acções desenvolvidas pelas empresas estudadas com os objectivos prosseguidos pela Saúde Pública.


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This introduction to the special issue of the Journal of Management & Organization on social responsibility, philanthropy and entrepreneurship in the sport industry frames the key issues sport businesses, corporate partners, and related nonprofi t organizations grapple with to ensure that both the organizations and the social causes which are being addressed benefi t in some way. The importance of social responsibility is fi rst examined in the context of corporations and sports. The increasing importance of social issues to sport-related industries and the role of strategic philanthropy is discussed. Next, the connection between social responsibility and philanthropic endeavors is addressed in terms of social entrepreneurship. Finally, the article concludes by highlighting the increased signifi cance of sport in society and how the articles in this special issue contribute to a better understanding of the role of social responsibility, philanthropy and entrepreneurship in sport.


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Marketing as a social product, has been created, raised and spread alI over the world mainly as a tool to serve private, micro-economic, l?rofit, short run interests. Over the last twenty years,a steadly growing trend has been noticed in this field,due to the evidences that marketing has not delivered what it had promissed: society's needs fullfillment. Several American theorists and practioners marketino and non marketing specialists - are considered to have contributed to this evaluation of the marketing concept which has led to consolidate new "sub-disciolines" in the core o f marketing, name ly: "non business" (not for profi ti non orofit organizations, public services, government) "political candidates", "health, education, social services'; "ideas and social causes" marketing. This paper deals with the latter marketing subdiscipline , that applied to social causes and i ts oocasional contributions to Brazilian socio-economic development, considering both marketing and moral/ethical frameworks. The work suggests that are, have been and will be several possibilities of applying social marketing as a planning and implementing tool for both theorists and practioners of administration.


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Since a recent Australian study found that university law students experience higher rates of depression than medical students and legal professionals (Kelk et al. 2009), the mental health of law students has increasingly become a target of government. To date, however, there has been no attempt to analyse these practices as an activity of government in advanced liberal societies. This paper addresses this imbalance by providing an initial analytics of the government of depression in law schools. It demonstrates how students are responsibilised to manage the risks and uncertainties of legal education by constructing resilient forms of personal and professional personae. It highlights that, in order to avoid depression, students are encouraged to shape not just their minds and bodies according to psychological and biomedical discourses, but are also to govern their ethical dispositions and become virtuous persons. This paper also argues that these forms of government are tied to advanced liberal forms of rule, as they position the law student as the locus of responsibility for depression, imply that depression is caused by an individual failing, and entrench students within responsibilising and entrepreneurial forms of subjectivity.


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It is widely contended that we live in a „world risk society‟, where risk plays a central and ubiquitous role in contemporary social life. A seminal contributor to this view is Ulrich Beck, who claims that our world is governed by dangers that cannot be calculated or insured against. For Beck, risk is an inherently unrestrained phenomenon, emerging from a core and pouring out from and under national borders, unaffected by state power. Beck‟s focus on risk's ubiquity and uncontrollability at an infra-global level means that there is a necessary evenness to the expanse of risk: a "universalization of hazards‟, which possess an inbuilt tendency towards globalisation. While sociological scholarship has examined the reach and impact of globalisation processes on the role and power of states, Beck‟s argument that economic risk is without territory and resistant to domestic policy has come under less appraisal. This is contestable: what are often described as global economic processes, on closer inspection, reveal degrees of territorial embeddedness. This not only suggests that "global‟ flows could sometimes be more appropriately explained as international, regional or even local processes, formed from and responsive to state strategies – but also demonstrates what can be missed if we overinflate the global. This paper briefly introduces two key principles of Beck's theory of risk society and positions them within a review of literature debating the novelty and degree of global economic integration and its impact on states pursuing domestic economic policies. In doing so, this paper highlights the value for future research to engage with questions such as "is economic risk really without territory‟ and "does risk produce convergence‟, not so much as a means of reducing Beck's thesis to a purely empirical analysis, but rather to avoid limiting our scope in understanding the complex relationship between risk and state.


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The world of football is a matter of life and death for many of its fans, and has also attracted much sociological attention. Much of this scholarly work focuses on issues such as deviance, identity, globalisation and commodification (Elias and Dunning 1986; Giulianotti and Robertson 2009). More recently, there has been some evidence of a cultural approach to football and to the football shirt (Benzecry 2008). In this paper, we seek to develop this trend by examining the football shirt as a totem, and by understanding it as inserted into circuits of the sacred and the profane, and the authentic and the inauthentic. Through examples such as shirt throwing, badge kissing, shirt swapping and supporters‟ efforts to construct alternative, protest strips, we show that the football shirt is deeply embedded in narratives of authenticity, sacredness and profaneness. In doing so, we aim to represent football as a rich cultural practice, which involves secular rituals and performances.


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The Australian Government has provided funding to evaluate the effectiveness of Indigenous law and justice programs across five subject areas to identify the best approaches to tackling crime and justice issues and better inform government funding decisions in the future. This report presents the findings of subject area "D", which examined two different approaches to delivering community and night patrol services for young people: the Safe Aboriginal Youth Patrol programs in New South Wales, and the Northbridge Policy project (the Young People in Northbridge project), in Western Australia. Night patrols can address crime either directly or indirectly, by prevention work or by addressing the social causes of crime through community development.


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Ao longo de quase cinco anos de trabalho, foi desenvolvido o Índice de Qualidade dos Municípios - Verde, pela Fundação CIDE. O trabalho buscou retratar as características da fragmentação florestal fluminense. Como um elemento para apoiar a gestão ambiental do território, o projeto identificou corredores ecológicos prioritários para a interligação de fragmentos florestais. A grande contribuição do trabalho, do ponto de vista conceitual, foi reorientar o debate acerca da fragmentação florestal no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O projeto IQM - Verde apresentou, exaustivamente, lugares onde ocorreram perdas e ganhos de estoques de vegetação com porte arbóreo, num recorte por municípios, bacias hidrográficas e Unidades de Conservação. Existem importantes questões que foram levantadas e ainda aguardam maiores e melhores respostas. Uma delas é tentar explicar, a partir da ecologia de paisagens, quais são os mecanismos que facilitam ou dificultam o processo natural de sucessão florestal. A situação da sucessão florestal é completamente diferente de uma região para outra do Estado. No Noroeste do Estado existem indícios claros de retração e fragmentação dos remanescentes enquanto na região Serrana do Sul Fluminense aparecem sinais claros de recuperação e recomposição florestal. Novos conceitos de gestão ambiental procuram minimizar os efeitos decorrentes da fragmentação e do isolamento espacial das espécies. O aumento da conectividade através de corredores ecológicos entre unidades de conservação e até mesmo entre os fragmentos mais bem conservados é apontado por muitos pesquisadores como uma das formas mais eficazes de promover a manutenção dos remanescentes florestais - a longo prazo - e até mesmo promover a recuperação funcional de determinadas unidades ecológicas atualmente ilhadas. A atual geração de pesquisadores e gestores públicos está diante do problema do controle dos processos que desencadeiam a fragmentação florestal. Portanto, é urgente a necessidade de entender todas as consequências associadas ao processo de fragmentação florestal e, ao mesmo tempo, descobrir os efeitos inibidores deste complexo fenômeno que possui raízes físicas, naturais e sociais. O objetivo central da tese é, a partir de elementos da História das Mentalidades e da Teoria da Decisão, construir cenários de pressão antrópica sobre os remanescentes florestais e propor um programa possível de intervenção econômica, jurídica e política, denominado no presente estudo como bolsa floresta, capaz de aliviar o atual processo de fragmentação florestal.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação da Mestre Inês Veiga Pereira “Esta versão contém as críticas e sugestões dos elementos do júri”


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Consumers’ indecisions about the ethical value of their choices are amongst the highest concerns regarding ethical products’ purchasing. This is especially true for Fair Trade certified products where the ethical attribute information provided by the packaging is often unacknowledged by consumers. While well-informed consumers are likely to generate positive consumer reactions to ethical products and increase its ethical consumption, less knowledgeable buyers show different purchasing patterns. In such circumstances, decisions are often driven by socio-cultural beliefs about the low functional performance of ethical or sustainable attributes. For instance, products more congruent with sustainability (e.g., produce) are considered to be simpler but less tasty than less sustainable products. Less sustainable products instead, are considered to be more sophisticated and to provide consumers with more hedonic pleasures (e.g., chocolate mousse). The extent that ethicality is linked with experiences that provide consumers with more pain than pleasure is also manifested in pro-social social behaviors. More specifically through conspicuous self-sacrificial consumption experiences like running for charity in marathons with wide public exposure. The willingness of consumers to engage in such costly initiatives is moderated by gender differences and further, mediated by the chronic productivity orientation of some individuals to use time in a productive manner. Using experimental design studies, I show that consumers (1) use a set of affective and cognitive associations with on-package elements to interpret ethical attributes, (2) implicitly associate ethicality with simplicity, and that (3) men versus women show different preferences in their forms of contribution to pro-social causes.


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Con el siguiente proyecto se pretende explicar cómo se realiza la integración de las técnicas de mercadeo y la relación estratégica comunitaria, debido a que las organizaciones utilizan conceptos comunitarios. Se analizan las principales estrategias de mercadeo como marketing mix, geomarketing, mercadeo de servicios, mercadeo relacional y mercadeo social. Se explican las técnicas de mercadeo como mercadeo directo, diferenciación de productos, segmentación de mercado, investigación de mercados, inteligencia de mercados, optimización de canales de distribución y comercio electrónico. Adicionalmente, se exponen las estrategias comunitarias como coaliciones comunitarias, organizaciones de base, liderazgo comunitario y empoderamiento. La metodología implementada para este proyecto es de tipo teórico-conceptual y reúne los aportes de varios documentos científicos de diversas áreas del conocimiento. Las fuentes de información, conceptos y teorías se seleccionan según el criterio del investigador en función de las posibilidades descriptivas de la integración propuesta. En esta investigación se concluye que las técnicas y las estrategias de mercadeo permiten la comunicación entre las organizaciones y las comunidades. Esto posibilita que exista participación entre ambas partes y es un factor clave para el surgimiento de la relación estratégica comunitaria. Se recomienda realizar investigaciones posteriores sobre la relación estratégica comunitaria, aplicadas a organizaciones y comunidades.


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O tema deste trabalho é a (in)disciplina em contexto de sala de aula, colocando - se o enfoque nas representações alunos do 3º ciclo, pais e professores sobre esta problemática e as suas perceções sobre o tipo de ocorrências e causas. Este estudo de caso procura um entendimento da indisciplina, reconhecendo-se a existência de uma miríade de fatores subjacentes a este conceito, cruzando diferentes olhares da psicologia, sociologia e pedagogia. O conceito de indisciplina é definido com referência ao conceito de disciplina traduzindo um comportamento disruptivo que emerge na relação pedagógica. A construção da relação interpessoal entre professor/aluno e a gestão do comportamento dos alunos assegura a manutenção de um clima que permite a efetividade do processo ensino – aprendizagem. Realiza-se uma abordagem numa perspetiva conceptual, procurando-se o conhecimento e natureza do conceito, a identificação das causas centrados no aluno desde as suas características psicológicas, sócio – económicas, de contexto familiar e culturais, as causas centradas no professor e na organização escolar, bem como as causas sociais que influenciam a ocorrência de (in)disciplina. Explanam-se formas de gestão e resolução de comportamentos disruptivos, atendendo a diferentes e possíveis abordagens. Efetua-se, numa perspetiva empírica, na tentativa de compreender o impacto da interação pedagógica na ocorrência de atos disruptivos, a análise e interpretação de dados obtidos por triangulação de métodos, a partir de uma população de alunos de 3ºciclo, professores e pais, permitindo uma reflexão e confrontação sobre as representações destes atores e as realidades observadas.


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The paper presents the results of studies which investigated farmers’ reasoning and behaviour with regards to the mis‐use of personal protective equipment and pesticide among smallholders in Colombia. First, the research approach is described. In particular, the structured mental models approach and the integrative agent‐centred framework are presented. These approaches permit to understand the farmers’ reasoning and behaviour in a system perspective. Second, the results are summarized. The methods adopted allowed not only for identifying the factors, but also the social dynamics influencing farmers. Finally, suggestions for interventions are provided, which are not limited to a technical fix, but address the underlying social causes of the problem.